Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

If there is one thing we are learning these days, it is that we are all in this together. Borders between continents and countries, divisions within countries whether by race, religion, political party, sexual preference, etc., all of these are non-existent barriers in the face of energy -- in this case the energy of a virus. Even while we practice social isolation, we still are connected... whether virtually or through survival-needed mechanisms such as medical facilities, grocery stores, etc., and mostly by energy.

The energy that unites us is our choice... it can be fear, or it can be love and looking to the future for how to ameliorate our existence on planet earth during and after this crisis. Will T. Wilkinson asks "What's Really Going On and What Do We Do About It? and I reflect on "What Works For Me: Listening To My Body".

Pauline Wills, in an excerpt from her book entitled Yoga of Light, guides us to take a look at our connectivity in "The Web of Light: The Field of Sacred Energy and The Power of Thought".

Of course, both collectively and individually, we need to make decisions in times of stress, and Dr. Paul Napper, Psy.D. and Dr. Anthony Rao, Ph.D. share about "How To Make Accurate Decisions When Things Are Moving Fast". We all react differently to the stress, and Gary Wagman writes about "Depression, Anger, and Sadness as Related to Yang Body Types".

However, we are not alone and we are not the first to deal with extreme situations that require healing. Dr. Marioanne Teitelbaum helps us in "Exploring Natural Ways of Healing: Traditional Healing for a New Age".

We also have numerous articles dealing with the Coronavirus, always with a focus on providing helpful information both on the physical aspects as well as the emotional ones. These are times when we need the support of friends, even if it is at a distance, to help us separate fact from fiction, and fear from reality. Our additional articles aim to be your friend in this regard.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, loving, and healthy week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

What's Really Going On and What Do We Do About It?

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

What's Really Going On and What Do We Do About It?
So, who knows exactly what's going on right now? I've reviewed videos, read blogs and articles and books, accessed a variety of news sources, mainstream and sidestream, watched YouTube videos of doctors and economists, listened to informed and anxious friends, and I'm no closer to knowing for sure than before.

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What Works For Me: Listening To My Body

Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

What Works For Me: Listening To My Body
The human body is an amazing creation. It works without needing our input as to what to do. The heart beats, the lungs pump, the lymph nodes do their thing, the evacuation process works. The body runs better than a well-oiled machine. And it's smart too! It knows what it needs when it needs it. The only glitch in the process is, you guessed it, us.

The Web of Light: The Field of Sacred Energy and The Power of Thought

Written by Pauline Wills

The Web of Light: The Field of Sacred Energy and The Power of Thought
We can compare this web of light that permeates the universe to a spider’s web. When a fly becomes entangled in the spider’s web, it sends a vibration along the strands of the web. Similarly, what we think and feel sends along the strands of the web of light vibrational frequencies that can affect people, countries and world situations.

How To Make Accurate Decisions When Things Are Moving Fast

Written by Dr. Paul Napper, Psy.D. and Dr. Anthony Rao, Ph.D.

How To Make Accurate Decisions When Things Are Moving Fast
Thinking under extreme time pressure is not optimal, but it is inevita­ble that we will find ourselves in this situation at times. It is always best not to rush and get seduced by mental short­cuts. Use all the time available to you in making a decision.

Depression, Anger, and Sadness as Related to Yang Body Types

Written by Gary Wagman, Ph.D., L.Ac.

Depression, Anger, and Sadness as Related to Yang Body Types
We all have a unique path in life that, if traveled, brings out the best in us. Yet no path is ever forged for us, and we may have to bushwhack our way through unchartered wilderness when our navigation equipment fails. Depression is an emotional state that all of the body types are capable of experiencing when they feel stuck...

Exploring Natural Ways of Healing: Traditional Healing for a New Age

Written by Marianne Teitelbaum, D.C.

Exploring Natural Ways of Healing: Traditional Healing for a New Age
Americans love to learn all they can about their health problems, incessantly reading about each and every disease on the internet, looking for anything that can alleviate their symptoms. The problem is that people are searching for advice in a country with no genuine tradition of holistic healing.

The Perils Of A ‘Just Enough, Just In Time’ Food System
The Perils Of A Just Enough, Just In Time Food System

by Evan Fraser

Toilet paper shortages, profiteering from hand sanitizer and empty shelves in grocery stores.

How To Maintain Physical And Mental Health During Coronavirus
How To Maintain Physical and Mental Health During Coronavirus

by Nita Bharti

Millions are asking for clear, comprehensive information and guidelines regarding the novel coronavirus.

Autism Screening Tool May Not Detect The Condition In Some Women
Autism Screening Tool May Not Detect The Condition In Some Women

by Rachel Moseley and Julie Kirkby

Diagnosing autism is expensive and time consuming, so a screening tool is used to filter out those people who are…

Here's What You Need To Know About Ibuprofen And COVID-19 Symptoms
Here's What You Need To Know About Ibuprofen and COVID-19 Symptoms

by Parastou Donyai

There’s been some confusion recently on whether we should or shouldn’t take ibuprofen to treat symptoms of COVID-19…

Is The Internet Of Things Is Sending Us Back To The Middle Ages
Is The Internet Of Things Is Sending Us Back To The Middle Ages

by Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Internet-enabled devices are so common, and so vulnerable, that hackers recently broke into a casino through its fish…

Facing COVID-19 With Community Instead of Fear
Facing COVID-19 With Community Instead of Fear

by Lornet Turnbull

As the coronavirus spreads anxiety and panic across the globe, people are finding ways to share information and support…

3 Smart Ways To Use Screen Time While Coronavirus Keeps Kids At Home
3 Smart Ways To Use Screen Time While Coronavirus Keeps Kids At Home

by Rebecca Dore

As families everywhere adjust to social distancing measures like closed schools and child care centers, workplaces and…

World's Response To Coronavirus Has Slashed CO2 Emissions – Here's How To Keep Them Down
World's Response To Coronavirus Has Slashed CO2 Emissions – Here's How To Keep Them Down

by Simone Abram

How do you respond to a crisis? It’s obvious that the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been dramatically different…

How To Spot Coronavirus Fake News
How To Spot Coronavirus Fake News

by Samantha Vanderslott

The proliferation of fake news about the COVID-19 pandemic has been labelled a dangerous “infodemic”.

How To Help Children Through Isolation And Lockdown
How To Help Children Through Isolation And Lockdown

by Emma Maynard

The UK has become the latest country to close schools in a bid to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus.

What We Can Learn From Literary History About Pandemics
What We Can Learn From Literary History About Pandemics

by Chelsea Haith

From Homer’s Iliad and Boccaccio’s Decameron to Stephen King’s The Stand and Ling Ma’s Severance, stories about…

How To Keep Your Gut Microbiome Healthy To Fight COVID-19
How To Keep Your Gut Microbiome Healthy To Fight COVID-19

by Tim Spector

As well as protecting yourself from the virus on the outside, you can also build up your defences from the inside by…

4 Ways To Help Kids Relax As The Coronavirus Upends Everyday Life
4 Ways To Help Kids Relax As The Coronavirus Upends Everyday Life

by Mirae J. Fornander

Families everywhere are adjusting to a new way of life due to social distancing measures like closed schools…

How Hope Can Keep You Healthier And Happier|
How Hope Can Keep You Healthier And Happier

by Everett Worthington

Hope can erode when we perceive threats to our way of life, and these days, plenty are out there.

How Coronavirus Reminds Americans That Pursuit Of Happiness Is Tied To The Collective Good
How Coronavirus Reminds Americans That Pursuit Of Happiness Is Tied To The Collective Good

by Christopher Beem

At its core, the United States Declaration of Independence argues that all human beings have “unalienable rights.”…

How Coronavirus Measures Have Worked Around The World
How Coronavirus Measures Have Worked Around The World

by Jimmy Whitworth

One month after what is now the coronavirus pandemic was declared a “public health emergency of international concern”,…

What good things might emerge from Coronavirus pandemic
What Good Things Might Emerge From Coronavirus Pandemic

by Charles Foster

To be clear, and in the hope of heading off some trolls, I would like to make two observations. First, of course I…

How To Clean Your House To Kill Coronavirus
How To Clean Your House To Kill Coronavirus

by Neal Buccino

Consider these expert tips for cleaning your home to kill the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 (and the pathogens…

How Quickly Can People Recover From COVID-19?
How Quickly Can People Recover From COVID-19?

by U. Melbourne

Researchers have mapped immune responses from one of Australia’s first COVID-19 patients, showing the body’s ability to…

What Coronavirus Symptoms Should I Look For, And When Do I Call The Doctor?
What Coronavirus Symptoms Should I Look For, And When Do I Call The Doctor?

by William Petri

As the nation adjusts to the threat of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, it’s only natural to worry…

How Can I Think Positively About Lockdown And Isolation?
How Can I Think Positively About Lockdown And Isolation?

by Silvia Panizza

I am facing 14 days of self isolation and I find the prospect terrifying. Chances are it will continue much longer too,…

How To Talk To Someone You Believe Is Misinformed About The Coronavirus
How To Talk To Someone You Believe Is Misinformed About The Coronavirus

by Emma Frances Bloomfield

The medical evidence is clear: The coronavirus global health threat is not an elaborate hoax. Bill Gates did not create…

What You Should And Shouldn't Do If You're In Self-isolation
What You Should And Shouldn't Do If You're In Self-Isolation

by Adam Kamradt-Scott

Australians who have tested positive to COVID-19 have been advised to self-isolate at home.

A Psychologist Explains How To Avoid Cabin Fever
A Psychologist Explains How To Avoid Cabin Fever

by Sarita Robinson

People who suspect they may have come into contact with the coronavirus are being advised to self-isolate (stay at…

5 Ways Nutrition Could Help Your Immune System Fight Off The Coronavirus
5 Ways Nutrition Could Help Your Immune System Fight Off The Coronavirus

by Clare Collins

The coronavirus presents many uncertainties, and none of us can completely eliminate our risk of getting COVID-19. But…

Homemade Hand Sanitiser Recipes That Could Help Protect Against Coronavirus
Homemade Hand Sanitizer Recipes That Could Help Protect Against Coronavirus

by Shobana Dissanayeke and James McEvoy

To slow the spread of coronavirus we’re being told to wash our hands more, preferably with soap and water, or failing…

Social Distancing Comes With Social Side Effects – Here's How To Stay Connected
Social Distancing Comes With Social Side Effects – Here's How To Stay Connected

by Jonathan Kanter and Adam Kuczynski

To fight the spread of coronavirus, government officials have asked Americans to swallow a hard pill: Stay away from…

5 Ways To Manage Your News Consumption In Times Of Crisis
5 Ways To Manage Your News Consumption In Times Of Crisis

by Mark Pearson

Thousands of employees internationally are already working from home in COVID-19 self-isolation because of their recent…

4 Things To Know About Hand Sanitizer
4 Things To Know About Hand Sanitizer

by Jeffrey Gardner

As concern about coronavirus grows, hand sanitizer is in high demand. Biologist Jeffrey Gardner explains why alcohol is…

Even in the Age of Trump, Facts Matter
Even in the Age of Trump, Why Facts Matter

by Sidney Shapiro

Years ago, during a summer break from college, I was in the offices of a public interest advocate, a grizzled veteran…

Coronavirus: A Simple Way To Keep Workers – And The Economy – From Getting Sick
Coronavirus: A Simple Way To Keep Workers – And The Economy – From Getting Sick

by Jay L. Zagorsky

The COVID-19 outbreak appears headed for the U.S., and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are urging…

What Really Works To Keep Coronavirus Away?
What Really Works To Keep Coronavirus Away?

by Brian Labus

When people are sick with a respiratory disease like COVID-19, they cough or sneeze particles into the air.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: March 23 - 29, 2020 

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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