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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

One of the "existential questions" is Who Am I? Yet for some of us, that question when asked of ourselves may sound more like "Who do you think YOU are!"... Not so much a question as an exclamation of judgment and accusation and blame. It is difficult for some to answer the "Who Am I" question lovingly and positively. So this week we look at some underlying blockages to having a fully-loving opinion and expression of self.

We start with Sarah Varcas' article: "The Dance of Courageous Surrender ". We then continue with "'Shoulds' Get In The Way Of Free Will " and "Reclaiming Joy and Pleasure: Healing Deep Self-Loathing". And while some people may appear to "have it all together" on the outside, the inside may tell a diffferent story as revealed in "What Is Imposter Syndrome? Do You Have It?"

Many hurts and pains and fears are often stored in our memory and subconscious and the past week may have dredged up some of those as reflected upon by Marianne Williamson in "9/11: A Painful Anniversary". The article also contains a talk given in 2016 on the 15th anniversary of 9-11 which sheds light on our psyche. (You may have to turn the volume up for the video as the sound is very soft.)

Tom Bunn, author of Panic Free, shares "How Feelings of Security and Insecurity Develop" and gives us a way to reprogram the fear and self-doubt. And a healing balm, both for self and for others, is presented in "Introducing Kindness As A Daily Practice".

We are never "stuck" in any one mode of being or feeling. The choice is always there for each one of us... sometimes we need a reminder or friendly face as proposed in the article by Tom Dunn. At other times, we need to take positive action as suggested in the article about practicing kindness.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

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Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

The Dance of Courageous Surrender: Full Moon, September 14, 2019

Written by Sarah Varcas

The Dance of Courageous Surrender: Full Moon, September 14, 2019

This full moon conjunct Neptune and Black Moon Lilith invites us into deep contemplation of who we are aside from the details of our lives. Because an unnerving dissolution of self may occur when we surrender those things that define us, it’s an act of spiritual courage to embrace what remains when we do.

“Shoulds” Get In The Way Of Free Will

Written by Mary S. Corning

“Shoulds” Get In The Way Of Free Will

I can see where my ancient bruises have taught me survival. I learned so much more than resilience and strength. Being battered by life events offered me opportunities to find a state of surrender that opened my ultimate will not just for having well-being but also for learning it.

Reclaiming Joy and Pleasure: Healing Deep Self-Loathing

Written by Lauren Walker

Reclaiming Joy and Pleasure: Healing Deep, Inner Self-Loathing

How we truly feel about ourselves must be considered when we talk about healing. Many of us have what Pema Chödrön calls a “subtle aggression” against ourselves. Unfortunately, our desire for change or transformation often comes from there. But that never works.

What Is Imposter Syndrome? Do You Have It?

Written by Dr. Sandi Mann

What Is Imposter Syndrome? Do You Have It?

Welcome to the world of the Imposter Syndrome. It is a secret world, inhabited by successful people from all walks of life who have one thing in common – they believe that they are not really good enough. They might be men or women, young or old. And imposter beliefs are not always related to work; I have met ‘imposters’ who feel they are not good enough parents, husbands, wives, friends or even not good enough human beings.

9/11: A Painful Anniversary

Written by Marianne Williamson

On This Day, 9/11: A Painful Anniversary

None of us will ever forget where we were on 9/11, or how we learned about the attacks on our country. Our hearts, and our innocence, were shattered on that awful day.

How Feelings of Security and Insecurity Develop

Written by Tom Bunn

How Feelings of Security and Insecurity Develop

Everyone is subject to the release of stress hormones and the resulting feelings of high arousal or alarm. Some of us have neural programming that activates automatically and calms us. We go from alarm to interest or curiosity about what the amygdala is reacting to. Those of us who don’t have that software stay alarmed until the stress hormones burn off.

Introducing Kindness As A Daily Practice

Written by Choden and Heather Regan-Addis

Introducing Kindness As A Daily Practice

When we practise Mindfulness, we get to know ourselves better; and in particular we get to know more about our habitual patterns of thought and behaviour. It is a bit like turning a dimmer switch up in a room. In a similar way, Mindfulness increases our inner awareness and this starts to reveal more and more of what is in the room of our mind.

To Boost Your Daily Steps, Add A Little Competition

To Boost Your Daily Steps, Add A Little Competition

by Frank Otto

Wearables might not offer enough motivation to get your daily steps, but a little competition might work.

In Dandelions And Fireflies, Artists Try To Make Sense Of Climate Change

In Dandelions And Fireflies, Artists Try To Make Sense Of Climate Change

by Kate Flint

Climate change is real, it’s accelerating and it’s terrifying. We are adding carbon to the atmosphere at a rate 100…

How Big Data Can Affect Your Bank Account – And Life

How Big Data Can Affect Your Bank Account – And Life

by Aisling McMahon, et al

Mustafa loves good coffee. In his free time, he often browses high-end coffee machines that he cannot currently afford…

How Your Peers Can Sway You To Dole Out More Punishment

How Your Peers Can Sway You To Dole Out More Punishment

by Mollie Rappe

When we’re one part of a group meant to decide someone else’s punishment, our peers can sway us to punish more often…

Will A Vegetarian Diet Increase Your Risk Of Stroke?

Will A Vegetarian Diet Increase Your Risk Of Stroke?

by Evangeline Mantzioris

A UK study finding vegetarianism is associated with a higher risk of stroke than a meat-eating diet has made headlines…

The Joker’s Origin Story Comes At A Perfect Moment: Clowns Define Our Times

The Joker’s Origin Story Comes At A Perfect Moment: Clowns Define Our Times

by Ari Mattes

The joker, the trickster, the jester, the provocateur - there is a rich cultural history of these roles going back at…

Good Communication Is A Key Part Of Disaster Response

Good Communication Is A Key Part Of Disaster Response

by Shannon A. Bowen

Behind the scenes during hurricanes and other disasters, scores of public information officers in state and local…

5 Ways To Help Your Kids Sleep Better

5 Ways To Help Your Kids Sleep Better

by Carrie Macmillan

Though it’s not easy, it is possible to change the poor sleep habits of children in preschool and elementary school…

Why Companies Should Let Their Workers Join The Climate Strike

Why Companies Should Let Their Workers Join The Climate Strike

by Ian McGregor

Multinational ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s will close its Australian stores for this month’s global climate strike…

The Problem Of Living Inside Echo Chambers

by C. Thi Nguyen

Pick any of the big topics of the day – Brexit, climate change or Trump’s immigration policies – and wander online.

Environment Laws Have Failed To Tackle The Extinction Emergency. Here's The Proof

Environment Laws Have Failed To Tackle The Extinction Emergency. Here's The Proof

by Michelle Ward, et al

Threatened species habitat larger than the size of Tasmania has been destroyed since Australia’s environment laws were…

How Poor Diet Can Lead To Blindness

How Poor Diet Can Lead To Blindness

by Denize Atan

A poor diet of chips and crisps caused a teenage boy in England to become blind.

The Mental Health Crisis Among America's Youth Is Real And Staggering

The Mental Health Crisis Among America's Youth Is Real And Staggering

by Jean Twenge

The first signs of a problem started to emerge around 2014: More young people said they felt overwhelmed and depressed.

Why You Need Confidence to Get Through Hard Decisions

by Ellen Peters and Brittany Shoots-Reinhard

Almost a third of American adults don’t have the math skills necessary to make effective decisions about their health…

Keep Your Job Options Open And Don't Ditch Science When Choosing Next Year's School Subjects

Keep Your Job Options Open and Don't Ditch Science When Choosing Next Year's School Subjects

by Tracey-Ann Palmer

Thousands of students are in the process of choosing subjects for their final years of school and half will probably…

The Amazon's Tallest Tree Just Got 50% Taller – And Scientists Don't Know How

The Amazon's Tallest Tree Just Got 50% Taller – and Scientists Don't Know How

by Tobias Jackson and Sami Rifai

Sometimes even the largest natural wonders can remain hidden from human view for centuries.

We Need To Stop Perpetuating The Myth That Children Grow Out Of Autism

We Need To Stop Perpetuating The Myth That Children Grow Out Of Autism

by Sandra Jones

Around 1% of the population has an autism spectrum disorder, with estimates ranging from one in 150 to one in 70.

Tips For Selecting Charities After Disasters Like Hurricane Dorian

4 Tips For Selecting Charities After Disasters Like Hurricane Dorian

by David Campbell

As with previous disasters, millions of Americans are trying to figure out the best way to use their money to help…

9/11 Responders Show Link Between PTSD And Cognitive Decline

9/11 Responders Show Link Between PTSD And Cognitive Decline

by Gregory Filiano

There’s a connection between post-traumatic stress disorder and the onset of mild cognitive impairment in 9/11…

Being Vegan Says So Much More About You Than Just Your Ethics

Being Vegan Says So Much More About You Than Just Your Ethics

by Thomas Robinson and Outi Lundahl

Revered French gastronome Jean Brillat-Savarin coined the phrase: “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you…

Where Does Altruism Come From? Discovery Of Greenbeard Genes Could Hold The Answer

Where Does Altruism Come From? Discovery Of Greenbeard Genes Could Hold The Answer

by Laurence Belcher and Philip Madgwick

Nature is full of animals helping each other out. A classic example is meerkat cooperation.

To Save Honey Bees We Need To Design Them New Hives

To Save Honey Bees We Need To Design Them New Hives

by Derek Mitchell

Honey bees are under extreme pressure. The number of honey bee colonies in the US has been declining at an average rate…

Here's What Happens When Political Bubbles Collide

Here's What Happens When Political Bubbles Collide

by Alexander J. Stewart and Joshua B. Plotkin

Social media has transformed how people talk to each other. But social media platforms are not shaping up to be the…

The Right to a Future, with Naomi Klein and Greta Thunberg

by The Intercept

The Intercept invites you to watch a special event in New York City hosted by Intercept senior correspondent Naomi…

Why Community Owned Grocery Stores Like Co-ops Are The Best Recipe For Revitalizing Food Deserts

Why Community Owned Grocery Stores Like Co-ops Are The Best Recipe For Revitalizing Food Deserts

by Catherine Brinkley

Tens of millions of Americans go to bed hungry at some point every year. While poverty is the primary culprit, some…

Vaping Likely Has Dangers That Could Take Years For Scientists To Even Know About

Vaping Likely Has Dangers That Could Take Years For Scientists To Even Know About

by Ilona Jaspers

The rise in cases of otherwise healthy young adults who have been hospitalized or even died from vaping-associated lung…

How To Get Preschoolers Ready To Learn Math

How To Get Preschoolers Ready To Learn Math

by Erica Zippert and Bethany Rittle-Johnson

If you’re a parent of a preschooler, you might be wondering how you can help set your child up for success once they…

Everyone Falls For Fake Emails: Lessons From Cybersecurity Summer School

Most People Fall For Fake Emails: Lessons From Cybersecurity Summer School

by Richard Matthews

What do nuclear submarines, top secret military bases and private businesses have in common?

Grooming For Natural Beauty Messes Up Beach Biodiversity

Grooming Beaches For "Natural Beauty" Messes Up Beach Biodiversity

by Sonia Fernandez

Attempts to maintain the “natural beauty” of Southern California beaches are actually having a massive negative impact…

How Gamification Could Revolutionise Creative Thinking In The Workplace

How Gamification Could Revolutionise Creative Thinking In The Workplace

by Agnessa Spanellis

We do not fully understand how this process works, but there are certain techniques that have proved successful in…

High-dose Vitamin D Could Be A Game Changer In Treating Severe Malnutrition

High-Dose Vitamin D Could Be A Game Changer In Treating Severe Malnutrition

by Adrian Martineau

High-dose vitamin D supplements improve weight gain and help with the development of language and motor skills in…

Many religions urge their adherents to be charitable toward those in need.

How American Christian Media Promoted Charity Abroad

by Heather D. Curtis

Many religions urge their adherents to be charitable toward those in need.

Bamboo Could Turn The World's Construction Trade On Its Head

Bamboo Could Turn The World's Construction Trade On Its Head

by Dirk Hebel

Bamboo, a common grass which can be harder to pull apart than steel, has the potential to revolutionise building…

The Test That Could Save The Life Of A Long Time Smoker You Know

The Test That Could Save The Life Of A Long-Time Smoker

by Richard Gunderman

A test called CT lung cancer screening could save the lives of tens of thousands of American smokers and former smokers…

What Happens In Our Bodies When We Sleep?

What Happens In Our Bodies When We Sleep?

by Michael Gradisar

Most of us might think sleep is like a light switch. That is, we go to bed, shut our eyes, and our body “switches off”

Everything Dies And It's Best We Learn To Live With That

Everything Dies And It's Best We Learn To Live With That

by James Kirby

Fear of dying – or death anxiety – is often considered to be one of the most common fears. Interestingly though,…

What is wrong with me? I'm never happy and I hate school

What Is Wrong With Me? I'm Never Happy and I Hate School

by Louise Remond

Everyone experiences down days at times. Feeling flat is a normal reaction to something upsetting happening, tiredness…

How Criminals Access Your Digital Devices And What Happens When They Do

How Criminals Access Your Digital Devices and What Happens When They Do

by Richard Matthews and Kieren Ni?olas Lovell

Every day, often multiple times a day, you are invited to click on links sent to you by brands, politicians, friends…

How A Sense Of Purpose Can Link Creativity To Happiness

How A Sense Of Purpose Can Link Creativity To Happiness

by Gareth Loudon

There are plenty of famous artists who have produced highly creative work while they were deeply unhappy or suffering…

Daily Exercise Can Boost Children's Exam Grades

Daily Exercise Can Boost Children's Exam Grades

by Michael McCluskey

Most parents are aware that physical activity is good for children – as it can help to improve their sense of self and…

Why Doctors Are Prescribing Gardening For Anxiety And Depression Rather Than Drugs

Why Doctors Are Prescribing Gardening For Anxiety And Depression Rather Than Drugs

by Yvonne Black

Spending time in outdoors, taking time out of the everyday to surround yourself with greenery and living things can be…

Here's What You Need To Know About Menopausal Hormone Therapy And Cancer Risk

Here's What You Need To Know About Menopausal Hormone Therapy And Cancer Risk

by Emily Banks

The use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) doubles the risk of breast cancer in menopausal Australian women, our new…

Can Popping Your Neck Cause A Stroke?

Can Popping Your Neck Cause A Stroke?

by Christine Roffe

The Washington Post recently reported the story of Josh Hader, a 28-year-old who stretched and popped his neck, tore an…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Current Week: September 16 to 22, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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