Image by Gerd Altmann

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

We are now in the month of February... often referred to as the month of Love. Now of course, Love is not restricted to just one month or just one day, so we thought we'd focus on some variances of love... not necessarily just the romantic kind usually linked to Valentine's Day.

We start off with "5 Ways to Lead with Love, Not Fear, and Be a Love Leader" written by Michael Bianco-Splann. He speaks of leading in business, as well as in your personal life, with love rather than fear.

Joyce Vissell relates some examples of "Practicing Gratitude in Vulnerable Times" because, after all, what is gratitude if not Love in action. Lynn B. Robinson brings us "Bits of Laughter, Tears, and Love... At The End" sharing with us that, while the death of a loved one is a challenging experience, it is also one where Love prevails.

Alan Cohen gives us some tips on "Where to Find the Love of Your Life" (and no, it's not at your local bar or using an app). However, finding love is not necessarily the be-all end-all, as veteran Tom Voss shares with us in "Make War, Not Love: To Make War, You Have To Leave The Love Behind".

However, through the whole journey to discover love, and sometimes to run from it, the most important thing to remember is that, as Rena Greenberg reminds us, our need for love and compassion stems from our desire to be connected with others. Read about this more in depth in "Learning to Love Yourself: Harnessing Your Own Resources".

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

And please remember to check out our new section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with the issues that are related to, and affected by, the 2020 US election for President, Senators, etc.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

5 Ways to Lead with Love, Not Fear, and Be a Love Leader

Written by Michael Bianco-Splann

5 Ways to Lead with Love, Not Fear, and Be a Love Leader
For many of us, our default state isn't love; it's fear. Picture, for a moment, 7 billion human beings walking around the planet, heads down, eyes averting the gaze of others, hiding behind insecurities and past pain points, hovering under the radar, and just trying to blend in.

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Practicing Gratitude in Vulnerable Times

Written by Joyce Vissell

Practicing Gratitude in Vulnerable Times
A lot of books have been written about gratitude. I think it is a well-received idea that gratitude is a nice thing to do. But I want to address the use of gratitude in our most vulnerable times, when it is not about being polite, nice or wanting to be liked.

Bits of Laughter, Tears, and Love... At The End

Written by Lynn B. Robinson, PhD

Bits of Laughter, Tears, and Love... At The End
Having joyful things to think about is helpful. We all know, though, that we have many times where tears are helpful, too. Tears can release feelings, can be eye lubricants, and can sometimes remove stress or improve moods. They do not erase the reason we are sad, but they clear the path to remember our joy - our love.

Where to Find the Love of Your Life

Written by Alan Cohen

Where to Find the Love of Your Life
After many years of coaching and leading seminars, I have discovered two areas that most people ask about most frequently: prosperity and relationships. Most people are looking for their love mate, or, if they have one, are seeking a better connection.

Make War, Not Love: To Make War, You Have To Leave The Love Behind

Written by Tom Voss

Make War, Not Love: To Make War, You Have To Leave The Love Behind
There’s only so much adrena­line a human body can make. There’s not enough to make love and war. To make war, you have to leave the love behind.

Learning to Love Yourself: Harnessing Your Own Resources

Written by Rena Greenberg

Learning to Love Yourself: Harnessing Your Own Resources
Our need for love and compassion stems from our desire to be connected with others, to feel good about ourselves, and to receive and give appreciation. We all want to feel valued, understood, and respected—to be heard, seen, and believed.

Let's Cut The BS!!! Some Straight Talk On US Healthcare
Straight Talk On The State Of U.S. Healthcare

by Robert Jennings,

Make no mistake, how we pay for healthcare in the US is broken for many individuals and for many communities. Like a…

New Research: Quitting Smoking Regrows Protective Lung Cells
New Research: Quitting Smoking Regrows Protective Lung Cells

by Sam Janes and Peter Campbell

We know that quitting smoking is an excellent way to reduce your risk of developing lung cancer. But until now, experts…

Homes With Higher Energy Ratings Sell For More
Why Homes With Higher Energy Ratings Sell For More

by Daniel Daly

Everybody wants an energy-efficient home. After all, an energy-efficient home is comfortable to live in, without large…

Bees Learn Better When They Can Explore. Humans Might Work The Same Way
Bees Learn Better When They Can Explore. Humans Might Work The Same Way

by Adrian Dyer, et al

Understanding how humans learn is one key to improving teaching practices and advancing education.

Behold The Power Of The Sun, At Its Peak On Winter Solstice
Behold The Power Of The Sun, At Its Peak On Winter Solstice

by Linda Geddes

The sky is powder blue, and the sun magnificent, as I stride through glittering grass and fallen sycamore seeds to…

Are You Eating The Right Sorts Of Fibre?
Are You Eating The Right Sorts Of Fibre?

by David Topping, et al

Six out of ten Australians don’t eat enough fibre, and even more don’t get the right combination of fibres.

Your Brain, Healthy Fats, And The Importance Of Fitting Into Your Genes
Your Brain, Healthy Fats, And The Importance Of Fitting Into Your Genes

by Marco Travaglio

Our brains are extremely rich in fat. Indeed, about two thirds of the human brain is composed of fat, 35% of which…

Is Snow Shoveling A Healthy Exercise Or A Deadly Activity?
Is Snow Shoveling A Healthy Exercise Or A Deadly Activity?

by Scott Lear

As an exercise and health researcher, I can confirm that snow shoveling is an excellent physical activity.

To Change Your Personality, Don’t Go It Alone
To Change Your Personality, Don’t Go It Alone

by Alexis Blue

Most people have an aspect of their personality they’d like to change, but it may be difficult to do so without help…

How Young California Ranchers Are Finding New Ways To Raise Livestock And Improve The Land
How Young California Ranchers Are Finding New Ways To Raise Livestock And Improve The Land

by Munden-Dixon and Leslie Roche

As California contends with drought, wildfires and other impacts of climate change, a small yet passionate group of…

Modern Tomatoes Are Very Different From Their Wild Ancestors
Modern Tomatoes Are Very Different From Their Wild Ancestors

by Hamid Razifard and Ana Caicedo

The tomato’s path from wild plant to household staple is much more complex than researchers have long thought.

Silicon Valley's Latest Fad Is Dopamine Fasting – And That May Not Be As Crazy As It Sounds
Silicon Valley's Latest Fad Is Dopamine Fasting – And That May Not Be As Crazy As It Sounds

by A. Trevor Sutton

Silicon Valley’s newest fad is dopamine fasting, or temporarily abstaining from “addictive” activities such as social…

Does Taxing Sugary Drinks Really Make Us Drink Less?
Does Taxing Sugary Drinks Really Make Us Drink Less?

by Gary Sacks, et al

Several governments around the world have adopted taxes on sugary drinks in recent years. The evidence is clear

Climate Action Shouldn't Mean Choosing Between Personal And Political Responsibility
Climate Action Shouldn't Mean Choosing Between Personal And Political Responsibility

by Joost de Moor, et al

Can your individual behaviour make a real difference to the environment? And should you be expected to voluntarily…

Why Your Tourist Brain May Try To Drown You
Why Your Tourist Brain May Try To Drown You

by Chris Houser

During the mid-winter break, many vacationers head south to sandy beaches and turquoise waters.

Why Some Grief Takes Much Longer To Heal
Why Some Grief Takes Much Longer To Heal

by Marie Lundorff

It’s a tragic fact of life that most of us will experience the loss of a loved one. Approximately 50 to 55 million…

The Ethics Of The 4-Day Work-Week Is Not Just About The Hours

by Nicholas Smith

Fewer work hours as a win-win – improving productivity for employers while giving employees what they want.

Should Vegans Avoid Avocados and Almonds?
Should Vegans Avoid Avocados and Almonds?

by Dominic Wilkinson

Vegans avoid animal products. For strict vegans this means avoiding honey because of the exploitation of bees. That…

How Teens Use Fake Instagram Accounts To Relieve The Pressure Of Perfection
How Teens Use Fake Instagram Accounts To Relieve The Pressure Of Perfection

by Joanne Orlando

Fake Instagram accounts, often referred to as “finstas” or “spam accounts”, have become the norm for many teens – but…

Phantosmia: When You Smell Smells That Aren't There
Phantosmia: When You Smell Smells That Aren't There

by Lorenzo Stafford

Have you ever smelled odours other people can’t smell? If you have, you may have experienced phantosmia – the medical…

What Psychotherapy Can Do For The Climate and Biodiversity Crises

What Psychotherapy Can Do For The Climate and Biodiversity Crises

by Caroline Hickman

In these extreme circumstances, a bit of depression about the environment could be precisely what we need – it’s the…

How You Experience The Menopause May Have A Lot To Do With Your Family
How You Experience Menopause May Have A Lot To Do With Your Family

by Megan Arnot

The menopause happens around the age of 50, and for many women, the end of their fertile life is accompanied by…

The Average American Household Wastes $1,866 Of Food Per Year
The Average American Household Wastes $1,866 Of Food Per Year

by Edward Jaenicke

American households waste, on average, almost a third of the food they acquire, economists report. This food waste has…

Why The Benefits Of Job Automation Are Not Likely To Be Shared
Why The Benefits Of Job Automation Are Not Likely To Be Shared Equally

by Shahid M Shahiduzzaman, et al

While companies might reap significant gains in productivity from automating certain jobs, this won’t necessarily lead…

Why Win-win Solutions Are A Fantasy
Are Win-Win Solutions A Fantasy?

by Anand Giridharadas

It’s no secret that the biggest gains in the growing global economy are reaped by the extremely wealthy.

Why Happy Emotions Are Not Necessarily What They Appear
Why Happy Emotions Are Not Necessarily What They Appear

by Rob Boddice

‘Be happy!’ Mary Wollstonecraft exhorted her estranged lover and tormentor, Gilbert Imlay, in late 1795. What did she…

How A.I. Boosts Breast Cancer Detection Accuracy
How A.I. Boosts Breast Cancer Detection Accuracy

by Krzysztof Geras

An artificial intelligence tool—trained on roughly a million screening mammography images—can identify breast cancer…

Is It OK For Teens To Drink Coffee?
Is It OK For Teens To Drink Coffee?

by Jennifer L. Temple

When my daughter was around 14 years old, she began to ask if she could have a cup of coffee in the morning like Mom…

How School Gardens Reconnect Kids With Food
How School Gardens Reconnect Kids With Food

by Anna Ball

Rural school gardens get students back in touch with their food, a new study finds.

Why Moving Around Now May Improve Your Mood Later
Why Moving Around Now May Improve Your Mood Later

by Barbara Benham

Increases in physical activity tend to be followed by increases in mood and perceived energy level, research finds.

"Teach Back" Communication Can Keep You Out Of The Hospital

by Alisson Clark

When certain patients “teach back” a doctor’s instructions, they’re more likely to stay out of the hospital, according…

How People Are Being Manipulated To Participate In The Cancel Culture
How People Are Being Manipulated To Participate In The Cancel Culture

by Anjana Susarla

“Cancel culture” has become so pervasive that even former President Barack Obama has weighed in on the phenomenon…

How Behavioural Science Could Help Us Reach Zero Emissions
How Behavioral Science Could Help Us Reach Zero Emissions

by David Comerford

When we talk about innovations to deal with the climate crisis, we tend to think of new technologies developed by…

A Look Behind The Co-Working World Revolution
A Look Behind The Co-Working World Revolution

by Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Co-working spaces have been growing in all the world’s major cities for 15 years. But what makes them so popular? Why…

Blood Pressure Swings May Be An Early Warning For Heart Disease
Blood Pressure Swings May Be An Early Warning For Heart Disease

by Sarah Avery

Variable blood pressure readings could be an overlooked early warning sign of heart disease, researchers report.

This Technique Eases Bipolar Depression
This Technique Eases Bipolar Depression

by Kristin Samuelson

Daily exposure to bright white light in the middle of the day significantly decreases symptoms of depression and…

What To Do At Home So Your Kids Do Well At School
What To Do At Home So Your Kids Do Well At School

by Vicki McKenzie

Student achievement has been found to be most influenced by parents’ aspirations and expectations for their children’s…

Don’t Just Fake It: How ‘Deep Acting’ Emotions Pays Off At Work
Don’t Just Fake It: How Deep Acting Emotions Pays Off At Work

by Alexis Blue

Faking positive emotions for coworkers can do more harm than good, researchers say. Making an effort to actually feel…

How A Year Of Trying To Buy Nothing Made Me A Smarter Shopper And A Better Teacher
How A Year Of Trying To Buy Nothing Made Me A Smarter Shopper And A Better Teacher

by Ellen Heyting

It started as a New Year’s resolution driven by guilt and a touch of sibling rivalry – but by the end of the year, it…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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