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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

It is interesting that in this time of social isolation, we are actually rediscovering wholeness and community. We are reconnecting with our inner truth, our inner longings, and connecting perhaps more deeply with the people we love, albeit by phone or online connections. Perhaps there is truth in the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

This week our authors focus on the path to wholeness and oneness. We start off with "Rebuilding and Rediscovering Community: Wholeness Can Heal Us" and continue with "Called To A Higher Order: That Of Love, Compassion and The Quest For Understanding".

While we move forward into a new reality of our own creation, we also may need to look back and see "How Our Little Soul Loses Its Way". Part of our attaining wholeness and connection is to truly choose to listen to others and to our Self.  Darren J. Gold takes a look at this in "I Seek to Understand: The Power of Truly Listening".

Our quest for wholeness also leads us to a state of "Searching For Answers and Establishing New Foundations". And in this week's "Astrological Journal", Pam  Younghans quotes Bil Tierney when she writes about the energies of the next 4 months while Jupiter is retrograde: "...a marvelous time for gaining insights into spiritual or philosophical matters, as wisdom can flow easier from the superconscious and make contact with the conscious self ... We may find it easier to develop inner faith and a more hopeful outlook due to self-inspired contemplation ... We may feel detached from what is socially expected of us during this period and may reject such pressures in favor of listening to our own inner calling ..."

So there we are. We are encouraged to be introspective, to listen, to discover our true calling, our true self, thus attaining wholeness and balance. This transition to a more internal experience has opened the door to new perceptions and helped us to rediscover our true preferences.

Every day is a new day, and as some of us may perhaps be moving from isolation back to more social interaction, we will best be served by remembering to keep the energy and truth of what we have introspected about ourselves as our guiding light.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily at *****

Rebuilding and Rediscovering Community: Wholeness Can Heal Us

Written by Dery Dyer

Rebuilding and Rediscovering Community: Wholeness Can Heal Us
Reconnecting with the Earth is simple. But just as initiations in traditional cultures demand some kind of dismemberment, staying reconnected requires breaking down the walls we’ve built inside and outside of ourselves, toppling old secure structures...

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 Called To A Higher Order: That Of Love, Compassion and The Quest For Understanding

Written by Michael Bianco-Splann

Called To A Higher Order: That Of Love, Compassion and The Quest For Understand­ing
The world we inhabit is changing at such speed and frenetic accelera­tion that in order to keep pace we must ourselves evolve, not from the Darwinian thesis of survival-of-the-fittest and physical evolution, but rather from the next step in the human story, conscious evolution.

How Our Little Soul Loses Its Way

Written by HeatherAsh Amara

How Our Little Soul Loses Its Way
I see the Little Soul as a small child. When a child is in­timately connected to a loving, wise, nurturing caretaker (Big Soul), it is fun to go out and explore the world and then come back and share what it has learned. If a child discovers some­thing scary or confusing...

I Seek to Understand: The Power of Truly Listening

Written by Darren J. Gold

I Seek to Understand: The Power of Truly Listening
Have you ever listened? I mean truly listened? Qui­eted your mind and surrendered all self-concern and given yourself completely to another person so that he or she is fully heard? If you’re really honest, the answer is likely no.

Searching For Answers and Establishing New Foundations

Written by Sarah Mane

Searching For Answers and Establishing New Foundations
We are in truth limitless, magnificent universal beings. Right here and now, we embody all the forces of the universe. There is no difference between our energy and the energy of the universe; they are one and the same.

Why Corporations Will Not Save Us: The Sham of Corporate Social Responsibility
Why Corporations Will Not Save Us: The Sham of Corporate Social Responsibility

by Robert Reich

Last August, the Business Roundtable – an association of CEOs of America’s biggest corporations – announced with great…

How To Find Ways To Move Your Body While Social Distancing
How To Find Ways To Move Your Body While Social Distancing

by Renee J. Rogers

Recent Fitbit activity tracker data show a significant drop in physical activity worldwide that corresponds with the…

Where Psychologists Should Fear to Tread on Covid-19, They Don’t
Where Psychologists Should Fear to Tread on Covid-19, They Don’t

by Teresa Carr

Consider the following brain teaser: A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How…

How Understanding Visual Illusions Can Make Us More Empathetic
How Understanding Visual Illusions Can Make Us More Empathetic

by McKenna Becker

Philosophers and neuroscientists agree that if there is an objective reality, human beings can’t perceive it:…

These Foods Are More Common In Diets Of People With Inflammatory Bowel Disease
These Foods Are More Common In Diets Of People With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

by LaTina Emerson

Foods such as French fries, cheese, cookies, soda, and sports and energy drinks are common in the diets of United…

For A Child, Being Carefree Is Intrinsic To A Well-lived Life
For A Child, Being Carefree Is Intrinsic To A Well-lived Life

by Luara Ferracioli

Some people are lucky enough to look back at their childhood with affection for a time in life without much stress and…

Why We Should Learn To Love All Insects
Why We Should Learn To Love All Insects

by Paul Manning

Insects, which include more than a million known species, represent roughly two-thirds of the described biodiversity on…

Think Of Mental Disorders As The Mind's Sticky Tendencies
Think Of Mental Disorders As The Mind's Sticky Tendencies

by Kristopher Nielsen

What exactly are mental disorders? The answer to this question is important because it informs how researchers should…

How To Beat Weight Gain At Menopause
How To Beat Weight Gain At Menopause

by Clare Collins, et al

For many women, the journey through menopause is a roller coaster of symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats…

How To Build Family Resilience Amid The Future Unknowns
How To Build Family Resilience Amid The Future Unknowns

by Carolyn FitzGerald

Although there are early signs of tentative re-openings for trial-and-error life after quarantine, we cannot — and…

Why Do Kids Call Their Parents 'Mom' And 'Dad'?
Why Do Kids Call Their Parents 'Mom' And 'Dad'?

by Bethany Van Vleet and Denise Bodman

Once, a long time ago, one of us, Bethany, fell behind at the grocery store and was trying to catch up

New Study Shows Staggering Effect Of Coronavirus Pandemic On Mental Health
New Study Shows Staggering Effect Of Coronavirus Pandemic On Mental Health

by Jean Twenge

When the novel coronavirus roared into the U.S., mental health took a back seat to physical health.

Medieval Europe's Waves Of Plague Also Required An Economic Action Plan
Medieval Europe's Waves Of Plague Also Required An Economic Action Plan

by Kriston R. Rennie

The Black Death (1347-51) devastated European society. Writing four decades after the event, the English monk and…

Is Seltzer Water Healthy?
Is Seltzer Water Healthy?

by Rahel Mathews

My health conscious friends and colleagues tell me that they need an alternative to soda but plain water is too boring.

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Five Workplace Trends Will Shape Life After Lockdown

by Dave Cook

We are experiencing the biggest remote work experiment in history – but many are beginning to imagine life after…

How To Best Help With School At Home
How To Best Help With School At Home

by Catherine Doherty

In many countries schools remain closed and the dinner table now serves as the school desk.

Growing Your Own Food ? Plan For Pests!
Growing Your Own Food ? Plan For Pests!

by Paul Manning

Many people are trying to grow their own food during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Hands are sketching plans onto…

Now The Stage Is Set For A Techno-Future With Robots And AI
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by Amanda Turnbull

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Will Three Billion People Really Live In Temperatures As Hot As The Sahara By 2070?

by Mark Maslin

Humans are amazing creatures, in that they have show they can live in almost any climate.

Answers To Those Puzzling Questions Of The Coronavirus
Answers To Those Puzzling Questions Of The Coronavirus

by William Petri

As researchers try to find treatments and create a vaccine for COVID-19, doctors and others on the front lines continue…

What Future Do Airlines Have?
What Future Do Airlines Have?

by Darren Ellis, et al

Airlines face an unprecedented international crisis in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus Linked To Greater Risk Of Life Threatening Infection In People With Obesity
Coronavirus Linked To Greater Risk Of Life Threatening Infection In People With Obesity

by Paul MacDaragh Ryan and Noel Caplice

As worldwide coronavirus-related deaths tip a quarter of a million, a concerning trend is surfacing in the medical…

Economic Recovery Will Come With High Levels Of Unemployment: How Should Governments Respond?
Economic Recovery Will Come With High Levels Of Unemployment: How Should Governments Respond?

by Gulcin Ozkan et al

Two key factors distinguish the economic consequences of coronavirus from those of previous crises.

Seabed Fossils Show The Ocean Is Undergoing A Change Not Seen For 10,000 Years
Seabed Fossils Show The Ocean Is Undergoing A Change Not Seen For 10,000 Years

by Peter T. Spooner

Changes in ocean circulation may have caused a shift in Atlantic Ocean ecosystems not seen for the past 10,000 years…

Why We're In A Real-time Laboratory Of A More Sustainable Urban Future
Why We're In A Real-time Laboratory Of A More Sustainable Urban Future

by Paul Chatterton

A pause has been forced on urban life. Quiet roads, empty skies, deserted high streets and parks, closed cinemas, cafés…

Exercise May Help Reduce Risk Of Deadly COVID-19 Complication: ARDS
Exercise May Help Reduce Risk Of Deadly COVID-19 Complication: ARDS

by Zhen Yan

Scientists are constantly revealing newly discovered benefits of exercise. In experiments over the past 10 years, my…

Understanding The Spread Of COVID-19
Understanding The Spread Of COVID-19

by Hassan Vally

To understand the spread of COVID-19, the pandemic is more usefully viewed as a series of distinct local epidemics. The…

How Coronavirus Is Reshaping How We See Ourselves And The World Around Us
How Coronavirus Is Reshaping How We See Ourselves And The World Around Us

by Ben Walker, et al

The COVID-19 pandemic is a massive public health and economic crisis, but it is also reshaping how we see ourselves and…

Why Women Gain Weight During Menopause
Why Women Gain Weight During Menopause

by Nicholas Fuller

For most women, perimenopause – the transition to menopause – begins in their 40s. The entire menopause process…

Mary Shelley’s The Last Man Is A Prophecy Of Life In A Global Pandemic
Mary Shelley’s The Last Man Is A Prophecy Of Life In A Global Pandemic

by Olivia Murphy

Mary Shelley’s neglected later book The Last Man (1826) has the most to say to us in our present moment of crisis and…

How Evolution Explains Why Social Distancing Feels So Unnatural
How Evolution Explains Why Social Distancing Feels So Unnatural

by Isabelle Catherine Winder and Vivien Shaw,

For many people, the most distressing part of the coronavirus pandemic is the idea of social isolation.

4 Strategies To Support Vulnerable Students When Schools Re-open
4 Strategies To Support Vulnerable Students When Schools Re-open

by Delphine Collin-Vézina and Tristan Milot

There is much uncertainty bubbling up around the Québec government’s decision to re-open elementary schools May 11 in…

Why It Could Take Two Years For The Economy To Recover From The Coronavirus Pandemic
Why It Could Take Two Years For The Economy To Recover From The Coronavirus Pandemic

by Steven E. Salterio

Predictions about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the world’s economy arrive almost daily. How can we make…

How Canadian Agricultural Producers Can Lead The Way In Climate Action
How Canadian Agricultural Producers Can Lead The Way In Climate Action

by Lisa Ashton and Ben Bradshaw

Agriculture has long been framed in the global climate action discussion as a sector whose activities conflict with…

Why A Little Baby Talk Is Good For Your Toddler
Why A Little Baby Talk Is Good For Your Toddler

by Melanie Soderstrom and Michael C. Frank

Has anyone ever told you: “Don’t baby talk to your baby?” Parents of young infants often tell us that they have heard…

How People React To The Threat Of Disease Could Mean COVID-19 Is Reshaping Personalities
How People React To The Threat Of Disease Could Mean COVID-19 Is Reshaping Personalities

by Vivian Zayas

The effects of the coronavirus pandemic will be “imprinted on the personality of our nation for a very long time”…

Why Leaders' Empathy Matters In The Midst Of A Pandemic
Why Leaders' Empathy Matters In The Midst Of A Pandemic

by Jonathan D. Fitzgerald

Resilience, communication skills, openness and impulse control top the list of six qualities that presidential…

How Using Music To Parent Can Liven Up Everyday Tasks, Build Family Bonds
How Using Music To Parent Can Liven Up Everyday Tasks, Build Family Bonds

by Lisa Huisman Koops

Parenting musically is the way I describe what happens when moms and dads use music for many nonmusical tasks and goals.

Pants Or No Pants? Tips For Virtual Job Interviews From Home
Pants Or No Pants? Tips For Virtual Job Interviews From Home

by Elizabeth C. Tippett

If you have the good fortune of scoring a virtual job interview in the middle of a pandemic, the initial euphoria of…

Why Keeping Meat Plants Open Mistakes Meat Shortage For A Food Shortage
Why Keeping Meat Plants Open Mistakes Meat Shortage For A Food Shortage

by Andrea Freeman

President Donald Trump’s executive order mandating meat processing plants to stay open, despite growing coronavirus…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

 Horoscope Current Week: May 11 - 17, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Beyond Prozac: Depression Can Be Treated on Numerous Levels
by Douglas Bloch
When You Are Angry, It's Just Your Ego Playing Its Game
by Stuart Wilde
Changing Your Self-Image Changes the Mirror of Your Experiences
by Dr. Michael J. Russ
"Gifts" From Your Family of Origin: Beliefs, Attitudes, and More
by Paul Brenner, M.D., Ph.D. and Donna Martin, M.A.
Yoga: A Fitness Resource For People With "Round Bodies"
by Genia Pauli Haddon
Question Reality: Whose REALITY Is It Anyway?
by Douglas Davis
Is Perfection a Valid Goal?
by Norman Monath
A Case for Courage: Ethical Behavior vs. Unethical Business Misconduct|
by Rebecca Barnett
Repressing or Expressing Emotions? There's Another Choice!
by Karla McLaren
Children and Homeopathic Medicines for Colic, Teething, Ear Infections, and more
by Dana Ullman
Adrenal Glands Revival: Fatigue Fast and Cleanse For Exhaustion
by Carrie LEsperance
When You Find Yourself Saying "I Can't Do That Because..."
by Marie T. Russell
Love Yourself, Then, Love Your Neighbor As Yourself
by Sylvia Browne


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