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Stress is a part of life. We might think it has escalated in this "day-and-age", but perhaps each century, each decade, had its own peak stress experiences that were extremely stressful, relative to the circumstances of that time. Being chased by a tiger in the middle of a savannah with no trees around to climb is, I'm sure, just as stressful as losing your job, and perhaps even climate change. Though of course climate change affects more people that one person and one tiger.

Yes, modern life can be stressful... so what do we do about it? Well, perhaps, in the past "spiritual" people just looked the other way so as not to get "caught-up" in the mess. However, since we are all inhabiting the same planet, my mess is your mess, and your neighbor's mess is mine. There's no escaping it... We are all in the same boat.

The good news is that while stress is inevitable, there are ways of working through it, and even using it for our healing and the healing of the planet. It is part and parcel of the human experience... At least we don't have wild tigers chasing us, at least not physically... So we can deal with our stressful experiences one at a time in the comfort of our home or office, or wherever we are at the moment.

So how do we handle stressful situations? Tom Dunn, author of the book "Panic Free" writes: "The Brain Needs A Certain Level Of Stress Hormones To Function At Its Peak". So basically, stress isn't all bad.

OK, that's a good place to start with -- taking sress out of the "horrible" category and seeing how it can be helpful. We then move on to Jodie Jackson, author of a new book entitled "You Are What You Read" who shares about "The Undeniable Benefits Of Reporting Negative News".

OK, another new perspective. Bad news by its very nature is bad news, but it can serve a good purpose. (Read her article for details.) Next! Jude Bijou in "How to Constructively Handle the Ending of a Relationship" shares many points that can be applied to other challenging situations as well.

And of course, many of us are dealing with addictions of some kind... whether food, drugs, adrenaline-rushes, internet, or whatever other attitudinal behavior we are "addicted" to. Rena Greenberg asks "Got Cravings? Use A Break-Your-Craving-State Technique"

Then we round up the week's featured articles with Martin Brofman's "Self-Healing: Returning to Your Natural State of Health and Happiness"  which deals with another source of anxiety... disease and other forms of "the absence of health" and helps us reconnect with our natural state: health and happiness.

If we have stress in our life, as any inhabitant of Planet Earth has, this doesn't mean we are somehow failing at the human experience, or that we are falling down on our spiritual path. Pam Younghans in this week's Astrological Journal states: "This common misconception of what "true spirituality" means gives us more insights into the issues we've been working with..."

So, dealing with life challenges is part of being human, and perhaps how we deal with the trials and tribulations is what advances us on our path. It's all part of the game of life. We can deal with the stresses by dragging ourselves in the muck, or we can get up and search the horizon for a solution to our challenges.

Here's to each of us finding a way out of the mire and helping to create a better world for ALL.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles are added to every day *****

Fear, Anxiety, Panic: The Brain Needs A Certain Level Of Stress Hormones To Function At Its Peak

Written by Tom Bunn

Fear, Anxiety, Panic: The Brain Needs A Certain Level Of Stress Hormones To Func­tion At Its Peak
When we are calm, reflective function has no trouble de­termining what is real and what is imaginary. But stress hormones can cause reflective function to collapse, especially if it is not well developed. In that case, an imaginary threat may be experienced as a real threat.

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The Undeniable Benefits Of Reporting Negative News

Written by Jodie Jackson

The Undeniable Benefits Of Reporting Negative News
Negativity has become a key indicator for how newsworthy a story is considered to be, not only by the industry but also by us, the consumers. And many news professionals and news consumers will tell you that there is good reason to report bad news.

How to Constructively Handle the Ending of a Relationship

Written by Jude Bijou

How to Break Up When a Relationship Is Over
The question often is, "How can I call it quits with my partner in a constructive way?" First, end a relationship because you are following your inner knowing, not because you’re in the midst of an argument, emotional meltdown, or have specific topics that need resolution.

Got Cravings? Use A Break-Your-Craving-State Technique

Written by Rena Greenberg

Got Cravings? Use A Break-Your-Craving-State Technique
When we enter a state of having intense food cravings, it is often because we are reacting to a particular trigger, such as an uncomfortable or disturbing interaction or the occurrence of a stressful event. We then go into a stressed state—perhaps our muscles in the belly, jaw, shoulders, or pelvis become clenched unconsciously or we find ourselves feeling numb or agitated.

Self-Healing: Returning to Your Natural State of Health and Happiness

Written by Martin Brofman

Returning to Your Natural State of Health and Happiness
You can either choose to allow yourself to be healed by another, or to do the healing yourself. Do whatever is necessary to release yourself from the symptom, and return yourself to the state of being in which you are happy and healthy. It’s your natural state.

How Romance Scammers Make You Fall In Love With Them

How Romance Scammers Make You Fall In Love With Them

by Natalie Gately and James McCue

Maria Exposto, a Sydney grandmother who fell victim to a romance scam and became an unwitting drug mule, couldn’t have…

’Tis The Season To Say Things We Later Regret – And New Research Tells Us Why

’Tis The Season To Say Things We Later Regret – And New Research Tells Us Why

by Brent Coker

Christmas is a stressful time for many, so not surprisingly it’s also known as the season for arguments.

Fluorescent Lighting In School Could Be Harming Your Child's Health And Ability To Read

by Arnold J Wilkins

Schools began to introduce fluorescent lighting in the mid 1950s and rows of these low cost, long life, high efficacy…

How Computer Models Predict Where We’ll Go As Seas Rise

How Computer Models Predict Where We’ll Go As Seas Rise

by Elizabeth Fussell and David Wrathall

A new modeling approach can help us better understand how policy decisions will influence human migration as sea levels…

Technologies To Manage Climate Change Already Exist

Technologies To Manage Climate Change Already Exist

by Andreas Busch

When it comes to tackling climate change the UK is still taking baby steps. A lot more needs to be done – and fast – to…

Why Your Personality Traits Can Change With Some Work

Why Your Personality Traits Can Change With Some Work

by Wiebke Bleidorn and Christopher Hopwood

Personality traits can change through persistent intervention and major life events, a review of recent research…

Dopamine Fasting: An Expert Reviews The Latest Craze

Dopamine Fasting: An Expert Reviews The Latest Craze

by Ciara McCabe

It’s the latest fad in Silicon Valley. By reducing the brain’s feel-good chemical known as dopamine – cutting back on…

4 Tips For Handling Holiday Talks About The Climate Crisis

4 Tips For Handling Holiday Talks About The Climate Crisis

by Sarah Finnie Robinson and Arunima Krishna

How can you talk about the science behind climate change with relatives who are disengaged, doubtful, or dismissive of…

Is Virtue Signalling A Perversion Of Morality?

Is Virtue Signalling A Perversion Of Morality?

by Neil Levy

People engage in moral talk all the time. When they make moral claims in public, one common response is to dismiss them…

How Running Is Not So Much A Liberating Hobby But More A Cult

How Endurance Running Is Not So Much A Liberating Hobby But More A Cult

by Carys Egan-Wyer

Endurance running is in. Fitness enthusiasts and elite runners alike spend their weekends pounding the pavements and…

Why Men Are Far More At Risk To Depression Than Women In Deprived Areas

Why Men Are Far More At Risk To Depression Than Women In Deprived Areas

by Olivia Remes

Depression is a major cause of disability around the world, and if left untreated, can lead to substance abuse, anxiety…

America is aging rapidly. In the next 40 years, the number of people age 65 and older is expected to nearly double.

Could A Hgh-Tech Toilet Seat Help Prevent Hospital Readmissions?

by Nicholas Conn

America is aging rapidly. In the next 40 years, the number of people age 65 and older is expected to nearly double.

Shaved, Shaped And Slit - Eyebrows Through The Ages

Shaved, Shaped and Slit - Eyebrows Through The Ages

by Lydia Edwards

Eyebrows can turn a smile into a leer, a grumpy pout into a come hither beckoning, and sad, downturned lips into a…

How Wildlife Are Exposed To More Pollution Than Previously Thought

How Wildlife Are Exposed To More Pollution Than Previously Thought

by Diane Orihel

Sometimes, pollution is blatantly obvious: the iridescent slick of an oil spill, goopy algae washing up on a beach or…

Why Your Employer-Sponsored Insurance May Ultimately Not Be Good For You

by Dana Goldman

The Democratic presidential debates, which resume Sept. 12, have highlighted a deep disagreement over the future…

How To Tell If Your Digital Addiction Is Ruining Your Life

How To Tell If Your Digital Addiction Is Ruining Your Life

by Terri R. Kurtzberg

The fear that digital distractions are ruining our lives and friendships is widespread.

Why It Seems Like Your Friends Have More To Be Thankful For

Why It Seems Like Your Friends Have More To Be Thankful For

by Kristina Lerman

Have you ever felt like everyone else has so much more to be thankful for? Check your Facebook or Instagram feed: Your…

Why We Need To Stop Medicalizing Loneliness Because History Reveals It's Society That Needs Mending
Why We Need To Stop Medicalizing Loneliness Because History Reveals It's Society That Needs Mending

by Fay Bound Alberti

What does loneliness sound like? I asked this question on Twitter recently. You might expect that people would say…

Why A Measured Transition To Electric Vehicles Would Benefit The US
Why A Measured Transition To Electric Vehicles Would Benefit The US

by David M. Hart

Climate plans are the order of the day in the presidential primary campaign because carbon pollution is a global threat…

Kids Facing Effects Of Climate Change Are Taking Their Governments To Court
Kids Facing Effects Of Climate Change Are Taking Their Governments To Court

by Margot Young

Frustrated by government failure to respond to the climate crisis adequately, citizens are taking to the courts.

Why Women Who Suffered Child Abuse Have Worse Menopause Symptoms
Why Women Who Suffered Child Abuse Have Worse Menopause Symptoms

by Rebecca Renkas

Hot flashes or night sweats — called vasomotor symptoms or VMS — might be more than just a nuisance for menopausal…

Maybe You're Addicted to Coffee, Sugar, and Caffeine?
Could You Be Addicted to Coffee, Sugar, and Caffeine?

by Brigitte Mars

Current estimates suggest that addictions affect one-third of the population in the United States. Of course, when most…

Here's A Therapy Playlist To Calm The Mind
Here's A Therapy Playlist To Calm The Mind

by Elizabeth Coombes

It may seem like we are living in an age of anxiety, where feeling worried, upset and stressed has become the norm. But…

How Does A Piece Of Bread Cause A Migraine?
How Does A Piece Of Bread Cause A Migraine?

by Lauren Green

Migraine is the third most prevalent illness in the world and causes suffering for tens of millions of people. In fact,…

Thank Fungi For Your Cheese, Wine And Beer
Thank Fungi For Your Cheese, Wine and Beer

by Antonis Rokas

It’s hard to imagine a holiday table without bread, meat, vegetables, wine, beer or a board of French cheeses for those…

2020 Campaign Shows The More Women Run, The More They Are Treated Like Candidates
2020 Campaign: As More Women Run for President, The More They Are Taken Seriously

by Elizabeth C. Tippett

When Victoria Woodhull ran for president in 1872, she was depicted as “Mrs. Satan” in a political cartoon.

Why Workers In The Gig Economy Feel Lonely And Powerless
Why Workers In The Gig Economy Feel Lonely and Powerless

by Paul Glavin, et al

Are gig workers lonely and isolated? Or independent and liberated?

Crime And Punishment: Rural People Are More Punitive Than City Dwellers
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by Kyle J.D. Mulrooney and Jenny Wise

Public attitudes towards punishment have been a key area of research in criminology. Criminologists are interested in…

Celebrity Greens Kale And Seaweed Were Once Considered A Food Of Last Resort
Kale And Seaweed Were Once Considered A Food Of Last Resort

by Lauren Alex O' Hagan

Many of our diets are, to some extent, determined by the whims of fashion. This is not an astute observation, nor a…

Nature Versus Nurture: How Modern Science Is Rewriting It
Nature Versus Nurture: How Modern Science Is Rewriting It

by Kevin Mitchell and Uta Frith

The question of whether it is genes or environment that largely shapes human behaviour has been debated for centuries.

To Win A Climate Election, Parties Need Ambition, Not Compromise With The Fossil Fuel Industry
To Win A Climate Election, Parties Need Ambition, Not Compromise With The Fossil Fuel Industry

by Marc Hudson

The UK will go to the polls on December 12 for the third time in four years. Climate change didn’t make waves in…

Why Urban Unrest Propels Global Wave Of Protests
Why Urban Unrest Propels Global Wave Of Protests

by Henry F. (Chip) Carey

Numerous anti-government protests have paralyzed cities across the globe for months, from La Paz, Bolivia, to Santiago,…

How New Implants Are Helping Link Brains To Computers

by Yunlong Zhao

The field of brain-machine interfaces (BMI) – which use electrodes, often implanted into the brain, to translate…

Three Female Philosophers You’ve Probably Never Heard Of In The Field Of Big Consciousness
Three Female Philosophers You’ve Probably Never Heard Of In The Field Of Big Consciousness

by Emily Thomas

Ask anyone to name a philosopher and they’ll likely name a man. So, let’s turn the spotlight on three women: Mary…

When Keeping Cats Indoors, How To Ensure Your Pet Is Happy
When Keeping Cats Indoors, How To Ensure Your Pet Is Happy

by Mark Farnworth and Lauren Finka

By 2030, 60% of the world’s population will live in cities, while one in three will share their city with at least half…

How Do Brains Tune In To One Neural Signal Out Of Billions?
How Do Brains Tune In To One Neural Signal Out Of Billions?
by Salvatore Domenic Morgera

The human brain sends hundreds of billions of neural signals each second. It’s an extraordinarily complex feat.

Is It OK To Listen To Music While Studying?
Is It OK To Listen To Music While Studying?

by Timothy Byron

In a nutshell, music puts us in a better mood, which makes us better at studying – but it also distracts us, which…

What Does Our Attention Span Really Mean?
What Does Our Attention Span Really Mean?

by Katherine Johnson

What exactly is an attention span? Does it relate to intelligence? Can it change?

Why Britain Is A Nation Of Pet Lovers
Why Britain Is A Nation Of Pet Lovers

by Jane Hamlett

Britain was the first country in the world to start a welfare charity for animals, as early as 1824. Now, almost 20m…

3 Ways Cities Can Prepare For Climate Emergencies
3 Ways Cities Can Prepare For Climate Emergencies

by Ryan Plummer, et al

Cities are on the front line of climate change. While their footprints cover a mere two per cent of the Earth’s…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: December 2 to 8, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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