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In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) said that the “only thing we have to fear is fear itself”: And this is still true today when fear, in its many facets, may be trying to stop us from taking action either for our own dreams, or to create a better world for all.

So tnis week we bring you articles dealing with fear, courage and awareness. The first step in healing or solving any problem is to be aware that there is a problem. And fear is a huge problem or stumbling-block that we all come across... whether we are dealing with fear of rejection (from people, jobs, self) or fear of disease (personal or planetary), or fear of everything falling apart (in our personal lives or in the world), or fear of not being good enough (in relationships or work), or whatever your particular fear is. However, if the fear stops us in our tracks and prevents us from moving forward, then fear has won -- rather than faith in yourself and others, self-confidence, and determination.

We start this week's offering with an excerpt from a new book by Anaiya Sophia, "Fierce Feminine Rising" (Jan. 2020): Getting The Courage To Show Up and Stand Your Ground. Of course, the feminine resides in both male and female, and fear has also taken hold in both,though possibly manifesting in different ways in each gender. Men may "act out" their fear via anger and aggression, whereas women might do so through a more "passive" behavior. This of course is a generalization, but the point is that, whichever way we feel or express fear, we all must use courage to move past it. Amy Fish, from her book "I'll Have Fries With That" (Oct. 2019), reminds us that "The Truth Can Be Scary: Admitting When You’re Wrong".

There are many methods to work with our fear. Sarah Mane, in her new book "Conscious Confidence" (Jan. 2020), shares about Moving Past The Fear Shadow's Comfort Zone To Discover Confidence and Inner Stillness. Some of our fear may be tied to our purpose... finding it, knowing it, living it, and Darren J. Gold offers in his book, "Master Your Code" (Sept. 2019), Six Essential Steps to Living on Purpose.

And of course, our fear can be connected to the state of the world and wondering what life is all about. Richard Smoley, in his book "A Theology of Love" (Sept. 2019), speaks to us about Meaning for a Meaningless World: Letting Go of Grievances.

Some of our grievances and resentments probably deal with the 3 Rs, in this case: Resistance, Relationships, and Religion. Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, researchers into historical and religious mysteries, in their book "When God Had A Wife" (Dec. 2019), take a look at The "Us vs. Them" Monotheism and the #SheToo Comeback of the Goddess. And Robert Jennings, shines a light on the coming US election and our political situation, which also includes the aforementioned 3Rs, in his article, "Old Conservative White Men: Pass The Football To Someone Who Will Try To Score".

The thing for us to remember is that fear is not a physical thing. It is a thought or an emotion or possibly something projected onto us by the media, society, religion, etc.. Fear is not tangible and real. You can't see it, and you can't physically touch it. Remembering this can help us move past any fears that are holding us back, and give us the confidence to move ahead and create the life we wish to create for ourselves and for our beloved planet.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Getting The Courage To Show Up and Stand Your Ground

Written by Anaiya Sophia

standing your ground
Now is not the time for safe and credible creativity. Now is the time for new, edgy, and innovative ideas and experiments and creative, spiritual initiations that provide authentic and lasting growth.

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The Truth Can Be Scary: Admitting When You’re Wrong

Written by Amy Fish

Admitting When You’re Wrong: The Truth Can Be Scary
How am I going to break them the news? This is not going to be easy. I will admit that I was wrong, but I decide to put it off until I get there, hoping that once they see our brave faces, some of the sting will be gone. I will bring it up after dinner but before...

Moving Past The Fear Shadow's Comfort Zone To Discover Confidence and Inner Stillness

Written by Sarah Mane

Moving Past The Fear Shadow's Comfort Zone To Discover Inner Stillness
The transformation of our understanding occurs at the instant that wisdom illuminates the situation. The light immediately banishes mistaken understanding, and this dispels the shadow of fear without further effort. The light from the flashlight is the illumination of true and complete knowledge.

Six Essential Steps to Living on Purpose

Written by Darren J. Gold

Six Essential Steps to Living on Purpose
You came into this world with a gift, a calling. It is at the core of who you are. Yet, as you have gone through life, you likely added layer upon layer of material on top of your core, mostly to protect yourself. The protective layers are the rules of your program. Over time, these layers have likely obscured your unique gift or calling.

Meaning for a Meaningless World: Letting Go of Grievances

Written by Richard Smoley

Meaning for a Meaningless World: Letting Go of Grievances
From a conventional point of view, forgiveness is not only more powerful but more advantageous than many believe. Grievances are enormous obstacles to happiness and success. 

The "Us vs. Them" Monotheism and the #SheToo Comeback of the Goddess

Written by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince

For centuries the worship of just one God has been seen as the ultimate in religious sophistication, exemplifying the progress of civilization. But the most cursory glance at monotheism’s track record tells a very different story. The elevation of one God—and the rejection of all others—goes hand in hand with intolerance of outsiders or those with a different perspective...

Old Conservative White Men: Pass The Football To Someone Who Will Try To Score

Written by Robert Jennings,

Stories Of When Your Kids Make You Feel Old! | The Curls
We have had important US elections but this one in November 2020 is undoubtedly the most important. Why? America and the values by which it was created, and the world, are teetering on collapse

Looking For Love On A Dating App? You Might Be Falling For A Ghost
Looking For Love On A Dating App? You Might Be Falling For A Ghost

by Lisa Portolan

If you unpick the threads, you will quickly find much of the falling occurred in the mind. Many artefacts that go…

How Can I Help If My Child Is Being Too Clingy
How Can I Help If My Child Is Being Too Clingy

by Elizabeth Westrupp

Many parents complain of difficulties in managing clingy children – whether it’s a baby who cries every time the parent…

How Depression Memes May Be A Coping Mechanism For People With Mental Illness
How Depression Memes May Be A Coping Mechanism For People With Mental Illness

by Umair Akram

While memes are usually light-hearted, many social media sites and forums are increasingly playing host to communities…

How Iran's Millennials Are Grappling With Crippling US Sanctions
How Iran's Millennials Are Grappling With Crippling US Sanctions

by Manata Hashemi

As someone who has studied the lives of Iran’s working classes, I know just how damaging economic warfare has been.…

How to convince your loved ones to get the flu shot this year
How To Convince Your Loved Ones To Get The Flu Shot This Year

by Helen Colby and Meng Li

The best way to protect against the flu is the flu vaccine. But even so, about 60% of Americans will skip getting a flu…

What Makes Something Ironic?
What Makes Something Ironic?

by Roger J. Kreuz

Have you ever found yourself about to say, “that’s ironic,” only to stop yourself – unsure whether you were using the…

How 'Bee-Washing' Hurts Bees And Misleads Consumers
How 'Bee-Washing' Hurts Bees And Misleads Consumers

by Lila Westreich

Amid the worry over the loss of honeybees, a far quieter but just as devastating loss is occurring among lesser known…

Even Very Young Children Can Become Prejudiced
Even Very Young Children Can Become Prejudiced

by Melanie Killen

Racism has negative consequences for children’s health. It harms the kids who experience it personally and those who…

How Just A Little Mindfulness Can Ease Pain And Negativity..
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by Bess Connolly

Just a brief introduction to mindfulness helps people deal with physical pain and negative emotions, according to a new…

Why People Believe Con Artists?
Why Do People Believe Con Artists?

by InnerSelf Staff

What is real can seem pretty arbitrary. It’s easy to be fooled by misinformation disguised as news and deepfake videos…

Why Meditation Can Help You Make Fewer Mistakes
Why Meditation Can Help You Make Fewer Mistakes

by Jeff Lin and Jason Moser

Meditation may offer a way to make you less prone to mistakes, researchers report.

What's The Point Of Rational Thought If Emotions Always Take Over?
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by Eyal Winter

Even the most emotional person uses rational thought when deciding, and even the most rational person is affected by…

Carbon Pricing May Be Overrated, If History Is Any Indication
Carbon Pricing May Be Overrated, If History Is Any Indication

by Cameron Roberts

A common demand in discussions about climate change is to respect the science. This is appropriate. We should all be…

Mediterranean Diet Increases Gut Bacteria Linked To Healthy Ageing In Older Adults
Healthy Ageing In Older Adults Linked to Mediterranean Diet Increase of Gut Bacteria

by Paul O'Toole

As our global population is projected to live longer than ever before, it’s important that we find ways of helping…

What Would Happen If We All Just Stopped Following Rules?
What Would Happen If We All Just Stopped Following Rules?

by Nick Chater

We all feel the oppressive presence of rules, both written and unwritten – it’s practically a rule of life.

Here Are 5 Practical Ways Trees Can Help Us Survive Climate Change

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by Gregory Moore

As the brutal reality of climate change dawned this summer, you may have asked yourself a hard question: am I…

From Cow Pox To Mumps: People Have Always Had A Problem With Vaccination
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by Sally Frampton

A recent surge in mumps among young adults in the UK has been linked to the 1998 MMR vaccine scare, when a…

When Laser Surgery Turns Into A Nightmare, The Toll Can Be Enormous
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by Langis Michaud

It will soon be a year since Jessica Starr, a popular weatherperson on Detroit TV, took her own life. Her husband said…

Exercise Your Way To A Better Relationship
Exercise Your Way To A Better Relationship

by Scott Lear

Want to spice up your relationship for Valentine’s Day? Or maybe even start a new one off on the right foot? Go on an…

How to Turn Your Yard Into an Ecological Oasis
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by Toni Genberg

For years, Toni Genberg assumed a healthy garden was a healthy habitat. That’s how she approached the landscaping…

Eating Meat: Links To Chronic Disease Might Be Related To Amino Acids
Eating Meat: Links To Chronic Disease Might Be Related To Amino Acids

by Laura Brown and Kelly Rose

Meat-rich diets are linked to a range of health problems, from heart disease and strokes to type two diabetes and some…

Why Girls And Women Need More Time In Nature To Be Healthy
Why Girls And Women Need More Time In Nature To Be Healthy

by Rebecca Spencer and Sara FL Kirk

Supporting girls and women in their efforts to be physically active must become a global public health priority.

What The US Could Learn From Other Nations To Improve Election Protection
What The US Could Learn From Other Nations To Improve Election Protection

by Scott Shackelford

Hacking into voting machines remains far too easy. The vulnerabilities are not just theoretical. They have been…

Can Sex Affect Your Risk Of Getting Cancer?
Can Sex Affect Your Risk Of Getting Cancer?

by Spring Chenoa Cooper, et al

The sex act has many health benefits from reducing stress and tension, to boosting your immune system. It may even…

Major Airlines Say They're Acting On Climate Change - Not So Much
Major Airlines Say They're Acting On Climate Change - Not So Much

by Susanne Becken

If you’re a traveller who cares about reducing your carbon footprint, are some airlines better to fly with than others?

Revolutionary Change Needed To Stop Unprecedented Global Extinction Crisis
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by Michelle Lim

Nearly a million species face extinction if we do not fundamentally change our relationship with the natural world…

How Yoga Is Helping Girls Heal From Trauma
How Yoga Is Helping Girls Heal From Trauma

by Rebecca Epstein

Childhood trauma has a devastating impact on both the mind and the body of children who experience it. But that…

How Mindfulness Is Moving Beyond Self-help To Building Community Connections
How Mindfulness Is Moving Beyond Self-help To Building Community Connections

by Lakshmi Magon

From 1984 to 2018, the number of journal articles published annually on mindfulness jumped from two to 842, according…

The Movie Bombshell Is Hollywood's Lukewarm Attempt To Get To Grips With #MeToo
The Movie Bombshell Is Hollywood's Lukewarm Attempt To Come To Grips With #MeToo

by Maria Flood

There’s a degree of irony in the fact that Bombshell, the movie about the fall of Fox News boss and serial sexual…

Half Of Over-55s Are Open To Downsizing
Why Half of Over-55s Are Open To Downsizing and What Are The Obstacles

by Amity James, et al.

More than half of Australians over the age of 55 are open to downsizing, according to a new report based on a survey of…

Natural Supplements Can Be Dangerously Contaminated, Or Not Even Have The Specified Ingredients
Natural Supplements Can Be Dangerously Contaminated, Or Not Even Have The Specified Ingredients

by C. Michael White

More than two-thirds of Americans take dietary supplements. The vast majority of consumers – 84% – are confident the…

Is J.Lo's Body Distressing Or Inspiring For Mid-life Women?
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by Samantha Brennan

Are J.Lo and Shakira, ages 50 and 43 respectively, an inspiration for women, or do they raise the bar so high that…

Saying Sex Increases Cancer Risk Is Neither Totally Correct, Nor In Any Way Helpful
Saying Sex Increases Cancer Risk Is Neither Totally Correct, Nor In Any Way Helpful

by Jayne Lucke

A study claims to have found a link between having had ten or more sexual partners and an increased risk of cancer. But…

Climate Crisis Could Cause a Third of Plant and Animal Species to Disappear Within 50 Years
Climate Crisis Could Cause a Third of Plant and Animal Species to Disappear Within 50 Years

by Jessica Corbett

Successful implementation of the Paris agreement targets could help reduce extinctions considerably, possibly to 16% or…

.The Smelly Truth About Romantic Relationships And Health
The Smelly Truth About Romantic Relationships And Health

by Marlise Hofer and Frances Chen

Having trouble sleeping? Nervous about an important interview? Smelling your partner’s worn clothing may help improve…

Out-of-context Photos Are A Powerful Form Of Misinformation
Out-Of-Context Photos Are A Powerful Form Of Misinformation

by Lisa Fazio

When you think of visual misinformation, maybe you think of deepfakes – videos that appear real but have actually been…

How Disgust Drives Some Religious Thoughts And Feelings
How Disgust Drives Some Religious Thoughts And Feelings

by Carl Senior, et al

Even the most secular people and societies usually have their behaviour shaped by religion. We can see its influence in…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans


Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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