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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

We all have goals in life, even any of us who might say we "go with the flow". Our goal could be simply to be healthy, or to be happy. Now those may seem like non-specific goals, but they encompass so many things that they actually are, of course, major goals. So this week, we bring you articles to help you attain whatever goals, big or small, that you envision for yourself.

We start with Jason Caldwell and "Striving for the Impossible: The Way To Achieve Your Goal". We then move on to HeatherAsh Amara who shares about "Healing Trauma Gently with Calm Presence, Kindness, and Love" because trauma, and memories of trauma, are major impediments to rising above limitations and making our highest dreams come true.

Will T. Wilkinson then remnds us all that "The Force Is With You -- You Are The Force" Sarah Varcas tells us about some astrological assistance on fulfilling our potential and our goals, in "Your North Node: The Most Important Part Of Your Birth Chart!" Also check out this week's Astrological Journal with Pam Jounghans for some empowering info.,

And, of course, to attain any goals we have, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, a healthy body is of great importance. Rena Greenberg give us some information about "Building a New Foundation: Eating Healthfully and Simply".

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week that cover a variety of topics with the goal to inform you and provide you with needed tools to create a healthy and happy life..

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving and healthy week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Striving for the Impossible Is The Way To Achieve Your Goal

Written by Jason Caldwell

Striving for the Impossible: The Secrets of High-Performance Leadership
There is no “solution” to this problem. The only way to achieve the goal we are all leveraged toward achieving is to do something nobody has ever done before. Right there, in the middle of the raging ocean, Latitude 35 will have to do the impossible.

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Healing Trauma Gently with Calm Presence, Kindness, and Love

Written by HeatherAsh Amara

Healing Trauma: Proceeding Gently with Calm Pres­ence, Kindness, and Love
Our individual reactions to life events are complex and unpredictable. Some people come out of very difficult life experiences with more resiliency and capacity. Trauma is not in the event but in the nervous system of the person experienc­ing the event.

The Force Is With You -- You Are The Force

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

The Force Is With You -- You Are The Force
"May The Force be with you." We first heard that phrase in Star Wars and it quickly went viral, entering the mainstream as a description of the invisible power that runs the universe, presumably imbued with some kind of ethic. Another term immediately arose: "the dark side of the force."

Your North Node: The Most Important Part Of Your Birth Chart!

Written by Sarah Varcas

Your North Node: The Most Important Part Of Your Birth Chart!
Many of us turn to astrology to inform our personal and spiritual development. We seek insight into our internal world, the solutions to our problems, how we can fulfil our potential and our place in the larger scheme of things. And we’re right to do so! Astrology has much to say on all these – and many other – concerns.

Building a New Foundation: Eating Healthfully and Simply

Written by Rena Greenberg

Building a New Foundation: Eating Healthfully and Simply
Each day that you choose to eat healthfully and simply— selecting whole, unprocessed foods from the earth and bal­ancing your foods—know that you are building a new foun­dation for yourself. At first, this foundation may feel wobbly, as it is new to you, but every time you make the choice to follow through...

Why We Knock On Wood For Luck
Why We Knock On Wood For Luck

by Rosemary V. Hathaway

Ever said something like, “I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket” – and then quickly, for luck, rapped your knuckles on a…

Why Social Distancing Is The Best Tool We Have To Fight The Coronavirus
Why Social Distancing Is The Best Tool We Have To Fight The Coronavirus

by Thomas Perls

As the coronavirus spreads into more and more communities, public health officials are placing responsibility on…

Toilet Graffiti: Secrets, Support And Solidarity In The Women’s Restroom
Toilet Graffiti: Secrets, Support And Solidarity In The Women’s Restroom

by Mabel Victoria

Communicating has never been so easy; we can to send messages and texts to friends and strangers in an instant from a…

How Crisco Toppled Lard – And Made Americans Believers In Industrial Food
How Crisco Toppled Lard – And Made Americans Believers In Industrial Food

by Helen Zoe Veit

Perhaps you’ll unearth a can of Crisco for the holiday baking season. If so, you’ll be one of millions of Americans who…

George Eliot: 200 Years On, Valuable Lessons For Today's Millennials And Baby Boomers
George Eliot: 200 Years On, Valuable Lessons For Today's Millennials And Baby Boomers

by Helen Kingstone

We hear a lot right now about tensions between different generations: baby-boomers versus millennials, for example.

Plagues Follow Bad Leadership In Ancient Greek Tales
Why Plagues Follow Bad Leadership In Ancient Greek Tales

by Joel Christensen

Plagues functioned as a setup for an even more crucial theme in ancient myth: a leader’s intelligence.

Who Is At Risk Of Coronavirus And How Do We Know?
Who Is At Risk Of Coronavirus And How Do We Know?

by Edward Parker and Beate Kampmann

Now officially a pandemic, the virus has proven adept at crossing borders, with confirmed cases reported in over 100…

What is the soul if not a better version of ourselves?
What Is The Soul If Not A Better Version Of Ourselves?

by John Cottingham

What is the point of gaining the whole world if you lose your soul? Today, far fewer people are likely to catch the…

7 Ways Collective Intelligence Is Tackling The Coronavirus Pandemic
7 Ways Collective Intelligence Is Tackling The Coronavirus Pandemic

by Aleks Berditchevskaia and Kathy Peach

Tackling the emergence of a new global pandemic is a complex task. But collective intelligence is now being used around…

If Tiny Ants Have Invaded Your House, What To Do About It
If Tiny Ants Have Invaded Your House, What To Do About It

by Tanya Latty

It’s nigh on impossible to calculate with accuracy how many ants are on Earth, but estimates put the number at about…

How To Actually Stop Touching Your Face
How To Actually Stop Touching Your Face

by Caitlin Clark

Health care professionals keep say to avoid touching your face as protection from COVID-19, but it’s a lot easier said…

How To Recover From Burnout And Chronic Work Stress
How To Recover From Burnout And Chronic Work Stress

by Rajvinder Samra

It’s pretty likely you’ve heard of burnout – and you may have even experienced it. Caused by chronic work stress, it’s…

Can You Ever Be A Truly Independent Thinker?
Can You Ever Be A Truly Independent Thinker?

by Tom Stafford

We all feel the need to fit in, but does this prevent us from making decisions for ourselves?

Will Warmer Weather Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus?
Will Warmer Weather Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus?

by Jeremy Rossman

As the coronavirus death toll continues to rise, some have suggested that the approaching warmer spring weather in the…

Why Toxic Masculinity Can Be Bad For Older Men’s Health
Why Toxic Masculinity Can Be Bad For Older Men’s Health

by Caroline Brooks

The belief that “real men” must be strong, tough, and independent may be a detriment to their social needs later in…

Are Autistic Personality Tests Reliable?
Are Autistic Personality Tests Reliable?

by Rachel Clutterbuck, et al

Autism has been a subject of ever increasing interest over the last 20 years. It has been the subject of popular TV…

There's Plenty Of Toilet Paper In The US – So Why Are People Hoarding It?
There's Plenty Of Toilet Paper In The US – So Why Are People Hoarding It?

by Jay L. Zagorsky

The other day I went into Costco to buy some toilet paper. It came as a small shock when I couldn’t find a single roll.

It's Official: The Last Five Years Were The Warmest Ever Recorded
It's Official: The Last Five Years Were The Warmest Ever Recorded

by Blair Trewin and Pep Canadell

The World Meteorological Organisation today published a definitive climate report card showing concentrations of…

Most Couples Are Less Satisfied When The Woman Earns More
Most Couples Are Less Satisfied When The Woman Earns More

by Belinda Hewitt and Niels Blom

Women are now the main earners in about one in four Australian households. This increase in female “breadwinner”…

8 Tips On What To Tell Your Kids About Coronavirus
8 Tips On What To Tell Your Kids About Coronavirus

by Mandie Shean

It’s important for parents to be there for their children to ease any concerns they may have about the virus and how it…

To Feel Happier, Spend On Experiences Not Stuff
To Feel Happier, Spend On Experiences Not Stuff

by UT Austin

People are happier after spending money on experiences rather than on material objects, researchers report.

You Can Do It! How A Growth Mindset Helps Us Learn
You Can Do It! How A Growth Mindset Helps Us Learn

by John Munro

One of the most influential phenomena in education over the last two decades has been that of the “growth mindset”.

Why You Get Shorter As You Age
Why You Get Shorter As You Age

by Adam Hawkey

While you may be aware that a loss of vision, hearing and memory is a sign of ageing, something that is perhaps not so…

Don't Blame Dating Apps For Your Terrible Love Life
Don't Blame Dating Apps For Your Terrible Love Life

by Fabian Broeker

Dating apps are killing dating, or so some people would have you believe.

The Community Factors That Shorten Life Expectancy
The Community Factors That Shorten Life Expectancy

by Kristen Devlin

American communities with more fast food restaurants, a larger share of extraction industry-based jobs, or higher…

7 Science-based Strategies To Cope With Coronavirus Anxiety
7 Science-Based Strategies To Cope With Coronavirus Anxiety

by Jelena Kecmanovic

As the SARS-CoV-2 virus continues its global spread and the number of diagnosed COVID-19 cases continues to increase,…

Can A Low-Carb Diet Reverse Brain Aging?
Can A Low-Carb Diet Reverse Brain Aging?

by Gregory Filiano

A low carb diet may prevent or even reverse the effects of aging in the brain, researchers report.

How Technology Can Combat The Rising Tide Of Fake Science
How Technology Can Combat The Rising Tide Of Fake Science

by Chris Impey

Science gets a lot of respect these days. Unfortunately, it’s also getting a lot of competition from misinformation.

Should You Listen To Music When You Work?
Should You Listen To Music When You Work?

by Manuel F. Gonzalez and John R. Aiello

Do you like to listen to music when you work? Pose this question at a party, and you’ll probably get some polarizing…

Americans Still Trust Doctors And Scientists During A Public Health Crisis
Americans Still Trust Doctors And Scientists During A Public Health Crisis

by Ellen Peters, et al

The coronavirus epidemic is a health crisis that threatens Americans’ quality of life. Who do Americans trust to lead…

Hypocognition Is A Censorship Tool That Mutes What We Can Feel
Hypocognition Is A Censorship Tool That Mutes What We Can Feel

by Kaidi Wu

It is a strange feeling, stumbling upon an experience that we wish we had the apt words to describe, a precise language…

Young Men On Sexting: It’s Normal, But Complicated
Young Men On Sexting: It’s Normal, But Complicated

by Signe Ravn and Steven Roberts

Concern about the popularity of “sexting” - the sending and receiving of sexually explicit text messages and…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: March 16 - 22, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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