Image by Pete Linforth

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

One of our featured articles this week asks: "What Makes You A Mature Adult?" The author presents many variations on the theme. I would answer that question by saying that as mature adults we take responsibility for what we share/create, what we withhold/hide, and how we serve/contribute to the world around us.

One simple place to start is suggested in "Loving Each Other and The World Around Us Out Loud" (from the newly released book Loving Out Loud). We also need to live our life mindfully and with awareness. Sometimes we are reminded harshly of what truly is important, as shared in this article by stroke survivor Ted Baxter: "Life Is Not A Sprint, But A Journey To Be Fully Enjoyed".

There are numerous tools that surround us to help us in our quest. One such tool is found in "Cracking The Code: How To Understand The Symbolic Lan­guage Of Dreams", another in "Adaptogens for Improved Health and Brain Function", as well as in "Dowsing and Our Intuitive Senses: A Magic Key To Living A Better Life".

All of the above methods are either free (understanding your dreams) or inexpensive (adaptogens and pendulums). There is a plethora of tools to awaken our consciousness and we can choose the one(s) that we most resonate with. The key is to trust your inner knowing as to what you need and what is right for you.

We are living in an age of great upheavals, and it is important to be centered so that we make "enlightened" choices and take actions that are for the highest good of All.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

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Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Loving Each Other and The World Around Us Out Loud

Written by Robyn Spizman

Loving Each Other and The World Around Us Out Loud

The phrase “loving out loud” refers to a way to live openly and without regret. It’s moving from rapid-fire emoticons to thoughtfully emoting. It’s recognizing the power of a gentler, spoken word infused with a gener­ous spirit.

Life Is Not A Sprint, But A Journey To Be Fully Enjoyed

Written by Ted W. Baxter

Life Is Not A Sprint, But A Journey To Be Fully Enjoyed

"Before the stroke, Ted was all business. Very serious. Since he’s recovered, he’s got such a sense of humor. He’s come almost 180 degrees now. He’s so much funnier, and all his humor—his dry sense of humor—has come out. It never came out before the stroke."

What Makes You A Mature Adult?

Written by Lisette Schuitemaker

What Makes You A Mature Adult?

With decisions to make every day, small and big, of momentary and far-reaching consequence, people who become parents put themselves on a fast track towards adulthood. They are responsible for the life of a little one now and so they move up in the ranks of generations.

Cracking The Code: How To Understand The Symbolic Lan­guage Of Dreams

Written by Clare R. Johnson, PhD

Cracking The Code: How To Understand The Symbolic Lan­guage Of Dreams

The saying goes that “eyes are the window to the soul.” The same thing can be said of dreams. Dreams reveal to us the state of our soul; they mirror our feelings and preoccupations by painting a cinematic picture of how we are experiencing life at that moment. Dreams don’t lie. They are not concerned with pulling the wool over our eyes and going along with our preferred version of the truth. Dreams are honest mirrors. We just need to work out what they are reflecting.

Adaptogens for Improved Health and Brain Function

Written by David Winston

Adaptogens for Improved Health and Brain Function

Adaptogens can greatly increase the effectiveness of some modern drugs, including antibiotics, anxiolytics (anxiety relief), antidepressants, and hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) agents. They also can reduce, and in some cases eliminate, the side effects of some drugs. They have a proven record of being safe, efficacious, and quite versatile in their treatment of many conditions.

Dowsing and Our Intuitive Senses: A Magic Key To Living A Better Life

Written by Joan Rose Staffen

Divining with a Pendulum, Intuition, and Healing

What if there were a simple tool that could answer truthfully any ques­tion we might have? What if this were easy to learn and use? What if this instrument could help us make great decisions about anything in our life? The pendulum—a body suspended from a fixed point so as to swing freely to and fro under the action of gravity—is such a tool.

Why Sikhs Wear A Turban And What It Means To Practice The Faith In The United States

Why Sikhs Wear A Turban And What It Means To Practice The Faith In The United States

by Simran Jeet Singh

An elderly Sikh gentleman in Northern California, 64-year-old Parmjit Singh, was recently stabbed to death while taking…

How Disinformation Could Sway The 2020 Election

by Paul M. Barrett

In 2016, Russian operatives used Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to sow division among American voters and boost Donald…

Is Vigorous Exercise Safe During The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy?

Is Vigorous Exercise Safe During The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy?

by Kassia Beetham

Expectant mothers receive an avalanche of information about potential risks to their baby.

I'm A Psychotherapist – Here's What I've Learned From Listening To Children Talk About Climate Change

I'm A Psychotherapist – Here's What I've Learned From Listening To Children Talk About Climate Change

by Caroline Hickman

Eco-anxiety is likely to affect more and more people as the climate destabilises. Already, studies have found that 45%…

At These Colleges, Students Begin Serious Research Their First Year

At These Colleges, Students Begin Serious Research Their First Year

by Nancy Stamp

Rat brains to understand Parkinson’s disease. Drones to detect plastic landmines. Social media to predict acts of…

Bruce Springsteen: An Aristotle For Our Times

Bruce Springsteen: An Aristotle For Our Times

by Ron Beadle

In the recently released film Blinded by the Light, Pakistani teenager Javed discovers commitment and courage through…

MSNBC’s Climate Forum 2020 Day 1 and 2

by Robert Jennings,

Included here is the complete coverage and some highlights of the Climate Forum 2020 as presented by MSNBC.

Actually, It's Ok To Disagree. Here Are 5 Ways We Can Argue Better

Actually, It's Ok To Disagree. Here Are 5 Ways We Can Argue Better

by Hugh Breakey

Argument is everywhere. From the kitchen table to the boardroom to the highest echelons of power, we all use argument…

Why Politically Incorrect Speech Works In Politics

Why Politically Incorrect Speech Works In Politics

by UC Berkeley

Using politically incorrect speech can help people appear more authentic, according to new research.

Teens Who Spend Hours On Social Media Report These Behaviors

Teens Who Spend Hours On Social Media Report These Behaviors

by Caitlin Hoffman

Teenagers who spend more than three hours a day on social media are more likely to report high levels of behaviors that…

A Quarter Of Kidney Donors Are Living: What You Need To Know To Be A Donor

A Quarter Of Kidney Donors Are Living: What You Need To Know About Being A Donor

by Holly Hutton

At any one time, more than 1,400 Australians are on an organ transplant waiting list. The most common organs in demand…

Lower Risk Of Depression, Dementia After Getting Hearing Aids

Lower Risk Of Depression, Dementia After Getting Hearing Aids

by Kara Gavin

Older adults who get hearing aids for a newly diagnosed hearing loss have a lower risk of being diagnosed with…

You Can’t Put Capitalism Over Sustainability—and Other Lessons From China

You Can’t Put Capitalism Over Sustainability—and Other Lessons From China

by David Korten

Humanity’s existential crisis can be resolved only when we the people stand united behind a vision of the world we…

Giving Advice Doesn’t Just Help The Person Who Gets It

Giving Advice Doesn’t Just Help The Person Who Gets It

by Michele Berger

|Giving advice may actually benefit the advice-giver, according to new research.

Climate Change Is Too Middle Class – Here's How To Fix That

Climate Change Is Too Middle Class – Here's How To Fix That

by Catherine Happer

Researchers working in the field of climate change communications have, for many years, been confronted with the same…

How Pregnancy Changes Women's Metabolism And Immune Systems

How Pregnancy Changes Women's Metabolism and Immune Systems

by April Rees, et al

Some of the changes that happen to a woman’s body during pregnancy are more obvious than others.

Time Seems To Accelerate As We Get Older, But There’s A Tested Way To Tap The Brakes

Time Seems To Accelerate As We Get Older, But There’s A Tested Way To Tap The Brakes

by David Eagleman

Most adults seem to agree that the older you get, the quicker time flies by. This feeling might, on its surface, seem…

there's A Way For Modern Medicine To Cure Diseases Even When The Treatments Aren't Profitable

There's A Way For Modern Medicine To Cure Diseases Even When The Treatments Aren't Profitable

by James Leahy

Strides in medicine have contributed to a dramatic increase in life expectancy over the last century.

How Congress Turns Citizens' Voices Into Data Points

How Congress Turns Citizens' Voices Into Data Points

by Samantha McDonald

Big technology companies like Amazon, Facebook and Google aren’t the only ones facing huge political concerns about…

This Climate Strike Is Part of the Disruption We Need

This Climate Strike Is Part of the Disruption We Need

by Bill McKibben

“It can’t just be young people. It needs to be all of us.” Business as usual is what’s doing us in.

The Neuroscience Of Motivation And How To Improve It

The Neuroscience Of Motivation and How To Improve It

by Marco Travaglio

Motivation can be a hard thing to come by. Whether at home, at school or at work, most of us have been in a situation…

Barcelona's Car-free Zones Could Extend Lives And Boost Mental Health

Barcelona's Car-Free Zones Could Extend Lives And Boost Mental Health

by Anupam Nanda

The world’s biggest cities have larger populations and higher economic outputs than some countries.

Why Synthetic Chemicals Seem More Toxic Than Natural Ones

Why Synthetic Chemicals Seem More Toxic Than Natural Ones

by Niranjana Krishnan

Many people believe that chemicals, particularly the man-made ones, are highly dangerous.

How to Get Out of the Debt Trap When Banks Won’t Help

How to Get Out of The Debt Trap When Banks Won’t Help

by Ivy Brashear

In many rural areas, a lack of banking options has led to an increase in predatory lending. In eastern Kentucky, a new…

After Sexual Assault, Some Survivors Seek Healing in Self-Defense

After Sexual Assault, Some Survivors Seek Healing in Self-Defense

by Gitit Ginat

A number of sexual assault survivors report enormous benefits from specialized classes, but not all therapists are on…

How Retargeted Ads Get You To Buy Stuff Online

How Retargeted Ads Get You To Buy Stuff Online

by Aditi Malhotra

The “retargeted” ads that follow us around online work, especially when they start popping up early, research finds.

Benefits Of Extreme Temperature Workouts – Not As Great As You Might Think

by Lindsay Bottoms and Daniel Muniz

First there were heated fitness studios, now the latest trend is working out in frigid temperatures.

'I'll Have What She's Having' – How And Why We Copy The Choices Of Others

by Kelly L. Haws, Brent McFerran, and Peggy Liu

Making choices that you probably otherwise wouldn’t make were you alone – probably happens more often than you think in…

Why Are There So Few Women CEOs?

Why Are There So Few Women CEOs?

by Michael Holmes

Women comprise about 47% of the U.S. workforce, yet they make up barely a quarter of all senior executives at large…

Antibiotics Cause Lasting Harm To Preemie Gut Bacteria

Antibiotics Cause Lasting Harm To Preemie Gut Bacteria

by Tamara Bhandari

Life-saving antibiotics may cause long-lasting damage to the developing microbial communities in intestinal tracts of…

Going Green Is All About What You Gain, Not What You Give Up

Going Green Is All About What You Gain, Not What You Give Up

by Kate Laffan

According to TheNew Republic magazine in June this year: ‘You will have to make sacrifices to save the planet’, while…

How The Limits Of The Mind Shape Human Language

How Limits Of The Mind Shape Human Language

by David Adger

When we speak, our sentences emerge as a flowing stream of sound. Unless we are really annoyed.

Hope And Mourning In The Anthropocene: Understanding Ecological Grief

Hope And Mourning In The Anthropocene: Understanding Ecological Grief

by Neville Ellis and Ashlee Cunsolo

We are living in a time of extraordinary ecological loss. Not only are human actions destabilising the very conditions…

How Older Baby Boomers Are Creating Living Arrangements To Suit New Needs

by Nancy P. Kropf and Sherry Cummings

For many baby boomers, an important goal is staying independent as long as possible.

Introvert? You May Just Be Bad At Recognising Faces

Introvert? You May Just Be Bad At Recognising Faces

by Karen Lander

Although most of us can distinguish between and remember hundreds of different faces, some people are better at it than…

Can We Work Less and Save the Planet, Too?

Can We Work Less and Save the Planet, Too?

by Todd Miller

Building a new world will require first reexamining—and dismantling—the cultural ethos of productivity that creeps into…

Are There Any Health Implications For Raising Your Child As A Vegetarian, Vegan Or Pescatarian?

Are There Any Health Implications For Raising Your Child As A Vegetarian, Vegan Or Pescatarian?

by Louisa Matwiejczyk

An increasing number of blogs by “ethical mums” have sparked discussions about the appropriateness of imposing…

Allergens Are On The Rise In Canada's Urban Centres

by CBC News: The National

Canadians across the country say their allergies are getting worse.

6 Supplements That Might Actually Help You

by SciShow

More than half of Americans take a dietary supplement, but the truth is, most people don't need them.

Extreme Male Brain Theory Of Autism Confirmed

Extreme Male Brain Theory Of Autism Confirmed

by Simon Baron-Cohen, et al

Two long-standing psychological theories – the empathising-systemising theory of sex differences and the extreme male…

How The People Are Using News Avoidance To Escape The Post-truth World Of Politics

How The People Are Using News Avoidance To Escape The Post-truth World Of Politics

by Andrew Calcutt

When war breaks out among the political class, as it has over Brexit, journalists are bound to get excited. It works…

Seaweed Farming Could Really Help Fight Climate Change

Seaweed Farming Could Really Help Fight Climate Change

by Sonia Fernandez

Seaweed is a lot more than marine debris you find on the beach. It may play a big role in the effort to mitigate…

Does Extra Testosterone Reduce Your Empathy?

Does Extra Testosterone Reduce Your Empathy?

by Simon Baron-Cohen, et al

Cognitive empathy is the ability to recognise what another person is thinking or feeling, and one way it can be…

Art, Science And The Paradoxes Of Perception

Art, Science And The Paradoxes Of Perception

by Robert Pepperell

Perception is utterly baffling. We can precisely describe the biological structure of eyes and brains.

There's An Obvious Reason Wages Aren't Growing, But You Won't Hear It From Treasury Or The Reserve Bank

There's An Obvious Reason Wages Aren't Growing, But You Won't Hear It From Treasury Or The Reserve Bank

by David Peetz

Wages growth for Australian workers is among the worst in the industrialised world.

Bill Nye And The Climate Crisis


On a special show before a live studio audience, Bill Nye the science guy discusses the climate crisis with Chris Hayes.

Toothbrush Tomato Trick to Get Better Fruit Set & Flower Pollination

by Self Sufficient Me

If you are having tomato fruit set problems try this simple toothbrush trick to get more tomatoes!

Why Fidgeting Could Be Good For Your Child's Health

Why Fidgeting Could Be Good For Your Child's Health

by John J Reilly and Xanne Janssen

Fidgeting is usually considered as a sign of boredom or lack of attention which can be distracting to others.

China Is Positioned To Lead On Climate Change As The US Rolls Back Its Policies

China Is Positioned To Lead On Climate Change As The US Rolls Back Its Policies

by Kelly Sims Gallagher and Fang Zhang

As the effects of climate change become more widespread and alarming, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres has…

A Small Perk At Lunch May Cut Depression At Work

A Small Perk At Lunch May Cut Depression At Work

by Sara LaJeunesse

Employers’ small gestures of kindness can have big impacts on employees’ health and work performance, researchers…

How Suppliers Of Everyday Devices Make You Vulnerable To Cyber Attack – And What To Do About It

How Suppliers Of Everyday Devices Make You Vulnerable To Cyber Attack – And What To Do About It

by Richard Matthews and Nick Falkner

If you run a business, you’re probably concerned about IT security. Maybe you invest in antivirus software, firewalls…

Yoga For Suffering With Adriene

by Yoga With Adriene

In this gentle 20 minute yoga flow, you are invited to take a moment to surrender. No need to come with an agenda or…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: September 23 to 29, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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