Image by Mojca JJ

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we bring you articles to assist you, in the words of author Marc Lesser, in "learning to love the “full catastrophe” of this crazy mixed-up world and the struggle of attempting to make sense of it all." We start off with Will T. Wilkinson's article, "Learning To Use A Super Power We All Have". Will is the founder of the Noon Club. Find out more about the Noon Club and how you can participate -- and use your super power -- at the bottom of his article.

We follow-up with Jude Bijou and "3 Steps to Hear Your Intuition and Create A Dynamic Duo With Your Rational Mind". We might have been taught, and believed, that intuition and mind were two opposing forces, but they are not. When used together, they create a powerful force -- another super power!

Rabbi Daniel Cohen invites us to reflect on the question: "How Would The World Be Different Without You?" And Diane Gehart introduces us to "The Art of Savoring: Joyfulness as a Way of Life" while Robert Jennings asks: "Can You Predict The Future?"

Marc Lesser (quoted earlier) merges the world of our personal life with business leadership in: "Mindfulness In Action: Avoidance Is Natural But Self-Defeating". Jodie Jackson reminds of that we have "The Power To Change: Changing Our Media Diet To Become More Informed, Engaged and Empowered".

Our goal, as always at InnerSelf, is to provide tools and information to empower each reader to find the inner strength to create the world you desire, and that the children of Planet Earth deserve. We are not powerless, we do not have to be victims. We can reach deep within and find the strength and the guidance to be who we are meant to be... to play our role in the drama that is unfolding around us (and possibly inside of us as well).

We invite you to share the articles with as many people as you can...It is by helping spread the light (and the love) that we can have a bigger impact on the world around us. It is your world, it is your life... It is time for all of us to wake up, stand up, and take action... whichever action we are guided to take. And to rediscover our super power(s) and use them for the Good.

Also, a reminder about our new section: "Remember Your Future On 3rd of November" which focuses on the issues affecting us, not just in the USA, but world-wide with the approach of the 2020 US election. These articles are meant to inform and inspire you to take action, and if you are a US resident, to vote! Your voice and your vote do count.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Learning To Use A Super Power We All Have

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

Seeing Through The Eyes of Love: Let Love Radiate, Without Concern For Results
Today, I'm introducing another new term, a word I invented years ago that turns imagination into a verb: "imagifi." Usage: We can imagifi a situation by applying our imagination to it and asking, "What if..?"

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3 Steps to Hear Your Intuition and Create A Dynamic Duo With Your Rational Mind

Written by Jude Bijou

3 Steps to Hear Your Intuition and Create A Dynamic Duo With Your Rational Mind
Consulting and following our intuition is the easy way to experience joy, love, and peace in our lives. Our intuition, or inner knowing, makes a dynamic duo with our rational mind, our outer knowing or thinking. Used together, our heart and mind constitute an unstoppable team.

How Would The World Be Different Without You?

Written by Rabbi Daniel Cohen

How Would The World Be Different Without You?
You may not realize it but you are not an accident. You were born with purpose. Every day you possess a unique mission and potential to reveal the light in you and share it with the world.

The Art of Savoring: Joyfulness as a Way of Life

Written by Diane R. Gehart

The Art of Savoring: Joyfulness as a Way of Life
As you begin to cultivate the art of extraordinary happiness, you begin to discover joy. Joy to me is a feeling that comes from within, whereas happiness, in its ordinary sense, is usually triggered by some­thing in the outside world.

Can You Predict The Future?

Written by Robert Jennings,

Predicting The Future Of The Climate Crisis
Can the future be predicted? Most certainly. Can anyone or anything predict the future with any certainty?

Mindfulness In Action: Avoidance Is Natural But Self-Defeating

Written by Marc Lesser

Mindfulness In Action: Avoidance Is Natural But Self-Defeating
Of course, we are each of us in charge of our own lives. But more to the point, gaps we identify at work, whatever our job, often relate to gaps we experience at home, in relationships, as parents, and so on. Gaps of pain and possi­bility exist in every realm, and sometimes, when we recognize a gap in one area, it can open up a flood of recognition that goes far beyond our original focus.

The Power To Change: Changing Our Media Diet To Become More Informed, Engaged and Empowered

Written by Jodie Jackson

the power to change
Over the years, many people have doubted the ability of individuals and organisations to bring about positive change in the newsroom; they have said things like this to me: ‘The news is the way that it is; you are never going to change it.’ But as playwright George Bernard Shaw so eloquently put it...

How Mental Rehearsal Preps Us For Action
How Mental Rehearsal Preps Us For Action

by Nathan Collins

Neuroscientists have discovered how the brain learns physical tasks, even in the absence of real-world movement.

Child Welfare Experts Say Use Of Sleep Boxes Could Potentially Put Infants' Lives At Risk
Child Welfare Experts Say Use Of Sleep Boxes Could Potentially Put Infants' Lives At Risk

by Kela Debbie Watson, et al

Having a baby can be expensive. So it’s maybe not surprising that many retailers around the world have cottoned on to…

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?
What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

by Peter McEvoy

Most of us would admit to feeling shy from time to time, or anxious about public speaking: the larger the crowd the…

How A Low-energy Home Will Improve Your Life
How A Low-Energy Home Will Improve Your Life

by Stephen Berry, et al

Household energy use is a significant contributor to global carbon emissions. International policy is firmly moving…

What You Can Do To Keep Your Kids Safe From Pesticides
What You Can Do To Keep Your Kids Safe From Pesticides

by Patti Verbanas

Who’s most at risk for pesticide exposure and how can you keep your kids safe?

Sleep Paralysis: What Is It and What Causes It?
Sleep Paralysis: What Is It and What Causes It?

by Mira Rakicevic

Sleep paralysis is a type of REM parasomnia or abnormal behavior that takes place during the REM sleep cycle.

What Not To Say When Women Talk To You About Sexual Harassment

by Sian Lewis

In the wake of the collective outpouring online, sexual harassment is now a topic of everyday discussion.

The Serious Consequence Of Exercising Too Much, Too Fast
The Serious Consequence Of Exercising Too Much, Too Fast

by Tamara Hew-Butler

There are more incidents of skeletal muscle ruptures that are causing harm in other parts of the body.

This Blood Test Tells The Time Of Your Body Clock
This Blood Test Tells The Time Of Your Body Clock

by Marla Paul

Researchers have developed a new simple blood test that can tell the time in your body—which might be very different…

How, You Can Change Someone’s Mind. But Facts Alone Won’t Do It
How You Can Change Someone’s Mind -- Facts Alone Won’t Do It

by Amanda Abrams

Here’s something fascinating about stories that recount a major change of heart.

The Biggest Political Party in America You’ve Never Heard Of
The Biggest Political Party in America You’ve Never Heard Of

by Robert Reich

If I asked you to name the biggest political party in the United States, what would be your answer? You probably have…

How To Help Your Kids With Homework Without Doing It For Them
How To Help Your Kids With Homework Without Doing It For Them

by Melissa Barnes and Katrina Tour

Parent involvement in their child’s learning can help improve how well they do in school. However, when it comes to…

What Are Probiotics And How You Might Benefit From Them
What Are Probiotics and How Might You Benefit From Them?

by Gregor Reid

Probiotics are live microorganisms, usually bacteria, that can be consumed to offer health benefits.

A Climate-linked Financial Crisis Looms, But The Fix Isn't Up To Central Banks
A Climate-Linked Financial Crisis Looms, But The Fix Isn't Up To Central Banks

by Richard Holden

The Bank for International Settlements – the “central bank” for central banks – made headlines with a report outlining…

Does Social Media Make Us More Or Less Lonely?
Does Social Media Make Us More Or Less Lonely?

by Roger Patulny

Humans are more connected to each other than ever, thanks to smartphones, the web and social media. At the same time…

Reasons Not To Scoff At Ghosts, Visions And Near-death Experiences
Reasons Not To Scoff At Ghosts, Visions and Near-Death Experiences

by Andreas Sommer

There is a long tradition of scientists and other intellectuals in the West being casually dismissive of people’s…

How To Make Better Espresso
How To Make Better Espresso

by Christopher Hendon

A new approach can help you make the perfect shot of espresso, researchers report.

Are Cannabis Edibles A Serious Risks To Our Kids

Are Cannabis Edibles A Serious Risk To Our Kids -- and To Adults As Well?

by Anita Srivastava

While edibles may provide a delivery system that provides the intoxicating effects of cannabis while avoiding the risks…

Why Amazon Echo’s Privacy Issues Go Way Beyond Voice Recordings
Why Amazon Echo’s Privacy Issues Go Way Beyond Voice Recordings

by Garfield Benjamin

Amazon Echo and the Alexa voice assistant have had widely publicised issues with privacy.

Why Loneliness Is A Social Cancer
Why Loneliness Is A Social Cancer

by Alex Haslam, et al

One question the ABC’s promotional material focused on was “Are you lonely?”

YouTube's Algorithms Might Radicalize People – But The Real Problem Is We've No Idea How They Work
YouTube's Algorithms Might Radicalize People – But The Real Problem Is We've No Idea How They Work

by Chico Q. Camargo

A recent study caused arguments among scientists by arguing that the algorithms that power the site don’t help…

How Effective Is The Birth Control Pill?
How Effective Is The Birth Control Pill?

by Deborah Bateson and Kathleen McNamee

About one-third of women using contraception use the pill. But how effective is it?

Stoneflies And Mayflies Are The 'Coal Mine Canaries' Of Our Streams
Stoneflies And Mayflies Are The 'Coal Mine Canaries' Of Our Streams

by Boris Kondratieff

Experienced anglers recognize that for a trout, the ultimate “steak dinner” is a stonefly or mayfly.

The Biology Of Coffee
Is Coffee Good For You? It's Complicated!

by Thomas Merritt

You’re reading this with a cup of coffee in your hand, aren’t you? Coffee is the most popular drink in many parts of…

The Real Reason Women Live Longer Than Men
The Real Reason Women Live Longer Than Men

by Maarten Wensink

Life expectancy is built up out of many small pieces, one for each age, and demographers can pick those pieces apart.

How Food Fraud Is Hidden In Plain Sight
How Food Fraud Is Hidden In Plain Sight

by John G. Keogh

The globalization of the food chain has resulted in increased complexity and diminished transparency and trust into how…

Why Action On Climate Change Gets Stuck And What To Do About It
Why Action On Climate Change Gets Stuck and What To Do About It

by Matthew Hoffmann and Steven Bernstein

This erasure of one government’s climate project by its successor was only the tip of the melting iceberg.

How Science Backs Harry And Meghan Turning In Their Royal Privilege
How Science Backs Harry and Meghan Turning In Their Royal Privilege

by Jolanda Jetten

If you’ve ever dreamt of fame and fortune, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle turning their backs on the royal…

Why Surveillance Smart Tech Won’t Make Cities Safer
Why Surveillance Smart Tech Won’t Make Cities Safer

by Bonnie Stewart

Ring promises to keep more neighbourhoods safe, but will smart surveillance systems really make you safer?

There's More Than One Good Way To Teach Kids How To Read
There's More Than One Good Way To Teach Kids How To Read

by Turner Nash and Leah Panther

We are literacy professionals, former reading teachers who now prepare college and graduate students to teach kids how…

You Want To Live Tiny? Here's What To Consider When Choosing A House, Van Or Caravan
You Want To Live Tiny? Here's What To Consider When Choosing A House, Van Or Caravan

by Heather Shearer and Samuel Alexander

An important first step is to decide what type of tiny house you want. To many, the phrase “tiny house” brings to mind…

How Much Protein Powder, Shake, And Supplement Can Our Body Actually Use?
How Much Protein Powder, Shake, and Supplement Can Our Body Actually Use?

by David Rogerson

Once only used by bodybuilders, more and more people are using sports supplements as a regular part of their health and…

How Five Short Intentions Can Help People Recovering From Depression Stay On Track
How Five Short Intentions Can Help People Recovering From Depression Stay On Track

by Michael Lucock

About one in six people in England report experiencing anxiety or depression in any given week, and depression is a…

5 Ways To Turn CO? From Pollution To A Valuable Product
5 Ways To Turn CO? From Pollution To A Valuable Product

by Ella Adlen and Cameron Hepburn

It’s far easier to avoid burning fossil fuels than it is to clean up CO? emissions once they’re in the Earth’s…

When AI Meets Your Shopping Experience It Knows What You Buy – And What You Ought To Buy
When AI Meets Your Shopping Experience It Knows What You Buy – And What You Ought To Buy

by Michael Milford and Gary Mortimer

Whether you do your shopping online or in store, your retail experience is the latest battleground for the artificial…

I have a dream speech and video
I Have A Dream (text & video)

by Martin Luther King, Jr.

The I Have A Dream speech is the crown jewel of the 20th century. Given before 250,000 souls on the steps of the…

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What Shaped Martin Luther King's Prophetic Vision?

by Kenyatta R. Gilbert, Howard University

The name Martin Luther King Jr. is iconic in the United States. The 44th president, Barack Obama, spoke of King in both…

Why Do Onions Make You Cry?
Why Do Onions Make You Cry?

by Minda Daughtry

Onions are grown and used all over the world, and anyone who has cut into one knows that it can make you cry.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans


Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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