Image by Gerd Altmann

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

As per our "resident astrologer", Pam Younghans' "Astrological Journal for the Week", we are heading into a powerful week, what she is calling Tornado Week. While this might sound frightening, let us remember that sunshine always follows a storm, and some storms come with rainbows. So while things may look bleak in the world, light is always present, even when hidden by clouds of discord and disharmony.

The articles we bring you this week invite you to see beyond appearances to the truth within. We start with "Looking and Seeing: Dissolving Divisions and Boundaries" and we follow that with "Accepting Ourselves Completely, Inner Monster and All". Yes, the monsters are not all "out there"... some of them reside within our own being and they must be loved and accepted and thus tamed and taught to "play nice" with others. We also need to face the outer monsters with "Spiritual Activism and Service: A Deep Dimension of Planetary Healing" 

While we might think we prefer to stay away from "politics", everything in our world is affected by the political, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. The food we eat is touched by laws set in place by political maneuverings, the roads we drive, the salaries we earn, the environment we live in, the internet and TV we watch or hear about. All of it is affected by politics. There is no division between "it" and us. We are all in the same world, thus we are also involved in politics. We are all in this together. The choice becomes... do we just sit back as spectators and then cry over the game "going to hell", or do we stand up and participate. Paul Brunton, many years ago, wrote about "Mysticism and Politics: Fulfillment Through Contemplation, Action, and Service."

And while you might think there is nothing you can do, it's really not that complicated. The first step is to "Be The Light That You Are and Set Your Self Free". We are all in a learning curve... many things we need to learn we've never known, and other things we just need to remember. Of major importance is "Honoring the Cycles of Time, Nature, and Space". We must learn or remember to live in harmony with ALL... with the people in our family, neighborhood, in our country, on our planet, with Nature, with animals, with Spirit, and of course with our own self/Self.

Life is a learning process. We go through ups and downs, we have "tests". We struggle at times, but through it all, we need to remember to be true to the Light of Love within, to the highest angels of our nature. We cannot just pretend that we are not involved with whatever is going on "out there". If we are living on Planet Earth, we are involved. If the house you're living in is flooding, or ravaged by fire, it doesn't matter if you own the house or not -- you are involved and you need to do something.

The first thing to do is to keep a calm, clear head.. focus on breathing, and on tuning in to your heart and your intuition as to what you need to do to help make the world a better place. It may be tiny, or it may be huge. But even tiny actions can have a huge effect. Perhaps the person you smile at, or you hold the door open for, will then not feel so hopeless and won't commit some sort of despondent act. We never know the outreach of our actions. All we know is that if we follow our heart and our intuitive guidance, we are being true to ourselves and playing our role in this cosmic drama.

Remember, we are all in this together. There is no "them"... it's all "us". First we clean and heal our inner house, and then we will be able to see clearly as to what needs to be done on the outside. And since time is not linear, it's all now. As we heal within, we heal the outside as well. As we attain peace within, as we create peace in our thoughts, so we create it through our actions... and that creates a ripple effect..

Wishing you a week of clarity, of staying centered in faith in the goodness of humans, and of living up to the best "you" that you are.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Looking and Seeing: Dissolving Divisions and Boundaries

Written by Imelda Almqvist

Looking and Seeing: Dissolving Divisions and Boundaries
A lifetime of making and studying art has taught me that there is a world of difference between looking and seeing. Assuming that we are not visually impaired, we like to think that we see what we look at. In reality we see mostly what we think is there. Our own mind plays tricks on us.

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Accepting Ourselves Completely, Inner Monster and All

Written by Barry Vissell

Accepting Ourselves Completely, Inner Monster and All
We all have parts of ourselves that we prefer to remain hidden. We are all ashamed of certain things we have done or were done to us, or even feelings or thoughts we have had. We imagine that if people knew these things about us, they would not like us. We would be rejected, abandoned, judged or criticized.

Spiritual Activism and Service: A Deep Dimension of Planetary Healing

Written by Pierre Pradervand

Spiritual Activism and Service: A Deep Dimension of Planetary Healing
I believe there is no authentic spirituality where there is no healing of one’s community and of the world – just as social, environmental and political activism without a spiritual dimension can easily lead to anger, bitterness and burnout.

Mysticism and Politics: Fulfillment Through Contemplation, Action, and Service

Written by Paul Brunton

Mysticism and Politics: Fulfillment Through Contemplation, Action, and Service
There is a common belief that writers on a higher thought should avoid politics, but it is a belief common only among the mystically inclined or monastically minded, not among the philosophically trained. It is, however, part of the business of philosophy to examine political principles and ethical problems.

Be The Light That You Are and Set Your Self Free

Written by Debra Landwehr Engle

Be The Light That You Are and Set Your Self Free
My book is called Be the Light that You Are. It’s an imperative. You are the light, now be that light in the world. Don’t ignore that part of yourself. Don’t be falsely humble and pretend that you’re not good enough. Don’t buy into the collective “I don’t matter.”

Honoring the Cycles of Time, Nature, and Space

Written by Gabriela Jurosz-Landa

Honoring the Cycles of Time, Nature, and Space
Western science, in its perception of quantitative time, might eventually edge toward a dynamic concept of time (such as the Maya have). Physicists such as Fay Dowker (2018) have started to look for a way out of the concept of fixed time. Dowker says that her teacher Stephen Hawking only touched on the question of whether time really passes.

The Best Way To Ditch Bad Habits
The Best Way To Ditch Bad Habits

by Ian Hamiltonk and Sally Marlow

Come February, 80% of people will have given up giving up. So what can we learn from the 20% who make it?

Here’s What We Really Know About CBD’s Benefits
Here’s What We Really Know About CBD’s Benefits

by Ryan Vandrey

Assertions about the benefits of CBD often go far beyond what science has shown, according to one expert.

History Of The Two-day Weekend Offers Lessons For Today's Calls For A Four-day Week
History Of The Two-day Weekend Offers Lessons For Today's Calls For A Four-day Week

by Brad Beaven

The idea of reducing the working week from an average of five days to four is gaining traction around the world.

Everyone Wants Meaning In Their Work — But How Do You Define It?
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by Elodie Chevallier

Working people often try to figure out that elusive ingredient that will help them reach their full potential in an…

Can Wars No Longer Be Won?
Can Wars No Longer Be Won?

by Cian O'Driscoll

Victories have also been proclaimed in the recent wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, only for violence to continue…

How A Month At Sea Taught Me How To Steal My Life Back
How A Month At Sea Taught Me How To Steal My Life Back

by Robert Hassan

A survey this year revealed that Australians, on average, spend 10.2 hours a day with interactive digital technologies.…

Daily Weather Now Shows Climate Change’s Fingerprints
Daily Weather Now Shows Climate Change’s Fingerprints

by Reto Knutti and Sebastian Sippel

Climate researchers can now detect the fingerprint of global warming in daily weather observations at the global scale.

5 Things You Can Do To Make Your Microbiome Healthier
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by Connie Rogers and Darrell Cockburn

It’s common for people to focus on their health at the start of the year. But few consider the well being of the…

How To Use Habit Science To Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolution
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by Wendy Wood

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5 Questions Answered About Tracking Your Heart Rate
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by Anne R. Crecelius

The rise of wearable fitness trackers has increased the number of people monitoring their heart rate, both throughout…

Why You Should Beware Of Organic Labels On Nonfood Products
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by Sarah Morath

Product labels offer valuable information to consumers, but manufacturers can misuse them to increase profits.

America's Love Affair With The Single-family House Is Cooling
America's Love Affair With The Single-Family House Is Cooling

by Robert Parker and Rebecca Lewis

For decades land use regulation across the U.S. has emphasized single-family houses on large lots.

Why Lawyers Are Trying To Scare You With Facebook Ads
Why Lawyers Are Trying To Scare You With Facebook Ads

by Elizabeth C. Tippett and Jesse King

Some ads can be more than misleading – they can put your health at risk.

How Ecotherapy Aims To Tap Into Nature To Improve Your Wellbeing
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by Carly Wood

One type of therapy that is starting to become more popular is “ecotherapy”; which advocates claim can improve mental…

How To Rethink Your Idea Of Success In The New Year
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by John Sellars

By attaching your sense of self-worth to these kinds of external successes, the road ahead can be fraught with danger.

The January Blues: Cross-country Skiers Hold Clues To Beating It
The January Blues: Cross-Country Skiers Hold Clues To Beating It

by Martina Svensson

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by William Clark

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by Kokho Jason Sit

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by Ellen Kanner

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New Year's Anxiety Hangover? Here's What's Happening In Your Brain
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by Amy Reichelt

Have you ever woken up in the morning (or afternoon) in a cloud of worry after having a few drinks the night before?

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by Katie Lee and Erin McMeniman

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The Resolve To Be Thinner And Fitter This Year Won’t Lead To Salvation
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by Patty Thille

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Why Thinking The Millennium Bug Was A Hoax Is Bad For Us
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by Nir Oren

It’s not hard to find echoes of the late 1990s in the zeitgeist. Now as then, impeachment is on many peoples’ minds…

6 Positive Climate Change News Stories From 2019
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by Heather Alberro, et al

Climate researchers have not given up hope and authors were asked to highlight some more positive stories from 2019.

7 Strategies To Boost Your Willpower And Succeed With Your New Year’s Resolutions
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by Jelena Kecmanovic

It’s that time of year when people make their New Year’s resolutions – indeed, 93% of people set them, according to the…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Current Week: January 6 - 12, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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