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This week there will be a lot of talk about love, since it's Valentine's Day. Yet the focus sometimes can be on love expressed through flowers and chocolate. But, as we all know, love is much more than what is depicted in Hallmark cards or movies. Love is a deep feeling expressed in thought, attitude, and action. And it doesn't have to do with just one person. It is much bigger than one person or one day.

So this week, we bring you articles on the many facets and nuances of love...And we start with the connection between our "Big Soul" and our "Little Soul" which is destined to be a great love story. (Big Soul and Little Soul: Finding Our Way Back Home written by HeatherAsh Amara, and reprinted from her  new book - January 2020 - The Warrior Heart Practice).

We then continue our exploration by looking at sensitive souls' relationship challenges, in an excerpt from a November 2019 book written by Stephanie Red Feather, The Evolutionalry Empath (Learning To Live In The 3-D World: Boundaries, Relationships, and Overcoming The Influences Of Childhood).

And because Love, as with everything else, is a learning process, Nancy Windheart shares pointers in "Learning to Lead In Love" while Dr. Paul Napper, Psy.D. and Dr. Anthony Rao, Ph.D. help you reflect on the importance of "The Company You Keep: Learning To Associate Selectively".

And while Love may seem like a single emotion, a more complete expression of it is "Recognizing and Practicing Wholeheartedness" (article excerpted from a brand new book by Linda Carroll, Love Skiils, being released Feb. 14, 2020).

And sometimes we all need help in seeing the bigger picture, so Eileen Workman shares a great overview in "What Makes A Good Relationship?".

And, of course, the planets assist us in this journey as Pam Younghans shares in the Astrological Journal for the Week: "It is more important than ever to focus on being heart-centered. This means having empathy for others, trusting in the process, allowing your heart to guide your decisions, asking for help when needed, and making self-care a priority."   

So this week, while many are focusing on Valentine's Day, let's remember that Love is about more than one person, it is an energy that starts with and within our own self and then can be spread out over the whole world (where it is greatly needed).

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Big Soul and Little Soul: Finding Our Way Back Home

Written by HeatherAsh Amara

Big Soul and Little Soul: Finding Our Way Back Home
The once-seamless connection between our spiritual nature and our physical form is torn. Instead of making choices from the wisdom of our bountiful Big Soul allied with our ego-personality, we begin to identify more and more with the Little Soul thoughts of who we “should” be rather than the Big Soul–Little Soul union of who we truly are.

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Learning To Live In The 3-D World: Boundaries, Relationships, and Overcoming The Influences Of Childhood

Written by Stephanie Red Feather

Learning To Live In The 3-D World: Boundaries, Relationships, and Overcoming The Influences Of Childhood
One of the greatest gifts that evolutionary empaths give to the world is an open, loving heart. We are deeply committed to holding the vibration of love and heart-centeredness on this planet, often to our frequent detriment when we walk the path unconsciously.

Learning to Lead In Love

Written by Nancy Windheart

Learn to Lead In Love
I have been thinking a lot about beauty lately… about how, alongside all of the difficulty, suffering, and tragedy in our world, there is an ever-present flow of beauty, joy, grace, and love all around us… and within us.

The Company You Keep: Learning To Associate Selectively

Written by Dr. Paul Napper, Psy.D. and Dr. Anthony Rao, Ph.D.

The Company You Keep: Learning To Associate Selectively
Human beings are social animals—we all need some degree of interaction with other humans for basic survival as well as psychological health. Spending time with empathetic, optimistic, open-minded people and weeding out those who have the opposite qualities will boost your mood, elevate your motivation, and improve your health.

Recognizing and Practicing Wholeheartedness

Written by Linda Carroll

Recognizing and Practicing Wholeheartedness
The concept of wholeheartedness is a lot like love; it’s a feeling that comes and goes. We may work hard to be wholehearted, and, as with any other kind of fitness, the more one works at it, the better one gets.

What Makes A Good Relationship?

Written by Eileen Workman

What Makes A Good Relationship?
What makes a good relationship? A willingness to surrender one’s heart—totally and without reservation to your Beloved—and to trust that, when you leap together into the precipice of the unknown, you will be able to reach confidently for one another and find solace or joy in equal measure through that loving communion.

How Handwritten Valentines Create A Legacy Of Love And Literacy
How Handwritten Valentines Create A Legacy of Love and Literacy

by Hetty Roessingh

Romantic love is a complex emotion thought to have ancient roots in human evolution, and associated with the need to…

What Does Gamble Responsibly Actually Mean?
What Does Gambling Responsibly Actually Mean?

by Anastasia Hronis

Advertisements for gambling and online betting tell us to “gamble responsibly”. But what does this mean in reality? And…

What Really Happens To Medicines After Their Use-by Dates?
What Really Happens To Medicines After Their Use-by Dates?

by Michael Cole

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Are Firstborn Children Really Natural Leaders?
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by Klara Sabolova

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Do We Fear A Pandemic, Or Are We Experiencing A Pandemic Of Fear?
Do We Fear A Pandemic, or Are We Experiencing A Pandemic Of Fear?

by Arne Ruckert, et al

The coronavirus outbreak in China raises important questions about how well governments manage the latest pathogens to…

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by Tim Schweisfurth and René Chester Goduscheit

The European Patent Office recently turned down an application for a patent that described a food container. This was…

Civility In Politics Is Harder Than You Think
Civility In Politics Is Harder Than You Think

by Robert B. Talisse

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Bird Species Are Facing Extinction Hundreds Of Times Faster Than Previously Thought

by Arne Mooers

Evidence suggests the number of species going extinct, and the rate at which they disappear, is increasing dramatically.

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by Seamus Coyle

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by Weihong Lin and Rakaia Kenney

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by Daisy Dunne

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A Parent's Guide To Managing Tantrums
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by Monique Robinson

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by Ritesh Chugh

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by Rola Ajjawi and Mary Dracup

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by Melissa Starling and Paul McGreevy

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by Paul Levy

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by Alberto Acerbi and Charlotte Brand

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by Carys Bennett, et al

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by Claire Hooker and Ian Kerridge

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by John Quiggin

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There Are High Levels Of Sugar In Organic And Children's Yogurts
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by J Bernadette Moore and Barbara Fielding

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Why Humans Are Hardwired To Dismiss Facts That Don't Fit Their Worldview
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by Adrian Bardon

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Australia’s recent bushfire crisis will be remembered for many things – not least, the tragic loss of life, property…

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by Chengwei Liu

No rule exists for achieving exceptional performance because it usually requires doing something different or novel and…

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by Lauren Dawson

Cats are popular pets: there are an estimated 200 million pet cats worldwide, with more pet cats than pet dogs.

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by Richard D. Wolff

What do we mean when we talk about “socialism”? Here are ten things about its theory, practice, and potential that you…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: February 10 - 16, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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