Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Some things we've heard over and over again, to the point where we might start to ignore them or consider them clichés. But are they? We've been told to "be the change we want to see in the world", and that "change begins with us", and that "what the world needs now is love". But these are not clichés. They are truths and they need to be acknowledged, absorbed, and put into practice... now more than ever.

So this week, we look at various ways or methods that can assist us in putting these precepts in practice, and incorporate them into our lives and our world. It's obvious that change is needed... but what is maybe not so obvious, is that we need to start with ourselves... even though it's so easy to blame "the other guy". After all the spotlight is so often on the other guy, and not so much on us. Yet, we can't change anyone else. We can only change ourselves. So that's where we need to start.

Alan Cohen opens up our featured articles this week with "It's All In How You Look At It"; Thelma Reese shares "5 Ways Seniors Are Saving The World Right Now"; while Sarah Mane explains "The Power of Meaning: It Determines Our Reality".

Ervin Laszlo helps us see the big picture (past, present, and future) in "Three Big Bangs: Looking Back to See Forward, to Wake Up and to Change"

In order for us to make these needed changes, our body has to be present and attuned. Paline Wills brings us tools to accomplish that in "Pranayama Breathing Exercises for Healing and Raising Consciousness" as does Simon Chokoisky in "Fasting In The Twenty-First Century: Breaking the Addiction to Food".

Then we round up our featured articles with a belated Earth Day blessing (by Pierre Pradervand): "Blessings of Love for Mother Earth" But then, since we've been neglecting and/or abusing Mother Earth of late, perhaps the blessing is needed each and every day and not just one day a year. We encourage you to partake in blessing our Mother Earth each and every day. And bless the inhabitants of the whole planet while you're at it. Everyone can benefit from the extra love and blessings these days.

Please scroll down for the aforementioned featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, as well as the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

It's All In How You Look At It

Written by Alan Cohen

It's All In How You Look at It
When Dee and I grew a family of dogs, we decided to feed them meat. That was a big decision for us, since we had never had meat in the house. But we love our “kids,” and we want them to be happy. Why impose our diet on them? So we buy them canned dog food and cook meat for them.

5 Ways Seniors Are Saving The World Right Now

Written by Thelma Reese

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5 Ways Seniors Are Saving The World Right Now
It's time to rethink the strength of our seniors. They're anything but fragile. They're stronger, smarter and more resilient than they're getting credit for. And right now, they're an invaluable resource we can't afford to overlook.

The Power of Meaning: It Determines Our Reality

Written by Sarah Mane

The Power of Meaning: It Determines Our Reality
The meaning we give to something determines our reality and life experience. If you see a grizzly bear coming towards you, then the meaning, or interpretation, in that moment will be one of danger, fear and survival. If you see a kitten...

Three Big Bangs: Looking Back to See Forward, to Wake Up and to Change

Written by Ervin Laszlo

Three Big Bangs: Looking Back To See Forward
We know that a transformation of global dimensions has already started, and we know that its unfolding is not predictable. We can be certain that it will be challeng­ing. Will we achieve the understanding, the wisdom, to survive this challenge?

Pranayama Breathing Exercises for Healing and Raising Consciousness

Written by Pauline Wills

Pranayama Breathing Exercises for Healing and Raising Consciousness
Many ancient cultures, such as the Incas, Egyptians and Tibetans, believed in and taught breathing exercises for healing purposes and to raise consciousness. Mystics and gurus believed that practising pranayama led to the experiencing of the true self and the universe.

Fasting In The Twenty-First Century: Breaking the Addiction to Food

Written by Simon Chokoisky

Fasting In The Twenty-First Century: Breaking the Addiction to Food
Fasting is an art. By creating space in your body, it will help create space in your life for the things you want, including loving relationships, a disease-free body, and prosperity in line with your highest ideals.

Blessings of Love for Mother Earth

Written by Pierre Pradervand

Blessings of Love for Mother Earth
Finally, humanity is just beginning to perceive that our planet is a living being which has been infinitely patient with the abuse we have wrought upon it. (While Earth Day was official April 22nd, EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY!)

How To Stay Fit At Home During Lockdown
How To Stay Fit At Home During Lockdown

by Adam Hawkey

A third of humanity is now under lockdown. This measure is crucial to minimise the spread of COVID-19, but what impact…

How New Restrictions On Religious Liberty Vary Across Europe During Coronavirus
How New Restrictions On Religious Liberty Vary Across Europe During Coronavirus

by Alexis Artaud de La Ferrière

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, most European countries have imposed unprecedented confinement measures on…

We Value Women's Work But  Pay Little For It
We Value Women's Work But Pay Little For It

by Lyn Craig

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down. Amidst the upheavals, it has laid bare how little we normally…

Making Music At A Distance – How To Come Together Online To Spark Your Creativity
Making Music At A Distance – How To Come Together Online To Spark Your Creativity

by Clint Randles

People are social creatures. While many of us are making the best of social isolation, we’re much better together than…

How We Can And Must Change How We Work
How We Can And Must Change How We Work

by David Spencer

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the deep-seated problems of how and why we all work. It has shown how many of us…

Don’t Worry, Your Child’s Early Learning Doesn’t Stop Just Because They’re Not In Childcare
Don’t Worry, Your Child’s Early Learning Doesn’t Stop Just Because They’re Not In Childcare

by Jeanne Marie Iorio

At childcare and preschool, children experience belonging to a community and engage actively with their learning.

5 Reasons To Feel Optimistic About Coronavirus
5 Reasons To Feel Optimistic About Coronavirus

by Ian Boyd

Much of the media coverage of COVID-19 is focused on bad things happening. It is very easy to accuse people of bungling…

Here's How To Manage Chronic Conditions Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic
Here's How To Manage Chronic Conditions Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic

by Laurie Archbald-Pannone

To avoid the high risk COVID-19 poses to older adults with chronic illnesses, many doctors have shifted appointments to…

How A 20-minute Dose Of Nature Can Cut Your Stress
How A 20-minute Dose Of Nature Can Cut Your Stress

by Jim Erickson

Spending just 20 minutes in nature can significantly lower stress hormone levels, researchers say.

Why Working Remotely Feels So Jarring According To Philosophy
Why Working Remotely Feels So Jarring According To Philosophy

by Deryn M. Thomas

The coronavirus pandemic is changing the way we work, but it’s also telling us something about what work means to us…

Can't Sleep And Feeling Anxious About Coronavirus?
Can't Sleep And Feeling Anxious?

by Olivia Fisher

This is a confusing and, frankly, scary time for a lot of us. There’s so much contradictory information, and the…

5 Ways Parents Can Support Their College-age Children Who've Been Forced To Return Home
5 Ways Parents Can Support Their College-age Children Who've Been Forced To Return Home

by Matthew J. Mayhew

With many college students forced to return home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, tensions and arguments are bound to…

How To Read Shakespeare For Pleasure
How To Read Shakespeare For Pleasure

by Emma Smith

In recent years the orthodoxy that Shakespeare can only be truly appreciated on stage has become widespread.

Could Emotional Memories Of This Coronavirus Crisis Affect Our Future Behaviour?
Could Emotional Memories Of This Coronavirus Crisis Affect Our Future Behaviour?

by Elena Miltiadis

As we do whatever we can to stop the spread of coronavirus, we are being forced to change old habits and mundane daily…

How Coronavirus Drifts Through The Air In Microscopic Droplets
How Coronavirus Drifts Through The Air In Microscopic Droplets

by Shelly Miller

Aerosols are the tiny floating pieces of pollution that make up Los Angeles’ famous smog, the dust particles you see…

How To Listen To Your Loved Ones With Empathy When You Yourself Are Feeling Strain
How To Listen To Your Loved Ones With Empathy When You Yourself Are Feeling Strain

by Annmarie Caño

COVID-19 has revealed a great many things about our world, including the vulnerabilities inherent in our economic,…

Kids Don't Always Need To Be Entertain, Sometimes Boredom Is Good For Them
Kids Don't Always Need To Be Entertained, Sometimes Boredom Is Good For Them

by Mandie Shean

Most children are stuck at home due to the outbreak of COVID-19. They need to find ways to socialise, do their school…

What Is A Brain Freeze?
What Is A Brain Freeze?

by Tyler Daniel Anderson-Sieg

Has this ever happened to you? You’re eating a delicious ice cream cone or frozen lemonade, so cold and sweet and…

Why Ramadan Is Called Ramadan
Why Ramadan Is Called Ramadan

by Mohammad Hassan Khalil

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, and lasts either 29 or 30 days, depending on when the new…

Why We Should Be Thankful It Wasn't COVID-99
Why We Should Be Thankful It Wasn't COVID-99

by Timothy Devinney

In these difficult times, the press and the public are piling complaints on governments and corporations over their…

The Roots Of Our Current Environmental Crisis Go Back 12,000 Years
The Roots Of Our Current Environmental Crisis Go Back 12,000 Years

by Joshua Sterlin

Our global civilization may be doubting its mastery of the Earth as we temporarily close the shutters on many of our…

Here's Why Some People Experience Fatigue, Nausea, Headaches After Starting A Keto Diet
Here's Why Some People Experience Fatigue, Nausea, Headaches After Starting A Keto Diet

by Andrew Scott

After we eat, the body converts carbohydrates into blood sugar (known as glucose), which it uses for energy. But the…

How Dystopian Narratives Can Incite Real-world Radicalism
How Dystopian Narratives Can Incite Real-World Radicalism

by Calvert Jones and Celia Paris

Humans are storytelling creatures: the stories we tell have profound implications for how we see our role in the world,…

The First Earth Day Was A Shot Heard Around The World
The First Earth Day Was A Shot Heard Around The World

by Maria Ivanova

The first Earth Day protests, which took place on April 22, 1970 brought 20 million Americans – 10% of the U.S.…

4 Good Practices For Anyone Caring For Quarantined Kids
4 Good Practices For Anyone Caring For Quarantined Kids

by Erika Bocknek

About 55 million U.S. schoolchildren attend schools that have been closed or are being directly affected by the new…

At Times Of Suffering, The Greatest Gift Is Accompaniment By Another
At Times Of Suffering, The Greatest Gift Is Accompaniment By Another

by Nicholaos Jones

The genetics researchers Anne-Marie Laberge and Wylie Burke in 2009 reported the case of a healthy 31-year-old woman,…

We’ve Got a Better World in Mind

We’ve Got a Better World in Mind

by Berit Anderson & Christine Hanna

The climate is in crisis. Mass extinctions and mass migrations mark our days. Cities are running out of water or…

Teens Are Wired To Resent Being Stuck With Parents And Cut Off From Friends
Teens Are Wired To Resent Being Stuck With Parents And Cut Off From Friends

by Catherine Bagwell

Social distancing is both necessary and hard. If my Facebook news feed and anecdotal experience in my own family are at…

Why Do You Believe What You Do?
Why Do You Believe What You Do?

by Miriam Schoenfield

Many of the beliefs that play a fundamental role in our worldview are largely the result of the communities in which…

Why Blood Sugar Levels May Influence Vulnerability To Coronavirus, And Controlling Them Through Conventional Means Might Be Protective
Why Blood Sugar Levels May Influence Vulnerability To Coronavirus, and Controlling Them Through Conventional Means Might Be Protective

by Adam M. Brufsky

Sugar is not only something that sweetens our food. It is also something that is an essential part of the proteins that…

The Urban Forest Of The Future: How To Turn Our Cities Into Treetopias
The Urban Forest Of The Future: How To Turn Our Cities Into Treetopias

by Alan Simson

The 21st century is the urban century. It has been forecast that urban areas across the world will have expanded by…

How Chronic Stress Changes The Brain And What You Can Do To Reverse The Damage
How Chronic Stress Changes The Brain And What You Can Do To Reverse The Damage

by Sahakian, et al

A bit of stress is a normal part of our daily lives, which can even be good for us. Overcoming stressful events can…

There Are No Miracle Foods Or Diets That Can Prevent Or Cure COVID-19
There Are No Miracle Foods Or Diets That Can Prevent Or Cure COVID-19

by Taibat Ibitoye

Since the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), there have been widespread claims on social media that…

The Neuroscience Of Loneliness And How Technology Is Helping Us

by Emily S. Cross and Anna Henschel

Large numbers of people around the globe have been forced into solitude due to the coronavirus pandemic. However,…

Missing Your Friends? Rereading Harry Potter Might Be The Next Best Thing
Missing Your Friends? Rereading Harry Potter Might Be The Next Best Thing

by Elaine Reese

Humans are innately social creatures. But as we stay home to limit the spread of COVID-19, video calls only go so far…

Why Vietnam Has Reported No Coronavirus Deaths
Why Vietnam Has Reported No Coronavirus Deaths

by Robyn Klingler-Vidra and Ba-Linh Tran

As of April 21, the country had reported 268 cases of COVID-19, the disease associated with the new coronavirus, with…

Could Reading About The Coronavirus Pandemic Cause Harm?
Could Reading About The Coronavirus Pandemic Cause Harm?

by Jeremy Howick and Giulio Ongaro

Scary health stories about COVID-19 pour out of the media floodgates every minute.

Four Video Games To Boost Your Mood
Four Video Games To Boost Your Mood

by Conor Mckeown

In her book How Games Move Us (2016), computer games researcher Katherine Isbister writes that her friends and…

How Canada’s Co-ops Are Helping Communities
How Canada’s Co-ops Are Helping Communities

by Marcelo Vieta and Fiona Duguid

As the epidemiological impacts of COVID-19 grow exponentially, so do business closures, unemployment rates, poverty,…

7 Ways You Can Help The Coronavirus Response
7 Ways You Can Help The Coronavirus Response

by Scott Lear

When a major earthquake beneath the Indian Ocean on Dec. 26, 2004, resulted in a devastating tsunami, people from all…

Why Do We Dream?
Why Do We Dream?

by Jason Ellis

Although science knows what dreams are, it is still not known exactly why we dream, although plenty of theories exist.

5 Ways Businesses Can Contribute To A More Balanced Future
5 Ways Businesses Can Contribute To A More Balanced Future

by Stéphane J. G. Girod and Natalia Olynec

The coronavirus pandemic highlights the very real imperfections in coordination among global governments and…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

 Horoscope Current Week: April 27- May 3, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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