Image by Gordon Johnson

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

During challenging times, and probably mostly during challenging times, we need to remember that "this too shall pass" and that in every problem or crisis, there is something to be learned, another step to be taken on the ladder of life's learning. We are all experiencing "homeschooling"  here at home on Planet Earth, with Mother Nature as our teacher.

And perhaps the first lesson is to stop and slow down... whether we are doing so by choice or by necessity. Sarah Varcas shares some insights in "Imagine That…. The Pause, The Power, and The Renewal".

One good thing that may come from these experiences of seclusion is time to center and reflect. Pierre Pradervand shares a different perspective on a well-known prayer in "A Simple Meditation To Start Your Day: The Shepherd’s Psalm".

Then, once we have slowed down, connected with our calm center, it may be time to start (as presented by Eileen Workman) "Rewriting the Script: From Separation to Symbiosis". There are many tools we can use as we recreate our life and our future, and Amy Posey and Kevin Vallely share "Professional Adventurers' Top 3 Tips For Surviving A Crisis".

One of the blocks to our moving forward in this time of renewal is probably a very common one, procrastination, and Jude Bijou offers "7 Steps to Get Out of the Quicksand of Procrastination". Dr. Joe Luciani then gives us great advice in: "Don’t Allow Covid19 to Infect Your Mind".

Much of the changes we are experiencing are being referred to, by some, as the new normal. Charles Eisenstein encourages us to examine where we are headed, in: "How Much Of Life Will We Forego To Stay Safe?".

While this is indeed a challenging time for many on Planet Earth, as with all "life lessons" there is a purpose, one that we usually are not aware of at the moment. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to search for the clues to what we can learn from this experience, and how it can assist us in creating a better "we", and a better world for all.

We are experiencing a physical sense of isolation, but upon reflection, we may realize that humanity was already on a path of isolation, even though is was disguised as connection... via the impersonal aspect of the internet, of online shopping, of simply observing life via the 24-hour news channels, of families separated by thousands of miles, of communicating via text messages and emojis, etc. Our "self-isolation" was already happening before Covid19, but it was not as physically obvious as it is now.

We can take this time to reflect on "the good and the bad" of isolation, and at how we want our life to be as we move into the many tomorrows to come. The story of the future has yet to be written, and we are its authors. So what's it going to be? Are we going to remain isolated, or use this experience to find the true connection between everyone on Planet Earth, and start caring about all the other beings out there in our common world. The choice, as always, is up to each one of us.

And as Pam Younghans shares in the "Astrological Journal for the Week":

"...may our vision become clearer this week. May our inspiration deepen, and may we have an enhanced ability to see meanings and purposes. May we connect with our true selves and with loved ones at deeper levels than before. May we each set the intention for powerful and necessary change to occur for the benefit of all beings, as gently as possible."

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

We have introduced a new feature on the website (found on each page in the right hand column), a section entitled "From the Editors". This will include short tidbits of insight, information, and inspiration from the editors of InnerSelf: Robert B. Jennings and Marie T. Russell.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, loving, and healthy week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Imagine That…. The Pause, The Power, and The Renewal

Written by Sarah Varcas

03 23 imagine that pause power and renewal
It goes without saying that we’re living amidst intense times. Fear is rife, isolation everywhere and contradictory information and opinion abounds, clarifying one minute, confusing the next. Communities are in lock-down and no one knows quite what happens next.

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A Simple Meditation To Start Your Day: The Shepherd’s Psalm

Written by Pierre Pradervand

A Simple Meditation To Start Your Day: The Shepherd’s Psalm
There is a brief text which is one of the most universal, ecumenical texts in the world spiritual literature. Be you a Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew, follower of shamanist practices, this text speaks to any open heart. The reason is that it is pure poetry, being composed solely of metaphors.

Rewriting the Script: From Separation to Symbiosis

Written by Eileen Workman

Rewriting the Script: From Separation to Symbiosis
The irony of anyone standing firmly resistant to change is that we awaken into a brand new world every day. We call it the universe, and it’s never the same place twice. In our universe, though, the changes happening all around us are either so constant we take them for granted or so slow and imperceptible we fail to notice them.

Professional Adventurers' Top 3 Tips For Surviving A Crisis

Written by Amy Posey and Kevin Vallely

03 27 professional adventurers top 3 tips for surviving a crisis
An adventure can be something you actively prepare for and intentionally seek out, but it can also be an experience that hits you broadside with no prior warning and leaves you scrambling for what to do next. The current COVID-19 crisis falls squarely into the latter category and navigating through it is an adventure in every sense of the word.

7 Steps to Get Out of the Quicksand of Procrastination

Written by Jude Bijou

7 Steps to Get Out of the Quicksand of Procrastination
Almost everyone procrastinates. We usually do it to avoid a task that's unpleasant or daunting. When procrastinating starts to interfere with our quality of life by causing us to feel worried, fearful, lazy, or irresponsible, then it's time to get on with it.

Don’t Allow Covid19 to Infect Your Mind

Written by Dr. Joe Luciani

Don’t Allow Covid19 to Infect Your Mind
As sports arenas, streets and neighborhood gyms lie quiet and abandoned, we find ourselves without a frame of reference to cope with these apocalyptic changes to our once predictable lives. Does this mean that anxiety, stress, depression and panic are now inescapable parts of life?

How Much Of Life Will We Forego To Stay Safe?

Written by Charles Eisenstein

How Much Of Life Will We Forego To Stay Safe?
Over my lifetime I’ve seen society place more and more emphasis on safety, security, and risk reduction. It has especially impacted childhood: as a young boy it was normal for us to roam a mile from home unsupervised – behavior that would earn parents a visit from Child Protective Services today.

6 Things You Can Do To Cope With Boredom At A Time Of Social Distancing
6 Things You Can Do To Cope With Boredom At A Time Of Social Distancing

by Erin C. Westgate

More and more of us are staying home in an attempt to slow down the spreading coronavirus. But being stuck at home can…

How To Protect Your Online Security And Privacy Working From Home
How To Protect Your Online Security And Privacy Working From Home

by Jason Nurse

Remote working can be a blessing. More time with family, less commuting, and meetings from the comfort of your living…

Answers To 7 Questions Your Kids May Have About The Pandemic
Answers To 7 Questions Your Kids May Have About The Pandemic

by Nicole Racine and Sheri Madigan

When stress is heightened — which it is for all of us right now because of the COVID-19 pandemic — children become…

Can Job Guarantees And Basic Income Save Us From An Economic Depression?
Can Job Guarantees And Basic Income Save Us From An Economic Depression?

by D.T. Cochrane

COVID-19 is both a public health crisis and an economic crisis. The measures taken to deal with the public health…

The Doctor Will Skype You Now
The Doctor Will Skype You Now

by Matt Mason and Peta-Anne Zimmerman

The Australian government today announced new telehealth consultations will be covered under the Medicare Benefits…

Why It Is OK To Vent, Sometimes
Why It Is OK To Vent, Sometimes

by Arash Javanbakht

The COVID-19 pandemic is different from many crises in that it has affected all of us regardless of politics,…

We Know How Long Coronavirus Survives On Surfaces. Here's What It Means For Handling Money, Food And More
We Know How Long Coronavirus Survives On Surfaces. Here's What It Means For Handling Money, Food And More

by Ian M. Mackay and Katherine Arden

Like the other 200 or so respiratory viruses we know of, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),…

10 Ways To Spot Online Misinformation
10 Ways To Spot Online Misinformation

by H. Colleen Sinclair

Propagandists are already working to sow disinformation and social discord in the run-up to the November elections.

Is The Loss Of Your Sense Of Smell And Taste An Early Sign Of COVID-19?
Is The Loss Of Your Sense Of Smell And Taste An Early Sign Of COVID-19?

by Steven D. Munger and Jeb M. Justice

Doctors from around the world are reporting cases of COVID-19 patients who have lost their sense of smell, known as…

Anxiety About Coronavirus Can Increase The Risk Of Infection — But Exercise Can Help
Anxiety About Coronavirus Can Increase The Risk Of Infection — But Exercise Can Help

by Jennifer J. Heisz

Worried about COVID-19? You may be putting yourself at undue risk, because chronic anxiety suppresses the immune system…

Tiny Moments Of Pleasure Really Can Help Us Through This Stressful Time
How Tiny Moments Of Pleasure Really Can Help Us Through This Stressful Time

by Desirée Kozlowski

If I told you that last night I built a blanket fort in the living room, crawled inside with my cat, a glass of wine…

How The Coronavirus Crisis May Change How We Work Possibly Permanently
How The Coronavirus Crisis May Change How We Work Possibly Permanently

by Lisa Cohen

Nearly a million people in Canada have already applied for employment insurance, and analysts are predicting that…

5 Tips For Dealing With Children’s Screen Time During Social Distancing
|5 Tips For Dealing With Children’s Screen Time During Social Distancing

by Brae Anne McArthur and Sheri Madigan

During this pandemic, it is fair to say that pre-COVID-19 family routines may shift, or even completely fall apart!

It's Tempting To Drink Your Worries Away But There Are Healthier Ways To Manage Stress And Keep Your Drinking In Check
It's Tempting To Drink Your Worries Away But There Are Healthier Ways To Manage Stress And Keep Your Drinking In Check

by Nicole Lee et al

In these difficult times, it’s not surprising some people are looking to alcohol for a little stress reduction. But…

The Fashionable History Of Social Distancing
The Fashionable History Of Social Distancing

by Einav Rabinovitch-Fox

As the world grapples with the coronavirus outbreak, “social distancing” has become a buzzword of these strange times.

5 Books To Keep Young People Happy During Lockdown
5 Books To Keep Young People Happy During Lockdown

by Mimi Thebo

Stories can be mirrors that help young people express feelings about a given situation. They give children a vocabulary…

What Walden Can Tell Us About Social Distancing And Focusing On Life's Essentials
What Walden Can Tell Us About Social Distancing and Focusing On Life's Essentials

by Robert M. Thorson

Seeking to bend the coronavirus curve, governors and mayors have told millions of Americans to stay home. If you’re…

Why People Need Rituals, Especially In Times Of Uncertainty
Why People Need Rituals, Especially In Times Of Uncertainty

by Dimitris Xygalatas

Responding to the coronavirus pandemic, most American universities have suspended all campus activities. Like millions…

Could COVID-19 Lead To A Better Future?
Could COVID-19 Lead To A Better Future?

by Carolyn Whitzman

It’s an uncomfortable but inescapable historic fact that great pandemics often bring about social reform.

How COVID-19 Tests Work And What's In Development
How COVID-19 Tests Work and What's In Development

by Alexander Edwards

One of the key factors in tackling the spread of COVID-19 across the globe is testing. In South Korea, for example…

How Quiet Kindness Can Bolster Well-being
How Quiet Kindness Can Bolster Well-Being

by John-Tyler Binfet

As a researcher at the University of British Columbia, a great deal of my time is spent asking children, adolescents…

5 Ways To Keep Human Connections When Moving Learning Online
5 Ways To Keep Human Connections With Online Learning

by Erika E. Smith

Universities across Canada and the world have been working to rapidly move their face-to-face classes to remote…

Coronavirus And Sex: Dos And Don'ts During Social Distancing
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by Gonzalo R. Quintana Zunino

Given the common modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, engaging in certain types of sexual activities may risk…

Are People With Blood Group A Really At Higher Risk Of Catching COVID-19?
Are People With Blood Group A Really At Higher Risk Of Catching COVID-19?

by Sakthivel Vaiyapuri

A recent study from China, which has not been peer reviewed yet, suggests a link between having blood group A and a…

3 Reasons Great Thinkers Liked Armchair Travel
3 Reasons Great Thinkers Liked Armchair Travel

by Emily Thomas

Philosophers and others have argued for centuries that real-world travel comes second to armchair travel.

5 Ways To Reduce Procrastination And Be Productive While Working From Home
5 Ways To Reduce Procrastination and Be Productive While Working From Home

by Fuschia Sirois

If you have been asked to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic to help slow the spread of the virus, you…

Love, Friendship, and Coronavirus: Do You Turn Your Back When Someone Offers You A Hand, A Kiss Or A Hug?
Love, Friendship, and Coronavirus: Do You Turn Your Back When Someone Offers You A Hand, A Kiss Or A Hug?

by Brian Labus

We are exposed to numerous viruses from our day-to-day interactions with other people all the time. However, our risk…

Is Basic Income A Good Idea? Here's What The Evidence From Around The World Says

by Marcia Gibson

The idea of giving everybody an unconditional, regular income has become increasingly popular in the last few years…

How To Stop Touching Your Face To Minimize Spread Of Germs

by Stephen D. Benning et al

Public health officials consistently promote hand-washing as a way for people to protect themselves from the COVID-19…

Which Vaccinations Should You Get As An Adult
Which Vaccinations Should You Get As An Adult

by C Raina MacIntyre and Rob Menzies

Before vaccines were developed, infectious diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus and meningitis were the leading cause…

Debunking Claims That Vitamin C Could Cure Coronavirus
Debunking Claims That Vitamin C Could Cure Coronavirus

by Peter McCaffery

Vitamin C is a common remedy that some people believe will cure the common cold and flu.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: ?March 30 to April 5, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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