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This coming week, in the USA, people will be celebrating Thanksgiving... Most people think of Thanksgiving day as a time to give thanks for our blessings, for our abundance -- and that's mostly the focus. But there are other perspectives about giving thanks... Joyce Vissell suggests "Choosing To Focus On Gratitude For Our Mistakes" while M.J. Ryan, author of Attitudes of Gratitude, recommends "Choosing Gratefulness “In Spite Of”. Now that's a different outlook... being grateful for the things we don't usually think we should be grateful for, i.e. "the bad stuff".

Another perspective is brought to light in "What Does Thanksgiving Mean to Native Americans?" That article also sheds light on gratitude for what is -- while also mourning what has been lost. Perhaps it is time for us to remove our restrictive blinders with which we only see a minuscule portion of reality, and then open up our vision to see through the eyes and experiences of others.

And some of the "other" perspectives we may need to consider may be outside of our usual frame of reference... the children as well as the elders... the sick as well as the healthy... the unappreciated and unloved as well as the appreciated and loved. I look at an aspect of this in "Wisdom Has No Age Restriction -- No Start Date, No Finish Line".

Diane Gehart, in an excerpt from her new book Mindfulness for Chocolate Lovers, asks: "There’s No Wrong Way to Eat a Reese’s—Or Is There?" And we round-up our reflection on gratitude with Nancy Windheart's: "A Daily Gratitude Practice That Is Very Simple"

The above are our featured articles for this week of Thanksgiving in the US. And of course, giving thanks should never be relegated to just one day or one week, so the articles are pertinent to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

And since this week includes a New Moon (as referenced in the "Astrological Journal for the Week", it is a good time to start the new project of a new attitude... and what better attitude than one of gratitude for all that is... even the things (or people) that we find challenging. Let's choose to look for the shining light in each experience, and be appreciative for what is, and for what will be.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Choosing To Focus On Gratitude For Our Mistakes

Written by Joyce Vissell

Choosing To Focus On Gratitude For Our Mistakes
No one can go through this life without making mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and feel gratitude for the learning. Some of our mistakes are financial, some educational. Some mistakes are because our actions hurt another person.

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Choosing Gratefulness “In Spite Of”

Written by M.J. Ryan

Choosing Gratefulness “In Spite Of”
We can’t wait until everything is OK—with us or with the rest of the world—to feel thankful, or we will never experience it at all. “The world is too bent for unshadowed joy,” Lewis Smedes points out, and so we must catch and kiss our joy as it flies by, even in the midst of sorrow or suffering.

What Does Thanksgiving Mean to Native Americans?

Written by

What Does Thanksgiving Mean to Native Americans?
There are always two sides of a story. Unfortunately, when it comes to the history of Thanksgiving, generations of Americans have been taught a one-sided history in homes and schools. 

Wisdom Has No Age Restriction -- No Start Date, No Finish Line

Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

Wisdom Has No Age Restriction
Perhaps you've believed, as many do, that wisdom comes with age. That the older you get, the wiser you get. And while that can generally be true, recently so many wise young voices have come to the forefront, that the uniqueness of this belief is being challenged.

There’s No Wrong Way to Eat a Reese’s—Or Is There?

Written by Diane R. Gehart

There’s No Wrong Way to Eat a Reese’s—Or Is There?
"There’s No Wrong Way to Eat a Reese’s." The Reese’s slogan raises a more poignant question: Is there a wrong way to do anything? Is there a wrong way—or even a right way—to live? If so, does it make a difference in terms of whether you are happy?

A Daily Gratitude Practice That Is Very Simple

Written by Nancy Windheart

A Daily Gratitude Practice That Is Very Simple
Thanksgiving is a tricky holiday for me, and for many Americans. While I love the concept of a holiday dedicated to gratitude, celebration of the harvest, and spending time with loved ones, I am also aware of the issues of...

Fun With Rhymes And Word Play Helps Children Learn To Read
Fun With Rhymes and Word Play Helps Children Learn To Read

by Aviva Segal and Sandra Martin-Chang

Parents are often their children’s first literacy teachers. They oversee children signing their names on artwork and…

Is There Such Thing As An Addictive Personality?
Is There Such Thing As An Addictive Personality?

by Stephen Bright

Most of us know somebody who tends to get over involved in certain behaviours, and the saying often goes that they must…

What Causes Parkinson's Disease?
What Causes Parkinson's Disease?

by Darshini Ayton, et al

Parkinson’s disease is the second-most-prevalent neurodegenerative condition in Australia, with an estimated 70,000…

How Green Roofs Can Protect City Streets From Flooding
How Green Roofs Can Protect City Streets From Flooding

by Catherine Howell, et al

Spring and summer 2017 were among the wettest on record in eastern North America.

Too Little Sleep Can Be Bad For Women’s Bone Density
Too Little Sleep Can Be Bad For Women’s Bone Density

by Heather Ochs-Balcom

Getting five or fewer hours of sleep a night is associated with low bone mineral density and higher odds of…

How Saudi And Iran Could Make Peace And Bring Stability To The Middle East
How Saudi And Iran Could Make Peace And Bring Stability To The Middle East

by Samira Nasirzadeh and Eyad Alrefai

Relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran have rarely been worse, regarding the…

Do We Actually Grow From Adversity?
Do We Actually Grow From Adversity?

by Eranda Jayawickreme and Frank J. Infurna

In our culture, there’s this idea that enduring a tragedy can be good for your personal growth.

What Science Says About Your Brain On Sugar
What Science Says About Your Brain On Sugar

by Amy Reichelt

We love sweet treats. But too much sugar in our diets can lead to weight gain and obesity, Type 2 diabetes and dental…

Why That Sick Feeling Might Actually Be An Emotion
Why That Sick Feeling Might Actually Be An Emotion

by Joshua Schrock

That weary feeling that sets in with an illness is an emotion that helps you fight off infection, researchers say.

Is Social Media Damaging To Children And Teens?
Is Social Media Damaging To Children And Teens?

by Alexandra Hansen

If you have kids, chances are you’ve worried about their presence on social media.

Tons Of Acorns? It Must Be A Mast Year
Tons Of Acorns? It Must Be A Mast Year

by Emily Moran

If you have oak trees in your neighborhood, perhaps you’ve noticed that some years the ground is carpeted with their…

Are Coming To The US -- And Those Who Do Are More Educated
Far Fewer Mexican Immigrants Are Coming To The US -- And Those Who Do Are More Educated

by Rogelio Sáenz

Once upon a time, not long ago, Mexicans dominated the flow of migrants coming to the U.S. Mexican migration expanded…

Why We Need To Take Better Care Of Narcissists
Why We Need To Take Better Care Of Narcissists

by Kostas Papageorgiou

Narcissists, like sharks, get a bad press. Both are generally seen as menacing, negative forces to be feared and…

By 7 Years Old, Kids Get That Hypocrisy Is Wrong
By 7 Years Old, Kids Get That Hypocrisy Is Wrong

by Alex Shaw and Hannah Hok

Kids seem to learn about the idea of hypocrisy early in elementary school, new research suggests.

Science As We Know It Can't Explain Consciousness – But A Revolution Is Coming
Science As We Know It Can't Explain Consciousness – But A Revolution Is Coming

by Philip Goff

Explaining how something as complex as consciousness can emerge from a grey, jelly-like lump of tissue in the head is…

How Growth In Population And Consumption Drives Planetary Change
How Growth In Population and Consumption Drives Planetary Change

by Michael Petterson

The growth of the human population over the last 70 years has exploded from 2 billion to nearly 8 billion, with a…

How Male Allies At Work Can Ease Sexism
How Male Allies At Work Can Ease Sexism

by Eden King

A new study on sex-based discrimination toward women in the workplace documents the plusses and minuses of male allies.

Dwindling Tropical Rainforests Mean Lost Medicines Yet To Be Discovered In Their Plants
Dwindling Tropical Rainforests Mean Lost Medicines Yet To Be Discovered In Their Plants

by Walter Suza

Growing up in Tanzania, I knew that fruit trees were useful. Climbing a mango tree to pick a fruit was a common thing…

Why You Turn Down The Radio When You're Trying To Park Your Car
Why You Turn Down The Radio When You're Trying To Park Your Car

by Simon Lilburn and Philip Smith

You’re driving down an unfamiliar street on a clear spring evening. You’ve been invited to a friend of a friend’s…

The Lessons We Need To Learn To Deal With The Creeping Disaster Of Drought
The Lessons We Need To Learn To Deal With The Creeping Disaster Of Drought

by Anthony Kiem et al

Droughts are a natural feature of the Australian environment. But the Millennium drought (or “Big Dry”), which ran from…

Why Are Some People Faster At Learning Music Than Others?
Why Are Some People Faster At Learning Music Than Others?

by Alexander Burgoyne

Intelligence could play a role in how quickly people learn music, according to new research on the early stages of…

Fake News Grabs Our Attention, Produces False Memories And Appeals To Our Emotions
Fake News Grabs Our Attention, Produces False Memories and Appeals To Our Emotions

by Rachel Anne Barr

“Fake news” is a relatively new term, yet it’s now seen as one of the greatest threats to democracy and free debate.

More Americans Aim To Lose Weight But Average BMI Is Up
More Americans Aim To Lose Weight But Average BMI Is Up

by Lu Qi

More American adults are trying to lose weight these days, but the average body mass index of Americans has increased,…

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What The Law And Science Says About Monsanto's Roundup And Cancer

by Richard G. "Bugs" Stevens

A federal jury in California has unanimously decided that the weedkiller Roundup was a “substantial factor” in causing…

Cannabis Shows Potential For Treating PTSD
Cannabis Shows Potential For Treating PTSD

by Stephanie Lake and M-J Milloy

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a psychiatric condition linked to surviving or witnessing a traumatic life…

Why Firearm-makers May Finally Decide It's In Their Interest To Help Reduce Gun Violence
Why Firearm-Makers May Finally Decide It's In Their Interest To Help Reduce Gun Violence

by Timothy D. Lytton

Mass shootings have become a routine occurrence in America. Gun-makers have long refused to take responsibility for…

As Communities Rebuild After Hurricanes, Wetlands Can Significantly Reduce Property Damage
As Communities Rebuild After Hurricanes, Wetlands Can Significantly Reduce Property Damage

by Siddharth Narayan and Michael Beck

The devastating impacts of Harvey, Irma, Jose and Maria across the United States and the Caribbean provide tragic…

Evangelicals In Brazil See Abuse Of God's Earth As A Sin – But Will They Fight To Save The Amazon?
Evangelicals In Brazil See Abuse Of God's Earth As A Sin – But Will They Fight To Save The Amazon?

by Amy Erica Smith

When the Brazilian city of São Paulo abruptly went dark at midday on Aug. 19, there was talk of the Apocalypse – not…

Rising Seas Allow Coastal Wetlands To Store More Carbon
Rising Seas Allow Coastal Wetlands To Store More Carbon

by Kerrylee Rogers, et al

Coastal wetlands don’t cover much global area but they punch well above their carbon weight by sequestering the most…

Quantum Physics: Our Study Suggests Objective Reality Doesn't Exist
Quantum Physics: Our Study Suggests Objective Reality Doesn't Exist

by Alessandro Fedrizzi and Massimiliano Proietti

Alternative facts are spreading like a virus across society. Now it seems they have even infected science – at least…

A Little Humour May Help With Climate Change Gloom
A Little Humour May Help With Climate Change Gloom

by Lakshmi Magon

This year, three studies showed that humour is useful for engaging the public about climate change.

Why It's Better To Exercise Before Breakfast
Is It Better To Exercise Before Breakfast?

by Rob Edinburgh

Exercise is recommended for people who are overweight or obese as a way to reduce their risk of developing type 2…

Age Related Eye Problems And How To Treat Them
Age Related Eye Problems and How To Treat Them

by Langis Michaud

Monique is 77 years old. I met her when she came to the eye clinic at the University of Montréal, where I am a…

More Romantic Partners Means More Support, Say Polyamorous Couples
More Romantic Partners Means More Support, Say Polyamorous Couples

|by Elizabeth Darling, et al

Polyamory is the act of engaging in multiple consensual, potentially long-term, romantic or sexual relationships at the…

Why Tyranny Could Be The Inevitable Outcome Of Democracy
Why Tyranny Could Be The Inevitable Outcome Of Democracy

by Lawrence Torcello

Plato, one of the earliest thinkers and writers about democracy, predicted that letting people govern themselves would…

Meet The Raunchy Dance Teachers Who Helped Shape The Modern World
Meet The Raunchy Dance Teachers Who Helped Shape The Modern World

by Rachael Durkin and Katherine Butler

Get ready for some romance on the dance floor as the second series of Flirty Dancing kicks off.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: November 25 to December 1, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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