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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Twenty-first century life can be, and is often, challenging. Yet, together we can offer each other assistance, support, and new perspectives. This week we seek to do all of the above and start with regular InnerSelf contributor, Jude Bijou, who brings us methods for "Navigating Transitions, Hurts, and Losses". We then continue with an attitude shift with "How Life Ordeals Can be Used as Chrysalis Crises".

Through all these turbulent times, we may go through sadness, confusion, and depression, and Kristi Hugstad, author of the new book written for teens, Beneath the Surface, asks: "Depressed? Creating A Healthy Lifestyle Can Help". Then I share a recent challenging experience and how I resolved it, in "What Works For Me: 1, 2, 3... TENS".

Martin Brofman offers us the key to creating a better life for ourselves lies in "Taking Responsibility for Yourself: Love As A Conscious Choice Motivated from Within". We then round off this week's featured articles with an article about a hands-on therapy that is free and that anyone can do in "The Power of Self-Care with The Art of Jin Shin".

Please remember: you are never powerless. You are never lost. We may be confused at times and feel as if we are wandering in the desert, but there is always a light available to us... whether our own inner light or that of the people around us who are also "players" in our life story. As Shakespeare wrote so many years ago:

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts...

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So, this week, remember that you are in a play and you get to choose your role, and how you play it... powerless victim, or powerful being, loving soul, light being... The choice is always ours. And luckily for us, and for the people around us, we get to choose over and over again each and every minute what colors we will use from the many available on our palette.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Navigating Transitions, Hurts, and Losses

Written by Jude Bijou

Navigating Transitions, Hurts, and Losses

Have you experienced some turbulence in these last months? It seems like these recent times have presented many folks with personal unexpected life-altering struggles. Our own trials and tribulations, in addition to the surreal political situation and what's happening throughout the world is taking a toll on our emotional, physical, psychological, and mental well-being.

How Life Ordeals Can be Used as Chrysalis Crises

Written by Frank Pasciuti, Ph.D.

How Life Ordeals Can be Used as Chrysalis Crises

For as long as I can remember I’ve been told there are two things we can count on in this world: that everything changes, and that there always will be a certain amount of suffering in life. I’ve found that the changes are not always evident, nor the suffering constant, but both are typically present at times of crisis.

Depressed? Creating A Healthy Lifestyle Can Help

Written by Kristi Hugstad

Depressed? Creating A Healthy Lifestyle Can Help

Depression and anxiety are diseases, and like most dis­eases, your lifestyle can affect them. Both your body and your brain require proper care and fuel, which is what a healthy lifestyle provides. Think about it: If you had heart disease, would you eat hamburgers and fries and expect to get better?

What Works For Me: 1, 2, 3... TENS

Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

What Works For Me: 1, 2, 3... TENS
A few weeks ago, I hurt my back. I pulled a muscle and when it happened, it literally knocked me off my feet. It took me several minutes to get back up off the floor and the pain was like nothing I'd ever felt in my life. However, with my usual positive attitude, I thought: "No problem, this will be healed in a day or two."


Taking Responsibility for Yourself: Love As A Conscious Choice Motivated from Within

Written by Martin Brofman

Taking Responsibility for Yourself: Love As A Conscious Choice Motivated from Within

If you have accepted the idea that you are totally responsible for everything that happens in your life, and also for everything that happens in your body, and therefore for everything that happens in your consciousness, you must also have accepted the idea that no one else is responsible for you, or for the things that have happened in your life.

The Power of Self-Care with The Art of Jin Shin

Written by Alexis Brink

The Power of Self-Care with The Art of Jin Shin

A child sucks her thumb for self-comfort. An adult touches several fingers to his forehead or leans a cheek into her balled-up fist as a response to cognitive stress. We cross our arms or place our hands on our hips when we seek safety and grounding. None of us are explicitly taught to use these postures as cop­ing mechanisms, yet when the need arises, we fall back on them without con­scious effort.

These Beliefs About Learning Are Holding You Back

These Beliefs About Learning Are Holding You Back

by Carrie Spector

If you think you just don’t have the brain for certain skills, you’re deceiving yourself, a new book argues. This…

For Older Teens, Phone Dependence Can Predict Depression

For Older Teens, Phone Dependence Can Predict Depression

by Alexis Blue

Young people hooked on their smartphones may have an increased risk for depression and loneliness, researchers report.

Why Millennials Aren't The Only Ones Struggling

Why Millennials Aren't The Only Ones Struggling

by Kim McKee

There are now more than 4.5m households living in the private rented sector across the UK – that’s more than doubled…

How Your Garden Could Help Stop Your City Flooding

How Your Garden Could Help Stop Your City Flooding

by Alessandro Ossola and Matthew Burns

Urban flooding represents the most common yet severe environmental threat to cities and towns worldwide. Future changes…

Stanford Researchers Find Lead in Commonly Used Spice

by Rob Jordan

Often unaware of the dangers, some spice processors in Bangladesh use an industrial lead chromate pigment to imbue…

Drug Companies Are Buying Doctors – For As Little As A $16 Meal

Drug Companies Are Buying Doctors – For As Little As A $16 Meal

by Ray Moynihan

An important new study in the United States has found doctors who receive just one cheap meal from a drug company tend…

How Music Therapy Can Help Anxious Children

How Music Therapy Can Help Anxious Children

by Elizabeth Coombes

According to the NHS, as many as one in eight children aged five to 19 faces a mental health challenge. And a…

How Millennials Are Affecting The Price Of Your Home

How Millennials Are Affecting The Price Of Your Home

by Jimmie Lenz

It used to be that everyone wanted to buy a home, seeking pleasure and security, as well as the potential for future…

Work Less To Save The Planet? How To Make Sure A Four-day Week Actually Cuts Emissions

Work Less To Save The Planet? How To Make Sure A Four-day Week Actually Cuts Emissions

by Anupam Nanda

The idea of a four-day working week is gaining traction. Recently, several high-profile companies have trialled reduced…

What Is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

What Is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

by Peter McEvoy

If you or someone you care about experience an emotional problem it won’t be long before you hear that cognitive…

How Climate Breakdown Is Knocking The Natural World Out Of Sync And Why We Should All Be Worried

How Climate Breakdown Is Knocking The Natural World Out Of Sync And Why We Should All Be Worried

by Charlie Gardner

Just like us, the natural world dances to the rhythms of its seasonal cycles. We all enjoy the first suggestions of…

Gut Bacteria Work In Teams New Study Finds – Here's Why That's Important For Your Health

Gut Bacteria Work In Teams New Research Finds – Here's Why That's Important For Your Health

by Mario Falchi

Our digestive tract hosts trillions of microbes, mainly bacteria, that help us digest food, make vitamins, strengthen…

Big Cities Go Green To Fight Against Climate Change

Big Cities Go Green To Fight Against Climate Change

by Jade McClain

Cities are at the forefront fighting against climate change in a range of ways, according to a new article.

France Forgets Own Golden Age Of Medical Marijuana

France Forgot Its Own Golden Age Of Medical Marijuana?

by David A Guba, Jr.

This past summer the French food and drug office, the Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament, greenlighted limited…

How Multinationals Continue To Avoid Paying Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars In Tax

How Multinationals Continue To Avoid Paying Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars In Tax

by Miroslav Palanský

Tax havens have become a defining feature of the global financial system. Multinational companies can use various…

How To Talk To Your Teenagers About Drugs

How To Talk To Your Teenagers About Drugs

by Emma Maynard

The UK has seen a sharp increase in teenage drug use in the last few years: the NHS reports that 37% of 15-year-olds…

Psychotic Experiences Are Quite Common Even Among People Who Don't Have A Mental Health Condition

Psychotic Experiences Are Common Even Among People Who Don't Have A Mental Health Condition

by Sophie Legge, et al

Have you ever seen or heard something that turned out not to exist? Or have you ever thought something was happening…

The Solution To Hidden Hunger In Many Developing Countries Lies Just Offshore

The Solution To Hidden Hunger In Many Developing Countries Lies Just Offshore

by Christina Hicks, et al

Globally, about two billion people suffer from “hidden hunger” – a chronic deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

What Gandhi Believed Is The Purpose Of A Corporation

What Gandhi Believed Is The Purpose Of A Corporation

by Geoffrey Jones and Sudev Sheth

Mahatma Gandhi is celebrated across the globe as an idealist who used civil disobedience to frustrate and overthrow…

The Forgotten Benefits Of A Bad Memory

The Forgotten Benefits Of A Bad Memory

by Catriona Morrison

Memory is the essence of our psychological functioning, essential for every move we make – getting dressed, having…

Depression And Binge Drinking More Common Among Military Spouses And Partners

Depression And Binge Drinking More Common Among Military Spouses and Partners

by Rachael Gribble

For those in the military, high levels of dedication and commitment are expected from day one on the job – and this…

Since the late 1970s, a diversified diet has been considered an essential component of healthy eating. Ensuring a good balance of nutrients is crucial for people to stay healthy.

Adding Variety To Your Diet Lowers Disease Risk. But What Does Variety Mean?

by Annalijn I. Conklin and Hadis Mozaffari

Since the late 1970s, a diversified diet has been considered an essential component of healthy eating. Ensuring a good…

Reasserting Proper Relationships Of Accountability In The Age Of Greta

Reasserting Proper Relationships Of Accountability In The Age Of Greta

by Teresa Kramarz

She sits small on the large stage, her face contorted trying to contain emotion as she labours to push her words out;…

Misinformation, Evasion And The Informational Problem Of Live Tv Interviews

Misinformation, Evasion and the Informational Problem of Live TV Interviews

by Michael J. Socolow

First, it happened on Fox News. Chris Wallace asked White House adviser Stephen Miller about the president’s decision…

After Greta Thunberg's Un Address, An Ethicist Weighs In On Our Moral Failure To Act On Climate Change

After Greta Thunberg's UN Address, An Ethicist Weighs In On Our Moral Failure To Act On Climate Change

by Monique Deveaux

In her address to the United Nations, Greta Thunberg charged adults with unforgivable moral failure. By failing to…

The Beatles' Abbey Road At 50 Is A Marker Of How Pop Music Grew Up In The 1960s

The Beatles' Abbey Road At 50 Is A Marker Of How Pop Music Grew Up In The 1960s

by Adam Behr

The 50th anniversary re-issue of the seminal Beatles album Abbey Road – remixed and with a slew of alternative takes…

Bacteria Can Change Shape Inside Humans To Avoid Antibiotics

Bacteria Can Change Shape Inside Humans To Avoid Antibiotics

by Katarzyna Mickiewicz

Widespread antibiotic use is largely to blame for the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which is currently…

New Theories Gaining Ground Why We Age

New Theories Gaining Ground Why We Age

by Charalampos (Babis) Rallis

Why do we age? It’s a question that has had scientists scratching their heads for decades, but finally, we are starting…

Why We Need To Data-proof Are Kids

Why We Need To Data-Proof Our Kids

by Siobhan O'Flynn

Google recently agreed to pay a US$170 million fine for illegally gathering children’s personal data on YouTube without…

Are We Ready To Raise Taxes On The Rich?

Are We Ready To Raise Taxes On The Rich?

by Kenneth Scheve and David Stasavage

Economic inequality is high and rising. At the same time, many governments are struggling to balance budgets while…

Not Enough Time To Exercise? High-intensity Training Can Fit Into Your Daily Life

Not Enough Time To Exercise? High-Intensity Training Can Fit Into Your Daily Life

by Matthew Haines

Physical inactivity is a global health problem. But despite overwhelming evidence that regular exercise is highly…

Leave 'em Laughing Instead Of Crying: Climate Humor Can Break Down Barriers And Find Common Ground

Leave 'em Laughing Instead Of Crying: Climate Humor Can Break Down Barriers And Find Common Ground

by Maxwell Boykoff

Climate change is not inherently funny. Typically, the messengers are serious scientists describing how rising…

Your Preschooler's Forgetfulness Isn't Bad Behaviour And Nagging Them Won't Help

Your Preschooler's Forgetfulness Isn't Bad Behavior and Nagging Them Won't Help

by Caitlin Mahy

Another school year is upon us, and both parents and children have a lot to remember as people are coming and going on…

Partisan Divide Creates Different Americas, Separate Lives

Partisan Divide Creates Different Americas, Separate Lives

by Robert B. Talisse

When people try to explain why the United States is so politically polarized now, they frequently refer to the concept…

Beautiful People Don't Always Win In The Workplace

Beautiful People Don't Always Win In The Workplace

by Chun Zhang

Beautiful people tend to have a lot more luck in the work world. Research has shown people deemed attractive get paid…

Universal Ethical Truths Are At The Core Of Jewish High Holy Days

Universal Ethical Truths Are At The Core Of Jewish High Holy Days

by Ronald W. Pies

My most vivid adolescent memories of the Jewish High Holy Days are the painful rumbling of my empty stomach as I fasted…

We're Increasingly Bombarded With Choices – And It's Stressing Us Out

We're Increasingly Bombarded With Choices – And It's Stressing Us Out

by Thomas Saltsman

Log onto Netflix, and you’ll be presented with a menu of nearly 6,000 titles. Create an OkCupid account, and you’ll…

Is It True Only Half Your Friends Actually Like You?

Is It True Only Half Your Friends Actually Like You?

by Lisa A Williams

It seems obvious that your friends would agree they are your friends. But recent findings published in the journal PLOS…

Why Tinnitus Is Still Such A Mystery To Science

Why Tinnitus Is Still Such A Mystery To Science

by Eldre Beukes

Despite the many groundbreaking medical advances of the last century, there are still some conditions that continue to…

New Solar Cells Offer You The Chance To Print Out Solar Panels And Stick Them On Your Roof

New Solar Cells Offer You The Chance To Print Out Solar Panels And Stick Them On Your Roof

by Paul Dastoor

Australia’s first commercial installation of printed solar cells, made using specialised semiconducting inks and…

Children's Lies Are Deceptively Complex

Children's Lies Are Deceptively Complex

by Alison O'Connor and Angela Evans

Parents are often concerned when they observe their child telling lies. However, lie-telling can give us a window into…

Why Are Climate Change Skeptics Often Right-Wing Conservatives?

Why Are Climate Change Skeptics Often Right-Wing Conservatives?

by Yu Luo, et al

The scientific evidence for climate change is unequivocal: 97 per cent of actively publishing climate scientists agree…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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