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While we may at times, or perhaps often, feel powerless in effecting change in the world, we must remind ourselves that we are part of the whole. We are participants in the grand cosmic play that is taking place within us and around us. In order to assist us in reclaiming our power, this week InnerSelf looks at the ways we have of affecting change: things like kindness, compassion, love, blessing others, recognizing the oneness in everyone, etc.

We start off with a reminder that the time to take action, to change our thoughts, our attitudes is now, in: "This Moment Is This Moment: It Will Never Be Like This Again" And while this moment will never be again, luckily, there will be a new moment, and another and another where we can take a new action, choose a different path, see things from a higher perspective. Saturday October 19 2019, was Global Oneness Day, and we share with you a writing by Pierre Pradervand "Blessing for Global Oneness Day".

And just like Thanksgiving is not reserved just for one day, Oneness is also a daily affair. So we can consider Global Oneness Day as a start to a new year of Oneness, and the blessing can be used on a continuous basis to help heal any feelings of separation.

Our goal is to recognize the oneness, to practice kindness, compassion and love, keeping a higher vision of our destiny. And "The Challenge: Feeling Love For Ourselves and For Others"  may be an ongoing process. Perhaps we need to remind ourselves that "Unconditional Love Is A Way Of Serving One Another, Humanity and The World"  and that is how we can really make a difference in each moment of our lives.

When we think that we don't know what to do, we can remember that "Kindness Is A Skill That Can Be Learned: Why Kindness Matters Most" and we can practice this "Love and Compassion Meditation That Even A 3-Year-Old Can Do".

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Transformation is not a new thing... it happens in each generation, in each being that lives. And some of the tools are as ancient as time and are present in cultures throughout the world as shared in "Alchemy and Shamanism — Tools of Transformation" We are blessed that we have a shining light rising to the forefront  in this culture and this time, helping us recognize "The Spirit of America: Every Generation Writes Its Chapter In This Ongoing Story" (by Marianne Williamson). A viewer's comment about this video: "This may be the most powerful spiritual and social justice speech delivered since Martin Luther King's. I Have a Dream."

If we have difficulty imagining a better world, a better future, I share with you videos that have inspired me lately as I listened to Marianne Williamson share her vision for America and for the world in "Getting to Know Marianne and Her Vision for America". We might have despaired that a better future was possible, but since each moment is new, we always have the potential to create a better future.. and the time is now. Which brings us back to our opening featured article: "This Moment Is This Moment: It Will Never Be Like This Again".

We have the opportunity in each moment to take a different path. We must hold the vision of what we desire. We may not know exactly how it will come to pass, but knowing "how" is not our concern, What we need to do is hold the vision of the possibility, and do what needs to be done, according to the heart and inspiration of each and every one of us. Each of us counts in holding the vision of a better world, a better future, and taking whatever action we are guided to take in each and every moment.

It is said that it is never too late to have a happy childhood... well it is also never too late to have a happy future. It depends on each thought, each word, each intention, each action that we take, individually and as a whole. And luckily for us, there are numerous moments ahead of us, and we can keep on keeping on with our intention of creating a better world, and doing whatever our heart guides us to do in each moment.

This life is ours, this planet is our home, the choices we make are ours. We are powerful beyond measure when we reclaim our choices and our voices and our love for ourselves and for the entire world.

I am reminded of Canadian spacefarer Chris Hadfield who said that while orbiting Earth he felt more connected to the people on the planet than ever before. You and I may not have gone into space, but we are still connected. And together, we do make a difference.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course an insight-full, joy-full, and lovingly empowered week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

This Moment Is This Moment: It Will Never Be Like This Again

Written by Stephen Nachmanovitch

This Moment Is This Moment: It Will Never Be Like This Again

The ancient Greeks spoke of two kinds of time, or two experiences of time: chronos and kairos. Chronos is what we now call clock time, objective time. In music, chronos is met­ronome time. Kairos is timeliness, the opportune moment that surges out from our experience, something that cannot happen at any time but only at this time. Educators call it the teachable moment.

Blessing for Global Oneness Day

Written by Pierre Pradervand

Blessing for Global Oneness Day

I now feel with such a depth of certainty, of spiritual groundedness that Love is the ultimate reply to all and any problem, be it personal, social or a world issue. And you and I are one with that Love. We are literally welded to Love and nothing will ever be able to change that, even our own doubts and fears.

The Challenge: Feeling Love For Ourselves and For Others

Written by Eileen Campbell

The Challenge: Feeling Love For Ourselves and For Others

Love is the highest vibrational energy and can accomplish almost anything. The more we can keep our hearts open, the greater the love we feel, and the more patience, understanding, and compassion we have for others. 

Unconditional Love Is A Way Of Serving One Another, Humanity and The World

Written by Eileen Caddy MBE and David Earl Platts, PhD.

Unconditional Love: A Way Of Serving One Another, Humanity and The World

A time comes in our personal development when we realize that we are not isolated, independent individuals, but rather that we are all interdependent. We then experience genuine care and concern for others, become more aware of the larger whole and feel a deep desire to share our riches, whatever they may be, with others.

Kindness Is A Skill That Can Be Learned: Why Kindness Matters Most

Written by Robyn Spizman

Kindness Is A Skill That Can Be Learned: Why Kindness Matters Most

Instead of being the coolest kid in the room, how about being the kindest? Once a child understands the im­portance of their actions, good deeds, and the joy of helping others, kindness becomes fun and is highly contagious. What’s wonderful about kindness is that it is a skill that can be learned.

Love and Compassion Meditation That Even A 3-Year-Old Can Do

Written by Lama Palden Drolma

Love and Compassion Meditation That Even A 3-Year-Old Can Do

Loving-kindness and compassion are of utmost importance at this time for humanity. Love and compassion for one an­other, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, and gender, need to take precedence over ideology and our superficial differ­ences. We must come together and cooperate with one an­other in order to survive the global challenges facing us.

Alchemy and Shamanism — Tools of Transformation

Written by James Endredy

Alchemy and Shamanism — Tools of Transformation

When seeing or hearing the word alchemy, one might think of old men in funny hats working at furnaces in ancient chemistry labs seek­ing to turn minerals into gold, create the philosopher’s stone, or find the elixir of life. However, these popular modern stereotypes of the ancient alchemists are but a tiny fragment of alchemy.

The Spirit of America: Every Generation Writes Its Chapter In This Ongoing Story

Presentation by Marianne Williamson

The Spirit of America: Every Generation Writes Its Chapter In This Ongoing Story

Marianne Williamson speaking on the Spirit of America. A viewer's comment: "This may be the most powerful spiritual and social justice speech delivered since Martin Luther King's. I Have a Dream."

Getting to Know Marianne and Her Vision for America

Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

Getting to Know Marianne and Her Vision for America

Marianne Williamson is a complete departure from same old, same old... Her platform: putting in place policies based on caring for our children, our environment, and each other... policies based on what's right for the people and the planet, not what's right for a few. She is raising the bar for what a Democratic candidate, and a President, must stand for.

Why Even Short Periods Of Physical Inactivity Are Damaging To Our Health

Why Even Short Periods Of Physical Inactivity Are Damaging To Our Health

by Tori Sprung and Kelly Bowden Davies

As a society, we aren’t getting as much exercise as we should. In fact, current activity guidelines state that adults…

Pope Affirms Catholic Church's Duty To Indigenous Amazonians Hurt By The Climate Crisis

Pope Affirms Catholic Church's Duty To Indigenous Amazonians Hurt By The Climate Crisis

by Vincent J. Miller

The Catholic Church “hears the cry” of the Amazon and its peoples. That’s the message Pope Francis hopes to send at the…

How To Make Your Online Shopping More Environmentally Friendly

How To Make Your Online Shopping More Environmentally Friendly

by Stuart Milligan and Baris Yalabik

Online shopping continues to grow at a phenomenal rate. In 2018, the market value of UK retail was £381 billion of…

What Home Gardeners Can Learn From Nature's Rebirth After Fire

What Home Gardeners Can Learn From Nature's Rebirth After Fire

by Kingsley Dixon

A startling phenomenon occurs after a bushfire tears through a landscape. From the blackened soil springs an…

Making Our Cities More Accessible For People With Disability Is Easier Than We Think

Making Our Cities More Accessible For People With Disability Is Easier Than We Think

by David Kelly and Richard Tucker

Providing ramps where there are steps or stairs is just one way to help people with a disability get around.

What Are Autoimmune Diseases?

What Are Autoimmune Diseases?

by Steven Maltby and Vicki Maltby

Autoimmune diseases, which include a range of around 80 different illnesses from rheumatoid arthritis to type 1…

How Stress Can Help You Get Better Grades. Don't Calm Down!

How Stress Can Help You Get Better Grades

by Mandie Shean

Two-thirds of young people experience levels of exam stress that mental health organisation ReachOut describes as…

How World Conflicts Are Influence By The Changing Climate

How World Conflicts Are Influence By The Changing Climate

by John Vidal

The relationship between a heating planet and violent clashes is complex — and critical. “This is where I keep my…

Can Meditation Change The World?

Can Meditation Change The World?

by Peggy Kern

The film The Portal follows six individuals who undergo a personal transformation from trauma and struggle to calmness,…

Dog Theft On The Rise: How In Danger Is Your Pet And What Can Be Done About It

Dog Theft On The Rise: How In Danger Is Your Pet And What Can Be Done About It

by Daniel Allen

Dog theft has a devastating impact on people and families and is a known gateway to animal cruelty and extortion. Yet…

How To Benefit From Internships, Service Learning, Apprenticeships And Co-op Work

How To Benefit From Internships, Service Learning, Apprenticeships and Co-op Work

by Saul Carliner

Meeting employers’ need for experience — often identified in job postings — is the great catch-22 of starting any…

Extinction Rebellion's Car-free Streets Showcase The Possibility Of A Beautiful, Safe And Green Future

Extinction Rebellion's Car-free Streets Showcase The Possibility Of A Beautiful, Safe And Green Future

by Paul Chatterton

Standing in the middle of a usually busy central London street during Extinction Rebellion’s protests, the air…

The Problems Of Children Who Need Glasses And Not Wearing Them

The Problems of Children Who Need Glasses and Are Not Wearing Them

by Roisin P. Corcoran

It’s a problem many teachers are familiar with, a student apparently struggling in class, but in fact just suffering…

Untangling Tattoos' Influence On Immune Response

Untangling Tattoos' Influence On Immune Response

by Christopher D. Lynn

I lay on the mat of the open-air bungalow in Apia, Samoa, looking up at a gecko. As its tail quivered, I felt a…

How The Language We Use Entrenches Inequalities

How The Language We Use Entrenches Inequalities

by Olivia Stevenson and Clare Stainthorp

We live in a society in which inequality is entrenched and increasing – in this context, words can have real and…

Mayors Of 94 Cities Are Taking The Green New Deal Global, As States Fail To Act On Climate Crisis

Mayors Of 94 Cities Are Taking The Green New Deal Global, As States Fail To Act On Climate Crisis

by Simon Curtis

At the seventh World Mayor’s Summit in Copenhagen, leaders of 94 cities embraced a global Green New Deal, in an attempt…

Is It Ok To Chew Or Crush Your Medicine?

Is It OK To Chew Or Crush Your Medicine?

by Nial Wheate

Some people are incapable of swallowing tablets because of physical reasons, such as surgery or gastric reflux, while…

Why We Need To Treat Wildfire As A Public Health Issue In California

Why We Need To Treat Wildfire As A Public Health Issue In California

by Faith Kearns and Max Moritz

Deadly fires across California over the past several years have shown how wildfire has become a serious public health…

How The Way You Walk Could Be Used To Identify Some Types Of Dementia

The Way You Walk Could Be Used To Identify Some Types Of Dementia

by Ríona McArdle

More than 50m people worldwide are currently living with dementia. With an ageing population, it’s likely that this…

Strong Family Ties During Teen Years Can Help Ward Off Depression In Later Life

Strong Family Ties During Teen Years Can Help Ward Off Depression In Later Life

by Ping Chen and Kathleen Mullan Harris

Depression is a leading cause of disability and disease for people around the world. It often begins during…

The Enduring Power Of Print For Learning In A Digital World

The Enduring Power Of Print For Learning In A Digital World

by Patricia A. Alexander and Lauren M. Singer Trakhman

Today’s students see themselves as digital natives, the first generation to grow up surrounded by technology like…

Fundamentalism Turns 100, A Landmark For The Christian Right

Fundamentalism Turns 100, A Landmark For The Christian Right

by William Trollinger

These days, the term “fundamentalism” is often associated with a militant form of Islam. But the original…

The Disaster of Negative of Interest Rates

The Disaster of Negative of Interest Rates

by Ellen Brown

President Trump wants negative interest rates, but they would be disastrous for the U.S. economy, and his objectives…

Gut Microbes Can Be Picky Eaters – Here's Why It Matters

Gut Microbes Can Be Picky Eaters – Here's Why It Matters

by Tim Spector

We choose our food for a variety of reasons, including personal preference, availability, cost and healthiness. But we…

Bees Can Learn Higher Numbers Than We Thought – If We Train Them The Right Way

Bees Can Learn Higher Numbers Than We Thought

by Adrian Dyer, et al

Bees are pretty good at maths – as far as insects go, at least. We already know, for example, that they can count up to…

Red Meat Study Caused A Stir – Here's What Wasn't Discussed

Red Meat Study Caused A Stir – Here's What Wasn't Discussed

by Richard Hoffman

Accurate, consistent dietary advice seems increasingly hard to find. For instance, a widely reported study recently…

The Mediterranean Way To A Long Life - Drink A Glass Of Olive Oil Every Day

The Mediterranean Way To A Long Life - Drink A Glass Of Olive Oil Every Day

by Tim Spector

I felt nauseous and dizzy. My attempted one week of following the intensive olive oil diet was not going well.

Hurricane Michael Recovery Efforts Point To The Power Of Local Generosity After Overlooked Disasters

Hurricane Michael Recovery Efforts Point To The Power Of Local Generosity After Overlooked Disasters

by David Berlan

When Hurricane Michael made landfall on Florida’s Panhandle on Oct. 10, 2018, as a Category 5 storm it was only the…

The Surprising Decline Of Entrepreneurship And Innovation In The West

The Surprising Decline Of Entrepreneurship And Innovation In The West

by Wim Naudé

The idea that we are living in an entrepreneurial age, experiencing rapid disruptive technological innovation on a…

6 Ways To Establish A Productive Homework Routine

6 Ways To Establish A Productive Homework Routine

by Janine L. Nieroda-Madden

Homework. Whether you’re a fifth-grader or a freshman in college, the mere thought of homework can be overwhelming. And…

To Make Laziness Work For You, Put Some Effort Into It

To Make Laziness Work For You, Put Some Effort Into It

by Neel Burton

We are being lazy if there’s something that we ought to do but are reluctant to do because of the effort involved.

Growing The Big One – 6 Tips For Your Own Prize-winning Tomatoes

Growing The Big One – 6 Tips For Your Own Prize-winning Tomatoes

by Richard G. Snyder

When I answer my office phone as an extension vegetable specialist, from time to time it’s someone asking how they can…

Why More Places Are Abandoning Columbus Day In Favor Of Indigenous Peoples' Day

Why More Places Are Abandoning Columbus Day In Favor Of Indigenous Peoples' Day

by Malinda Maynor Lowery

More and more towns and cities across the country are electing to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day as an alternative…

Blue Light Isn't The Main Source Of Eye Fatigue And Sleep Loss

Blue Light Isn't The Main Source Of Eye Fatigue And Sleep Loss

by Phillip Yuhas

Blue light has gotten a bad rap, getting blamed for loss of sleep and eye damage. Personal electronic devices emit more…

These Great Thinkers May Help You Understand The Current Political Mess

These Great Thinkers May Help You Understand The Current Political Mess

by Michael Hauskeller

Western democracies are in a state of crisis. The liberal world order that was created after World War II is crumbling…

Games Have Been Blamed For Moral Decline And Addiction Throughout History

Games Have Been Blamed For Moral Decline And Addiction Throughout History

by Lindsay Grace

Video games are often blamed for unemployment, violence in society and addiction – including by partisan politicians…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans


Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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