Image by Prawny

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we look at new ways to deal with our present, new ways to respond to the challenges and crises that are being presented to us. We look at both sides of the coin that we've been handed, whether we are dealing with the new reality with the coronavirus, or other challenges of daily life. As with every situation in life, we have a choice as to how we respond and a choice as to how we interpret the challenge.

I start the featured articles with "What Works For Me: Asking Why" as a method that helps me discover "the gift" and what is to be learned in challenging situations. In her article, Joyce Vissell speaks of her experience with the loss of a child, 33 years ago, in "Sheltering at Home: A Different Kind of Gratitude".

Then, author Jonathan Hammond shares "A Shamanic Perspective: The Corona Virus Seen Through A Shaman's Mind" and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Ervin Laszlo, suggests a new way of looking at our current reality in "The Pandemic Is An Opportunity For Global Change: A Better World Is Waiting To Be Built".

Sarah Varcas looks at the coming months through her insightful perspective and knowledge of astrology in "Waking Up To Our New Reality: Facing Our Fear and Our Future" while Ora Nadrich offers assistance in "Moving through the 7 Grief Stages of the Coronavirus Pandemic"

Pam Younghans wraps up our featured articles by offering some very practical advice in this week's "Astrological Journal. She suggests: "...remember to pause and breathe when you feel the stress. Then choose positive ways to move any energy that is manifesting as frustration or anger." So again we are reminded that we have choices as to how we react or how we deal with what we are facing.

It always comes back to that... our choosing the direction and method of our life's journey... anger and hatred... or love and compassion. Which path will you choose? Will this be a time to heal, a time to love, and a time to accept our differences while recognizing our unity? Let us make this the time to do so!

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

What Works For Me: Asking Why

Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

What Works For Me: Asking Why
For me, learning often comes from understanding "why". Why things are the way they are, why things happen, why people are the way they are, why I act the way I do, why other people act the way they do. Once I understand the "why" of a situation, I can then understand how I need to respond both now and in the future.

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Sheltering at Home: A Different Kind of Gratitude

Written by Joyce Vissell

Sheltering at Home: A Different Kind of Gratitude
And in this period of sheltering at home, 33 years ago, this is the most important lesson I learned. The practice of gratitude is powerful and can bring us through even the hardest times.

A Shamanic Perspective: The Corona Virus Seen Through A Shaman's Mind

Written by Jonathan Hammond

A Shamanic Perspective: The Corona Virus Seen Through A Shaman's Mind
At this tumultuous time on the planet, many of us are yearning for a spiritual context for the devastating Corona Virus and for higher guidance to show us the part that we are each to play in the global crisis that we now face. There are no easy or “pat” answers to these deep and troubling questions.

The Pandemic Is An Opportunity For Global Change: A Better World Is Waiting To Be Built

Written by Ervin Laszlo

The Pandemic Is An Opportunity For Global Change: A Better World Is Waiting To Be Built
The pandemic we are experiencing is temporary; it will pass into history as all the previous pandemics did. But the change it brings may be lasting. It can be change for the better, or change for the worst. Making it a change for the better is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss.

Waking Up To Our New Reality: Facing Our Fear and Our Future

Written by Sarah Varcas

Waking Up To Our New Reality
When embroiled in the midst of a crisis, the longer view can sometimes help. Reflecting on how we got here, where we want to get to and how we can do so, gives both context and meaning to our current trials. It transforms us from the victim of fate to...

Moving through the 7 Grief Stages of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Written by Ora Nadrich

Moving through the 7 Grief Stages of the Coronavirus Pandemic
As we’ve had to give up our normal lives for the foreseeable future, many of us are also feeling a type of grief similar to mourning the death of a loved one. The coronavirus has caused the death of a way of life we were used to.

Get Back In The Garden With These Ideas
Get Back In The Garden With These Ideas

by Anthea Batsakis

Right now, the best thing we can do to help stop the alarming spread of coronavirus is to stay home. But that doesn’t…

Are You A Cyberloafer? Why Internet Procrastination Is Making Life Easier For Hackers
Are You A Cyberloafer? Why Internet Procrastination Is Making Life Easier For Hackers

by Lee Hadlington

The biggest threat to an organisation’s cyber-security comes from within, according to a growing body of evidence.

Coronavirus Pandemic Is An Opportunity To Create Affordable Cities
Coronavirus Pandemic Is An Opportunity To Create Affordable Cities

by Howard Ramos et al

Every crisis shows cracks in the current system and points a glaring spotlight on the inequities that were overlooked…

5 Novels From The Victorian Era To Give Comfort In Troubled Times
5 Victorian Novels To Give Comfort In Troubled Times

by Pam Lock

The evolution of the novel and short story in the 19th century brought us one of the greatest human sources of comfort,…

As The World Stays At Home, Where Is The Pandemic Heading?
As The World Stays At Home, Where Is The Pandemic Heading?

by Lionel Cavicchioli

From New York to Moscow, Johannesburg to Buenos Aires, the novel coronavirus continues its global journey. On March 30…

Europeans Introduced Devastating Novel Diseases To The Indigenous Americas – Here's What The Survivors Learned
Europeans Introduced Devastating Novel Diseases To The Indigenous Americas – Here's What The Survivors Learned

by Felice S. Wyndham

When infections sweep through human populations that have never experienced them before, the impacts are biological,…

Why This Is A Once In A Lifetime Chance To Reshape How We Travel

Why This Is A Once In A Lifetime Chance To Reshape How We Travel

by Marcus Enoch and James Warren

This isn’t a normal period of disruption, which is usually caused by failures in supply such as road accidents or…

How We Can Help Children In Uncertain Times Through Mindfulness And Play

How We Can Help Children In Uncertain Times Through Mindfulness And Play

by Ben Deery

Earlier that day her swimming and basketball lessons were cancelled, a birthday party postponed, and she had to race…

How Playing Video Games Can Ease Loneliness During The Coronavirus Pandemic

How Playing Video Games Can Ease Loneliness During The Coronavirus Pandemic

by Aaron Langille et al

As communities across the globe are urged to stay indoors and practice physical distancing measures, feelings of…

How Medieval Writers Struggled To Make Sense Of The Black Death

How Medieval Writers Struggled To Make Sense Of The Black Death

by Kriston R. Rennie

A plague of serious proportions is ravaging the world. But not for the first time. From 1347-51, the Black Death killed…

Which Jobs Are Most At Risk From The Coronavirus Shutdown?

Which Jobs Are Most At Risk From The Coronavirus Shutdown?

by Jeff Borland

The immediate impact of the coronavirus shutdown is striking in its magnitude, its speed and its concentration on a…

Managing Postpartum Depression: New Moms Isolated By Coronavirus Pandemic

Managing Postpartum Depression: New Moms Isolated By Coronavirus Pandemic

by Ryan Van Lieshout

Up to one in five women will develop postpartum depression, a condition that can adversely affect the thoughts…

No Musical Talent, No Problem — There Are Now Apps For That

No Musical Talent, No Problem — There Are Now Apps For That

by Marina Eckersley

A new social music app is pushing the boundaries of music creation by making recording artists out of novices with…

The Safest Sex You'll Never Have: How Coronavirus Is Changing Online Dating

The Safest Sex You'll Never Have: How Coronavirus Is Changing Online Dating

by Lisa Portolan

When Tinder issued an in-app public service announcement regarding COVID-19 on March 3 we all had a little laugh as a…

Why Clapping For Healthcare Workers Feels So Strangely Uplifting

Why Clapping For Healthcare Workers Feels So Strangely Uplifting

by Catherine Loveday

Like millions of people across Europe, I had. My London street had come alive – despite lockdown – with people cheering…

Be Kind To Your Body On Lockdown, Look To The Diversity Of People In The Real World

Be Kind To Your Body On Lockdown, Look To The Diversity Of People In The Real World

by Jane Ogden

In the past 30 years, there has been a dramatic increase in body criticism. Most women, and many men, feel dissatisfied…

How Coronavirus Challenges Muslims' Faith And Changes Their Lives

How Coronavirus Challenges Muslims' Faith And Changes Their Lives

by Mehmet Ozalp

As the world faces the greatest disruption of our lifetimes, Muslims throughout the world are also grappling with the…

How To Boost Your Internet Speed When Everyone Is Working From Home

How To Boost Your Internet Speed When Everyone Is Working From Home

by James Jin Kang and Paul Haskell-Dowland

With #StayAtHome and social distancing now becoming a way of life, an increasing number of people are relying on the…

4 Weird Things That Happen When You Videoconference

4 Weird Things That Happen When You Videoconference

by Norm Friesen

As the COVID-19 pandemic forces many U.S. colleges and universities to move their courses online, connecting online via…

Lockdown Could Test Your Relationship. Here's How To Keep It Intact And Even Improve It

Lockdown Could Test Your Relationship. Here's How To Keep It Intact And Even Improve It

by Raquel Peel

With the raft of social distancing measures in place to control the spread of coronavirus, you may be spending more…

How Social Distancing May Be A Rare Chance To Get Our Sleep Patterns Closer To What Nature Intended

How Social Distancing May Be A Rare Chance To Get Our Sleep Patterns Closer To What Nature Intended

by Zlatan Krizan

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting daily routines around the world. Overwhelmed hospitals, desolate schools, ghostly…

Coronavirus Pandemic Has Unleashed A Wave Of Cyber Attacks – Here's How To Protect Yourself

Coronavirus Pandemic Has Unleashed A Wave Of Cyber Attacks – Here's How To Protect Yourself

by Chaminda Hewage

While most of the world is trying to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems hackers are not on lockdown.

Steve Martin’s Banjo And Other Music Played From Isolation Show How The Arts Connect Us

Steve Martin’s Banjo And Other Music Played From Isolation Show How The Arts Connect Us

by Roberta Lamb and Robbie MacKay

Many musicians are reaching out from isolation on balconies, in condos or the outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

5 Buddhist Teachings That Can Help You Deal With Anxiety

5 Buddhist Teachings That Can Help You Deal With Anxiety

by Brooke Schedneck

Buddhist meditation centers and temples in coronavirus-hit countries around the world have been closed to the public in…

Once You Have Coronavirus Antibodies, Are You Safe?

Once You Have Coronavirus Antibodies, Are You Safe?

by Connor Bamford

Patrick Vallance, chief scientific adviser to the UK government, recently said that many groups are working on blood…

Here Are 4 Ways To Keep Kids At Home Happy Without Resorting To Netflix

Here Are 4 Ways To Keep Kids At Home Happy Without Resorting To Netflix

by Erin Mackenzie and Penny Van Bergen

Some schools in Australia have moved online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools in which students and staff…

Why A Better World Needs Better Economics

Why A Better World Needs Better Economics

by David Korten

Science warns us that the 2020s will be humanity’s last opportunity to save itself from a climate catastrophe.

Is Your Mental Health Deteriorating During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Is Your Mental Health Deteriorating During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

by Michaela Pascoe and Alexandra Parker

Medicare-subsidised psychology and psychiatry sessions, as well as GP visits, can now take place via phone and video…

These Tools Help Older People Connect Digitally While Isolating

These Tools Help Older People Connect Digitally While Isolating

by Daniel Miller

Social isolation is hardly a new experience for many older people. If there is one silver lining to the current…

Will Home Cooking Make A comeback?

Will Home Cooking Make A Comeback?

by Sylvain Charlebois

These are unprecedented times. As we deal with the current coronavirus pandemic, we find our regular routines and…

How Different Countries Are Invoking Extra Powers To Stop The Coronavirus

How Different Countries Are Invoking Extra Powers To Stop The Coronavirus

by Alan Greene

National constitutions and international human rights treaties often contain clauses that allow governments to…

Feeling Overwhelmed? Approach Coronavirus As A Challenge To Be Met, Not A Threat To Be Feared

Feeling Overwhelmed? Approach Coronavirus As A Challenge To Be Met, Not A Threat To Be Feared

by Bethany Teachman

You have a choice to make when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic. Do you treat this time as an insurmountable threat…

What Will The World Be Like After Coronavirus?

What Will The World Be Like After Coronavirus?

by Simon Mair

Where will we be in six months, a year, ten years from now? I lie awake at night wondering what the future holds for my…

Household Cleaning Products Can Kill The Virus – An Expert On Which Ones To Use

Household Cleaning Products Can Kill The Virus – An Expert On Which Ones To Use

by Lena Ciric

COVID-19 has only been around for a few months, so at this point scientists don’t know that much about it.

Pregnant In A Time Of Coronavirus – The Changing Risks And What You Need To Know

Pregnant In A Time Of Coronavirus – The Changing Risks And What You Need To Know

by Hector Chapa

“So, being pregnant and delivering in a pandemic … what’s that gonna look like?” That question, sent to me by a…

What Early Christian Communities Tell Us About Giving Financial Aid At A Time Of Crises

What Early Christian Communities Tell Us About Giving Financial Aid At A Time Of Crises

by Cavan W. Concannon

Sometime in the late second century A.D., Christians in the city of Rome organized a collection to send to the…

Fighting Boredom With Banjos And Russian Grammar – Tips From Polar Explorers For Surviving Months Of Isolation

Fighting Boredom With Banjos And Russian Grammar – Tips From Polar Explorers For Surviving Months Of Isolation

by Daniella McCahey

Due to Antarctica’s extreme winter, which includes four months of total darkness, polar explorers endured intense…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

 Horoscope Week: April 6 - 12, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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