Image by Jacob Ode

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week the newsletter is a "minimal version" of itself. We are on the road from Florida up to Canada and the internet has been less accessible than usual, while the potholes in the road more numerous... all contributing to making "working while on the road" a challenge. Next week, we expect the early-bird to be back on schedule.

Please scroll down for the recap of the articles that were added to the website during the week, as well as the "oldies and goodies".

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

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It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 

100 Degrees In Siberia? 5 Ways The Extreme Arctic Heat Wave Follows A Disturbing Pattern
100 Degrees In Siberia? 5 Ways The Extreme Arctic Heat Wave Follows A Disturbing Pattern

by Mark Serreze

The Arctic heat wave that sent Siberian temperatures soaring to around 100 degrees Fahrenheit on the first day

Why We Need To Teach Police Nonviolence And How To Work With Local Residents
Why We Need To Teach Police Nonviolence And How To Work With Local Residents

by Jennifer Earl et al

Calls to reform, defund or even outright abolish police in the U.S. are coming from many corners of American society.

Five Ways Collective Intelligence Can Help Beat Coronavirus In Developing Countries
Five Ways Collective Intelligence Can Help Beat Coronavirus In Developing Countries

by Kathy Peach and Ian Gray

Nesta recently highlighted how the pandemic has spurred an incredible number of collective intelligence initiatives…

5 Things You Should Do Right Now To Fight COVID-19
5 Things You Should Do Right Now To Fight COVID-19

by Kacey Ernst and Paulina Columbo

The increase of COVID-19 cases across the country calls for quick action. Sure, you and your family are exhausted from…

Why The Anthropocene Began With European Colonisation, Mass Slavery And The Great Dying Of The 16th Century
Why The Anthropocene Began With European Colonisation, Mass Slavery And The Great Dying Of The 16th Century

by Mark Maslin and Simon Lewis

The toppling of statues at Black Lives Matter protests has powerfully articulated that the roots of modern racism lie…

Coronavirus Responses Highlight How Humans Are Hardwired To Dismiss Facts That Don't Fit Their Worldview
Coronavirus Responses Highlight How Humans Are Hardwired To Dismiss Facts That Don't Fit Their Worldview

by Adrian Bardon

Bemoaning uneven individual and state compliance with public health recommendations, top U.S. COVID-19 adviser Anthony…

What's The Meaning Of Life?
What's The Meaning Of Life?

by John O'Rourke

Research has found people who have clarity around what provides meaning in their lives tend to be happier, healthier…

Heat May Kill Way More Americans Yearly Than We Knew
Heat May Kill Way More Americans Yearly Than We Knew

by Michelle Samuels

Heat may kill more people in the US than previously reported, according to a new study.

Police Rules Fall Short Of Human Rights Law In 20 Big Cities
Police Rules Fall Short Of Human Rights Law In 20 Big Cities

by U. Chicago

Police use-of-force policies in the nation’s 20 largest cities fail to meet international human rights standards,…

Can People Spread The Coronavirus If They Don't Have Symptoms?
Can People Spread The Coronavirus If They Don't Have Symptoms?

by Monica Gandhi

Screening for symptoms of COVID-19 and self-quarantine are good at preventing sick people from spreading the…

There's A Reason Siri, Alexa And AI Are Imagined As Female
There's A Reason Siri, Alexa And AI Are Imagined As Female

by Amy C. Chambers

Virtual assistants are increasingly popular and present in our everyday lives: literally with Alexa, Cortana, Holly…

Why Humanities Graduates Earn More Than Those Who Study Science And Math
Australian Humanities Graduates Earn More Than Those Who Study Science And Math

by Peter Hurley

Education minister Dan Tehan has announced changes to funding rates for university courses as part of a plan to create…

4 Potential Consequences Of Wearing Face Masks We Need To Be Wary Of
4 Potential Consequences Of Wearing Face Masks We Need To Be Wary Of

by Olga Perski and David Simons

If healthcare workers wear surgical masks, there is good evidence that it limits the spread of respiratory viral…

How To Cut Your Fuel Bill, Clear The Air And Reduce Emissions
How To Cut Your Fuel Bill, Clear The Air And Reduce Emissions

by Robin Smit and Clare Walter

The transport sector is Australia’s second-largest polluter, pumping out almost 20% of our total greenhouse gas…

From HAL 9000 To Westworld’s Dolores: The Pop Culture Robots That Influenced Smart Voice Assistants
From HAL 9000 To Westworld’s Dolores: The Pop Culture Robots That Influenced Smart Voice Assistants

by Justine Humphry and Chris Chesher

Last year, nearly one third of Australian adults owned a smart speaker device allowing them to call on “Alexa” or…

How Artists In The Spanish Speaking World Turn To Religious Imagery To Help Cope In A Crisis
How Artists In The Spanish Speaking World Turn To Religious Imagery To Help Cope In A Crisis

by Eamon McCarthy and Ricki O'Rawe

While millions of people across Europe and beyond have been forced into lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, some…

Black Americans, Crucial Workers In Crises, Emerge Worse Off
|Black Americans, Crucial Workers In Crises, Emerge Worse Off

by Calvin Schermerhorn

On June 19, 1865 – 155 years ago – black Americans celebrating the day of Jubilee, later known as Juneteenth, may have…

The Environmental Footprint Of Electric Versus Fossil Cars explained
The Environmental Footprint Of Electric Versus Fossil Cars Explained

by Md Arif Hasan and Ralph Brougham Chapman

There is a lot of discussion on the benefits of electric cars versus fossil fuel cars in the context of lithium mining.…

Coronavirus Could Trigger Diabetes In Previously Healthy People
Coronavirus Could Trigger Diabetes In Previously Healthy People

by Julian Hamilton-Shield

Recent studies from England and other countries have suggested that adults with both types 1 and 2 diabetes have an…

5 Ways The World Is Better Off Dealing With A Pandemic Now Than In 1918
5 Ways The World Is Better Off Dealing With A Pandemic Now Than In 1918

by Siddharth Chandra and Eva Kassens-Noor

The influenza pandemic became the most severe pandemic in recent history, infecting about one-third of the world’s…

How Forest Loss Has Changed Biodiversity Across The Globe Over The Last 150 Years
How Forest Loss Has Changed Biodiversity Across The Globe Over The Last 150 Years

by Maria Dornelas et al

The Earth’s forests have been changing ever since the first tree took root. For 360 million years, trees have grown and…

One Metre Or Two? The Science Behind Social Distancing
One Metre Or Two? The Science Behind Social Distancing

by Lena Ciric

What constitutes a safe distance when it comes to the spread of COVID-19? The answer depends on where you live.

What Is The Summer Solstice?
What Is The Summer Solstice?

by Stephen Schneider

The summer solstice marks the official start of summer. It brings the longest day and shortest night of the year for…

Why Some People Lose Their Sense Of Smell From Coronavirus
Why Some People Lose Their Sense Of Smell From Coronavirus

by Simon Gane and Jane Parker

From the first reports coming out of Wuhan, Iran and later Italy, we knew that losing your sense of smell (anosmia) was…

How  Employers Are Taking Over Our Living Spaces And Passing On Costs
How Employers Are Taking Over Our Living Spaces And Passing On Costs

by Richard Shearmur

As many office workers adapt to remote work, cities may undergo fundamental change if offices remain under-utilized...


How to Cope with Stress with Ten Sure Ways to Relax
Five Ways to Cope with Stress, plus Ten Ways to Relax

by Lillian Too

Stress comes from anxiety, fear, guilt, and pressure. Stress causes headaches, earaches, toothaches, chest pains,…

and so life goes by marie t russell
And So Life Goes: The Ups and Downs of Our Experience

by Marie T. Russell

While speaking to a friend who has recently 'lost' a dear one to death, I was reminded that we sometimes don't feel…

Being Vulnerable: Stepping Out From Behind Our Walls
Being Vulnerable: Being Willing to Give and Receive Love

by Marie T. Russell

Living behind a glass wall can be lonely. You can see the others out there, yet you somehow remain separated from them.…

How Can I Love Better, Without Conditions or Expectations?
How Can I Love Better, Without Conditions or Expectations?

by Osho

Love is enough unto itself. It needs no betterment. It is perfect as it is; it is not in any way meant to be more…

Dreams Happen, One Step At A Time
How To Make Dreams Happen, One Step At A Time

by Lynn A. Robinson

One of the biggest challenges facing many of my clients is that they talk themselves out of their hopes and dreams…

Are We Programmed by TV?
Are We Programmed By TV? Are We Addicted To It?

by Margo Adair

When we watch TV, we are in the alpha level, a highly programmable state of awareness. For too many of us, television…

Beyond Fear: Meditation to Release Fears One by One
Beyond Fear: Meditation to Release Fears One by One

by Gus Fowler

Fears are the biggest blocks that keep people from achieving the level of mastery they desire. The subconscious mind…

Facing My Worst Fear and My Greatest Vulnerability
Facing My Worst Fear and My Greatest Vulnerability

by Barry Vissell

What if Joyce dies before me? This is one of my greatest vulnerabilities. Sure, I could die first. Statistically, women…

Why It's Important to Make a Distinction Between Feelings and Emotions
Why It's Important to Make a Distinction Between Feelings and Emotions

by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.

People tend to throw around a lot of words to describe their emotions and feelings. We're confused or we feel…

The Key to Happiness: Letting Go of Anger and Resentment and Choosing Forgiveness
The Key to Happiness: Letting Go of Resentment and Choosing Forgiveness

by Louise Hay

How can you be happy in this moment if you continue to choose to be angry and resentful? Thoughts of bitterness can't…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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