Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Humans have a yearning to have their life amount to something... whether that is through our own actions or the ones of our business, our children, the people whose lives we touch, or the organizations we belong to. Sometimes we may not be clear about what the unease we feel is about... but it connects to a deep need to make a difference, to have our life count for something.

This week we bring you articles that help shed light on "you" and your affect on life... We start by asking: "Where To Start Reclaiming Our Birthright? Viewing Life As A Vision Quest". We continue by learning about  "Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval in Modern Times" and how to "Create Your Ripple Effect: Myths and Truths about Social Promise".

The messages and life lessons come from many places as we discover in "Learning Life from Mushrooms and Tide Pools" and in "The Holistic Nature of Reflexology: It's Not Just About The Feet".

 And as usual, we have a myriad of additional articles to inform, inspire, and incite change.  Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Where To Start Reclaiming Our Birthright? Viewing Life As A Vision Quest

Written by Gwilda Wiyaka

Where To Start Reclaiming Our Birthright: Viewing Life As A Vision Quest

If any nationality is followed to its roots, there will be an Earth-based society with its own form of shamanic healing. Shamanism is a spiritual-healing practice (not to be confused with religion) at the foundation of all indigenous, Earth-based, societies. In short, shamanism mends where the laws of nature have been broken. The spiritual illness of “soul loss” is a universal shamanic concept.

Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval in Modern Times

Written by Erika Buenaflor, M.A., J.D.

Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval in Modern Times

The concept of soul loss may seem foreign and perhaps impossible for people who see the soul as an immutable essence that reflects the divine presence within us. While this is an ideal, it is likely that this ideal has not been a constant throughout a person’s life. The soul is sacred essence energy that originates from divine source, but this energy can be depleted if we allow it to be.

Creating Your Ripple Effect: Myths and Truths about Social Promise

Written by Meriflor Toneatto

Creating Your Ripple Effect: Myths and Truths about Social Promise

When many people think about making a social impact, they do not think that this change can extend to themselves and their life’s work. On the one hand, it feels exciting and worthwhile to take on a worthy cause, and on the other, it can feel too time consuming and overwhelming.

Learning Life from Mushrooms and Tide Pools

Written by Stephen Nachmanovitch

Learning Life from Mushrooms and Tide Pools

As a composer, John Cage sought to get the weight of Beethoven and the other past masters off his shoulders. He felt it was essential to be freed from the repetitive patterns of personality and style (“memory, tastes, likes, and dislikes”) and to free audiences from their expectations of what art should look and sound like.

The Holistic Nature of Reflexology: It's Not Just About The Feet

Written by Ewald Kliegel

The Holistic Nature of Reflexology: It's Not Just About The Feet

One of the most fascinating aspects of the human body is the fact that there are so many reflexology maps found on different parts of the body. By reading the zones that are located on the surface of the skin on different parts of the body we can discover incipient health disturbances, which may otherwise remain hidden, before they become chronic problems.

Brain Boost Drugs Hamper Sleep And Memory With Little Upside

Brain Boost Drugs Hamper Sleep And Memory With Little Upside

by Pat Harriman

Taking nonprescribed psychostimulants may slightly improve a person’s short-term focus but impede sleep and mental…

How To Change The World And Solve Global Problems With Cash Prizes

How To Change The World And Solve Global Problems With Cash Prizes

by Tris Dyson and Piotr Gierszewski

|Challenge prizes – which offer a cash incentive to those working to solve a particular problem – are becoming a force…

How Agriculture Can Both Feed People And Fight Climate Change

How Agriculture Can Both Feed People And Fight Climate Change

by Richard Lindsay

Imagine “carbon emissions”, and what springs to mind? Most people tend to think of power stations belching out clouds…

Viruses Aren't All Nasty – Some Can Actually Protect Our Health

Viruses Aren't All Nasty – Some Can Actually Protect Our Health

by Cynthia Mathew

Viruses are mostly known for their aggressive and infectious nature. It’s true, most viruses have a pathogenic…

Love, Lust And Digital Dating: Men On The Bumble Dating App Aren't Ready For The Queen Bee

Love, Lust And Digital Dating: Men On The Bumble Dating App Aren't Ready For The Queen Bee

by Treena Orchard

When love, lust and all things in between come calling, dating apps appear to be the only way to meet new people and…

Data-driven Elections and The Key Questions about Voter Surveillance

Data-driven Elections and The Key Questions about Voter Surveillance

by David Lyon and Colin Bennett

The upcoming Canadian federal election once again raises the spectre of interference and disruption through the misuse…

Political Polarization Is About Feelings, Not Facts

Political Polarization Is About Feelings, Not Facts

by Robert B. Talisse

Politicians and pundits from all quarters often lament democracy’s polarized condition.

A Small Reduction In Alcohol, Big Reduction In Type 2 Diabetes Heart Disease Risk

A Small Reduction In Alcohol, Big Reduction In Type 2 Diabetes Heart Disease Risk

by Jean Strelitz

People with type 2 diabetes are at a higher risk of getting cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke

Emulsifiers Harm The Gut Microbiomes of Mice, But Should Humans Avoid This Food Additive?

Emulsifiers Harm The Gut Microbiomes of Mice, But Should Humans Avoid This Food Additive?

by Dominic Partridge and Alex Johnstone

Food additives do a lot of good: they prolong shelf life, improve taste and texture, and add colour to otherwise…

Sunscreen Wouldn't Have Saved Bob Marley From Melanoma, and It Won't Help Other Dark-skinned People

Sunscreen Wouldn't Have Saved Bob Marley From Melanoma, and It Won't Help Other Dark-skinned People

by Adewole S. Adamson

Melanoma is a potentially deadly form of skin cancer linked to overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun.

The Facts on US Children and Teens Killed By Firearms

The Facts on US Children and Teens Killed By Firearms

by Marc A Zimmerman, et al

Injury is the leading cause of death for U.S. children and adolescents, accounting for over 60% of all deaths in this…

Aloe Has A Trick That Thirsty Crops Could Use

Aloe Has A Trick That Thirsty Crops Could Use

by Michael Skov Jensen

The aloe plant’s ability to survive extended periods of drought could contribute to more resilient crops.

Insomnia In Pregnancy Is Common But It's Not Normal. Here's How To Beat It

Insomnia In Pregnancy Is Common But It's Not Normal. Here's How To Beat It

by Lianne Tomfohr-Madsen and Ivan Sedov

Many pregnant women find themselves waking up in the middle of night to go the bathroom (for the third time) or…

I Sent My DNA To Norway For Personalised Nutrition Advice, What I Discovered Made Me Rethink My Diet Completely

by Barbara J Stewart-Knox

Personalised nutrition, where your DNA tells you what to eat and what not to eat, is gaining momentum.

The Most Influential American Author Of Her Generation, Toni Morrison's Writing Was Radically Ambiguous

The Most Influential American Author Of Her Generation, Toni Morrison's Writing Was Radically Ambiguous

by Paul Giles

Toni Morrison, who has died aged 88, was the most influential and studied American author of her generation.

What Happens In The Body When We Sweat?

What Happens In The Body When We Sweat?

by Nigel Taylor

Sweat comes from special parts in our skin called glands. You might be able to see them if you have a very strong…

Understanding Christians' Climate Views Can Lead To Better Conversations About The Environment

by Emma Frances Bloomfield

In their second round of debates, Democratic presidential candidates called for aggressive measures to slow climate…

The Internet Fuels Conspiracy Theories – But Not In The Way You Might Imagine

The Internet Fuels Conspiracy Theories – But Not In The Way You Might Imagine

by Karen Douglas

Conspiracy theories are popular and there is no doubt that the internet has fuelled them on.

Can Plants Think? They Could One Day Force Us To Change Our Definition Of Intelligence

Can Plants Think? They Could One Day Force Us To Change Our Definition Of Intelligence

by Stuart Thompson

Some might balk at the idea that plants made of roots, stems and leaves could have intelligence or consciousness.

How Does False Information Spread Online?

How Does False Information Spread Online?

by Farida Vis

Last summer the World Economic Forum (WEF) invited its 1,500 council members to identify top trends facing the world,…

Wicked Problems and How To Solve Them

by Ana Carolina de Almeida Kumlien and Paul Coughlan

Wicked problems are issues so complex and dependent on so many factors that it is hard to grasp what exactly the…

Home Birth May Start Babies Off With Health-Promoting Microbes

Home Birth May Start Babies Off With Health-Promoting Microbes

by Joan Combellick

For all of human history, babies have been born where their mothers lived – whether in a house, hut or cave.

How This Method Grows A New Jawbone From A Rib

How This Method Grows A New Jawbone From A Rib

by Mike Williams

A new technique grows live bone to repair craniofacial injuries by attaching a 3D-printed bioreactor—basically, a…

Children Dying In Hot Cars Is A Tragedy That Can Be Prevented

Children Dying In Hot Cars Is A Tragedy That Can Be Prevented

by David Diamond

The deaths of twins in the backseat of their father’s car is yet another reminder of how tragedies can occur when the…

How To Encourage The Occasional Voter To Cast A Ballot

How To Encourage The Occasional Voter To Cast A Ballot

by Ofer Berenstein

Despite a cumulative increase of nearly 10 per cent in voter turnout in Canadian federal elections between 2008 and…

Fainting During Pregnancy Can Be Risky For Mother and Child

Fainting During Pregnancy Can Be Risky For Mother and Child

by Padma Kaul

Fainting, also known as syncope, is the sudden loss of consciousness. In most cases, fainting is not dangerous — unless…

School Spankings Are Banned Just About Everywhere Around The World Except In US

School Spankings Are Banned Just About Everywhere Around The World Except In US

by Lucy Sorensen, et al

In 1970, only three countries – Italy, Japan and Mauritius – banned corporal punishment in schools. By 2016, more than…

Finding Signs Of Happiness In Chickens Could Help Us Understand Their Lives In Captivity

Finding Signs Of Happiness In Chickens Could Help Us Understand Their Lives In Captivity

by Mary Baxter

When animal welfare campaigner Ruth Harrison published a book in 1964 called Animal Machines, there was a public outcry.

We Opened Up All Our Data On Coral Reefs – More Scientists Should Do The Same

We Opened Up All Our Data On Coral Reefs – More Scientists Should Do The Same

by Adel Heenan and Ivor D. Williams

Coral reefs are critically important to the world but despite the ongoing efforts of scientists and campaigners, these…

Rethinking Youth Justice: There Are Alternatives To Juvenile Detention

Rethinking Youth Justice: There Are Alternatives To Juvenile Detention

by Jodie O'Leary

The abuse inflicted on child detainees at the Don Dale facility in the Northern Territory in Australia has shone a…

Aging With Pets Isn't Just A Sentimental Concern, But A Matter Of Health And Wellness

Aging With Pets Isn't Just A Sentimental Concern, But A Matter Of Health And Wellness

by L.F. Carver

Is home somewhere that you feel comfortable? Is it filled with memories of beloved friends and family — some of whom…

Do Cough Medicines Work?

Do Cough Medicines Work?

by Janet Sluggett

Having a cough can be distressing. It can disrupt sleep or even worsen urinary incontinence. So it’s not surprising 7%…

The Amazing Baby Brain Says 'Pas De Problème' With Bilingualism

The Amazing Baby Brain Says 'Pas De Problème' With Bilingualism

by Adriel John Orena and Linda Polka

People often say that babies are like little sponges — with their ability to soak up language quickly and easily.

Pseudoscience Is Taking Over Social Media And Putting Us All At Risk

Pseudoscience Is Taking Over Social Media And Putting Us All At Risk

by Santosh Vijaykumar

Search for “climate change” on YouTube and before long you’ll likely find a video that denies it exists.

Will Reforesting An Area The Size Of The US Help Avert Climate Breakdown?

Will Reforesting An Area The Size Of The US Help Avert Climate Breakdown?

by Mark Maslin and Simon Lewis

Restoring the world’s forests on an unprecedented scale is “the best climate change solution available”, according to a…

New Autism Early Detection Technique Analyzes How Children Scan Faces

New Autism Early Detection Technique Analyzes How Children Scan Faces

by Anita Layton and Mehrshad Sadria

Imagine that your son Tommy is about to turn two. He is a shy and sweet little boy, but his behaviours can be…

Homemade Ice Cream Recipe

by Clean & Delicious

Learn to make easy, healthy homemade Neapolitan ice-cream using frozen bananas as the base. This ice cream is thick…

The Original Love Island: How George Sand And Fryderyk Chopin Put Mallorca On The Romance Map

The Original Love Island: How George Sand and Fryderyk Chopin Put Mallorca On The Romance Map

by Natalia Nowakowska

More than four million Britons watched Amber Gill and Greg O'Shea being crowned the victors of Love Island 2019.

Are Shared E-scooters Good For The Planet?

Are Shared E-scooters Good For The Planet?

by Jeremiah Johnson

Shared dockless electric scooters, or e-scooters, transport riders over short distances in cities. Ride share companies…

Grudges Come Naturally To Kids – Gratitude Must Be Taught

Grudges Come Naturally To Kids – Gratitude Must Be Taught

by Nadia Chernyak, et al

Have you heard this tale? In ancient times, an escaped slave hid in a cave only to encounter a wounded lion. Although…

Young people are now fully ensconced in the digital age as it whirls around and within them.

Youth Have A Love-Hate Relationship With Tech In The Digital Age

by Kate C. Tilleczek

Young people are now fully ensconced in the digital age as it whirls around and within them.

How Organized Labor Can Reverse Decades Of Decline

How Organized Labor Can Reverse Decades Of Decline

by Marick Masters

Collective bargaining has long been one of organized labor’s most attractive selling points.

Yes, Flesh-eating Bacteria Are In The Warm Coastal Waters – But It Doesn't Mean You'll Get Sick

Yes, Flesh-eating Bacteria Are In The Warm Coastal Waters – But It Doesn't Mean You'll Get Sick

by Brian Labus

Like humans, many bacteria like to spend time at the beach. The so-called flesh-eating bacteria, Vibrio vulnificus,…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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