Image by Irina Kuzmina 

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

One of the themes that has come to the forefront in 2020 is the one of connection. We have come to realize, at least in physical terms due to the Coronavirus, that we are all connected. Our connection, however, goes much deeper than just the physical. Quantum physics tells us that not only are we connected as energy, but we all affect everything we come in contact with.

This week we take a look at our perception of reality and our connection to each other. We reflect on the need for connection both to our own Self and to others around us for the healing of ourselves, our fellow humans, and the planet. We start off with "The Mystic’s Journey: Life Is An Illusion" and continue our journey with "A Shifting Sense of Self: From Separation to Care and Connection".

Alan Cohen recommends: "Change Your Frequency and Stay Tuned to Inner Peace" while Deepak Chopra shares "How To Heal Human Suffering: Reconnecting to Our Source and to Each Other" Whether male or female, we are assisted on our way with the energy of "The Fierce Feminine: Challenging Old Values, Old Beliefs, and Old Ideas".

Richard Hobday brings us information about the healing power of the sun in "Coronavirus and the Sun: A Lesson from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic". And Pam Younghans shares insights into the energies of the coming week in her "Astrological Journal".

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

The Mystic’s Journey: Life Is An Illusion

Written by Jim Willis

The Mystic’s Journey: Life Is An Illusion
In shamanic cultures it’s the task of the shaman to travel out of body to other worlds, experience new realities, and then bring knowledge back to the tribe in order to heal and restore balance. To experience a different reality and remain silent about it is simply not an option.

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A Shifting Sense of Self: From Separation to Care and Connection

Elizabeth E. Meacham, Ph.D.

A Shifting Sense of Self: From Separation to Care and Connection
Our sense of ourselves, our beliefs about our SELF, are so ingrained that we rarely stop to examine them. Even if we do take the time to explore our beliefs about ourselves, many of the most basic assumptions and values that underlie our experience are not visible to us; they are deeply embedded in the historical and cultural belief systems of our families, communities and nations.

Change Your Frequency and Stay Tuned to Inner Peace

Written by Alan Cohen

Change Your Frequency and Stay Tuned to Inner Peace
Many of us are tempted to change jobs, houses, or spouses, and sometimes that works. Yet it’s not unusual that when you get to your new situation you find it to be simply a repeat of the old one. In many cases you didn’t need to change the situation. You just needed to change the point from which you were looking at it.

How To Heal Human Suffering: Reconnecting to Our Source and to Each Other

Written by Deepak Chopra

Reconnecting to Our Source and to Each Other
There have been calls to reconnect to the source of the subjective world. In every case, it was the troubling ignorance about the human mind that motivated a few outstanding thinkers to try to bring down the Chinese wall dividing the physical from the mental.

The Fierce Feminine: Challenging Old Values, Old Beliefs, and Old Ideas

Written by Anaiya Sophia

The Fierce Feminine: Challenging Old Values, Old Beliefs, and Old Ideas
Allowing the Fierce Feminine to have Her voice creates a lot of waves and surprises! We must realize that by speaking Her voice, we will be challenging the core of those around us.

Coronavirus and the Sun: A Lesson from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Written by Richard Hobday

Coronavirus and the Sun: A Lesson from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
Records from the 1918 pandemic suggest one technique for dealing with influenza — little-known today — was effective. Some hard-won experience from the greatest pandemic in recorded history could help us in the weeks and months ahead.

Buyer Beware: Counterfeit Markets Can Flourish During A Public Health Crisis
Buyer Beware: Counterfeit Markets Can Flourish During A Public Health Crisis

by Jay Kennedy

Rapid acceleration of coronavirus-related infections and fatalities in countries like Italy, Spain and the United…

We Simulated How A Modern Dust Bowl Would Impact Global Food Supplies And The Result Is Devastating

by Miina Porkka et al

When the southern Great Plains of the US were blighted with a series of droughts in the 1930s, it had an unparalled…

Why Exercise Gets A Death Marker Protein To Refresh Muscles
Why Exercise Gets A Death Marker Protein To Refresh Muscles

by Kristian Levring Madsen

Even just a bit of intense physical activity prompts a “clean-up of muscles” as the protein Ubiquitin tags onto…

Shuttered Canada-US Border Highlights Different Approaches To The Pandemic – And Differences Between The 2 Countries
Shuttered Canada-US Border Highlights Different Approaches To The Pandemic – And Differences Between The 2 Countries

by Daniel Baldwin Hess and Alex Bitterman

The United States and Canada have long enjoyed a stable relationship. The countries share history, the longest…

My Vitamin D Levels Are Low, Should I Take A Supplement?
My Vitamin D Levels Are Low, Should I Take A Supplement?

by Peter Robert Ebeling

If your blood test results suggest you’re low on vitamin D, you’re not alone – nearly one-third of the Australian…

Some Gardening Advice from Indigenous Food Growers
Some Gardening Advice from Indigenous Food Growers

by Stephanie Woodard

Many Americans are now experiencing an erratic food supply for the first time. Among COVID-19’s disruptions are bare…

Why Picky Eaters May Not Grow Out Of It
Why Picky Eaters May Not Grow Out Of It

by Beata Mostafavi

If your preschooler pushes their dinner plate away or wages battles against taking another bite of a vegetable they…

Why Americans Are Tiring Of Social Distancing And Hand-washing
Why Americans Are Tiring Of Social Distancing And Hand-washing

by Gretchen Chapman and George Loewenstein

States are beginning to open up their economies after successfully slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Much of the…

Why Lockdown Life Is A Lot Like Insomnia
Why Lockdown Life Is A Lot Like Insomnia

by Patrick Levy

As a philosopher who researches insomnia, I’m struck by how similar the lockdown experience is with lying awake through…

How The First Modern Pandemic Made Key Workers Its Early Victims
How The First Modern Pandemic Made Key Workers Its Early Victims

by David R Green

The 1889 outbreak of influenza was first reported in the Russian city of Petropavlovsk in September of that year.

Why ‘The Scream’ Has Gone Viral Again
Why ‘The Scream’ Has Gone Viral Again

by Allison Morehead

Few works of art are as iconic as The Scream, by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863–1944).

How To Stay Safe In Restaurants And Cafes
How To Stay Safe In Restaurants and Cafés

by Lisa Bricknell

Now we have fewer cases of COVID-19, and restrictions are lifting, many of us are thinking of rejuvenating our social…

Will We Be Less Healthy Because Of Climate Change?
Will We Be Less Healthy Because Of Climate Change?

by Alexandra Macmillan

Do you expect an increase in health issues due to the effects of climate change?

What We Know And What We Need To Learn As We Exit Lockdown
What We Know And What We Need To Learn As We Exit Lockdown

by Zania Stamatak

As lockdowns ease, scientists worldwide are engaged in an unprecedented search for new therapies and a race for vaccine…

Can Exercise Offer The Same Mental Boost As Caffeine?
Can Exercise Offer The Same Mental Boost As Caffeine?

by Anisa Morava and Matthew James Fagan

Your alarm goes off and it’s time to start another day. What’s your first step? Perhaps making a cup of coffee? You may…

Five Ways Online University Learning Can Be Better Than Face-to-face Teaching
Five Ways Online University Learning Can Be Better Than Face-to-face Teaching

by Kyungmee Lee

The University of Cambridge has announced that all lectures will be offered online for the academic year beginning in…

Lockdown And Tech Overload – How To Escape Your Screens
Lockdown And Tech Overload – How To Escape Your Screens

by Sina Joneidy, and Charmele Ayadurai

From churchgoers to nursery school children, video calls, conferences and quizzes have become a lifeline at this time.

Why For Some People, Returning To Normal Might Be Scarier
Why For Some People, Returning To Normal Might Be Scarier

by Amy Dawel et al

All being well, restrictions will continue to be lifted in the weeks and months to come, allowing us slowly to return…

Herd Immunity In Europe – Are We Close?
Herd Immunity In Europe – Are We Close?

by Jeremy Rossman

While no country claims to be pursuing herd immunity as a strategy, some – such as Sweden – have taken a more relaxed…

Dating Over Zoom? Don't Be Surprised If Those Online Sparks Fizzle In Person
Dating Over Zoom? Don't Be Surprised If Those Online Sparks Fizzle In Person

by Sheril Kirshenbaum

For those dipping their toes into the dating pool during stay-at-home orders, it’s been like swimming in a version of…

How The Pandemic Has Changed Our Perception Of Time
How The Pandemic Has Changed Our Perception Of Time

by Felix Ringel

Take something as fundamental as our experiences of space: our mobility has become severely restricted – reduced to…

Lyme Disease Symptoms Could Be Mistaken For COVID-19, With Serious Consequences
Lyme Disease Symptoms Could Be Mistaken For COVID-19, With Serious Consequences

by Jory Brinkerhoff

Summer is field season for ecologists like me, a time when my colleagues, students and I go out into fields and woods…

Here Are The Characteristics Of Strong Mental Health
Here Are The Characteristics Of Strong Mental Health

by Simon Rosenbaum and Jill Newby

Amid the coronavirus pandemic we are being warned of a “second wave” of mental health problems that threatens to…

How Leadership In Various Countries Has Affected COVID-19 Response Effectiveness
How Leadership In Various Countries Has Affected COVID-19 Response Effectiveness

by Christine Crudo Blackburn and Leslie Ruyle

COVID-19 has put political leaders and health care systems worldwide to the test. Although lockdowns are the common…

As States Reopen, Tensions Flare Between The Rule Followers And Rule Breakers
As States Reopen, Tensions Flare Between The Rule Followers And Rule Breakers

by Michele Gelfand

Since Republicans, on average, are five times more likely than Democrats to believe it’s safe now to resume normal…

Fogo Island Shows How Social Enterprises Can Help Rebuild Communities Post-coronavirus
Fogo Island Shows How Social Enterprises Can Help Rebuild Communities Post-coronavirus

by Natalie Slawinski and Wendy K. Smith

More than 30 per cent of the world’s population now faces restrictions related to COVID-19. The impact on mental health…

Is Your Neighborhood Raising Your Coronavirus Risk?
Is Your Neighborhood Raising Your Coronavirus Risk?

by Jeremy Németh and Sarah Rowan

The 1-square-mile neighborhood mixes small, ranch-style homes with auto body shops, metal fabricators and industrial…

What Makes New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern An Authentic Leader While Trump Is Not
What Makes New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern An Authentic Leader While Trump Is Not

by Andrei Alexander Lux

The qualities that have made Jacinda Ardern New Zealand’s most popular prime minister in a century were on display this…

Why Powerful People Are The Most Likely To Break The Rules
Why Powerful People Are The Most Likely To Break The Rules

by Andre Spicer

A very large number of people in the UK have been complying with coronavirus lockdown rules and staying at home,…

How The Pandemic Could Change Our Homes Forever
How The Pandemic Could Change Our Homes Forever

by Tara Hipwood

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, our homes have been serving as makeshift workplaces, schools, gyms and…

The Best Way To Exercise To Burn Fat
The Best Way To Exercise To Burn Fat

by Justin Roberts et al

When it comes to losing weight, people often want know the best way to shed excess pounds – and there’s no shortage of…

Gentle Medicine Could Radically Transform Medical Practice
Gentle Medicine Could Radically Transform Medical Practice

by Jacob Stegenga

Numerous criticisms of medical science have been articulated in recent years. Some critics argue that spurious disease…

Can't Resist Splurging On Online Shopping? Here's Why
Can't Resist Splurging On Online Shopping? Here's Why

by Adrian R. Camiller and Eugene Y. Chan

Less obvious are the subtle psychological drivers behind our collective online shopping splurge.

How To Beat Coronavirus Anxiety When Going Back To Work
How To Beat Coronavirus Anxiety When Going Back To Work

by Olivia Remes

At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, people’s anxiety levels shot up. Daily reports were coming in about the…

Here's How Exercise Can Help  Chronic Stress And Your mental Health
Here's How Exercise Can Help Chronic Stress And Your Mental Health

by Jennifer J. Heisz and Maryam Marashi

Suffering a quarantine dip in mood? Struggling to find motivation to do anything? You are not alone.

How Coronavirus Has Transformed The Grieving Process
How Coronavirus Has Transformed The Grieving Process

by Lucy Selman

As I write this, the UK government has just announced that 13,729 people have died in hospitals from COVID-19. Care…

How Authoritarian Regimes Have Used Coronavirus To Their Advantage
How Authoritarian Regimes Have Used Coronavirus To Their Advantage

by Saltanat Janenova and Jonathan Fisher

The authoritarian Central Asian state of Tajikistan admitted to its first cases of COVID-19 in late April.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: June 1 - 7, 2020 

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Bashing Down Barriers and Flying Freely
Letting Go and Flying Freely

by Marie T. Russell

Sometimes when things don't go the way I want, rather than letting things go their own way, I start pushing and shoving…

What's It All About?
What's It All About?

by Marie T. Russell

Have we not all asked ourselves this question at one point or another? "What's it all about?" Since to every question…

All About Soap and Making It Naturally
All About Soap and Making It Naturally

by Susan Spencer & Jeanne Rose

Go into any bath and body store and you are sure to find soaps in a huge variety of scents, fragrances, colors, types,…

Change From The Heart
Change From The Heart: From Anger and Hatred to Inner Peace and Love

by Shane Archer

A testimonial from someone who went from self-hate and self-destruction and ended up behind bars to discovering the…

Attaining Immortality and Compassion without Attachment
Attaining Immortality and Compassion without Attachment and Greed

by Stuart Alve Olson

We play our loud music, engage in all sorts of play designed through technology simply to distract us from…

Freedom Through Self Awareness
Freedom Through Self Awareness: You Are A Blessing

by David Montini

The fear was so intense that he could feel his heart beating in his throat. Moments before he had been enjoying the…

Accidents and Synchronicities: The Big Stuff and the Little Stuff
Accidents and Synchronicities: The Big Stuff and the Little Stuff

by Ashok Bedi, M.D.

The soul often whispers to us through synchronistic events. A synchronistic event occurs when we recognize that two or…

An Open Letter to the Entire Human Family
An Open Letter to the Entire Human Family

by Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj

This is the moment of truth for humankind. Critical choices must now be made in order to protect the continued…

Forgiveness Meditation: Clearing the Ties that Bind
Forgiveness Meditation: Clearing the Ties that Bind

by Nicki Scully

When I began to study Huna in 1982, the first subject we dealt with was forgiveness, for good reason: it cleared the…

All Work Is Play When Purpose and Pleasure Are Brought Together
Turn Work Into Play and Success Will Soon Be Yours

by Ernest Wood

When purpose and pleasure are brought together work becomes play. Every bit of work done in this spirit strengthens the…

Color Therapy: Colors That Provide Vitality, Optimism, Contentment, and more
Color Therapy: Colors That Provide Vitality, Optimism, Contentment, and more

by Romy Rawlings

Color therapy is an ancient approach to healing that has been used since the earliest of times. Practitioners of…

Aspiring to Beauty: Is Beauty In the Eye of the Beholder?
Aspiring to Beauty: Is Beauty In the Eye of the Beholder?

by Eve Bruce, M.D.

Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder? Can we call whatever we see beautiful, depending on our perspective?…

Expecting the Best: Living by Faith Instead of Fear
Expecting the Best: Living by Faith Instead of Fear

by Tom Butler-Bowdon

Sometimes, intensity of desire can actually turn away things that are good for you because it suggests faith only in…

Allies in the Spirit World: Your Spiritual Support Team
Allies in the Spirit World: Your Spiritual Support Team

by Christopher Penczak

Everybody on this planet has a spiritual support team. This group is our backup in the game of life. We come into the…

Notice Your Anger: It Is A Path to Awareness
Notice Your Anger: It Is A Path to Awareness

by Ezra Bayda

If we could see our angry emotional reactions clearly, it would become obvious that they deplete us and narrow our…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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