Image by Gerd Altmann

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The "motto" of is "New Attitudes -- New Possibilities". And that is definitely what is at stake on a world-wide basis at this time. Attitudes have to change in order for new possitilities to emerge and for the world to change -- for the better.

I think we can all agree that things need to change or evolve and also, that they are changing, albeit perhaps  more slowly than we'd like -- and in some instances perhaps faster than we'd like. As with all changes, the transformation must begin at home... first in our mind and in our heart, transposed to our actions, and then spreading out into the world.

We start our articles this week with Pierre Pradervand asking "Are You A World Citizen? Putting Things in Perspective We then follow up with Will T. Wilkinson: "Remember: It's Never Too Late To Belong".

We always have choices to make in life. "The Dilemma of The Freedom to Choose" speaks of the choice of becoming a parent, but the dilemma of appropriate choices applies to all of our life's decisions.. One "tool" that is at our disposal to help us set our best course is our intuition. Theresa Cheung suggests "Brushing Your Teeth As An Intuition-Building Mindfulness Exercise"

And we wrap up this week's featured articles with a practical article on "The Microbiome, Coronavirus, and Eastern Medicine: Recommendations For A Healthy Body and Mind"

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the links to all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Are You A World Citizen? Putting Things in Perspective

Written by Pierre Pradervand

Are You A World Citizen? Putting Things in Perspective
A world where a tiny virus weighing a microgram can upset the world economy in a few weeks is either inhabited by a very, very clever virus…or then is really inhabited by an extremely strange group of people... So now that the tsunami is upon us, we need to ask: OK, what now? Have we started learning the lesson?

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Remember: It's Never Too Late To Belong

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

Remember: It's Never Too Late To Belong
Have you ever forgotten something – a name, a place, an event – and struggled to remember, finally giving up, only to have an "ah ah" moment some time later, suddenly recalling what evaded your recollection, maybe in the shower, or driving, or daydreaming by the window, watching the rain?

The Dilemma of The Freedom to Choose

Written by Lisette Schuitemaker

The Dilemma of The Freedom to Choose
Across the globe, the freedom to choose what will define our lives is vastly different. We who have many options open to us often suffer from stress, because this freedom brings with it a responsibility of being a good judge of what fits us best.

Brushing Your Teeth As An Intuition-Building Mindfulness Exercise

Written by Theresa Cheung

How To Turn Brushing Your Teeth Into An Intuition-Building Mindfulness Exercise
There’s no doubt mindfulness exercises can help you tune into your intuition. Research from Google’s Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute recommends mindfulness techniques to help you connect with your intuition when you need to make important decisions.

The Microbiome, Coronavirus, and Eastern Medicine: Recommendations For A Healthy Body and Mind

Written by Bridgette Shea

Coronavirus, Eastern Medicine, and the Microbiome
Eastern medicine is no stranger to plagues. Epidemics have been a major contributing factor to the evolution of traditional medicines for at least the last two thousand years. There are numerous treatises on the nature of pathogens, how they invade and travel through the body, and how to treat the body so it can push them back out.

Working From Home: What Are Your Employer's Responsibilities, And What Are Yours?
Working From Home: What Are Your Employer's Responsibilities, And What Are Yours?

by Robin Price and Linda Colley

Working from home usually requires changing aspects of your relationship with your employer. What it doesn’t change is…

How The Arts Promotes Mental Health
How The Arts Promotes Mental Health

by Brittany Harker Martin

During self-isolation due to coronavirus, many are turningto the arts. Perhaps they seek a creative outlet or…

Why Switching To Electric Transport Makes Sense Even If Electricity Is Not Fully Renewable
Why Switching To Electric Transport Makes Sense Even If Electricity Is Not Fully Renewable

by Robert McLachlan

If I were to buy an electric vehicle it would add to the load on the national grid. Is the only way we are currently…

How We Can Overcome Fear Of One Another To Embrace The New Normal
How We Can Overcome Fear Of One Another To Embrace The New Normal

by Victoria Rodner

Living with the virus has also taught us new tricks, pushing us to come up with new ways of how to shop, work, learn,…

This App Tracks Messed Up Body Clocks During The Pandemic
This App Tracks Messed Up Body Clocks During The Pandemic

by Morgan Sherburne

A free app called Social Rhythms could help users understand their own sleep rhythms and shed light on how their…

How The Wings Of Owls And Hummingbirds Inspire Drones, Wind Turbines And Other Technology
How The Wings Of Owls And Hummingbirds Inspire Drones, Wind Turbines And Other Technology

by Ilias Berberi

Is evolution the best inventor? With hundreds of millions of years of work and the natural world as its canvas, it…

About That Spare Room: Employers Requisitioned Our Homes And Our Time
About That Spare Room: Employers Requisitioned Our Homes And Our Time

by Julie P. Smith and Fiona Jenkins

Yet employers effectively requisitioned part of those homes. While necessary, it was far from costless to us, and our…

Strange Physical Symptoms? Blame The Chronic Stress Of Life
Strange Physical Symptoms? Blame The Chronic Stress Of Life

by Kate Harkness

During the current COVID-19 pandemic have you been wondering why you’re getting headaches more often?

Why One-size-fits-all Diets Don’t Work
Why One-size-fits-all Diets Don’t Work

by Tim Spector

In the UK, around one in three adults are obese and many more are overweight. In the US, around two in five adults and…

How Negative Thinking Is Linked With More Rapid Cognitive Decline
How Negative Thinking Is Linked With More Rapid Cognitive Decline

by Natalie L Marchant

There no cure, but reports indicate that approximately a third of dementia cases may be preventable, which is why many…

The Psychological Impact Of Isolating Indoors – And How To Move On
The Psychological Impact Of Isolating Indoors – And How To Move On

by Jo Daniels

For the last three months, around two million people have “shielded” themselves against the novel coronavirus by…

Am I Immune To COVID-19 If I Have Antibodies?
Am I Immune To COVID-19 If I Have Antibodies?

by William Petri

Perhaps the most important question now about COVID-19 is the degree to which a prior infection protects from a second…

How Karen Went From A Popular Baby Name To A Stand-in For White Entitlement
How Karen Went From A Popular Baby Name To A Stand-in For White Entitlement

by Robin Queen

As a sociolinguist who studies and writes about language and discrimination, I was also struck by the name given to…

Why Soldiers Might Disobey The President's Orders To Occupy US Cities
Why Soldiers Might Disobey The President's Orders To Occupy US Cities

by Marcus Hedahl and Bradley Jay Strawser

President Donald Trump has announced he was considering sending the federal military into the streets of numerous…

Fishers Are One Of The Poorest Professions In Indonesia, Yet They Are One Of The Happiest
Fishers Are One Of The Poorest Professions In Indonesia, Yet They Are One Of The Happiest

by Zuzy Anna

Indonesia’s status as a maritime country seemingly does not guarantee that its fishers live prosperously.

Why We Should Not Treat All Conspiracy Theories The Same
Why We Should Not Treat All Conspiracy Theories The Same

by Jaron Harambam

Ever since the coronavirus spread across the world, suspicions have proliferated about what is really going on.

Neighborhood-based Friendships Making A Comeback For Kids In The Age Of Coronavirus
Neighborhood-based Friendships Making A Comeback For Kids In The Age Of Coronavirus

by Julie Wargo Aikins

As the weather has warmed in my Midwestern town, my neighborhood is full of children on bicycles pretending to be…

How A Stay-at-home Slowdown Upends Our Perception Of Time
How A Stay-At-Home Slowdown Upends Our Perception Of Time

by Philip Gable

Think back to life before stay-at-home orders. Does it feel like just yesterday? Or does it seem like ages ago – like…

Are You Wearing Gloves Or A Mask To The Shops? You Might Be Doing It Wrong
Are You Wearing Gloves Or A Mask To The Shops? You Might Be Doing It Wrong

by Maximilian de Courten, et al

Many people in the community are wearing face masks and gloves in an attempt to protect themselves against the…

Why The Cluster Headache Is More Than Just A Headache
Why The Cluster Headache Is More Than Just A Headache

by Lisa Dikomitis et al

Cluster headache is more than just a headache. It is a severe neurological condition, sometimes known as a “suicide…

The Pandemic Has Put Pressure On Many Relationships, But Here's How To Tell If Yours Will Survive
The Pandemic Has Put Pressure On Many Relationships, But Here's How To Tell If Yours Will Survive

by Gery Karantzas

So what are some of the key factors that affect how relationships fare during such times?

Cuba's Clean Rivers Show The Benefits Of Reducing Nutrient Pollution
Cuba's Clean Rivers Show The Benefits Of Reducing Nutrient Pollution

by Paul Bierman and Amanda H. Schmidt

In a recently published study, we show that Cuban rivers are cleaner than the mighty Mississippi. Why?

How To Train Your Brain To Stop Stress Meltdown?
How To Train Your Brain To Stop Stress Meltdown?

by Laurel Mellin

Let’s face it: We’re all under stress right now. The uncertainty and constant health threats surrounding the…

How Using The Military To Quash Protests Can Erode Democracy
How Using The Military To Quash Protests Can Erode Democracy

by Kristina Mani

Calling upon the armed forces to restore order is rare in a democracy. Militaries are trained for warfare, not…

Here's Why Those Last Few Pounds Can Be Hardest To Lose
Here's Why Those Last Few Pounds Can Be Hardest To Lose

by Peter Rogers

You’re eating in a calorie deficit, are exercising a few times a week, and are getting close to your weight loss goal.

It's Time To Rethink The Disrupted Food System From The Ground Up
It's Time To Rethink The Disrupted Food System From The Ground Up

by David R. Montgomery et al

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic shutdowns have severely disrupted and spotlighted weaknesses in the U.S.…

7 Tips To Help Kids Feeling Anxious About Going Back To School
7 Tips To Help Kids Feeling Anxious About Going Back To School

by Mandie Shean

As COVID-19 lockdown measures are lifted, some children may experience social anxiety about the prospect of returning…

The Novel Desire Lines Is A Small Love Story Inside An Epic Tale
The Novel "Desire Lines" Is A Small Love Story Inside An Epic Tale

by Jennifer Gribble

Chronicling four generations of two families, Felicity Volk’s Desire Lines is set against landmarks of 20th century…

Antarctic Ice Shelves Reveals A Missing Piece Of The Climate Puzzle
Antarctic Ice Shelves Reveal A Missing Piece Of The Climate Puzzle

by Katherine Hutchinson

Ice shelves, massive floating bodies of ice, are well-known for their buffering effect on land-based ice sheets as they…

Why Cannabis May Be A Safer Alternative For People Who Use Drugs During Sex
Why Cannabis May Be A Safer Alternative For People Who Use Drugs During Sex

by Natasha Parent and Rod Knight

Not everyone is a fan of rock ‘n’ roll but, for many people, sex and drugs make a great combination.

Having Trouble Concentrating During The Coronavirus Pandemic?
Having Trouble Concentrating During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

by Béatrice Pudelko

Fear, anxiety, worry, lack of motivation and difficulty concentrating — students cite all sorts of reasons for opposing…

Will Flu Or Cold Viruses Push The New Coronavirus Out Of Circulation This Winter?
Will Flu Or Cold Viruses Push The New Coronavirus Out Of Circulation This Winter?

by Stephen Kissler

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is here to stay for the summer. What happens next, though, is unclear.

Trick Or Treat? Alternative Therapies For Menopause
Trick Or Treat? Alternative Therapies For Menopause

by Lily Stojanovska and Vasso Apostolopoulos

During menopause, estrogen levels drop, leading to a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Is Isolation Just A Feeling?
Is Isolation Just A Feeling?

by Carly Osborn

I am feeling isolated. Is this a state, or an emotion? Rather than getting into the semantics of language, I will ask…

Six Things You Need To Know About Your Vitamin D Levels
6 Things You Need To Know About Your Vitamin D Levels

by Robyn Lucas and Terry Slevin

Vitamin D has emerged as “the vitamin of the decade”, with a long and growing list of maladies supposedly caused…

The Politics Behind How Governments Control Coronavirus Data
The Politics Behind How Governments Control Coronavirus Data

by Anton Oleinik

Each government has responded differently to the coronavirus pandemic — including how data on the disease have been…

5 Reasons Green Growth Won’t Save The Planet
5 Reasons Green Growth Won’t Save The Planet

by Oliver Taherzadeh and Benedict Probst

Green growth has emerged as the dominant narrative for tackling contemporary environmental problems.

Why The Day Is Dawning On A Four-day Work Week
Why The Day Is Dawning On A Four-Day Work Week

by Karen Foster

As we near the 100-day mark since the pandemic was declared, one area getting a significant attention is the workplace…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: June 15 - 21, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Learning to Live in the Moment: Choosing Either Fear or Love as Your Reality
Learning to Live in the Moment: Choosing Either Fear or Love as Your Reality

by Richard C. Michael, Ph.D.

One of the most difficult and rewarding things you will ever learn is how to live in the moment. Quite simply, if you…

Achieving Your Dreams by Working Your Goals
Achieving Your Dreams: Your Goals Get You to Your Dreams

by Derek Jeter

I was about eight years old when I announced that I was going to play for the Yankees. My parents were receptive to my…

Eleven Laws to Set You Free
Eleven Laws to Set You Free

by Guy Finley

If we want to grow inwardly we must find new ways to learn about ourselves. These higher discoveries call for higher…

Embracing A New You Every Day
Daily Joy Practice: Embracing A New You Every Day

by Sanaya Roman

As they grow older, many people constrict their boundaries; they often seek what is comfortable, familiar, and safe.…

Every Footstep Is The Journey On The Sacred Trail
Every Footstep Is The Journey On Our Sacred Trail

by Michael Garrett

The first time I actually saw a rainbow, its quiet beauty struck my heart with such awe that it touched something deep…

Decide to be happy!
How To Be Happy

by Mary Jesse

What do you think of when you think of Florida, Hawaii or California? Sunshine. It doesn't mean they are without…

Feeling Good About Ourselves No Matter What
Letting Go of the Obsession with Perfection: Feeling Good About Ourselves No Matter What

by Susan Ann Darley

When we neglect ourselves in the mad rush to make a living, take care of business and raise our families, we die a…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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