Image by Mudassar Iqbal

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

We are all on a Journey... the journey of life. Along the way we encounter blessings and challenges. We encounter love and lack of love (sometimes portrayed as hatred). Our journeys are all different, yet they are all the same. Our goal is the same... to attain an inner state of peace and well-being... some would say joy and happiness. Yet the ultimate goal of the journey is to be at peace with the ebbs and flows of the tide of life experiences, to remain trusting that the tides always turn and the daylight always returns.

This may be more potent at this time where we now have left behind the longest night, in the Northern Hemisphere, and look forward to longer days and more light in the months to come. And this vision applies to not only the light from Nature, but the light within ourselves and in the people around us.

This week we journey with our authors in their travels seeking healing, understanding, and a reconnection with our true home wherein we rediscover our compassionate heart.

We start our featured articles with "Accepting The Possibility Of Animal Communication and Healing" as indeed on any journey we must accept the possibility and even the probability of attaining our goal (or goals) with the love and assistance that surrounds us in many forms... whether human, animal, or the plant kingdom.

We then continue our travels this week with Tom Voss who walked an actual 2700-mile journey in earch of a "PTSD/Meditation Breakthrough: Forgiving Myself and Forgiving God". He discovered, at the end of the 2700-mile trek, that his journey was just beginning and doors were opening to new and wonderful experiences... and to a completely new world for him and those he is assisting.

Sometimes we might think the journey is too hard or too confusing or just too depressing and seek help, whether in the form of therapy or pharmaceutical drugs. ("Is One Better Than The Other? Therapy or Group Work? Meditation or Mindfulness? and "Stuck in a Pill Bottle and a Limited Book: The Other Problem with Psychiatry and Psychotherapy").

And just as a journey of 2700-miles leads us back to ourselves, Nature offers many remedies to help us clear out the cobwebs that can inhabit our minds and hearts. We bring you some of these in "Healing Essential Oil Recipes to Cope With and Eradicate Anxiety and Anger".

And these encounters and tools thus become part of our experience and of our journey of self-discovery. And our journey's goal, whether we are aware of it or not, is to reconnect with our Loving nature, our true Self, undistorted by externals, untarnished by the past, unblemished  with judgments and fears and regrets. This allows us to get in touch with "A Yearning for Home: Following Your Wild Spirit and Compassionate Heart".

In this week's Astrological Journal, Pam Youghans reminds and encourages us and writes:

"When we see a stark contrast between who we are and who we aspire to be, it can be easy to despair. And yet, our heightened awareness can also inspire us. It can strengthen our determination to be the very best we ourselves can be, to walk the higher road with even greater purpose than before."

We are reminded that we always have a choice: choosing Love over fear. And the wonderful part is that we get to choose over and over again. Like a child that is learning to walk (just as we are learning to walk our talk), we sometimes stumble and fall into anger, into fear, into judgment, etc., yet we pick ourselves up and realize that to attain our goal, we need to choose love, acceptance, compassion... and to see that everyone has their burden, their life lessons, their path... And that we can either assist or not... Love chooses to assist, Love chooses to Love, to share inspiration, to hold someone's hand when they need it, sometimes to simply be there in silence, and at other times to walk away when that is required. Love is our choice... even when we fail momentarily in remembering that... we can always choose again and again...

And the holidays can be trying times, as we return to the families who perhaps were part of our past (and present) challenges and we get to choose again how to react, how to be, how to accept and and how to love.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season, whatever your religion, race, gender, or attitude. Love is the shining light on our journey. Lift your love light high and help light the way for the others you encounter along the way...

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Accepting The Possibility Of Animal Communication and Healing

Written by Diane Budd

Accepting The Possibility Of Animal Communication and Healing
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of animal communication. You may have even asked an animal communicator to work with your animal, and it’s changed how you think and the way you interact with animals.

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PTSD/Meditation Breakthrough: Forgiving Myself and Forgiving God

Written by Tom Voss

PTSD/Meditation Breakthrough: Forgiving Myself and Forgiving God
I began the final day of the meditation workshop with a strange, unexpected intention: to forgive myself, and to forgive God. James and Ken told us that no matter what happened, we were supposed to keep our eyes closed, keep breathing, and keep going.

Is One Better Than The Other? Therapy or Group Work? Meditation or Mindfulness?

Written by Dr. Miguel Farias and Dr. Catherine Wikholm

Which is Best? Therapy or Group Work? Meditation or Mindfulness?
We live in an age in which we could theoretically live our lives without the need to leave the house or see another person for days, weeks, months on end. The Japanese have a name – hikikomori – for teenagers or young adults who live as modern-day hermits, refusing to leave their houses for months or even years.

Stuck in a Pill Bottle and a Limited Book: The Other Problem with Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Written by Robert T. London, M.D.

Stuck in a Pill Bottle and a Limited Book: The Other Problem with Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Got a problem? Take a pill. Doesn’t work? Try a different pill, or add another pill to what you’re already taking. The visit may be only fifteen or twenty minutes, and the newest term used for this type of care is “medication management.”

Healing Essential Oil Recipes to Cope With and Eradicate Anxiety and Anger

Written by Vannoy Gentles Fite

Healing Essential Oil Recipes to Cope With and Eradicate Anxiety and Anger
Coming from a family of high-strung, addictive, compulsive, and emotionally wounded members, I have thought, studied, and researched mood-enhancing and emotional healing methods all of my life. Learning how to cope with and eradicate cer­tain negative influences and to promote positivity has been at the forefront of my brain since I was a young girl.

A Yearning for Home: Following Your Wild Spirit and Compassionate Heart

Written by Carley Mattimore and Linda Star Wolf

A Yearning for Home: Following Your Wild Spirit and Compassionate Heart
We each are unconsciously trying to return home to our ancient roots. This inner calling can be expressed in healthy or unhealthy ways. If we do not heal our wounds, if we are missing a link in the chain of our journey to find our way home, our shadow will be expressed in destructive ways.

How Not To Overeat This Christmas
How Not To Overeat This Christmas

by Laura Wilkinson

Christmas is notoriously a time of indulgence: there are all of the chocolates, cheese boards, mince pies, nuts, crisps…

How To Tell If Your Holiday Drinking Is Becoming A Problem
How To Tell If Your Holiday Drinking Is Becoming A Problem

by Sara Jo Nixon

Of course, drinking isn’t limited to a single season, but it holds a prominent place during the holidays.

How Youth Protests Shaped The Discussion On Climate Change
How Youth Protests Shaped The Discussion On Climate Change

by Joe Curnow and Anjali Helferty

Millions of youth have participated in climate strikes, negotiations, press conferences and events, demanding urgent…

Hangovers: This Is What Happens To Your Body When You've Had One Too Many
Hangovers: This Is What Happens To Your Body When You've Had One Too Many

by Hal Sosabowski

Having a few drinks at Christmas is, for some people, as much a part of the festive tradition as presents, decorations…

How Advertising Through The Ages Has Shaped Christmas
How Advertising Through The Ages Has Shaped Christmas

by Carl W. Jones

Early gifts used to be fruits or nuts, but as this act took on more importance, gifts became larger and less modest…

How St. Francis Created The Nativity Scene, With A Miraculous Event In 1223
How St. Francis Created The Nativity Scene, With A Miraculous Event In 1223

by Vanessa Corcoran

Around the Christmas season, it is common to see a display of the Nativity scene: a small manger with the baby Jesus…

How To Survive Annoying Relatives This Holiday Season
How To Survive Annoying Relatives This Holiday Season

by Jamie Gruman

During the holiday season, we are faced with social commitments that sometimes means spending time with people who…

Our Addiction To Stuff: How Walmart Enables Us To Destroy The Planet
Our Addiction To Stuff: How Walmart Enables Us To Destroy The Planet

by Tima Bansal and Jury Gualandris

The amount of “stuff” that moves in and out of households during the Christmas season is staggering.

3 Ways Farms Of The Future Can Feed The Planet And Heal It Too
3 Ways Farms Of The Future Can Feed The Planet And Heal It Too

by Karen Rial-Lovera

Intensive agriculture may be nourishing most of the Earth’s inhabitants, but it’s doing the opposite to earth itself.

Here's What Happens In The Brain When We Disagree
Here's What Happens In The Brain When We Disagree

by Andreas Kappes and Tali Sharot

We’ve all been there. You are in the middle of a heated disagreement when you lose respect for the opposing party.

Why People Vote For Politicians They Know Are Liars
Why People Vote For Politicians They Know Are Liars

by Stephan Lewandowsky

Britain recently elected a prime minister who unlawfully shut down parliament to escape democratic scrutiny and who…

Why Bad Customer Service Won't Improve Anytime Soon
Why Bad Customer Service Won't Improve Anytime Soon

by Anthony Dukes and Yi Zhu

Some of the most hated companies in the U.S. are also the most profitable.

How Old Would You Want To Be In Heaven?
How Old Would You Want To Be In Heaven?

by Margaret Morganroth Gullette

Many religious faiths propose different versions of heaven as a location: There are walled gardens with streams,…

Should You Avoid Meat For Good Health?
Should You Avoid Meat For Good Health?

by Dariush Mozaffarian

More than half of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions resolve to “eat healthier.” If you’re one, you might be…

What The Amazon Prime Effect Means For Retailers
What The Amazon Prime Effect Means For Retailers

by Grant Alexander Wilson

The year 2019 will be known as the year of retail closures in Canada and the United States.

Why It's OK For Kids To Believe In Santa
Why It's OK For Kids To Believe In Santa

by Elena Merenda and Nikki Martyn

Imagination and play encourage children to think through hypothetical situations and create new worlds

Your Personality Determines How You Experience Pain – And It's The Same With Your Pet
Your Personality Determines How You Experience Pain – And It's The Same With Your Pet

by Carrie Ijichi

The first thing to understand about pain is that it’s an emotional response. The signal that the body has been damaged…

What Each Of Us Can Do To Reduce Our Carbon Footprint
What Each Of Us Can Do To Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

by Nick Golledge

The most important individual climate action will depend on each person’s particular circumstances...

How Medieval Women Can Teach Us How To Smash Gender Rules
How Medieval Women Can Teach Us How To Smash Gender Rules

by Laura Kalas Williams

The double-standards of gender “rules” in society have been disconcertingly evident of late.

How Climate Change Anxiety Affects Our Mental Health
How Climate Change Anxiety Affects Our Mental Health

by Fiona Charlson

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) recently declared climate change a health emergency, reflecting similar…

The Science Of Gift Wrapping Explains Why Sloppy Is Better
The Science Of Gift Wrapping Explains Why Sloppy Is Better

by Erick M. Mas

They say appearances can be deceiving. In the case of gift giving, they might be right.

Why You Should Give Children The Right To Play
Why You Should Give Children The Right To Play

by Mark S. Tremblay and Mariana Brussoni

New research from Statistics Canada’s Canadian Health Measures Survey reaffirmed the dramatic decline in Canadian…

Feeling Sick Is An Emotion Meant To Help You Get Better Faster
Feeling Sick Is An Emotion Meant To Help You Get Better Faster

by Joshua Schrock

The emotion of lassitude might help your body fight off infection by making certain adjustments.

Why Peanuts Trigger Such Powerful Allergic Reactions
Why Peanuts Trigger Such Powerful Allergic Reactions

by Dwan Price

Many foods contain proteins that can set off an oversized immune reaction and one of the fiercest is the humble peanut.

145 Years After Jules Verne Dreamed Up A Hydrogen Future, It Has Arrived
145 Years After Jules Verne Dreamed Up A Hydrogen Future, It Has Arrived

by Alan Finkel

In 1874, science fiction author Jules Verne set out a prescient vision that has inspired governments and entrepreneurs…

Why Plastic Bag Bans Triggered Such A Huge Reaction
Why Plastic Bag Bans Triggered Such A Huge Reaction

by Gary Mortimer and Rebekah Russell-Bennett

Woolworths’ and Coles’ bans on plastic bags have been applauded by environmental groups, but were reportedly met with…

How Archaeology Can Help Us Build A Sustainable Future For Food
How Archaeology Can Help Us Build A Sustainable Future For Food

by Kelly Reed

About a quarter of all the greenhouse gas emissions that humans generate each year come from how we feed the world.

Is It Better To Buy A Real Christmas Tree Or A Fake One?
Is It Better To Buy A Real Christmas Tree Or An Artificial One?

by Warren Mabee

Some people will once again ponder whether it is better for the environment to buy an artificial Christmas tree or to…

How To Make Holiday Gift-giving Eco-friendly — And More Meaningful
How To Make Holiday Gift-Giving Eco-Friendly — And More Meaningful

by Katherine White

Don’t buy the novelty baby Yoda. Don’t buy that game of toilet golf. Don’t buy the wine flask bra. Just. Don’t.

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How Christmas Can Be Isolating For Young Carers

by Jo Aldridge

Most children look forward to the Christmas holidays as a time for fun and families. But for some young carers…

Why The Profit Motive Mostly Fails In Education
Why The Profit Motive Mostly Fails In Education

by John Quiggin

The disastrous experience of vocational education and training in Australia holds many lessons about trying to fit…

Are Your Generic Drugs Safe And Is The FDA Too Lax?
Are Your Generic Drugs Safe And Is The FDA Too Lax?

by C. Michael White

Generic prescription drugs have saved the U.S. about US$1.7 trillion over the past decade. The Food and Drug…

How The Digital Economy's Environmental Footprint Is Threatening The Planet
How The Digital Economy's Environmental Footprint Is Threatening The Planet

by Raynold Wonder Alorse

Modern society has given significant attention to the promises of the digital economy over the past decade. But it has…

Things People Say About Exercise That Aren't True
Things People Say About Exercise That Aren't True

by Julie Broderick

There are a lot of reasons people don’t exercise, and a lot of misconceptions about exercise.

Myths Around Mental Illness Cause High Rates Of Unemployment
Myths Around Mental Illness Cause High Rates Of Unemployment

by Bandy X. Lee

Even though mental illness affects one in five adults – and depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide…

How Dark Patterns Trick You Into Spending More Online
How Dark Patterns Trick You Into Spending More Online

by Marshini Chetty

“Dark patterns” meant to push people shopping online into spending more are startlingly common, according to a new…

This Bangladeshi Man's Story Shows Why Linking Climate Change With Conflict Is No Simple Matter
This Bangladeshi Man's Story Shows Why Linking Climate Change With Conflict Is No Simple Matter

by Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson

From Sudan to Syria to Bangladesh, climate change is often presented as a powerful and simple root cause of violent…

How People With Dementia Can Best Enjoy The Holidays
How People With Dementia Can Best Enjoy The Holidays

by Mary Catherine Lundquist

Family caregivers and people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease are at risk for increased stress during the holidays

What Your Domestic Arguments Are Really About
What Your Domestic Arguments Are Really About

by The School of Life

Beneath most fights is an attempt to get the other to respond to your emotional reality and sense of justice.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope: December 23 to 29, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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