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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

I start this overview of the featured articles of the week by quoting the closing sentence in Pam Younghan's "Astrological Journal for the Week": 'These appear to be the essential keys to the improvements that we seek right now -- that we take one step at a time, purposefully, mindfully, and with faith.'

In keeping with the aforementioned energies of the week, our authors present ways to do just that... to take one mindful step at a time with faith in our purpose or goal. The key to attaining the universal goal of a healed self and a healed world is to live with and from Love. We start with Pierre Pradervand who writes about the "Social Implications of Oneness: Love Your Neighbor Who Is Yourself".

Gwilda Wiyaka shares historical information about "Universal Myths, Legends and Prophecies in our Shared History". Some of myths of our day and age, as well as some erroneous beliefs, are exposed in "Marianne Williamson: America Doesn’t Just Have A Gun Crisis--It Has A Culture Crisis". To create a peaceful and loving reality, we need to deal with our shadow by "Examining Our Beliefs and Thoughtfully Changing Direction".

Many of our culture's social implications, myths, and beliefs have led us to live in a world filled with pain. Lama Palden Drolma, author of the book Love on Every Breath, offers ways of "Resolving the Sorrow, Suffering and Trauma by Stepping into Love". Shai Tubali, author of the book Unlocking the 7 Secret Powers of the Heart: A Practical Guide to Living in Trust and Love presents a meditation (in the article excerpted from the book, as well as on a video) for a "Basic Heart Activation: Living From Your Heart".

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Our shadow may have been invisible to us in the past, but it is revealed through reflection, self-inquiry and looking in the mirror of the "others" in our life. The same processes (reflection and self-inquiry) reveal another hidden aspect of ourselves... which is the Love that is at our core. It may have been hidden among the huge shadow of our doubts, fears, and feelings of powerlessness... But, just as our shadow was lurking in the background, the Love that we are is patiently waiting for us to open the door to our heart and let Love step out on center stage and shine for the benefit of all.

The time is now! The choice is ours! Let Love in. Let Love through. Let it "run the show".

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and a loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Social Implications of Oneness: Love Your Neighbor Who Is Yourself

Written by Pierre Pradervand

Social Implications of Oneness Love Your Neighbor Who Is Yourself

Mystics very often see the links of all things – not only between all humans, but between humans and nature, and sometimes they feel a total immersion with the Ground of Being that upholds the universe and every living being. More and more, modern science stresses the same reality, and that apparent divisions are a socially conditioned illusion.

Universal Myths, Legends and Prophecies in our Shared History

Written by Gwilda Wiyaka

Universal myths legends and prophecies in history

From culture to culture there are similar themes. Ancient civilizations and societies including China, Babylonia, Wales, Russia, India, America, Hawaii, Scandinavia, Sumatra, Peru, and Polynesia all have versions of a giant flood—many occurring in the same geological time frame, and all profoundly similar to the biblical account.

Examining Our Beliefs and Thoughtfully Changing Direction

Written by Eileen Workman

Examining Our Beliefs and Thoughtfully Changing Direction

What is it about our beliefs that makes them so powerful some of us are willing to suffer or die before we’ll ignore what we’ve been taught to believe is right? At what point do we allow society’s fabric to flex enough to honor the need of people to survive?

Marianne Williamson: America Doesn’t Just Have A Gun Crisis--It Has A Culture Crisis

Written by Marianne Williamson

America Doesn’t Just Have A Gun Crisis--It Has A Culture Crisis

Another day, another mass shooting. We grieve for Odessa, Tex., and we grieve for America. The aftermath of every mass shooting follows a now-routine pattern: Feverish coverage will be followed by politicians and pundits engaging in a predictable conversation about gun-safety legislation. All of which we know by now.

Resolving the Sorrow, Suffering and Trauma by Stepping into Love

Written by Lama Palden Drolma

Resolving the Sorrow, Suffering and Trauma by Stepping into Love

We are aware of so much suffering in the world: wars, terrorists, mass shootings, displaced refugees, American police killing innocents, and people being hurt or killed in so many ways. You may have suffered trauma yourself. It is healing to have a way to work internally with this sorrow in concert with the ways we are called on to work in the world.

Basic Heart Activation: Living From Your Heart

Written by Shai Tubali

09 08 basic heart activation living from your heart center

Practiced daily, this basic activation exercise enables you to gradually shift the center of your being to your heart. The ideal is to start your day with it, but you can do it at any other time, including just before going to sleep.

Can We Really Know What Animals Are Thinking?

Can We Really Know What Animals Are Thinking?

by Jacob Beck

Sarah, “the world’s smartest chimp,” died in July 2019, just before her 60th birthday.

Thinking Of Seeing A Psychologist? Here's How To Choose The Therapy Best For You

Thinking Of Seeing A Psychologist? Here's How To Choose The Therapy Best For You

by Timothy Carey

In any year, one in five Australians will experience symptoms of a mental illness.

One Skill That Doesn't Deteriorate With Age

One Skill That Doesn't Deteriorate With Age

by Roger J. Kreuz

When Toni Morrison died the world lost one of its most influential literary voices.

How Journalism Is Failing The Climate Crisis

How Journalism Is Failing The Climate Crisis

by Misha Ketchell

On a sunny day in Sydney last Sunday Tim Flannery, former Australian of the Year, appeared on a panel of international…

How A Silent Cosmos Led Humans To Fear The Worst

How A Silent Cosmos Led Humans To Fear The Worst

by Thomas Moynihan

It is 1950 and a group of scientists are walking to lunch against the majestic backdrop of the Rocky Mountains.

Here's What Young People Say Helped Them Get Through Their Parents' Divorce

Here's What Young People Say Helped Them Get Through Their Parents' Divorce

by Susan Kay-Flowers

When parents separate or get divorced, it inevitably disrupts the lives of children, and can take a toll on their…

Schools Could Teach Children How To Be Happy – But Foster Competition Instead

Schools Could Teach Children How To Be Happy – But They Foster Competition Instead

by Angel Urbina-Garcia

Diagnoses of mental disorders and drug prescriptions among school-age children have skyrocketed over the last two…

Why Are Some People Affected By Sleep Paralysis?

Why Are Some People Affected By Sleep Paralysis?

by Danny Eckert

Falling asleep is a bit like flicking off a light switch. One moment we are awake, but then the switch is flicked and…

How Social Media Keeps Us Coming Back For More Even When It Makes Us Unhappy

How Social Media Keeps Us Coming Back For More Even When It Makes Us Unhappy

by Monideepa Tarafdar, et al

If you ever find yourself looking forward to a holiday because you’ll be able to switch off your smartphone then…

Isolation May Follow When Older Adults Stop Driving

Isolation May Follow When Older Adults Stop Driving

by Jared Wadley

When driving themselves is no longer an option, older adults may feel the short- and long-term effects of isolation, a…

Many Doctors Hold Back Health Advice For Cancer Survivors

Many Doctors Hold Back Health Advice For Cancer Survivors

by Kristin Samuelson

Physicians often fail to discuss healthy lifestyle changes with cancer survivors, according to a new study.

Could Have Been Hacked For Years – Here's What To Do About It

Apple IPhones Could Have Been Hacked For Years – Here's What To Do About It

by Leslie Sikos and Paul Haskell-Dowland

For many years, the Apple iPhone has been considered one of the most secure smart phones available.

Bamboo Architecture: Bali's Green School Inspires A Global Renaissance

Bamboo Architecture: Bali's Green School Inspires A Global Renaissance

by Davina Jackson

Bali’s Green School recently celebrated its first decade of educating toddlers through teenagers (and their digital…

Married People Are Less Likely To Develop Dementia

Married People Are Less Likely To Develop Dementia

by Kristen Parker

Married people are less likely to experience dementia as they age, according to new research.

Prenatal Exposure To These Pesticides May Change Teen Brain

Prenatal Exposure To These Pesticides May Change Teen Brain

by Kara Manke

Advanced brain imaging reveals how exposure in the womb to organophosphates changes brain activity in teenagers, a new…

The Real Cost Of Workplace Sexual Harassment To Businesses

The Real Cost Of Workplace Sexual Harassment To Businesses

by Shiu-Yik Au

Sexual harassment causes tremendous damage to employees who experience it, leading to higher employee turnover, lower…

Why We Match Our Friends’ Portion Size

Why We Match Our Friends’ Portion Size

by Liz Entman

When making food choices when we’re with friends, we tend to want to match characteristics that others can measure or…

Spiders Are Threatened By Climate Change – And Even The Biggest Arachnophobes Should Be Worried

Spiders Are Threatened By Climate Change – And Even The Biggest Arachnophobes Should Be Worried

by Sergio Henriques

Is climate change making spiders more aggressive? A recent scientific study suggests so, as the researchers link…

How It Pays Off For Kids When Parents Get Involved At School

How It Pays Off For Kids When Parents Get Involved At School

by Cailin Riley

Kids are less likely to have concentration problems and behavioral issues if their parents make a greater effort to…

Why Optimism Could Be Good For Your Lifespan

Why Optimism Could Be Good For Your Lifespan

by Gina DiGravio

Optimism could boost our chances of living 85 years or more by over 50%, according to a new study based on decades of…

Black Girl Magic: How Tarot Is Helping Women of Color Connect

Black Girl Magic: How Tarot Is Helping Women of Color Connect

by Biba Adams

The Detroit Blk Gurls Do Tarot Facebook group empowers women in traditional spiritualities.

We Have The Blueprint For Liveable, Low-carbon Cities. We Just Need To Use It

We Have The Blueprint For Liveable, Low-carbon Cities. We Just Need To Use It

by Deo Prasad

Over the past seven years more than 100 research projects at the Co-operative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living, in…

Why Some Women Choose To Freeze Their Eggs

Why Some Women Choose To Freeze Their Eggs

by Kylie Baldwin

The numbers of women undergoing elective egg freezing across the Western world has increased rapidly over the past few…

The US-Mexico Border Is An Imaginary Line For Native Americans

The US-Mexico Border Is An Imaginary Line For Native Americans

by Christina Leza

Immigration restrictions were making life difficult for Native Americans who live along – and across – the U.S.-Mexico…

How to Survive the End of a Friendship

How to Survive the End of a Friendship

by Aimée La Fountain

Breakups happen to friends, too. Here’s how to find closure, while preserving your heart and dignity.

Climate Activists Plan Day of Mass Civil Disobedience to #ShutDownDC

Climate Activists Plan Day of Mass Civil Disobedience to #ShutDownDC

by Jake Johnson

"There's a tremendous amount of power that drives through those streets and parks next to those sidewalks and walks…

Depressed African Americans More Likely To Get Wrong Diagnosis

Depressed African Americans More Likely To Get Wrong Diagnosis

by Patti Verbanas

African-Americans with severe depression are more likely to be misdiagnosed as having schizophrenia, according to a new…

Why Federal Student Aid Should Be Restored For People In Prison

Why Federal Student Aid Should Be Restored For People In Prison

by Andrea Cantora

Congress is thinking of lifting a longstanding ban on federal student aid for those serving time in prison.

Civil War Among The Mongooses ... and Why It's All About Sexual Success

Civil War Among The Mongooses ... and Why It's All About Sexual Success

by Jason Gilchrist

The banded mongoose, a small social mammal of the African savannah, is known to be one of the most cooperative and…

Migrants Want To Live In The Big Cities, Just Like The Rest Of Us

Migrants Want To Live In The Big Cities, Just Like The Rest Of Us

by Dr. Sajeda Tuli

Migration is getting increasing attention in Australia, with the Morrison government recently putting the focus on…

The New Field of Sonogenetics Uses Sound Waves To Control The Behavior Of Brain Cells

The New Field of Sonogenetics Uses Sound Waves To Control The Behavior Of Brain Cells

by Sreekanth Chalasani

What if you didn’t need surgery to implant a pacemaker on a faulty heart? What if you could control your blood sugar…

How To Invest If You're Worried A Recession Is Coming

How To Invest If You're Worried A Recession Is Coming

by Alexander Kurov

Although the U.S. economy continues to grow and add jobs, talk of a recession is increasingly in the air due to a…

Bertrand Russell And The Case For 'Philosophy For Everyone'

Bertrand Russell and The Case For 'Philosophy For Everyone'

by Laura D'Olimpio

One of the interesting questions we face as philosophers who are attempting to make philosophical ideas accessible for…

Women's Alcohol Consumption Is Catching Up To Men

Women's Alcohol Consumption Is Catching Up To Men

by Tim Slade, et al

Women are catching up to men in rates of alcohol consumption and this has important implications for how we think about…

Parents Reluctant To Vaccinate Their Children Need To Hear Of The Horrors Of Forgotten Diseases

Parents Reluctant To Vaccinate Their Children Need To Hear Of The Horrors Of Forgotten Diseases

by Sarah Pitt

There’s been a surge in measles cases across Europe, putting people’s lives at risk according to new findings from the…

8 Ways You Can Help Stop The Rainforest Burning

8 Ways You Can Help Stop The Rainforest Burning

by Doug Specht

A tragedy continues to unfold across the Amazon. Tens of thousands of fires are raging across the region, destroying…

Plants Can Tell Time Even Without A Brain And Here's How

Plants Can Tell Time Even Without A Brain and Here's How

by Mark Greenwood and James Locke

Anyone who has traveled across multiple time zones and suffered jet lag will understand just how powerful our…

How Does Inquiry-based Learning Help Prepare Children For The Real World?

How Inquiry-Based Learning Help Prepare Children For The Real World

by Gillian Kidman

Inquiry-based learning emphasises a student’s role in the learning process and asks them to engage with an idea or…

When The Heat Is On, We Need City-wide Plans To Keep Cool

When The Heat Is On, We Need City-Wide Plans To Keep Cool

by Mathew Lipson and Melissa Hart

The recent spate of heatwaves through eastern Australia has reminded us we’re in an Australian summer.

4 Reasons Why Social Media Election Data Can Misread Public Opinion

4 Reasons Why Social Media Election Data Can Misread Public Opinion

by Joseph Cabosky

I often encounter myths and misunderstandings about political data, whether it’s in the classes I teach or broader news…

When Religious Ideology Drives Abortion Policy, Poor Women Suffer The Consequences

When Religious Ideology Drives Abortion Policy, Poor Women Suffer The Consequences

by Gretchen E. Ely

In Northern Ireland, Catholics and Protestants are frequently segregated, with some neighborhoods divided by barbed…

Born This Way? An Evolutionary View Of Gay Genes

Born This Way? An Evolutionary View Of 'Gay Genes'

by Jenny Graves

The claim that homosexual men share a “gay gene” created a furor in the 1990s. But new research two decades on supports…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

horoscope week by pam younghans

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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