Image by ElisaRiva

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

We are not powerless! No matter what anyone has told us or what the "powers that be" may try to get us to believe, we are powerful beyond measure, as Marianne Williamson wrote many years ago.. We are the creators of our own life. This week we look at how to create our desired reality. We start with Eileen Campbell encouraging us to "Create A New Story for Yourself: Become The Hero of Your Own Life ". We follow that up with "The Greatest Piece of Art You Will Ever Make Is Your Own Life".

One of the keys to making positive change happen is "Choosing to Love Unconditionally: The World Needs Unconditional Love" however, the love must be for ourselves as well as for all of humanity... whether they are two feet away from us, or 500 or 5,000 miles.

Sarah Varcas shares the power of the full moon and of our thoughts in "Sudden Twists of Fate? The Full Moon Magic Is Us" and I, Marie T. Russell, share my thoughts on "Why Marianne Williamson's Candidacy for President Is Important" and suggest one thing you can do to empower the change needed in the world -- and in this case, more specifically, the USA.

Lauren Walker shows us how to "Tap Into Your Own Magic: Where You Look Is Where You Go" and we take a look at a goal for all of us in "A Life Worth Living... Without Regrets". We complete the featured articles for this week with Ervin Laszlo who introduces us to an empowering new medicine in "Information Medicine Is The New Paradigm in Health and Healing"

In Pam Younghan's weekly astrological column she states "our current timeline requires that we move beyond restrictive, fear-based perspectives that close us down, that prevent us from living more trusting, heart-centered lives." She also speaks of "the need to release the fears and controls that come from a limited perspective of ourselves and our capacities... Each of us may clearly see what shifts need to occur in the outer world, and we can all do our part in supporting the changes that will help humanity move into a more open-hearted, creative, and inspired future."

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This week, I implore you to become the hero in the story you are living. Have bold thoughts, take action, be brave, and hold within your heart the vision of the future you wish to create. We must be firm in our resolve and live from our convictions and our inner truth -- and hold the vision in our heart and transmute it to our actions.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Create A New Story for Yourself: Become The Hero of Your Own Life

Written by Eileen Campbell

Being Willing To Create A New Story for Yourself

Feeling ourselves a victim is never a good choice to make when confronted with difficult circumstances. Self-pity, complaining, and pessimism do not serve us well, but take us in a downward spiral increasing our unhappiness and making the situation worse. It’s far better to choose to be hopeful that we can get through this...

The Greatest Piece of Art You Will Ever Make Is Your Own Life

Written by Imelda Almqvist

The Greatest Piece of Art You Will Ever Make: Your Own Life

Often the spirits only whisper and we confuse their voices with the wind, but if we do not pay attention, they may well unleash a hurricane in our lives. They certainly did with me and with many of my students because we were slow responding – but we lived to tell the tale and it was a tale of rebirth and miracles.

Choosing to Love Unconditionally: The World Needs Unconditional Love

Written by Eileen Caddy MBE and David Earl Platts, PhD.

Choosing to Love Unconditionally: The World Needs Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is loving people freely, fully and openly, with no expectations, demands or restrictions. It gives total acceptance and respect and does not criticize or judge. Unconditional love is constant and is not turned on and off as in conditional love.

Sudden Twists of Fate? The Full Moon Magic Is Us

Written by Sarah Varcas

Sudden Twists of Fate? The Full Moon Magic Is Us

This moon reminds us we don’t have to believe a single thought or subscribe to any belief unless we choose to. And we must choose with great care, for what occupies our mind also shapes our life. If we can simply sit in silent witness of all our mental meanderings at this moon, we can create the space around our thoughts which allows us to just be: watching them without believing them. Assessing their value before committing to them.

Why Marianne Williamson's Candidacy for President Is Important

Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

Why Marianne Williamson's Candidacy for President Is Important

How do you know something exists if you never hear about it? How do you know about the truth, which is often "the other side of the coin", if it is never exposed to the light? Perhaps those two questions answer the implied question in the title: Why Marianne Williamson's Candidacy for President Is Important.

Tap Into Your Own Magic: Where You Look Is Where You Go

Written by Lauren Walker

Tap Into Your Own Magic: Where You Look Is Where You Go

At the end of the day we’re all looking for magic. This includes the ability to affect change, sometimes miraculous change, in our lives at will. Energy wants to move and flow, and once you start to listen to it and tune in, it will take you on amazing journeys.

A Life Worth Living... Without Regrets

Written by Lisette Schuitemaker

A Life Worth Living... Without Regrets

The American software consultant I interviewed told me about an exercise he did ages ago that has stayed with him his whole life. The participants in the workshop he was in were asked to write their own eulogy, then deliver it to the class, speaking about how they wanted to be remembered.

Information Medicine Is The New Paradigm in Health and Healing

Written by Ervin Laszlo and Pier Mario Biava, MD.

Information Medicine: The New Paradigm in Health and Healing

Things and events in the universe are not haphazard and chaotic: they are formed—“in-formed”—by universal attractors. The recognition that the manifest world, and thus the living organism, is “in-formed,” suggests a new definition of bodily health and disease.

5 Tips How To Grow a Ton of Passionfruit From One Passion Fruit!

by Self Sufficient Me

In this video, I give you my 5 top tips on how to grow a ton of passionfruit all from just one passion fruit!

Yoga For Tension Relief With Adriene

by Yoga With Adriene

Please join me for this 28 minute at home yoga practice designed to help you feel good and bring you back into a…

From Bloodthirsty Beast To Saccharine Symbol - The History And Origins Of The Unicorn

From Bloodthirsty Beast To Saccharine Symbol - The History And Origins Of The Unicorn

by Jenny Davis Barnett

The unicorn is an enduring image in contemporary society: a symbol of cuteness, magic, and children’s birthday parties.

The Fascinating History Of Boredom

The Fascinating History Of Boredom

by Michelle Fu

“I’m bored” is a statement many parents dread hearing during the summer holidays.

Women Aren't Better Multitaskers Than Men – They're Just Doing More Work

Women Aren't Better Multitaskers Than Men – They're Just Doing More Work

by Leah Ruppanner

Multitasking has traditionally been perceived as a woman’s domain. A woman, particularly one with children, will…

Why Do Different Cultures See Such Similar Meanings In The Constellations?

Why Do Different Cultures See Such Similar Meanings In The Constellations?

by Simon Cropper, et al

Almost every person throughout the existence of humankind has looked up at the night sky and seen more than just a…

Supermarkets Put Junk Food On Special Twice As Often As Healthy Food

Supermarkets Put Junk Food On Special Twice As Often As Healthy Food

by Adrian Cameron, et al

Half-price chips, “two for one” chocolates, “buy one get one free” soft drinks: Australian supermarkets make it very…

How We Can Protect Our Brains From Memory Loss And Dementia

How We Can Protect Our Brains From Memory Loss And Dementia

by Michael Ridding

As we get older we have a greater risk of developing impairments in areas of cognitive function – such as memory,…

Top Climate Scientist: I Put Myself Through Hell As An IPCC Convening Lead Author, But It Was Worth It

I Put Myself Through Hell As An IPCC Convening Lead Author, But It Was Worth It

by Pete Smith

In my day job, I am a scientist at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland studying things such as how agriculture…

The Warspeak Permeating Everyday Language Puts Us All In The Trenches

The Warspeak Permeating Everyday Language Puts Us All In The Trenches

by Robert Myers

In a manifesto posted online shortly before he went on to massacre 22 people at an El Paso Walmart, Patrick Crusius…

1 In 10 Patients Are Infected In Hospital, And It’s  Not Always With What You Think

1 In 10 Patients Are Infected In Hospital, And It’s Not Always With What You Think

by Philip Russo and Brett Mitchell

Most people expect hospital treatment to make them better. But for some, a stay in hospital can actually make them…

Want Better Sleep?

Want Better Sleep?

by Shahab Haghayegh

Do you struggle trying to fall asleep? Do you feel you don’t get enough sleep and you feel sleepy during the day? You…

Organic Food Health Benefits Have Been Hard To Assess, But That Could Change

Organic Food Health Benefits Have Been Hard To Assess, But That Could Change

by Cynthia Curl

“Organic” is more than just a passing fad. Organic food sales totaled a record US$45.2 billion in 2017, making it one…

Too Many People Think Satirical News Is Real

Too Many People Think Satirical News Is Real

by R. Kelly Garrett, et al

In July, the website Snopes published a piece fact-checking a story posted on The Babylon Bee, a popular satirical news…

How Archaeology Can Help Us Learn From History To Build A Sustainable Future For Food

How Archaeology Can Help Us Learn From History To Build A Sustainable Future For Food

by Kelly Reed

About a quarter of all the greenhouse gas emissions that humans generate each year come from how we feed the world.

Huge Wildfires In The Arctic And Far North Send A Planetary Warning

Huge Wildfires In The Arctic And Far North Send A Planetary Warning

by Nancy Fresco

The planet’s far North is burning. This summer, over 600 wildfires have consumed more than 2.4 million acres of forest…

Fifty Years Ago, Jimi Hendrix's Woodstock Anthem Expressed The Hopes And Fears Of A Nation

by Mark Clague

One of the most powerful, searing renditions of the national anthem ever recorded, Jimi Hendrix’s iconic Woodstock…

Why You Should Be Worried Silicon Valley Wants To Read Your Mind

Why You Should Be Worried Silicon Valley Wants To Read Your Mind

by Garfield Benjamin

Not content with monitoring almost everything you do online, Facebook now wants to read your mind as well.

Being Left-Handed Doesn't Mean You Are Right-Brained — So What Does It Mean?

Being Left-Handed Doesn't Mean You Are Right-Brained — So What Does It Mean?

by Emma Karlsson

There have been plenty of claims about what being left-handed means, and whether it changes the type of person someone…

How Development Of The Self In Infants Provides Clues To The Breakdown Of Memory In Dementia

How Development Of The Self In Infants Provides Clues To The Breakdown Of Memory In Dementia

by Josephine Ross

When we look in the mirror we see “me”: a particular combination of features that matches our idea of who we are.

New Climate Change Report Underscores The Need To Manage Land For The Short And Long Term

New Climate Change Report Underscores The Need To Manage Land For The Short And Long Term

by Chris E. Forest

In its latest report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change describes how agriculture, deforestation, and other…

Social Media Isn't Causing More Eating Disorders In Young People

Social Media Isn't Causing More Eating Disorders In Young People

by Ann John and Sophie Wood

There is ongoing debate about whether eating disorders are more common in modern society.

Lab Studies Suggest Medicinal Plants Can Help Repair Human Bone And Tissue

Lab Studies Suggest Medicinal Plants Can Help Repair Human Bone And Tissue

by Franca Nneka Alaribe and Keolebogile Shirley Motaung

There’s been a rise in recent years of biomedical engineering techniques that can restore lost tissue and bone.

The Past Stinks: A Brief History of Smells and Social Spaces

The Past Stinks: A Brief History of Smells and Social Spaces

by William Tullett

A sunny afternoon in Paris. An intrepid TV presenter is making his way through the streets asking passersby to smell a…

How To Spot A Fake Review: You're Probably Worse At It Than You Realise

How To Spot A Fake Review: You're Probably Worse At It Than You Realise

by Adrian R. Camilleri

Ever relied on an online review to make a purchasing decision? How do you know it was actually genuine?

The Roots Of America's White Nationalism Reach Back To This Island's Brutal History

The Roots Of America's White Nationalism Reach Back To This Island's Brutal History

by J.M. Opal

The vicious ideology that allegedly drove a gunman to kill 22 people in El Paso, Texas could be traced back to a tiny…

5 Ways To Shift Consumers Towards Sustainable Behaviour

5 Ways To Shift Consumers Towards Sustainable Behaviour

by David J. Hardisty, et al

Most people want to be sustainable, but have a hard time taking the necessary actions.

How The Hidden Changes In Your DNA That Could Produce New Diseases

How The Hidden Changes In Your DNA That Could Produce New Diseases

by Michael J Porter

Rarely has our environment changed so quickly. On top of climate change, we’re exposing ourselves to air pollutants…

Memory And Attention Difficulties Are Often Part Of A Normal Life

Memory And Attention Difficulties Are Often Part Of A Normal Life

by Jacqueline Anderson

From young adults to people in their 60s, everyday functioning in today’s world can place high demands on our attention…

Not Everyone Cares About Climate Change, But Reproach Won't Change Their Minds

Not Everyone Cares About Climate Change, But Reproach Won't Change Their Minds

by Chloe Lucas, et al

Contrary to opinion polls predicting a groundswell of support for Labor’s relatively progressive agenda on climate and…

Human Breast Milk May Help Babies Tell Time Via Circadian Signals From Mom

Human Breast Milk May Help Babies Tell Time Via Circadian Signals From Mom

by Darby Saxbe and Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook

Human breast milk is more than a meal – it’s also a clock, providing time-of-day information to infants.

Vegan Food's Sustainability Claims Need To Give The Full Picture

Vegan Food's Sustainability Claims Need To Give The Full Picture

by Maartje Sevenster, and Brad Ridoutt,

The IPCC special report, Climate Change and Land, released last night, has found a third of the world’s greenhouse gas…

What Is Sepsis And How Can It Be Treated?

What Is Sepsis and How Can It Be Treated?

by Hamsa Puthalakath

Sepsis, colloquially known as blood poisoning, occurs as a result of an infection, usually from bacteria.

Why Do We Keep Having Debates About Video-Game Violence?

Why Do We Keep Having Debates About Video-Game Violence?

by Richard Lachman

I study emerging technologies and digital culture. In our field it’s well-established: major studies show no link…

How Women Shaped The Civil Rights Movement Through Music

How Women Shaped The Civil Rights Movement Through Music

by Katie Bohn

While “freedom songs” were key in giving motivation and comfort to those fighting for equal rights in the Civil Rights…

Google Searches Reveal Where People Are Most Concerned About Climate Change

Google Searches Reveal Where People Are Most Concerned About Climate Change

by Carla Archibald and Nathalie Butt

What do you do if you have a question? You probably Google it.

Why Do I Sometimes Forget What I Was Just Going To Say?

Why Do I Sometimes Forget What I Was Just Going To Say?

by Peter Wilson

Forgetting to do or to say things happens to all of us sometimes.

Women’s Mid-life Stress Linked To Memory Decline

Women’s Mid-life Stress Linked To Memory Decline

by Johns Hopkins University

A new study links stressful life experiences among middle-aged women—but not men—to greater memory decline in later…

Why Your Reusable Coffee Cup May Be No Better Than A Disposable

Why Your Reusable Coffee Cup May Be No Better Than A Disposable

by Caroline Wood

|Is any item more symbolic of our modern, disposable culture than the single-use coffee cup?

Would You Eat Meat Grown From Cells In A Laboratory? Here's How It Works

Would You Eat Meat Grown From Cells In A Laboratory? Here's How It Works

by Leigh Ackland

For many of us, eating a meal containing meat is a normal part of daily life. But if we dig deeper, some sobering…

What 'The Lion King' Teaches Us About Children’s Grief

What 'The Lion King' Teaches Us About Children’s Grief

by Elena Merenda

The Lion King is a movie about a young lion cub named Simba, who idolizes his father, King Mufasa, and is eager for his…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope: August 19 - 25, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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