Image by Gerd Altmann

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

We live in very polarized and polarizing times. However, it will serve us to remember that day and night are both essential, feminine and masculine complement each other, as well as intuition and mind. When we view any two opposites as enemies, we lose out on a whole half of the energy that is needed for bringing our goals, visions, and dreams to fruition.

This week,our authors bring you various insights and perspectives on these polarities that do not have to be divisive, but can work in harmony and in partnership. We start with Alan Cohen who reflects on illness and the power of the mind and tells us: "Whenever You’re Ready: Your Mindset Shall Set You Free"

Barry Vissell, in "How I Almost Got Arrested Because Of Faulty Perceptions" shares an experience where seeing darkness (or fear) rather than light (and love) created a problematic situation with the law. Another of our regular authors, Will T. Wilkinson, encourages us to become whole in "You Are Not An Old Dog: Moving From Head Space to Heart Space"

Alan Seale speaks of "The Ideal Partnership: Whole-Mind Thinking and Whole-Being Awareness" while Gwilda Wiyaka shares stories and legends dealing with the polarities we experience on the way to "The Unity of the Age of Aquarius: Light and Dark, Masculine and Feminine, Negative and Positive". 

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Whenever You’re Ready: Your Mindset Shall Set You Free

Written by Alan Cohen

Whenever You’re Ready: Your Mindset Shall Set You Free
We have been taught that external conditions determine our state of mind; favorable conditions make us well and happy, and unfavorable conditions damage or depress us. Yet it is the other way around: It is our thoughts that create or attract conditions, and our internal choices that make us happy or not.

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How I Almost Got Arrested Because Of Faulty Perceptions

Written by Barry Vissell

How I Almost Got Arrested Because Of Faulty Perceptions
Perception is a tricky thing. What we think we see is not necessarily what is really there. We have to be very careful about the judgments we make due to faulty perception.

You Are Not An Old Dog: Moving From Head Space to Heart Space

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

You Are Not An Old Dog: Moving From Head Space to Heart Space
Every habit has its weight. Over time, the gravity of our routines gets heavier, making change increasingly difficult. The phrase, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" pretty much sums it up.

The Ideal Partnership: Whole-Mind Thinking and Whole-Being Awareness

Written by Alan Seale

The Ideal Partnership: Whole-Mind Thinking and Whole-Being Awareness
There is a universal saying, “The answers are within.” Often, this saying is interpreted to mean that the answers are within us—that we have everything we need inside of us. However, this interpretation is actually not fully accurate.

The Unity of the Age of Aquarius: Light and Dark, Masculine and Feminine, Negative and Positive

Written by Gwilda Wiyaka

The Unity of the Age of Aquarius: Light and Dark, Masculine and Feminine, Negative and Positive
The power of positive and negative, (light and dark, masculine and feminine, respectively) fluctuate in influence over the ages. From Jesus and Mary to Buddha and Quan Yin, every tradition has archetypical representations of male and female, or god and goddess.

How Wildness In Parks Can Make You Feel Better
How Wildness In Parks Can Make You Feel Better

by U. Washington

Experiencing wildness is particularly important for physical and mental health, according to a new study on urban parks.

What To Do If You Find Something Morally Sickening
What To Do If You Find Something Morally Sickening

by Jessica Tracy

If I were to say that I’m thinking about having sex with my stepbrother, I guess you’d tell me to think again: sex with…

How Tinder Is Being Used For More Than Just Hook-ups
How Tinder Is Being Used For More Than Just Hook-ups

by Stefanie Duguay

The developers of the dating app Tinder recently announced that new safety features would be added to its app…

Ibuprofen Might Make Your Periods Lighter, But It's Not A Long-term Solution
Ibuprofen Might Make Your Periods Lighter, But It's Not A Long-term Solution

by Mia Schaumberg

A tweet saying ibuprofen reduces menstrual flow by 50% went viral last month.The original tweet and ensuing responses…

Could Coronavirus Really Trigger A Recession?
Could Coronavirus Really Trigger A Recession?

by Michael Walden

Lately, many people have asked me, as an economist, a question I haven’t heard in years: Could a virus really send the…

Disney Teams Up With Secret Cinema And Watching Movies Will Never Be The Same Again
Disney Teams Up With Secret Cinema And Watching Movies Will Never Be The Same Again

by Sarah Atkinson and Helen W. Kennedy

Disney’s recent deal with the immersive experience company Secret Cinema signals a new era for the cinema industry.

What We Don't Understand About Young People's Motivations
What We Don’t Understand About Young People’s Motivations

by Heather Lawford and Heather L. Ramey

Young people are demanding change. In the last few days, young Indigenous activists and their supporters blocked…

Six Phrases To Help Your Child’s Emotional Development
Six Phrases To Help Your Child’s Emotional Development

by Ana Aznar

]Emotional competence is an important life skill. Children with a high level of emotional competence, tend to have more…

How Do You Cope With the Inevitable Decline From Climate Change?

by Neil Levy

I recently watched an interview with David Attenborough, in which he was asked whether there is hope that things can…

Nietzsche, Nihilism And Reasons To Be Cheerful
Nietzsche, Nihilism And Reasons To Be Cheerful

by Jamie Parr

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is sometimes dismissed as a malevolent figure, obsessed with the…

How Birds Are Used To Reveal The Future
How Birds Are Used To Reveal The Future

by Felice Wyndham

People around the world and throughout history have used birds to think about and predict the future. In Wales, the…

Why The Movie Dark Waters' Isn't Hollywood Hysteria But A Ticking Timebomb
Why The Movie Dark Waters' Isn't Hollywood Hysteria But A Ticking Timebomb

by David Megson

If you live in the US or Australia, you’re likely to know about PFAS (or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances).

4 Ways To Protect Yourself From Disinformation
4 Ways To Protect Yourself From Disinformation

by Elizabeth Stoycheff,

You might have fallen for someone’s attempt to disinform you about current events. But it’s not your fault.

How Facial Recognition Is Spreading Faster Than You Realize
How Facial Recognition Is Spreading Faster Than You Realize

by Garfield Benjamin

The UK is currently witnessing a tug of war over facial recognition. On the streets of London and in South Wales, live…

Why Blacks Are At Higher Risk For Alzheimer's
Why Blacks Are At Higher Risk For Alzheimer's

by Renã A.S. Robinson

Blacks are at higher risk for several health conditions in the U.S. This is true for heart disease, hypertension, type…

Sounds Like Hype: There's Scant Evidence The 'Binaural Beats' Illusion Relaxes Your Brain
Sounds Like Hype: There's Scant Evidence The 'Binaural Beats' Illusion Relaxes Your Brain

by Onno van der Groen

You may have heard of binaural beats, an auditory illusion that has been touted as having stress-busing properties, and…

Why Some Of The Best-known Tunes, Like 'Happy Birthday,' Are The Hardest To Sing
Why Some Of The Best-known Tunes, Like 'Happy Birthday,' Are The Hardest To Sing

by Bryan Nichols

We sang a popular duet, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s “Shallow,” to the room’s applause, and I remembered how good it…

How The Mediterranean Diet Became No. 1 — And Why That's A Problem
How The Mediterranean Diet Became No. 1 — And Why That's A Problem

by Tina Moffat and Shanti Morell-Hart

The Mediterranean diet was voted by a panel of 25 health and nutrition professionals as the best diet for 2020.

Your Water Filter Might Not Catch All Toxic Chemicals
Your Water Filter Might Not Catch All Toxic Chemicals

by Tim Lucas

Water filters may not remove all of the drinking water contaminants you’re most concerned about, researchers report.

4 Things To Know About Ash Wednesday
4 Things To Know About Ash Wednesday

by William Johnston

For Christians, the death and resurrection of Jesus is a pivotal event commemorated each year during a season of…

The World Economy Flashes Red Over Coronavirus – With Strange Echoes Of 1880s Yellow Peril Hysteria
The World Economy Flashes Red Over Coronavirus – With Strange Echoes Of 1880s Yellow Peril Hysteria

by John Weeks

As the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to unfold, travel restrictions are being imposed around the world.

The Last Ice Age Tells Us Why We Need To Care About A 2? Change In Temperature
The Last Ice Age Tells Us Why We Need To Care About A 2? Change In Temperature

by Alan N Williams, et al

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that without a substantial decrease…

1 Way To Wash Dishes Is Greener Than The Rest
One Way To Wash Dishes Is Greener Than The Rest

by Jim Erickson

Washing dishes with the two-basin hand-washing method is associated with fewer greenhouse gas emissions than machine…

Why The US Birth Rate Keeps Relentlessly Declining
Why The US Birth Rate Keeps Relentlessly Declining

by Marie Menke

Aside from a few years in the mid-2000s, the number of births in the United States have been falling for the last three…

Twitter Bots Have Substantial Impact On Spreading Climate Misinformation
Twitter Bots Have Substantial Impact On Spreading Climate Misinformation

by Jessica Corbett

A quarter of climate-related tweets in the studied period—around when Trump announced plans to ditch the Paris…

Why Sequencing The Human Genome Failed To Produce Big Breakthroughs In Disease
Why Sequencing The Human Genome Failed To Produce Big Breakthroughs In Disease

by Ari Berkowitz

The Human Genome Project was an international scientific collaboration that successfully mapped, sequenced and made…

Can Movies Can Thrive Without White Male Lead Actors?
Can Movies Can Thrive Without White Male Lead Actors?

by Harrison Tasoff

Movies starring lead actors from underrepresented groups perform as well as those with white male leads, a new report…

How Love Between Parents Has Long-term Benefits For Kids
How Love Between Parents Has Long-term Benefits For Kids

by Morgan Sherburne

When spouses love each other, their children stay in school longer and marry later in life, according to new research.

We Don't Know The True Extent Of Cyberbullying -- Yet
We Don't Know The True Extent Of Cyberbullying -- Yet

by Peter Macaulay

Unlike traditional face-to-face bullying, a bully can conceal their identity online and target their victims constantly…

Eating Disorders Are About Emotional Pain – Not Food
Eating Disorders Are About Emotional Pain – Not Food

by Michele Patterson Ford

In her documentary “Miss Americana,” music icon Taylor Swift disclosed her history of eating disorders. Her revelation…

Women In Arab Countries Find Themselves Torn Between Opportunity And Tradition
Women In Arab Countries Find Themselves Torn Between Opportunity and Tradition

by Alainna Liloia

Arab women, long relegated to the private sphere by law and social custom, are gaining new access to public life.

Young People With Diabetes Are 3x More Likely To Attempt Suicide
Young People With Diabetes Are 3x More Likely To Attempt Suicide

by Meranda Nakhla and Marie-Eve Robinson

The risks of psychiatric disorders and suicide attempts are substantially higher for young people from 15 to 25 years…

Setting The Record Straight About Vaping And Heart Disease
Setting The Record Straight about Vaping and Heart Disease

by Jamie Hartmann-Boyce

In June 2019, a paper by prominent US academics found that people who used e-cigarettes were at greater risk of a heart…

The Ancient Greeks Had Alternative Facts Too
The Ancient Greeks Had Alternative Facts Too

by Joel Christensen

In an age of deepfakes and alternative facts, it can be tricky getting at the truth. But persuading others – or even…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans


Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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