Image by Epsita Mahapatra

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we reflect on self-care, but with a much wider definition than usually attached to that term. Self-care is usually taken as things you do for yourself specifically... such as massages, manicures, pedicures, facials, vacations, good night's sleep, healthy food, etc. Yet since we are all connected, and are all one, self-care involves taking care of our own Self (with a capital "s") which includes the planet and its inhabitants as a whole.

We start our featured articles this week with "Ho‘oponopono: Putting Things Right Again and Re-establishing The Cosmic Order" because forgiveness and acceptance are of great importance in taking care of ourselves and of our happiness. We follow that up with "Befriending Problems: Making Friends With What Is". Accepting "what is" is a form of self-care as we take care of our emotions, our attitudes, our perspectives... and thus our inner well-being.

Another aspect of taking care of ourselves is to rein in the fear that the mind may be running on "repeat" or possibly even "binging" on, thus we present you with "4 Strategies to Increase Your Luck and Reduce Fear In A Time of Crisis".

And in the traditional meaning of self-care, we offer you some information and recipes for "Essential Oils as Aromatics, in Healing, and for Pleasure" as well as some instruction for "Balancing and Healing Yourself: Getting Started with Jin Shin Jyutsu".

Another method of self-care is mindfulness and meditation and Travis Ruskus brings us "The Rock Balancer’s Guide to Mindfulness and Peace of Mind". Check out the video at the end of his article for some awesome stone "balanced works of art".

And of course the InnerSelf website is replete with articles that deal with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self-care not only for you as an individual but also for the other inhabitants of Planet Earth and for Mother Earth herself.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, healthy, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Ho‘oponopono: Putting Things Right Again and Re-establishing The Cosmic Order

Written by Ulrich E. Duprée

 Ho‘oponopono: Putting Things Right Again and Re-establishing The Cosmic Order
Ho‘oponopono is one of the kahuna sciences, ancient shamanistic teachings from Hawaii, and describes a method for resolving personal problems and interpersonal conflict. The aim of ho‘oponopono is to heal relationships on many levels...

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Befriending Problems: Making Friends With What Is

Written by Diane R. Gehart

Befriending Problems: Making Friends With What Is
The wisdom of non-attachment is most applicable when dealing with life’s problems: whether small irritants or major life losses. The secret is to befriend our problems and create new relationships with them.

4 Strategies to Increase Your Luck and Reduce Fear In A Time of Crisis

Written by Carol Kline

4 Strategies to Increase Your Luck and Reduce Fear In A Time of Crisis
There is nothing lucky about a pandemic. All of us living through the present one can agree it’s frightening, upsetting, and increasingly surreal. Life as we know it has been severely disrupted and promises to remain so for a while.

Essential Oils as Aromatics, in Healing, and for Pleasure

Written by Vannoy Gentles Fite

Essential Oils as Aromatics, in Healing, and for Pleasure
Our ancestors were extremely awe-inspiring in the ways they incorporated essential oils into not just healing and saving lives, but in every aspect of their daily routines and healing methods. Herbs, plants, and the oils derived from them, were the main components of healing in every culture on earth for hundreds of thousands of years.

Balancing and Healing Yourself: Getting Started with Jin Shin Jyutsu

Written by Alexis Brink

Balancing and Healing Yourself: Getting Started with Jin Shin Jyutsu
Though the Art of Jin Shin bears some similarities to acupuncture, the practice achieves its transformative results without needles, using only a gentle touch—a methodology that translates very nicely to self-care. All you need in order to get started are your fingers and hands, and a little bit of time and patience.

The Rock Balancer’s Guide to Mindfulness and Peace of Mind

Written by Travis Ruskus

The Rock Balancer’s Guide to Mindfulness and Peace of Mind
We experience a state of physical and mental clarity whenever we stop to simply breathe for a few moments. This state of being is mindfulness, reached by quieting the booming voice of the ego to listen to the true voice of our soul as it interacts with the wisdom of the Earth.

Psychology Can Explain Why Coronavirus Drives Us To Panic Buy And How To Stop
Psychology Can Explain Why Coronavirus Drives Us To Panic Buy And How To Stop

by Melissa Norberg and Derek Rucker

In an address on Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison expressed his dismay at the hordes of “panic buyers” sweeping…

How Economies Can Survive A Period Of Suspended Animation To Deal With Coronavirus
How Economies Can Survive A Period Of Suspended Animation To Deal With Coronavirus

by Michael Yaziji

As coronavirus spreads across the world, politicians are confusing the current economic situation with a recession.

What I’ve Learned From 3,000 Children And Adolescents About Kindness
What I’ve Learned From 3,000 Children And Adolescents About Kindness

by John-Tyler Binfet

After asking more than 3,000 students about kindness, I’ve learned a lot about just how children and adolescents…

Here Are Some Ways To Cope With The Anxiety
Here Are Some Ways To Cope With The Anxiety

by Louise Stone and Katrina McLean

One of our patients was recently talking about her anxiety around the coronavirus epidemic. This woman’s stress was…

How To Talk To Your Dog – According To Science
How To Talk To Your Dog – According To Science

by Juliane Kaminsk

Dogs are special. Every dog owner knows that. And most dog owners feel their dog understands every word they say and…

How To Celebrate Easter Under Lockdown
How To Celebrate Easter Under Lockdown

by Dafydd Mills Daniel

With churches closed and annual pilgrimages cancelled, Christians across the world are wondering how to give thanks to…

Defoe's Account Of The Great Plague Of 1665 Has Startling Parallels With Today
Defoe's Account Of The Great Plague Of 1665 Has Startling Parallels With Today

by David Roberts

In 1722, Daniel Defoe pulled off one of the great literary hoaxes of all time. A Journal of the Plague Year, he called…

Social Distancing Increased Over The Course Of Human History – But So Did Empathy And New Ways To Connect
Empathy And New Ways To Connect Have Increased Over The Course Of Human History

by Fritz Breithaupt

While the increased isolation and spacing of the new drastic measures come as shock to many people, social distancing…

How Older People And Those With Chronic Health Conditions Can Stay Active At Home
How Older People And Those With Chronic Health Conditions Can Stay Active At Home

by Rachel Climie and Erin Howden

Fitbit recently released data showing a global decrease in physical activity levels among users of its activity…

Personalities That Thrive In Isolation And What We Can All Learn From Time Alone
Personalities That Thrive In Isolation And What We Can All Learn From Time Alone

by Luke Smillie and Nick Haslam

The coronavirus pandemic has caused tens of thousands of deaths around the world and pushed major economies into a…

How Nature Might Respond As Coronavirus Keeps Humans Indoors
How Nature Might Respond As Coronavirus Keeps Humans Indoors

by Sarah Bekessy, et al

Intriguing things sometimes happen in places deserted by people. Plants creep back, animals return and, slowly…

The Medieval History Of Passover: Libel, Conspiracy, And Hope For Freedom
The Medieval History Of Passover: Libel, Conspiracy, And Hope For Freedom

by Miri Rubin

On April 8, Jewish families and their friends will be celebrating the first night of the week of Passover, with the…

The Psychology Of Lockdown Suggests Sticking To Rules Gets Harder The Longer It Continues
The Psychology Of Lockdown Suggests Sticking To Rules Gets Harder The Longer It Continues

by Dougal Sutherland

New Zealand has now reached a midway point of a comprehensive four-week lockdown and there have already been some rule…

Why Your Local Store Keeps Running Out Of Flour, Toilet Paper And Prescription Drugs
3 Reasons Your Local Store Keeps Running Out Of Flour, Toilet Paper And Prescription Drugs

by Nada R. Sanders

Retailers are frequently running out of everything from flour and fresh meat to toilet paper and pharmaceuticals as…

How The Civic Health Is Being Tested
How The Civic Health Is Being Tested

by David Jacobson and Zacharias Pieri

The immediate concerns of the coronavirus are clear: an unprecedented health crisis and economic devastation.

What Causes A Second Wave Of Disease Outbreak?
What Causes A Second Wave Of Disease Outbreak?

by Nic Geard and James Wood

Following the emergence and rapid spread of COVID-19, several countries have succeeded in bringing local outbreaks…

Why A Virtual Passover May Be The First For Many
Why A Virtual Passover May Be The First For Many

by Samuel L. Boyd

As the coronavirus pandemic spreads across the globe, it is affecting how families celebrate important religious events…

Why Seeing A Daily Coronavirus Death Toll Might Actually Make Us Take More Risks
Why Seeing A Daily Coronavirus Death Toll Might Actually Make Us Take More Risks

by David Comerford and Simon McCabe

People are currently being bombarded with reports of the daily death toll from coronavirus. Practically every news…

Lessons From The History Of Solitude
Lessons From The History Of Solitude

by David Vincent

It’s hard to believe now, but until relatively recently, solitude – or the experience of being alone for significant…

Coronavirus FAQs: Should I Wear A Mask? How Long Will Schools Be Closed? Can I Get COVID-19 Twice?
Coronavirus FAQs: Should I Wear A Mask? How Long Will Schools Be Closed? Can I Get COVID-19 Twice?

by Kieran Moore

The global number of confirmed COVID-19 cases surpassed one million in early April, nearly doubling in a week.

What Are The Chances We'll Change Our Behaviour In The Aftermath Of Coronavirus?
What Are The Chances We'll Change Our Behaviour In The Aftermath Of Coronavirus?

by Katie Gibbs, et al

The world as we know it may never be the same. The global economy has slowed, people are living in isolation and the…

7 Tips To Get Your Sleep Cycle Back On Track
7 Tips To Get Your Sleep Cycle Back On Track

by Dr Lesley Ingram-Sills

You might have noticed your normal sleep pattern has changed. Some of us may be sleeping more, and some of us may be…

Many Drinking Its Way Through The Coronavirus Crisis – That Means More Health Woes Ahead
Many Are Drinking Their Way Through The Coronavirus Crisis – That Means More Health Woes Ahead

by David H. Jernigan

In the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic, it has become easier to buy alcohol than toilet paper or eggs.

How Your Circadian Rhythm May Keep You Sane And Healthy
How Your Circadian Rhythm May Keep You Sane And Healthy

by Satchin Panda

Social distancing and washing hands have become the frontline in the fight against COVID-19, but there is another…

Here's What The Coronavirus Pandemic Can Teach Us About Tackling Climate Change
Here's What The Coronavirus Pandemic Can Teach Us About Tackling Climate Change

by Natasha Chassagne

Every aspect of our lives has been affected by the coronavirus. The global economy has slowed, people have retreated to…

Math Misconceptions May Lead People To Underestimate The True Threats
Math Misconceptions May Lead People To Underestimate True Threats

by Clarissa A. Thompson, et al

People all across the U.S. claim that they are “not math people.” They even readily admit to their hatred for some math…

Understanding The Danger Of Latex Gloves
Understanding The Danger Of Latex Gloves

by Simon Clarke

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a great deal of interest in how people might avoid getting infected.

When Quarantine Used To Be A Normal Part Of Life It Wasn't Much Liked Then, Either
When Quarantine Used To Be A Normal Part Of Life It Wasn't Much Liked Then, Either

by Olivia Durand

Lockdown, which one-third of the world is currently experiencing, is nothing new. Lockdown is a form of quarantine, a…

What The Coronavirus Lockdown Could Mean For Urban Wildlife
What The Coronavirus Lockdown Could Mean For Urban Wildlife

by Becky Thomas

As quarantine measures take hold across the world, our towns and cities are falling silent. With most people indoors…

Here's Why Soil Smells So Good After It Rains
Here's Why Soil Smells So Good After It Rains

by Klas Flärdh and Paul Becher

Did you ever wonder what causes that earthy smell that rises after a light summer rain?

6 Ways To Build Motivation To Do Your Schoolwork Online At Home
6 Ways To Build Motivation To Do Your Schoolwork Online At Home

by Ryan Korstange

Even in normal circumstances, it can be hard to get motivated to do your schoolwork. But these are not normal…

How A Basic Economic Principle Could Derail Our Ability To Combat The Coronavirus
How A Basic Economic Principle Could Derail Our Ability To Combat The Coronavirus

by Leigh Osofsky

A series of recent protests by the workers preparing and delivering our essential foods and other goods highlights a…

5 Ways To Teach Children About Climate Change
5 Ways To Teach Children About Climate Change

by William Finnegan

Climate change is an interdisciplinary subject that both school children and adults think is important. And as we deal…

Biggest Companies Pay The Least Tax, Leaving Society More Vulnerable To Pandemic
Biggest Companies Pay The Least Tax, Leaving Society More Vulnerable To Pandemic

by Sandy Brian Hager and Joseph Baines

The coronavirus pandemic is rocking financial markets, disrupting supply chains and sharply reducing consumer spending.

Lockdown Can Be Stressful For Pets Too – Here's How To Keep Your Dog Entertained
Lockdown Can Be Stressful For Pets Too – Here's How To Keep Your Dog Entertained

by Alex Benjamin

Many of us have been adjusting to new routines these past few weeks. Working from home comes with positives, like being…

Here Is Why You Might Be Feeling Tired While On Lockdown
Here Is Why You Might Be Feeling Tired While On Lockdown

by Sarita Robinson and John Leach

A lot of people have been posting on social media saying they have been feeling tired earlier than usual while on…

Why It's Not OK To Take Small Social Risks During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Why It's Not OK To Take Small Social Risks During The COVID-19 Pandemic

by Catharine Chambers and Daniel Harris

We’ve all heard the advice from public health officials: stay at home, wash your hands and don’t touch your face!

How To Discover The Wildlife Wonders Of Your Own Garden
How To Discover The Wildlife Wonders Of Your Own Garden

by Mark Fellowes and Ian D. Rotherham

Being stuck at home during lockdown could be a golden opportunity to reset your connection with nature.

Social Distancing Works – Just Ask Lobsters, Ants And Vampire Bats
Social Distancing Works – Just Ask Lobsters, Ants And Vampire Bats

by Dana Hawley and Julia Buck

Social distancing to combat COVID-19 is profoundly impacting society, leaving many people wondering whether it will…

How Coronavirus Threatens The Seasonal Farmworkers At The Heart Of The American Food Supply
How Coronavirus Threatens The Seasonal Farmworkers At The Heart Of The Food Supply

by Michael Haedicke

Many Americans may find bare grocery store shelves the most worrying sign of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on…

How Social Isolation Can Enrich Our Spiritual Lives – Like Robinson Crusoe
How Social Isolation Can Enrich Our Spiritual Lives – Like Robinson Crusoe

by Richard Gunderman

He survived the last great plague in London and the city’s Great Fire. He was imprisoned and persecuted for his…

Why Make Canada's Adoption Of Telemedicine Change Permanent
Why Make Canada's Adoption Of Telemedicine Change Permanent

by Inderveer Mahal

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed how doctors provide health care. This public health crisis has shifted the…

Coronavirus Response Proves The World Can Act On Climate Change
Coronavirus Response Proves The World Can Act On Climate Change

by Eric Galbraith and Ross Otto

In the past few weeks, governments around the world have enacted dramatic measures to mitigate the threat of COVID-19.

Shakespeare lived his life in plague-time. He was born in April 1564, a few months before an outbreak of bubonic plague swept across England and killed a quarter of the people in his hometown.
After The Plague, Shakespeare Imagined A World Saved From Poison, Slander And The Evil Eye

by Paul Yachnin

Shakespeare lived his life in plague-time. He was born in April 1564, a few months before an outbreak of bubonic plague…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

 Horoscope Current Week: April 13 - 19, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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