Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Who are we? Who are you? Who am I? These are referred as "existential" questions. What exactly is an existential question?

Looking it up online, I find this definition: "a question concerning the essence of what it means to be alive". OK, fine! And part of me says, so what! In the sense that maybe we need to be more concerned with our present existence and our future, rather than gazing at our belly-button and wondering about what it means to be alive. Maybe what is needed is less "wondering", and more being and doing. So this week, we do look at who we are, and also at what are we going to do about it!

We start off with "Your Identity — The Most Important Paradigm" and follow that with "There’s No App For Enlightenment".  It seems sometimes like there's an app for everything... but some things we just have to do for ourselves. And enlightenment is one of them, as is making tough choices for ourselves and for our planet. We can't job that out to an app or to someone else. Luckily you have the tools we need, and "Your Mind Is Your Best Resource: Reflect and Let Your Mind Go To Work".

Some of the things we have to change involve our immediate environment, our living space, so we bring you "Tips For Reinventing and Invigorating Your Space To Manifest Happiness and Prosperity".

We also have to make some inner changes and some changes in our attitude, and that includes recognizing who we are as shared in "Claiming the World Anew: The Divine As You and As All Things" No one can heal our inner child, or take our place in the stage of life. That's something that only each individual can do. And for that, we have to discover who we are and live it. A very important part of our life, if not the most important, is walking our talk on "The Path Of Self-Realization: Living True To Who We Really Are".

And walking our talk includes taking part in the world around us and thus this week, we have launched a new section on InnerSelf entitled "Remember the Future on 3rd of November". In this new section, you will learn about the issues and what's at stake in the November 3, 2020 US Presidential election. We won't be telling you what horse to pick in the race, but rather give you the information you need to make your own choices. Forces are at play to stop you from having a say in your future, and as it is in personal growth, the choices are ours to make, and the power is in our hands. To make good decisions, we need good information. That is what we will bring you in this new section. One of the articles in the section is by our own Robert Jennings, "Why We Need Many Dangerous Women To Save The World". The picture with the article features Sally Field and Jane Fonda... two "dangerous" women... they must be since they were both arrested in Washington DC lately.

This new section will include articles that appear in other categories on InnerSelf as well as some specific only to this section. So "Remember the Future" and inform yourself as to what is at stake and what can be done to create a better world.

Even the planetary energies support us all in our quest. Here is some info from the "Astrological Journal for the Week" "This new lunar cycle will inspire many to take a stand, speak loudly, and perhaps even demand to be heard. How we each use this influence depends on our core values, and how we want to direct its powerful energies."

I am reminded of the Bob Marley song, "Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights..." This is another thing that we must do for ourselves. We must take a stand as to who we are and what we want to create. It's a wonderful opportunity to create the world we know can be and needs to be.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Your Identity — The Most Important Paradigm

Written by Darren J. Gold

Your Identity — The Most Important Paradigm
You have an identity. Everyone does. You likely don’t recognize it or would struggle to describe it. But it is there, buried deep within your program. Your iden­tity is the aggregation of dozens (if not hundreds) of beliefs about yourself that you have accumulated over the course of your life.

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There’s No App For Enlightenment

Written by Frank Pasciuti, Ph.D.

There’s No App For Enlightenment
There’s no app for enlightenment. There’s no bypass to its attainment. But it is a worthwhile state toward which to aspire. And keep it mind: as you make progress along the way, you will incrementally derive the benefits.

Your Mind Is Your Best Resource: Reflect and Let Your Mind Go To Work

Written by Jason Caldwell

Your Mind Is Your Best Resource: Reflect and Let Your Mind Go To Work
Reflection and contemplation aren’t just for lazy Sunday af­ternoons. They are the means by which incredible solutions are discovered for impossible problems. Your mind is your best resource. It’s a catalyst for miracles.

Tips For Reinventing and Invigorating Your Space To Manifest Happiness and Prosperity

Written by Marla Stone

Tips For Reinventing and Invigorating Your Space To Manifest Happiness and Prosperity
Creating good energy and flow instantly makes a room intriguing and enchanting, but it does more than that. How living spaces are arranged will help you relax and become more creative in man­ifesting your goals.

Claiming the World Anew: The Divine As You and As All Things

Written by Paul Selig

Claiming the World Anew: The Divine As You and As All Things
You are not the one you think you are. You believe yourself to be what you thought you were, and the thought of being as you has accrued evidence through your magnetic field to justify your ideas.

The Path Of Self-Realization: Living True To Who We Really Are

Written by Ora Nadrich

The Path Of Self-Realization: Living True To Who We Really Are
We may be hurried or impatient to get to our "destination" but once we're there, what is it that we think we will find? We will find ourselves, and that means whatever "realizations" we've had along the way.

Why We Need Many Dangerous Women To Save The World

Written by Robert Jennings, InnerSelf.com

Why We Need Many Dangerous Women To Save The World
This election in 2020 will undoubtedly come down to the turn out and the voting pattern of women.

Your Blood Type May Influence Your Vulnerability To Norovirus

by Patricia L. Foster

In the last few months, schools all over the country have closed because of outbreaks of norovirus.

What Meat Eaters Really Think About Veganism
What Meat Eaters Really Think About Veganism

by Chris Bryant

Most people in the UK are committed meat eaters – but for how long?

How We Will Drive In The Future
How We Will Drive In The Future

by Andrew Morris

Cars are changing – fast. But are innovations such as autonomous and flying cars a bright new dawn, or just a wild pipe…

How The Body Clock Affects How The Immune System Works
How The Body Clock Affects How The Immune System Works

by David Ray and Gareth Kitchen

All life on Earth has evolved to cope with a rotating planet which results in the predictable transition between day…

Why Let Babies Be In Charge Of How Much They Eat
Why Let Babies Be In Charge Of How Much They Eat

by Sara Wyn Jones, et al

Should parents be spoon-feeding babies special pureed baby foods or could they just join in with the family and feed…

How Wildfire Smoke AfHow Wildfire Smoke Affects Pets And Other Animals
How Wildfire Smoke Affects Pets And Other Animals

by Stephanie Laura Bond, et al

Catastrophic fires across the globe are increasing in both frequency and magnitude. The bushfires in Australia, fuelled…

Why Homosexuality May Have Evolved For Social, Not Sexual Reasons
Why Homosexuality May Have Evolved For Social, Not Sexual Reasons

by Andrew Barron

How did homosexuality in humans evolve? Typically, this question is posed as a paradox.

Why The End Of The Checkout Signals A Dire Future For Those Without The Right Skills
Why The End Of The Checkout Signals A Dire Future For Those Without The Right Skills

by Richard Holden

In the coming decade we might see radically larger numbers of jobs lost to automation, thanks to advances in machine…

5 Ways Families Can Help Tackle Climate Change
5 Ways Families Can Help Tackle Climate Change

by Greg McDermid, et al

While many climate solutions require leadership from governments, we also need changes within regular households, which…

Why Greta Gerwig's Direction Of Little Women Creates Big Emotions And Deserved An Oscar
Why Greta Gerwig's Direction of "Little Women" Creates Big Emotions and Deserved An Oscar

by James Zborowski

The shortlist for that category is, for the 87th time in 92 ceremonies, all male, and some might say, all rather macho…

Ageing: How Our Epigenetic Clocks Slow Down As We Get Older
Ageing: How Our Epigenetic Clocks Slow Down As We Get Older

by Leonard Schalkwyk and Jonathan Mill

Scientists believe that it may be possible to distinguish between two types of age: biological age, a measure of how…

Why Teen Depression Rates Are Rising Faster For Girls Than Boys
Why Teen Depression Rates Are Rising Faster For Girls Than Boys

by Jean Twenge

Major depression among teen girls in the U.S. increased even more – from 12% in 2011 to 20% in 2017.

Why You Need More Vitamin D In The Winter
Why You Need More Vitamin D In The Winter

by Margherita T. Cantorna

Winter is upon us and so is the risk of vitamin D deficiency and infections.

Worst Marine Heatwave On Record Killed One Million Seabirds In North Pacific Ocean
Worst Marine Heatwave On Record Killed One Million Seabirds In North Pacific Ocean

by Tim Birkhead

Between the summer of 2015 and the spring of 2016, a marine heatwave swept the northern Pacific Ocean that was hotter…

Why Does Reading In The Back Seat Make You Feel Sick?
Why Does Reading In The Back Seat Make You Feel Sick?

by Wayne Wilson

Reading in the back seat can make you feel sick because your eyes and ears are having an argument that your brain is…

6 Curious Facts About Smell
6 Curious Facts About Smell

by Jane Parker

Don’t underestimate the power of your nose. It makes our everyday eating experience pleasant and interesting and it…

Women Who Have Less Sex Enter The Menopause Earlier
Women Who Have Less Sex Enter The Menopause Earlier

by Megan Arnot

Globally, on average, women experience the menopause at around the age of 50. But there’s a great deal of variation in…

Why Being Copycats Might Be Key To Being Human
Why Being Copycats Might Be Key To Being Human

by Connor Wood

Chimpanzees, human beings’ closest animal relatives, share up to 98% of our genes. Their human-like hands and facial…

Why Fitness Trackers May Not Give You All The Credit You Hoped For
Why Fitness Trackers May Not Give You All The Credit You Hoped For

by Katie Siek

Wearable fitness trackers have less accuracy when used in certain ways.

Why Shouting Your Virtues Online Is Toxic
Why Shouting Your Virtues Online Is Toxic

by Joshua B. Grubbs

Those who are the loudest in their morality may not be the most moral among us.

Can The US Constitution Stop The Government From Lying To The Public?
Can The US Constitution Stop Government Officials From Lying To The Public?

by Helen Norton

When regular people lie, sometimes their lies are detected, sometimes they’re not. Legally speaking, sometimes they’re…

Microwaving Sewage Waste May Make It Safe To Use As Fertilizer On Crops
Microwaving Sewage Waste May Make It Safe To Use As Fertilizer On Crops

by Gang Chen

Biosolids – primarily dead bacteria – from sewage plants are usually dumped into landfills. However, they are rich in…

What You Need To Know About Mucus and Phlegm: It's Pretty Amazing Stuff, Really!

by David King

We tend to notice mucus only when it’s abnormal and the sticky fluid is expelled from orifices.

Four Reasons Why Millennials Don’t Have Any Money
Four Reasons Why Millennials Don’t Have Any Money

by Robert Reich

The same forces that are driving massive inequality between the top 1 percent and the rest of us are creating a vast…

A Life Of Long Weekends Is Alluring, But The Shorter Working Day May Be More Practical
A Life Of Long Weekends Is Alluring, But The Shorter Working Day May Be More Practical

by Anthony Veal

The pressure to fit family and personal commitments into the few hours between getting home and bedtime is arguably the…

Wny Fearless Kids May Develop More Callous Traits
Wny Fearless Kids May Develop More Callous Traits

by Rebecca Waller and Nicholas Wagner

Two new papers may provide new insight into a set of behaviors known as callous-unemotional traits.

Air Pollution From Brake Dust May Be As Harmful As Diesel Exhaust On Immune Cells
Air Pollution From Brake Dust May Be As Harmful As Diesel Exhaust On Immune Cells

by Liza Selley

Up to 55% of roadside traffic pollution is made of non-exhaust particles, with around 20% of that pollution coming from…

How Police Surveillance Technologies Act As Tools Of White Supremacy
How Police Surveillance Technologies Act As Tools Of White Supremacy

by Constantine Gidaris

A 2019 surge of gang-related shootings in Toronto motivated the Ontario government to commit $3 million to double the…

What Does A Healthy Diet Look Like For Me And The Planet?
What Does A Healthy Diet Look Like For Me And The Planet?

by Sean Beer

When it comes to finding a sustainable diet, there are many contradictions. A concept such as food miles can be helpful…

Can An Underwater Soundtrack Really Bring Coral Reefs Back To Life?
Can An Underwater Soundtrack Really Bring Coral Reefs Back To Life?

by Isabelle Côté

Noisy reefs are a very good thing. So good, in fact, that we might be able to use the sound of healthy coral reefs to…

Interactive Map Shows The 13 Emotions Music Makes Us Feel

by Alan Cowen and Dacher Keltner

Researchers have surveyed more than 2,500 people in the United States and China about their emotional responses to…

How Visual Arts Help Marginalized Youth Learn Mindfulness And Self-compassion
How Visual Arts Help Marginalized Youth Learn Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

by Diana Coholic

With art, you have all the colours in the world to share your thoughts,” wrote one youth in the Holistic Arts-based…

Do You Zombie Check Your Phone?
Do You Zombie Check Your Phone?

by Joanne Orlando

The most prominent reason users of all ages reach for their device is not to work, but to “zombie check”.

Rising Eco-Anxiety Means We Should Address Mental Health Alongside Food Security

by Laxmi Prasad Pant

For over a quarter of a century, United Nations climate negotiations have failed to reach a legally binding treaty.

Why Aren't We More Concerned About Cruelty To Chickens?

by Caroline Spence

Like a B-movie for a post-Brexit era, consumers in Britain may soon be unwillingly cast in the 2019 blockbuster, Attack…

Why Are There Seven Days In A Week?
Why Are There Seven Days In A Week?

by Kristin Heineman

Having seven days in a week has been the case for a very long time, and so people don’t often stop to ask why.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: January 20 - 26, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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