Image by TheUjulala 

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

One thing that I often remind InnerSelf readers is that we all have a choice... a choice of how we live, how we think, how we act, how we feel. Sometimes that choice is an easy one, while at other times it seems like we are battling an inner demon to make the choice we know is for the best.

One of these choices involves letting go of fear, and this week, Dr. Michael Cotton reminds us of "Our Choice: Living from Fear and the Lower Brain...Or Thriving with the Higher Brain". Nikki Gresham-Record recommends "Waking Up and Focusing on Something New".

One of the inner demons deals with addiction which is not always to a physical substance, but can be to an attitude, a feeling, a desire, an action. In this next article, I (Marie T. Russell) ask "Are We Addicted to Adrenaline and Feeding Fear-Based Realities?"

As a whole, humanity is growing up. Sometimes, it may not seem like it, but as in many situations, it's often a case of two steps forward, and one step back. The next two articles focus on this process via the chakra system: "Moving Through Your Chakra Filters Into the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Love and Acceptance" by Martin Brofman and "The Evolution of Consciousness: From the Love of Power to the Power of Love" by Stephanie Red Feather.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Our Choice: Living from Fear and the Lower Brain...Or Thriving with the Higher Brain

Written by Michael Cotton, D.C.

Our Choice: Living from Fear and the Lower Brain...Or Thriving with the Higher Brain
The problem is that our lower brains are not equipped to adapt to the multiple demands and complexities put on it by modern living. So this primitive mechanism quickly goes into overwhelm and never turns off.

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Waking Up and Focusing on Something New

Written by Nikki Gresham-Record

Waking Up and Focusing on Something New
Our belief is hugely powerful, especially when it is informed by an expert in authority. This is the placebo effect, which can be seen, for example, when a group of patients participate in a study, unknowingly acting as the control group.

Are We Addicted to Adrenaline and Feeding Fear-Based Realities?

Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

Are We Addicted to Adrenaline and Feeding Fear-Based Realities?
A while back I wrote an article entitled "I Am Safe" as part of my ongoing "What Works For Me" series. With all the fear going around these days (and not just about the Coronavirus), I thought I would delve again into the topic of fear, since it is currently a pervasive energy on planet earth.

Moving Through Your Chakra Filters Into the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Love and Acceptance

Written by Martin Brofman

Moving Through Your Chakra Filters Into the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Love and Acceptance
Each of the chakras is like a lens through which you choose to interpret events in the outer world. You always have the choice as to whether you will interpret these events through the filter of security, sensation, freedom or power, love, expression or abundance, spirit, or unity.

The Evolution of Consciousness: From the Love of Power to the Power of Love

Written by Stephanie Red Feather

The Evolution of Consciousness: From the Love of Power to the Power of Love
While many agree that we are currently in our cultural adolescence, there is also clear evidence of higher chakra development in the realms of communication (fifth chakra), vision (sixth chakra), and spirituality (seventh chakra).

How To Stop The Coronavirus Anxiety From Spiralling Out Of Control
How To Stop The Coronavirus Anxiety From Spiralling Out Of Control

by Jo Daniels

As the novel coronavirus proliferates on a global scale, worry and panic is on the rise. And it is no wonder when we…

The Science Behind Probiotics And Choosing One That Works
The Science Behind Probiotics And Choosing One That Works

by Janice Taylor

We have trillions of bacteria living on or in us – and over 80% of these live in our gut. Over thousands of years of…

How To Help Someone You Think Might Be At Risk Of Domestic Abuse
How To Help Someone You Think Might Be At Risk Of Domestic Abuse

by Alison Gregory

Your best friend tells you she’s scared of her partner. You notice bruises on your colleague’s arm.

Why You Should Stop Using Food To Reward Or Punish Your Kids
Why You Should Stop Using Food To Reward Or Punish Your Kids

by Stephanie Meyers

At one time or another, just about every parent uses food to reward their kids for good behavior and achievements – or…

Why Rainforests Are Losing Their Power To Help Humanity
Why Rainforests Are Losing Their Power To Help Humanity

by Wannes Hubau, et al

Tropical forests matter to each and every one of us. They suck colossal quantities of carbon out of the atmosphere,…

How Female Biologists Bring Much Needed Perspective To Science
How Female Biologists Bring Much Needed Perspective To Science

by Hannah Thomasy

On International Women’s Day, people across the world are taking part in Wikipedia edit-a-thons to address gender bias…

Kombucha, Kimchi And Yogurt: How Fermented Foods Could Be Harmful To Your Health
Kombucha, Kimchi And Yogurt: How Fermented Foods Could Be Harmful To Your Health

by Manal Mohammed

Fermented foods have become very popular, thanks to claims about their nutritional properties and reported health…

A Toilet Paper Run Is Like A Bank Run And The Economic Fixes Are About The Same
A Toilet Paper Run Is Like A Bank Run And The Economic Fixes Are About The Same

by Alfredo R. Paloyo

Panic buying knows no borders. Shoppers in Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and the United States have caught toilet paper…

Why Women Dress For Other Women As Well As Men
Why Women Dress For Other Women As Well As Men

by Jaimie Arona Krems

“If you can’t be better than your competition,” Vogue editor Anna Wintour once said, “just dress better.”

Happiness: Is Feeling Content More Important Than Purpose And Goals?
Happiness: Is Feeling Content More Important Than Purpose And Goals?

by Rafael Euba

There is much written about finding one’s life purpose and reaching self actualisation, but do we really need to have…

Why People Take Offence
Why People Take Offense

by Tahmineh Tayebi

Most of us have felt offended at a remark made by a close friend or a random comment on our social media.

Coronavirus And Handwashing: Research Shows Proper Hand Drying Is Also Vital
Coronavirus And Handwashing: Research Shows Proper Hand Drying Is Also Vital

by Julian Hunt and John Gammon

Hand drying not only removes moisture from the hands but it also involves friction, which further reduces the microbial…

Record-Breaking Warm Weather Expected Around Globe
Record-Breaking Warm Weather Expected Around The World

by Julia Conley

The world's top meteorological experts issued the warning as cities and countries around the world reported…

How Social Isolation Linked To Higher Levels Of Inflammation
How Social Isolation Linked To Higher Levels Of Inflammation

by Kimberley Smith

Being lonely or socially isolated can negatively affect your wellbeing. There is even research showing that it increase…

Do People Ditch Their Cars If Public Transport Is Free?
Do People Ditch Their Cars If Public Transport Is Free?

by Enrica Papa

Luxembourg recently became the first country in the world to make all public transport free.

Rural Kids Fall Behind In School Because Of Bad Internet
Rural Kids Fall Behind In School Because Of Bad Internet

by Caroline Brooks

Slow internet connections or limited access from homes in rural areas can contribute to students falling behind…

Super Popular Roundup Weed Killer Threatens Biodiversity
Super Popular Roundup Weed Killer Threatens Biodiversity

by McGill University

Roundup can trigger loss of biodiversity, making ecosystems more vulnerable to pollution and climate change…

It Is Not You, But Existence Itself, That Is Fundamentally Unsound
It Is Not You, But Existence Itself, That Is Fundamentally Unsound

by Natalia Dashan

There is a common misconception that scuba divers inflate and deflate some sort of attached air sack to move up and…

Understanding Our Coronavirus Fear?
Understanding Our Coronavirus Fear?

by Peter Hall

With a new infectious disease outbreak on our doorstep, we might ask ourselves: are we reacting to the coronavirus in a…

How To Add Five Healthy Years To Life Expectancy
How To Add Five Healthy Years To Life Expectancy

by Richard Faragher

By 2050, the world’s over-65s will outnumber the under-15s for the first time in history.

Here's What Teachers Look For When Kids Start School
Here's What Teachers Look For When Kids Start School

by Amy Graham

Many parents believe teaching their child to read is the best way to get them ready to start school, but teachers often…

How To Transform Your Garden Or Balcony Into A Wildlife Haven
How To Transform Your Garden Or Balcony Into A Wildlife Haven

by Judith Friedlander

Just like humans, animals like living near coastal plains and waterways. In fact, cities such as Sydney and Melbourne…

Will Billionaire Climate Philanthropists Always Be Part Of The Problem
Will Billionaire Climate Philanthropists Always Be Part Of The Problem

by Heather Alberro

Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO and the richest man alive, recently made headlines after pledging to donate $10 billion to a new…

The Future Of Work Will Hit Vulnerable People The Hardest
The Future Of Work Will Hit Vulnerable People The Hardest

by Arif Jetha

A great deal of attention is being paid to the future of work and its impact on Canadians. Often missing from the…

Five Amazing Facts About Your Brain
Five Amazing Facts About Your Brain

by Adam Taylor

Our brain is the most complex organ in the body. Not only does it control basic life functions like breathing, organ…

How Children Benefit When Taught Social And Emotional Skills
How Children Benefit When Taught Social And Emotional Skills

by Roisin P. Corcoran

It is understood that childrens’ emotions in school are connected to their learning and academic achievement.

What Can The Black Death Tell Us About The Global Economic Consequences Of A Pandemic?
What Can The Black Death Tell Us About The Global Economic Consequences Of A Pandemic?

by Adrian R. Bell, et al

Concerns over the spread of the novel coronavirus have translated into an economic slowdown.

Here Are Some Tips For Feed Wild Birds The Right Way
Here Are Some Tips For Feeding Wild Birds The Right Way

by Julian Avery

Millions of Americans enjoy feeding and watching backyard birds. Many people make a point of putting food out in…

Would You Rather Have A Fish Or Know How To Fish?
Would You Rather Have A Fish Or Know How To Fish?

by Jonny Robinson

Imagine the following. You are living a life with enough money and health and time so as to allow an hour or two of…

Why That Famous March Of Progress Image Is Just Wrong
Why That Famous March Of Progress Image Is Just Wrong

by Jordi Paps and Cristina Guijarro-Clarke

Evolution explains how all living beings, including us, came to be. It would be easy to assume evolution works by…

Understanding Emotions Is Nearly As Important As IQ For Students' Academic Success
Understanding Emotions Is Nearly As Important As IQ For Students' Academic Success

by Carolyn MacCann,et al

The ability to understand emotions contributes almost as much to students’ grades as their IQ.

How Behaviour Can Help Control The Spread Of COVID-19
How Behaviour Can Help Control The Spread Of COVID-19

by Peter Hall

Amid the carnage of the First World War, a flu epidemic took hold in the front-line trenches and subsequently spread…

Sandy Beaches Could Disappear Due To Sea Level Rise By 2100
Half Of The World's Sandy Beaches Could Disappear Due To Sea Level Rise By 2100

by Simon Boxall and Abiy S. Kebede

Up to half of the world’s sandy beaches are at risk of disappearing by the end of this century if no action is taken to…

10 Minutes A Day In Nature Could Reduce Stress And Anxiety

by Carly Wood

Across the globe, college- and university-aged students are experiencing high levels of stress and mental ill-health.

4 Science-based Strategies To Tame Angry Political Debate And Encourage Tolerance
4 Science-based Strategies To Tame Angry Political Debate And Encourage Tolerance

by Beverly B. Palmer

“Climate change is a hoax,” my cousin said during a family birthday party. “I saw on Twitter it’s just a way to get…

Why Over-parenting Teaches Children To Feel Entitled
Why Over-Parenting Teaches Children To Feel Entitled

by Ana Aznar

During the last couple of decades, new types of parents have emerged. From the anxiously involved helicopter parents to…

Why We Need To Narrate A History Beyond The Triumph Of Humanity
Why We Need To Narrate A History Beyond The Triumph Of Humanity

by Amanda Power

One reason why people find it difficult to think about climate change and the future may be their understanding of…

The Greatest Pandemic In History Was 100 Years Ago – But Many Of Us Still Get The Basic Facts Wrong
10 Myths About The Greatest Flu Pandemic In History

by Richard Gunderman, Indiana University

2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the great influenza pandemic of 1918. Between 50 and 100 million people are…

Why Dependence On Imported Pharmaceuticals Can Be A Threat
Why Dependence On Imported Pharmaceuticals Can Be A Threat

by Christine Crudo Blackburn, et al

A potential crisis simmers in the shadows: The global dependence on China for the production of pharmaceuticals and…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope: March 9 - 15, 2020 

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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