Image by Arek Socha

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

We, as individuals, as a society, and as a planet, are in a state of transition. With the many challenges taking place on the planet (Covid-19, police brutality, injustice, inequality, climate warming, and more) we are transitioning from one way of life, one way of behavior, to a new way. Transition (change) can bring upheaval. But every situation we encounter has paths to get through to a better way. This week we bring you various ways to navigate these times.

We start off with Jude Bijou who offers "Safe Passage through the Current State of Affairs with The Three Emotional Bridges". Sarah Varcas gives us an astrological perspective in "Reflection and Creativity: Silent Wisdom is Calling".

Whatever situation we find ourselves in, there's always a choice of how we act or react. Michael Bianco-Splann recommends that we "Be A Love Leader: Love and Fear Cannot Live Under The Same Roof" while Will Johnson suggests ""Breathing God": Staying Connected through the Breath". The author of Earth Spirit Dreaming, Elizabeth E. Meacham, presents "Three Steps for Re-Visioning Our Planetary Stories".

An important thing to remember is that we are not powerless. We have powers that we are just now rediscovering and re-envisioning. We are the change we want to see. We are the future we want to create. We are the ones. It is our time to stand up and shine... to shine our love, our light, our truth. It is time to say "enough" when it is enough, "go" when it is time for action, and "pause" when it is time for reflection.

Only we know what our role is to be in this world. Our heart knows. When we take time to pause, to breathe deeply, to be with nature (even in a city), our path is revealed, sometimes just one step at a time. Our true nature is within us... loving and giving. We can rediscover the child that we were before we were burdened with the beliefs of others, and the requirements of our society. This is our time to be "all that we can be" and "be the best we can be". If someone tends to bring out your worst side, stop, pause, take a deep breath, and refuse to go down that road. Choose to still bring out your best side. It's always up to us. How we act, how we react, is always within our own choosing.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Safe Passage through the Current State of Affairs with The Three Emotional Bridges

Written by Jude Bijou

Safe Passage through the Current State of Affairs with The Three Emotional Bridges
This month I'm going to talk about the emotional bridges and what we can do to safely cross the river. I usually discuss the three bridges as they pertain to communication. However, it occurred to me this morning that I needed to expand out my vision of the Attitude Reconstruction Three Bridges to meet the emotionally fraught times we are all experiencing...

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Reflection and Creativity: Silent Wisdom is Calling

Written by Sarah Varcas

Reflection and Creativity: Silent Wisdom is Calling
When we have a solar eclipse sandwiched between two lunar eclipses like this one, we often see a process of emotional upheaval and purging triggered by the first lunar eclipse, followed by a time of radical action and significant events at the solar eclipse, followed by a period of emotional repatterning and transformation...

Be A Love Leader: Love and Fear Cannot Live Under The Same Roof

Written by Michael Bianco-Splann

Be A Love Leader: Love and Fear Cannot Live Under The Same Roof

In transformative leadership, nothing is more vital than the ability to lead with love. Over my years working as an executive in the banking in­dustry, I frequently chose to bring this unusual concept forward with my peers and in my development of future leaders.

"Breathing God": Staying Connected through the Breath

Written by Will Johnson

Waking up to the first faint suggestion of light, I don’t want to leave my bed. And so I don’t. I just let myself lie there under the warmth of the thick covers and turn my attention to my breath. I become aware of it. I start feeling it. I start letting go to it.

Three Steps for Re-Visioning Our Planetary Stories

Written by Elizabeth E. Meacham, Ph.D.

Three Steps for Re-Visioning Our Planetary Stories
In my teaching, I develop and work with a variety of Earth-connected spiritual practices. I have developed three progressive phases of practices that effectively grow Earth-connected sensitivities. The combination of the steps consistently creates a shift in perspective, which produces experiences of healing and rebalancing within the web of life.

How To Stop Your Dog Getting Heatstroke
How To Stop Your Dog Getting Heatstroke

by Anne Carter and Emily J Hall

Summer is a great time to get out and about with your dog. But dogs don’t tolerate the heat as well as their owners.…

Here's Why Some People Are Willing To Challenge Bullying, Corruption And Bad Behavior, Even At Personal Risk
Here's Why Some People Are Willing To Challenge Bullying, Corruption And Bad Behavior, Even At Personal Risk

by Catherine A. Sanderson

Two Theranos employees – Erika Cheung and Tyler Shultz – spoke out about their concerns regarding the company’s…

The Right Way To Breathe During The Coronavirus Pandemic
The Right Way To Breathe During The Coronavirus Pandemic

by Louis J. Ignarro, Ph.D

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. It’s not just something you do in yoga class – breathing this…

How Scientists Around The World Are Already Fighting The Next Pandemic
How Scientists Around The World Are Already Fighting The Next Pandemic

by David W Graham and Peter Collignon

If a two-year-old child living in poverty in India or Bangladesh gets sick with a common bacterial infection, there is…

How Remote Work Worsens InequalityHow Remote Work Worsens Inequality

by Georges A. Tanguay and Ugo Lachapelle

The importance of remote work, also known as telecommuting, is evident during the current COVID-19 crisis.

How Your Driving Speed Makes A Difference To Your Car's Emissions?
How Your Driving Speed Makes A Difference To Your Car's Emissions

by Ralph Sims

Every car has an optimal speed range that results in minimum fuel consumption, but this range differs between vehicle…

Informal Feedback: We Crave It More Than Ever, And Don't Care Who It's From
Informal Feedback: We Crave It More Than Ever, And Don't Care Who It's From

by Nathan Eva et al

The COVID-19 crisis has changed the way many of us work. With the switch to working from home, in particular, a…

Why Some People Are Deliberately Spitting, Coughing And Licking Food In Supermarkets
Why Some People Are Deliberately Spitting, Coughing And Licking Food In Supermarkets

by Craig Jackson

There have been numerous reports of people deliberately licking products and surfaces in supermarkets and filimg it.…

Why Airline Bailouts Are So Unpopular With Economists
Why Airline Bailouts Are So Unpopular With Economists

by Brian O'Callaghan and Cameron Hepburn

For airlines, the reckoning is no longer far away on the horizon. It’s now a jumbo jet meters from the runway, landing…

Lessons From Three Places That Tried Dismantling The Police
Lessons From Three Places That Tried Dismantling The Police

by Daniel Odin Shaw

The defunding of America’s heavily armed police forces, a long-term demand of racial justice activists, looks…

Why The Pleasure And Meaning Of Mingling In Bars Can't Be Matched By A Table For 2
Why The Pleasure And Meaning Of Mingling In Bars Can't Be Matched By A Table For 2

by William Straw

The traditional bar is a complex social space and serves so many functions.

Why Conspiracy Theories About 5G Networks Have Skyrocketed
Why Conspiracy Theories About 5G Networks Have Skyrocketed

by Tchéhouali Destiny

The advent of 5G has raised many concerns among people, to the extent that anti-5G movements have emerged in various…

How Global Urbanization Created The Conditions For The Current Coronavirus Pandemic
How Global Urbanization Created The Conditions For The Current Coronavirus Pandemic

by Roger Keil, et al

COVID-19 brought the relation between humans and animals to the core of social and scientific debates.

People Need To See The Benefits From Local Renewable Energy Projects, And That Means Jobs
People Need To See The Benefits From Local Renewable Energy Projects, And That Means Jobs

by Tom Morton et al

The Australian government’s investment roadmap for low-emissions technologies promises more taxpayers’ money to the gas…

9 Dog Breeds At Higher Risk Of Heatstroke – And What You Can Do To Prevent It
9 Dog Breeds At Higher Risk Of Heatstroke – And What You Can Do To Prevent It

by Emily J Hall et al

As temperatures begin to warm up, it might be tempting to take your dog for a long walk or run to soak up the weather…

Like Having A Truck Idling In Your Living Room: The Toxic Cost Of Wood-fired Heaters
Like Having A Truck Idling In Your Living Room: The Toxic Cost Of Wood-fired Heaters

by Peter Irga et al

There’s a lesser-known source of pollution causing billions of dollars worth of health costs every year: indoor…

3 Reasons Why COVID Has Changed The Way We Shop, Perhaps Forever
3 Reasons Why COVID Has Changed The Way We Shop, Perhaps Forever

by John Daley

It’s wrong to expect a “snap-back” at shopping centres, food courts, cinemas and other places where people used to…

Why It's Dangerous To Blindly Follow Medical Science Without Consensus
Why It's Dangerous To Blindly Follow Medical Science Without Consensus

by Neil Levy et al

In the face of the virus emergency, research standards have been relaxed to encourage faster publication and mistakes…

4 Ways People Stuck At Home Became Armchair Naturalists During Lockdown
4 Ways People Stuck At Home Became Armchair Naturalists During Lockdown

by Rebecca Young and Jordan Patrick Cuff

Who could have imagined that being confined to our homes would bring so many people closer to nature?

People In Abusive Relationships Face Many Barriers To Leaving — Pets Should Not Be One
People In Abusive Relationships Face Many Barriers To Leaving — Pets Should Not Be One

by Amy Fitzgerald et al

There are many challenges and barriers to leaving an abusive partner, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this…

People Are Getting Sick From Coronavirus Spreading Through The Air – And That's A Big Challenge For Reopening
People Are Getting Sick From Coronavirus Spreading Through The Air – And That's A Big Challenge For Reopening

by Douglas Reed

I am a scientist that studies infectious diseases and I specialize in severe respiratory infections, but I also serve…

How Much Do People Care About Climate Change? We Surveyed 80,000 People In 40 Countries To Find Out
How Much Do People Care About Climate Change? We Surveyed 80,000 People In 40 Countries To Find Out

by Simge And? and James Painter

New survey results from 40 countries shows that climate change matters to most people. In the vast majority of…

Healthier Food Can Contain More Contaminants – But There's A Simple Way To Stay Safe
Healthier Food Can Contain More Contaminants – But There's A Simple Way To Stay Safe

by Ruth Fairchild

A recent study found that brown and organic rice sold in the UK tends to contain significantly more arsenic than white…

Quarantine Bubbles When Done Right Limit Coronavirus Risk And Help Fight Loneliness
Quarantine Bubbles When Done Right Limit Risk And Help Fight Loneliness

by Melissa Hawkins

After three months of lockdowns, many people in the U.S. and around the world are turning to quarantine bubbles…

Why Herd Immunity Won’t Solve Our COVID-19 Problem
Why Herd Immunity Won’t Solve Our COVID-19 Problem

by Joanna Wares and Sara Krehbie

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, use of the term “herd immunity” has spread almost as fast as the virus.…

Why Anxious People Tend To Really Love Their Cats
Why Anxious People Tend To Really Love Their Cats

by Amy Quinton

The more neurotic and anxious cat owners are, the more trust and affection they have for their cat, researchers say.

Why Reopening Schools Requires Major Caution
Why Reopening Schools Requires Major Caution

by Tom Vasich

A new analysis stresses the need for caution when when reopening America’s schools.

How Young Workers Can Thrive After Layoffs By Leaving Big Cities
How Young Workers Can Thrive After Layoffs By Leaving Big Cities

by Louise Grogan

The younger the worker, the higher the unemployment rate in May 2020. The rate was 10 per cent for those aged 31 to 65,…

Should Bosses Be Able To Spy On Workers, Even When They Work From Home?
Should Bosses Be Able To Spy On Workers, Even When They Work From Home?

by Val Hooper et al

Anyone familiar with George Orwell’s novel 1984 will relate to the menace of Big Brother watching their every keystroke…

Ready To See Your Doctor But Scared To Go? Here Are Some Guidelines
Ready To See Your Doctor But Scared To Go? Here Are Some Guidelines

by Rebekah Rollston and Margot Savoy

What happens when a pandemic brings in-person visits with your doctor to a grinding halt? While the world grappled with…

The Grim Reality And Hope For A Better Future
The Grim Reality And Hope For A Better Future

by Yessar Rosendar

The world continues its struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 7.4 million cases and 416,000 deaths have…

Why It Could Be Dangerous To Exercise With A Face Mask On
Why It Could Be Dangerous To Exercise With A Face Mask On

by Lindsay Bottoms

The coronavirus began to affect sporting events as early as January 30, when the Chinese Football Association announced…

India's Goddesses Of Contagion Provide Protection In The Pandemic
India's Goddesses Of Contagion Provide Protection In The Pandemic

by Tulasi Srinivas

Hindus in India have had a helping hand – several in fact – when it comes to fighting deadly contagions like COVID-19:…

Are We All OCD Now, With Obsessive Hand-washing And Technology Addiction?
Are We All OCD Now, With Obsessive Hand-washing And Technology Addiction?

by David Rosenberg

One of the hallmarks of obsessive-compulsive disorder is contamination fears and excessive hand-washing.

What Is A Derecho? An Atmospheric Scientist Explains These Rare But Dangerous Storm Systems
What Is A Derecho? An Atmospheric Scientist Explains These Rare But Dangerous Storm Systems

by Russ Schumacher

The U.S. recently has experienced two rarer events: organized lines of thunderstorms with widespread damaging winds…

Why Catholic Priests Are Kneeling With Protesters
Why Catholic Priests Are Kneeling With Protesters

by Anna L. Peterson

Two days after the Catholic bishop of El Paso, Mark Seitz, knelt with a dozen other priests in a silent prayer for…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Living from Love or Living from Fear?
Living from Love or Living from Fear?

by William R. Yoder Ph.D., D.C.

Any approach that makes peace and happiness dependent on a particular outcome or circumstances is implicitly saying…

Believe In Your Dreams and Believe In Yourself
Believe In Your Dreams and Believe In Yourself

by Howard H White

If I told you that there was just one thing you could do that would give you everything you want, would you do it?…

Getting to Yes and the Energy of Aliveness
Getting to Yes and the Energy of Aliveness

by Martin D. Lowenthal, Ph.D.

When we do not acknowledge our feelings, we may reactively eat for comfort. Not facing tensions in a relationship can…

What Is Guilt and Shame? Where Does It Come From?
Guilt, Shame, and Ecstasy: What Is the Difference between Guilt and Shame?

by Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D.

Everyone has experienced guilt at one time or another. In fact, millions of people are burdened by feelings of guilt of…

How to Love Yourself: The 10 Commandments of Loving Yourself
The 10 Commandments of Being Kind to Yourself

by Louise Hay

Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Stop terrorizing…

How To Let Go Of Anger
How To Deal With Anger and Let It Go

by David Kundtz

One feeling in particular merits a special note: anger. If this feeling is a problem for you, you're not alone. It…

How to Talk to Yourself
How To Cut Through Negative Self-Talk

by Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.

When we become aware of our story lines -- the things we tell ourselves to keep from moving forward -- we can use…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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