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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Just as the whole world is re-inventing itself with a new "live-in/living" experience, so we as individuals now have the opportunity to reflect and reinvent ourselves... or perhaps not so much re-invent as rediscover our true selves.

We start this week's articles by asking "Who Is The Real You: Have You Left Behind Your True Self For Your Professional Role?"  We follow that question, and that article, with another: "IDENTITY: Who Am I and What Am I Capable Of?"

And though things may look bleak as our world has been turned topsy-turvy, sometimes the way to clean out a messy and stuffy closet is to just pull everything out and start fresh. We now have an opportunity to do the same with our homes and our lives. We can look at the old stuff we've accumulated, whether physical, mental, or emotional, and decide what stays and what goes. Diana Rowan tells us that "There Is A Brighter Way: Freeing The Creativity Within". We may feel like we need to start over, or at least do a major renovation of our life, attitudes, and habits.

The advantage in all our experiences is that we have the power to make changes in our external world as well as in our internal world -- in our attitudes, beliefs, and dreams. Ariane Burgess writes about "Creating A New Worldview and Culture..." and Anaiya Sophia helps us discover "The Medicine We Most Hunger For: Standing Our Ground and Breaking Our Silence".

We are not just at the end of a way of life, we are at a new beginning... the old ways have run their course in so many ways, and the new is waiting for our inspiration (our breath of life) to set itself in motion.

It is time for us to seek clarity within as to what we want this new life, this new world, to be like, and to play our part in giving life to that reality. When the pandemic began, Alan Cohen wondered “What good could possibly come of this?”. In "Birthing a Planetary Reset"  he shares his insights and inspiration.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Who Is The Real You: Have You Left Behind Your True Self For Your Professional Role?

Written by Michael Bianco-Splann

What does it mean to be a banker, lawyer, doctor, educator, not-for-profit leader, or any other professional? For many people, it is a debilitat­ing experience of separating our genuinely loving, warm, compassionate selves from the hard, ruthless, determined-to-win persona that is demand­ed in our workplace.

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IDENTITY: Who Am I and What Am I Capable Of?

Written by Kourtney Whitehead

IDENTITY: Who Am I and What Am I Capable Of?
Identity defines how we view ourselves, who we think we are, and what we think we are capable of. Our deepest beliefs anchor our identity with either our human selves or our souls.

There Is A Brighter Way: Freeing The Creativity Within

Written by Diana Rowan

There Is A Brighter Way: Freeing The Creativity Within
Knowing what I know now fires me up with enthusiasm to share this truth: there is a brighter way. What you seek, you will find. I want to impart this to all who approach me about their creative issues and anxieties: there are answers to your suffering and your longing.

Creating A New Worldview and Culture: Women Are The Future

Written by Ariane Burgess

Creating A New Worldview and Culture: Women Are The Future
The Dalai Lama caused quite a stir at the 2009 Peace Summit in Vancouver. He said that “the world would be saved by Western women.” His statement received a range of responses, but many women found it empowering, and it catalyzed women-focused initiatives.

The Medicine We Most Hunger For: Standing Our Ground and Breaking Our Silence

Written by Anaiya Sophia

The Medicine We Most Hunger For: Standing Our Ground and Breaking Our Silence
It’s time to sink down into our roots and reconnect with the natural, the primal, and the instinctual. It’s time to untether and reclaim all the aspects of ourselves that have been shamed, hidden, and tamped down so we can ground our full being and powerful medicine into the world.

Birthing a Planetary Reset

Written by Alan Cohen

Birthing a Planetary Reset
When the pandemic began, I wondered “What good could possibly come of this?” Now some answers are obvious. For one, we are present with our families at a new depth.

Now Is A Great Time To Try Pickling
Now Is A Great Time To Try Pickling

by Donna Lee Brien

Pickling foods in vinegar or fermenting them in brine is one of the oldest food preservation methods. The earliest…

6 Ways To Make The Most Of Going To School Online
6 Ways To Make The Most Of Going To School Online

by Claire Brown and Rannah Scamporlino

Effective learning is a two-way process between the teacher and students, meaning both need to engage.

Five Things Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Life And Death
Five Things Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Life And Death

by Tony Walter

The COVID-19 pandemic and the wall-to-wall news coverage that has come with it has changed many of our lives seemingly…

Why Can't I Stop Thinking About My Dead Parents?
Why Can't I Stop Thinking About My Dead Parents?

by Silvia Panizza

“How can someone stop thinking about his or her dead parents? Is this really possible?” Mirka, by email.

Attaining Radiant Health (also known as Health Beyond Danger)
How To Attain Radiant Health, Longevity, and Your Full Potential

by Ron Teeguarden

One of the great secrets of a long, satisfying, and happy life, according to Eastern wisdom, is to focus on health…

The Healing Power of Ginger: Freedom from Broken Health Systems
The Healing Power of Ginger: Freedom from Broken Health Systems

by Paul Schulick

There is probably only one consensus regarding modern health care: The system is in crisis. The crisis lies not in the…

What's Lost When We're Too Afraid To Touch The World Around Us?
What's Lost When We're Too Afraid To Touch The World Around Us?

by Chunjie Zhang

During one of my daily walks with my toddler, when we passed his favorite playground, I noticed a new sign warning that…

Can Sex In Isolation Be As Fulfilling As Real Life?
Can Sex In Isolation Be As Fulfilling As Real Life?

by Jennifer Power and Andrea Waling

The public health response to COVID-19 has placed unprecedented limits on social contact. Many people may go without…

How Massive Spending In A Crisis Brought Bloody Consequences In Ancient Athens
How Massive Spending In A Crisis Brought Bloody Consequences In Ancient Athens

by Mark Munn

The jump in federal spending in response to the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic is not a new idea.

We Just Spent Two Weeks Surveying The Great Barrier Reef. What We Saw Was An Utter Tragedy
We Just Spent Two Weeks Surveying The Great Barrier Reef. What We Saw Was An Utter Tragedy

by Terry Hughes and Morgan Pratchett

Author supplied The Australian summer just gone will be remembered as the moment when human-caused climate change…

Why Our War With The Environment Will Lead To More Pandemics
Why Our War With The Environment Will Lead To More Pandemics

by Fiona Armstrong et al

To put this into perspective, the vast majority (three out of every four) of new infectious diseases in people come…

Why The Age Of Stability Is Over, And Coronavirus Is Just The Beginning
Why The Age Of Stability Is Over, And Coronavirus Is Just The Beginning

by Wolfgang Knorr

Humanity has only recently become accustomed to a stable climate. For most of its history, long ice ages punctuated…

Why The Bandwagon Effect Beats Advice From Human Experts And A.I.
Why The Bandwagon Effect Beats Advice From Human Experts And A.I.

by Matt Swayne

Advice from artificial intelligence experts may be just as influential as from human experts, researchers report.

Why The Nordics Are Our Best Bet For Comparing Coronavirus Strategies
Why The Nordics Are Our Best Bet For Comparing Coronavirus Strategies

by Paul W Franks

Daily updated graphs illustrating the rising COVID-19 death rates in different countries raise hopes that we can…

6 Tips To Keep Food Safe And Limit Waste
6 Tips To Keep Food Safe And Limit Waste

by Eric Stann

There are things you can do to make sure the food you’re eating during the COVID-19 pandemic is safe and to limit…

The Way Kids Play May Reveal Antisocial Behavior Risk
The Way Kids Play May Reveal Antisocial Behavior Risk

by Cambridge University Press

Certain traits of little kids’ play could signal future aggressive and antisocial behavior, researchers report.

Social Video Games To Play During The Coronavirus Quarantine
Social Video Games To Play During The Coronavirus Quarantine

by Joe Todd, PhD

The #PlayApartTogether campaign has recently been promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to encourage people…

How The Rich Reacted To The Bubonic Plague Has Eerie Similarities To Today's Pandemic
How The Rich Reacted To The Bubonic Plague Has Eerie Similarities To Today's Pandemic

by Kathryn McKinley

The coronavirus can infect anyone, but recent reporting has shown your socioeconomic status can play a big role, with a…

How To Build Community While Worshipping Online
How To Build Community While Worshipping Online

by Heidi A. Campbell

Calls for social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic have forced churches to cancel weekly gatherings, with many…

5 Ways To Be A Better Manager When Working From Home
5 Ways To Be A Better Manager When Working From Home

by Thomas Roulet

Everyone is adjusting to life during the coronavirus pandemic. For many, working from home is the new normal and poses…

Why Wear Face Masks In Public? Here's What The Research Shows
Why Wear Face Masks In Public? Here's What The Research Shows

by Hector Chapa

With the coronavirus pandemic quickly spreading, U.S. health officials have changed their advice on face masks and now…

Stuck At Home With Your Partner? Look To Retirees For How To Make It Work
Stuck At Home With Your Partner? Look To Retirees For How To Make It Work

by Anne Fishel

Across the country an unprecedented number of couples are suddenly spending every waking and sleeping hour of the day…

Sorry To Disappoint Climate Deniers, But Coronavirus Makes The Low-carbon Transition More Urgent
Sorry To Disappoint Climate Deniers, But Coronavirus Makes The Low-carbon Transition More Urgent

by John Hewson

Climate deniers have been hanging out for the United Nations’ next big summit to fail. In a sense, the coronavirus and…

6 Strategies To Juggle Work And Young Kids At Home
6 Strategies To Juggle Work And Young Kids At Home

by Ruchi Sinha

It’s hard enough juggling a job with parenthood when you’ve got young kids. But what do you do when social-distancing…

Facing The Coronavirus Crisis Together Could Lead To Positive Psychological Growth
Facing The Coronavirus Crisis Together Could Lead To Positive Psychological Growth

by Lowri Dowthwaite

Although news reports of hoarding, and panic-buying might make it hard to believe, research shows that natural…

Runny Honey, Furry Spinach And Shiny Apples – Some Super Surprising Facts About Your Food
Runny Honey, Furry Spinach And Shiny Apples – Some Super Surprising Facts About Your Food

by Joanna Buckley

Spending a lot more time in your house doesn’t have to make you any less curious about the world around you.

What Donald Trump's Funding Cuts To WHO Mean For The World
What Donald Trump's Funding Cuts To WHO Mean For The World

by Adam Kamradt-Scott

US President Donald Trump has announced the US is cutting its funding to the World Health Organisation (WHO) – a…

Ancient Texts Encouraged Hope And Endurance When They Spoke Of End Times
Ancient Texts Encouraged Hope And Endurance When They Spoke Of End Times

by Kim Haines-Eitzen

With streets deserted, hospitals full and morgues struggling to cope with the number of bodies, it isn’t surprising…

What We Know About COVID-19's Infectivity And Viral Load
What We Know About COVID-19's Infectivity And Viral Load

by Marta Gaglia and Seema Lakdawala

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, it has become clear that people need to understand basic facts about SARS-CoV-2, the…

A Philosopher Answers 3 Everyday Moral Dilemmas In A Time Of Coronavirus
Answers To 3 Everyday Moral Dilemmas In A Time Of coronavirus

by Lee McIntyre

One of the leading ethical theories is “utilitarianism,” which says that moral decisions and actions should be made on…

Want To Know How Many People Really Have The Coronavirus?

by Daniel N. Rockmore and Michael Herron

Consider these two questions: What percentage of Americans are, or have been, infected with the coronavirus?

Unprecedented Threat' for East Africa as Larger Second Wave of Locust Crisis Arrives Amid Pandemic
Unprecedented Threat' for East Africa as Larger Second Wave of Locust Crisis Arrives Amid Pandemic

by Jessica Corbett

As the coronavirus outbreak delays efforts to eradicate the pests, experts warn locust swarms could grow 20-fold.s the…

5 Tips For Communicating With Your Partner While Stuck At Home
5 Tips For Communicating With Your Partner While Stuck At Home

by Kara Fletcher

Many of us are several weeks into stay-at-home directives from our governments and health officials.

Coronavirus Reveals Just How Deep Macho Stereotypes Run Through Society
Coronavirus Reveals Just How Deep Macho Stereotypes Run Through Society

by Stephen Burrell and Sandy Ruxton

Early indications suggest more men are dying from COVID-19 than women – although some countries, including the UK, are…

It's A Great Time To Start A Vegetable Garden
It's A Great Time To Start A Vegetable Garden

by Rachel Goldlust

There is a long history of looking to one’s own garden or small farm when the weight of economic and political chaos…

Inside The Beatles' Messy Breakup, 50 Years Ago
Inside The Beatles' Messy Breakup, 50 Years Ago

by Tim Riley

Fifty years ago, when Paul McCartney announced he had left the Beatles, the news dashed the hopes of millions of fans,…

5 Ways Parents Can Motivate Children At Home During The Pandemic – Without Nagging Or Tantrums
5 Ways Parents Can Motivate Children At Home During The Pandemic – Without Nagging Or Tantrums

by Wendy Grolnick

Parents have always helped with homework and made sure their children fulfill responsibilities like chores, but the…

How The Ancient Israelites Dealt With Epidemics — The Bible Tells Of Prophecy And Rituals
How The Ancient Israelites Dealt With Epidemics — The Bible Tells Of Prophecy And Rituals

by Hanna Tervanotko

Catastrophes have always touched people’s lives. With these words, the prophet Jeremiah addressed a disaster of his…

Why China Is Emerging As A Leader In Sustainable And Organic Agriculture
Why China Is Emerging As A Leader In Sustainable And Organic Agriculture

by Steffanie Scott and Zhenzhong Si

It’s August and 38C outside a greenhouse on a fruit farm in suburban Nanjing, China. Inside the farmhouse, customers…

How Working From Home During The Pandemic Creates New Cybersecurity Threats
How Working From Home During The Pandemic Creates New Cybersecurity Threats

by Aaron Mauro

If you are a front-line worker or working from home, you must also consider how these adaptations will present…

How Your Personality Affects How You Cope And What You Can Do About It
How Your Personality Affects How You Cope And What You Can Do About It

by Conor Wynn

To some people, fighting in the aisles over toilet paper makes sense. Driven by the social proof of empty shelves and…

Is There A Limit To Optimism When It Comes To Climate Change?
Is There A Limit To Optimism When It Comes To Climate Change?

by Fiacha Heneghan

‘We’re doomed’: a common refrain in casual conversation about climate change. It signals an awareness that we cannot…

What Do We Know About COVID-19 And Pets?
What Do We Know About COVID-19 And Pets?

by Caroline Brooks

Because COVID-19 is a new virus, it’s critical for humans to take extra precautions around animals and pets, says…

That Is Chosen Or Not Can Be A Chance To Hit The Reset Button
Why Time Alone That Is Chosen Or Not, Can Be A Chance To Hit The Reset Button

by Thuy-vy Nguyen

'Solitude has become a topic of fascination in modern Western societies because we believe it is a lost art – often…

Isolating Together Is Challenging – And Relationship Stresses Can Affect Biological Functioning
Isolating Together Is Challenging – And Relationship Stresses Can Affect Biological Functioning

by Hannah L. Schacter

In the wake of COVID-19 social distancing and stay-at-home orders, young couples may find themselves spending more time…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

 Horoscope Current Week: April 20 - 26, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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