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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

While we all have particular times in our lives that are more challenging than others, we are currently, as a species, going through common challenges... albeit, each in our different ways. Fortunately, there are ways to work through these challenges with courage and clarity so that we remain grounded and can still experience inner peace, no matter what is going on with us or around us. We can be active in finding solutions and resolutions from a center of calm and peace, thus not adding to the anger and fear. While those energies can be "justified", we can best traverse these challenging times from the centered space of the heart. This week we bring you articles to help in that process.

Mark Nepo suggests we ask "how" as opposed to "why" in "The Urgent Beauty of It All: Feeling and Emptying, Inhaling and Exhaling".

Tom Voss reflects on "Experiencing Moral Injury In The Face of Violence, Indifference, and Confusion". While his experience relates to "traditional" war, we are also experiencing war on many levels at this time... whether it is through the confrontation with authority (as portrayed by the police and others in power), or with the "war" we are waging against COVID-19. In wars and confrontations, we typically have allies and we lend our help and support to their cause. Joyce Vissell shares with us her experiences of "Becoming an Ally to People of Color".

A lot of the things going on within us and around us can feel heavy and be a drain on our energy even leading to depression. Kristi Hugstad assists us in "Finding Hope In The Darkness: Coping Strategies for Depression" while Stephanie Red Feather offers ways to "Clear Your Energy Field: Stay Grounded and Protected".

We offer you two astrological perspectives this week. Sarah Varcas reflects on "Courageous Hearts: Lunar Eclipse in 16th degree of Sagittarius" while Pam Younghans presents the overview of the coming week in the "Astrological Journal for the Week"

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

The Urgent Beauty of It All: Feeling and Emptying, Inhaling and Exhaling

Written by Mark Nepo

The Urgent Beauty of It All: Feeling and Emptying, Inhaling and Exhaling
Our task in living is how, not why. When we suffer, we get thrown into why: Why me? Why you? Why at this time? At best, why distracts us. At worst, it stalls us. What we do know is that life can be both miraculous and harsh, tender and devastating.

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Experiencing Moral Injury In The Face of Violence, Indifference, and Confusion

Written by Tom Voss

Experiencing Moral Injury In The Face of Violence, Indifference, and Confusion
Moral injury is a wound to the soul. It happens when you participate in or witness things that transgress your deepest beliefs about right and wrong. It is extreme trauma that mani­fests as grief, sorrow, shame, guilt, or any combination of those things. It shows up as negative thoughts, self-hatred, hatred of others, feelings of regret...

Becoming an Ally to People of Color

Written by Joyce Vissell

Becoming an Ally to People of Color
I grew up in Buffalo, New York and, from the time I was just a little girl, my parents, without even knowing it, started training me to become an ally to people of color. I shall be forever grateful to them. My mother emphasized that all humans are created equal and that all, regardless of skin color, are children of God.

Finding Hope In The Darkness: Coping Strategies for Depression

Written by Kristi Hugstad

Finding Hope In The Darkness
Hope is an optimistic attitude based on expectations of positive outcomes in one’s life or the world at large. A person who has a high level of hope has healthier hab­its, sleeps better, exercises more, eats healthier, gets sick less often, and is more likely to have less depression and to sur­vive a life-threatening illness.

Clear Your Energy Field: Stay Grounded and Protected

Written by Stephanie Red Feather

Clear Your Energy Field: Stay Grounded and Protected
Have you noticed an increase in your level of agitation, anxiety, or distress? Are you more volatile, all over the map, emotional, or depressed? Are you carrying around emotions and fears that you know are not yours or that are expressing themselves at an amplified, more-than-just-you level?

Courageous Hearts: Lunar Eclipse in 16th degree of Sagittarius

Written by Sarah Varcas

Courageous Hearts: Lunar Eclipse in 16th degree of Sagittarius
This lunar eclipse raises the issue of dependence and conditioning. In Sagittarius, it potentises the transfer of power away from the expert elite triggered by the North Node’s arrival in Gemini last month. Against the backdrop of recent unprecedented...

How To Maintain A Slower Pace Of Life After Lockdown
How To Maintain A Slower Pace Of Life After Lockdown

by Giana M Eckhardt and Katharina C. Husemann

Before lockdown, our lives were defined by speed. Rushing around, living life at rocket pace was the norm. Keeping up…

How Is COVID-19 Different From Other Respiratory Diseases?
How Is COVID-19 Different From Other Respiratory Diseases?

by John E Hayes and Valentina Parma

In March 2020, Google searches for phrases like “can’t taste food” or “why can’t I smell” spiked around the world…

5 Tips To Get You Off The Sofa
5 Tips To Get You Off The Sofa

by Wuyou Sui

With the Canadian government continuing to recommend physical distancing measures, many people are finding themselves…

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When It’s Tough To Get Seeds, You Can Garden With Scraps

by NC State

Some of the fruits and vegetables you buy have seeds in them. Can you plant those? It depends.

Why Police Brutality Isn’t About A Few Bad Apples
Why Police Brutality Isn’t About A Few Bad Apples

by Michelle Samuels

The problem of police brutality against black Americans isn’t caused by “a few bad apples” on police forces, a new…

How A Few Superspreaders Transmit The Majority Of Coronavirus Cases
How A Few Superspreaders Transmit The Majority Of Coronavirus Cases

by Elizabeth McGraw

Elizabeth McGraw, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at Pennsylvania State University, explains…

Summer Visitors To American Parks Choose Safety First Over Freedom To Roam
Summer Visitors To American Parks Choose Safety First Over Freedom To Roam

by B. Derrick Taff

In a typical summer, millions of Americans head outdoors to national parks, hiking trails and rivers across the U.S.

sitting vs standing 6 5
To Feel Better, Replace Sitting With Sleep Or Light Activity

by Angie Hunt

In new research, replacing long periods of sitting with sleep was associated with lower stress, better mood, and lower…

Can Your Community Handle A Natural Disaster And Coronavirus At The Same Time?

by Mark Abkowitz

The tornadoes that swept across the Southeast this spring were a warning to communities nationwide...

Why In-person Retail Therapy May Be Gone For Good
Why In-person Retail Therapy May Be Gone For Good

by Pat Harriman

Retail isn’t going back to normal, says a professor of marketing and psychological science.

Why It's Easy To Become An Enemy Of The People When Speaking Truth
Why It's Easy To Become An Enemy Of The People When Speaking Truth

by John Drew

A doctor speaks about events they think will put public health at risk. Instead of responding with gratitude, political…

How To Be As Safe As Possible In Your House Of Worship
How To Be As Safe As Possible In Your House Of Worship

by Claudia Finkelstein

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released what it calls “general considerations” on safe actions for…

Don't Stand So Close To Me – Understanding Consent Can Help With Those Tricky Social Distancing Moments
Don't Stand So Close To Me – Understanding Consent Can Help With Those Tricky Social Distancing Moments

by Elspeth Tilley

You’re walking on a public footpath when a jogger overtakes you from behind, well inside the recommended two-metre…

What Chernobyl Can Teach Us About The Invisible Threat Of Coronavirus
What Chernobyl Can Teach Us About The Invisible Threat Of Coronavirus

by Philippa Holloway

As we slowly emerge from government-imposed lockdowns, we find ourselves forced to renegotiate some of the spaces that…

How To Protect Your Kids Ears While Using Headphones More During The Pandemic?
How To Protect Your Kids Ears While Using Headphones More During The Pandemic?

by Peter Carew and Valerie Sung

During the coronavirus pandemic, have your kids been using headphones more than usual? Maybe for remote schooling…

How Can I Experience Things That Aren't Real?
How Can I Experience Things That Aren't Real?

by Philip Goff

When I see red, it’s the most religious experience. Seeing red just results from photons of a certain frequency hitting…

Hurricane Season: Vulnerable Countries Will Face Storms On Top Of Coronavirus

by Anitha Karthik

In just over a month’s time, the US Atlantic hurricane season will begin. This means a series of big storms may hit the…

A Justification For Unrest? Look No Further Than The Bible And The Founding Fathers
A Justification For Unrest? Look No Further Than The Bible And The Founding Fathers

by Samira Mehta et al

The civil unrest seen across the United States following the killing of George Floyd brings to the fore the Rev. Martin…

Kids Need Physical Education – Even When They Can't Get It At School
Kids Need Physical Education – Even When They Can't Get It At School

by Collin A. Webster

When I noticed my 12-year-old son was spending about seven hours a day doing his school work online due to the COVID-19…

Sooner Or Later We All Face Death. Will A Sense Of Meaning Help Us?
Sooner Or Later We All Face Death. Will A Sense Of Meaning Help Us?

by Warren Ward

‘Despite all our medical advances,’ my friend Jason used to quip, ‘the mortality rate has remained constant – one per…

Pandemics Past And Present Fuel The Rise Of Mega-corporations
How Pandemics Past And Present Fuel The Rise Of Mega-corporations

by Eleanor Russell and Martin Parker

In June 1348, people in England began reporting mysterious symptoms. They started off as mild and vague: headaches…

How To Protect People In The Great Lakes Region From Climate Extremes
How To Protect People In The Great Lakes Region From Climate Extremes

by Nicholas Rajkovich

Summer temperatures in Chicago normally peak in the low 80s, but in mid-July 1995 they topped 100 F with excessive…

How To Use Your Bathroom Scale To Find The Right Weight Loss Strategy
How To Use Your Bathroom Scale To Find The Right Weight Loss Strategy

by Kerstin Frie et al

People who weigh themselves regularly are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off. But standing on a scale…

How Our Brains Can Be Manipulated To Tribalism
How Our Brains Can Be Manipulated To Tribalism

by Arash Javanbakht

Tribalism has become a signature of America within and without since the election of President Trump. The nation has…

How Militarization Has Fostered A Policing Culture That Sets Up Protesters As The Enemy
Militarization Has Fostered A Policing Culture That Sets Up Protesters As The Enemy

by Tom Nolan

The unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd after being pinned to the ground by the knee of a Minneapolis police…

George Washington Would Have So Worn A Mask
George Washington Would Have So Worn A Mask

by Maurizio Valsania

The genre “What would X do?” – where X stands for a noted figure in history, say Jesus or Dolly Parton – is silly. But...

How Major Cities Are Trying To Keep People Walking And Cycling
How Major Cities Are Trying To Keep People Walking And Cycling

by Nick Davies et al

COVID-19 has radically changed our travel habits in just a matter of weeks. Walking and cycling are up, as people enjoy…

What Is Modern Monetary Theory?
What Is Modern Monetary Theory?

by Steven Hail

There is a school of thought among economists who aren’t worried about the so called “budget black hole”, where tough…

Tarot Resurgence Is Less About Occult Than Fun And Self-help – Just Like Throughout History
Tarot Resurgence Is Less About Occult Than Fun And Self-help – Just Like Throughout History

by William G Pooley

Faced with the uncertainties of life under lockdown, is it any surprise that many people are turning to methods of…

Coronavirus-related Debt Will Live In Digital Profiles For Years
Coronavirus-related Debt Will Live In Digital Profiles For Years

by Michele Gilman

Long after the COVID-19 health emergency ends, many Americans will still suffer from the long tail of the pandemic’s…

What Makes Something Smell Good Or Bad?
What Makes Something Smell Good Or Bad?

by Rakaia Kenney et al

Maybe you’ve learned to dislike the smell. Maybe your socks are full of gross bacteria. Or maybe, it’s both. Our team…

What Birds Can Teach Us About Choosing A Partner And Making It Last
What Birds Can Teach Us About Choosing A Partner And Making It Last

by Gisela Kaplan

Love, sex and mate choice are topics that never go out of fashion among humans or, surprisingly, among some Australian…

What A Coronavirus Second Wave Might Look Like
What A Coronavirus Second Wave Might Look Like

by Adam Kleczkowski

As the new coronavirus was rapidly spreading in February and March 2020, many governments introduced stringent lockdown…

Police Officers Accused Of Brutal Violence Often Have A History Of Complaints By Citizens
Police Officers Accused Of Brutal Violence Often Have A History Of Complaints By Citizens

by Jill McCorkel

Decades of research on police shootings and brutality reveal that officers with a history of shooting civilians, for…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


About Self-Doubt: Whether You Think You Can or Think You Can't...
Are You Being Sabotaged By Self-Doubt?

by Katherine Gibson

Self-doubters tend to dismiss compliments and embrace criticisms. They focus — even highlight — their weaknesses,…

Release the Past and Regain Your Vital Energy
Changing the Pattern of Negative Energy Expenditures: Release the Past and Regain Vitality

by Cheryl Canfield

Paying attention to how we spend our energy can provide major clues in the process of healing. Certain emotions, such…

What To Do When Stress Strikes
What To Do When Stress Strikes

by Shubhra Krishan

Slicing huge chunks of stress out of your life can actually be quite easy. But let's face it: Sometimes no amount of…

Most Common Excuses For Not Setting Goals... And The Spiritual Perspective
Most Common Excuses For Not Setting Goals... And The Spiritual Perspective

by Dawn Groves

Some lucky folks have only one aspiration weighing on their minds, making it easy to choose a goal. Others can't seem…

How Do You and Your Child Relate?
How Do You and Your Child Relate?

by Ellen Rosenberg

There are many parents who would never imagine that their child doesn't have the nerve to talk with them. When I first…

Matters Of The Mind: We Use Our Mind In Many Ways
Matters Of The Mind: We Use Our Mind In Many Ways

by Linda Berman

We use our mind in many ways. We use it when we don't even think about it; it simply takes over and provides us with…

Beloved Friend: The Practice of Gazing at the Beloved
Beloved Friend: The Practice of Gazing at the Beloved

by Will Johnson

Can a man who longs for a woman to complete him really believe that he needs to do nothing more than lose himself in…

Blessings of an Imperfect Life: Seize the Moment
Blessings of an Imperfect Life: Seize the Moment

by Philip Simmons

We have all suffered, and will suffer, our own falls. The fall from youthful ideals, the waning of physical strength…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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