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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

We are all under the illusion of "mistaken identity". In other words, we are not who we think we are... mostly because, in most cases, we don't think very highly of ourselves. Some of us think "we're not good enough" or that "we never will amount to anything". Part of that is based on the stories we have been raised with... some of them by (hopefully) well-meaning parents and teachers. And of course, the "original sin" of Adam and Eve has been put on our shoulders making us "bad" from birth.

With such a burden, is it any surprise that we act in ways that are unloving both towards ourselves and others and believe we are not worthy of Love? We are mistaken! This is NOT who we are. We are not "less than", we are not sinners, we are not "not good enough". These beliefs keep us from experiencing our true nature which is Infinite Love.

So this week, we open the reflection on our true identity with Alan Seale by "Shifting to Heart Intelligence: We Start With Just Three Questions ". We continue with Will T. Wilkinson who suggests "Focus On Who You Can Be, Not What You Can Do "and Pierre Pradervand who encourages us to remind ourselves daily that we are Love in his article "I Am Love – A Meditation or Prayer On Identity".

We are also guided to reconnect with our true self in "Self-Healing and Deep Ecology: Honoring and Loving Your Wild Soul" as well as to open ourselves up to "Entertaining Infinite Possibility for a Brighter Future". And Nancy Windheart shares inspiration and motivation in "Life Practice: Becoming Embodied." And as usual, Pam Younghans shares guidance via the planetary movements in the "Astrological Journal for the Week".

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

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Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Shifting to Heart Intelligence: We Start With Just Three Questions

Written by Alan Seale

We Start With Just Three Questions

When we are in the throes of a “breaking open,” it can be hard to know where we are and what is happening. When the ground beneath our feet is shifting and everything around us seems to be changing, we may even feel like we no longer recognize the world around us. So a first step is to find some clarity about where we are now and “what wants to happen” next.

Focus On Who You Can Be, Not What You Can Do

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

Focus On Who You Can Be, Not What You Can Do
One innovative way to face hard truths is through imagery. Rumi’s words from the opening quote echo across the centuries and present evocative symbols. “Mount the stallion of love and do not fear the path…” Consider the imagery of this verse and zero in on two significant elements: the stallion and you.

I Am Love – A Meditation or Prayer On Identity

Written by Pierre Pradervand

I Am Love – A Meditation or Prayer On Identity

If I had to mention one single thing which I believe the most important by very very far, for not only the survival but the harmonious evolution of mankind, it is simply LOVE. And the best place to find it might be in ourselves!

Self-Healing and Deep Ecology: Honoring and Loving Your Wild Soul

Written by Selene Calloni Williams

Self-Healing and Deep Ecology: Honoring and Loving Your Wild Soul

The stronger your soul becomes the easier it will be for you to eat better, and the better you eat the stronger your soul will become. Then this world, which definitely prefers you to be governable, measurable, and predictable, will have to take stock of your diversity through which you express your mercy and your love.

Entertaining Infinite Possibility for a Brighter Future

Written by Jennifer T. Gehl

Entertaining Infinite Possibility for a Brighter Future

Ever since I can remember, I’ve believed that magic is real. Even as an adult, after completing school and becoming steeped in “reality”—as defined by the mundane world—my supernatural sense of the “extraordinary” has amplified rather than diminished. This sense of the magical has to do with an intuitive feeling that all of creation is alive—that there is an indwelling of consciousness existing in everything we see around us. Perhaps even more substantial, however...

Life Practice: Becoming Embodied

Written by Nancy Windheart

Life Practice: Becoming Embodied

I have a small note above my desk that is titled: “Non-Negotiable Necessities.” These are the things in my life that I truly can’t live without. They comprise the foundation of my self-care that, if neglected, sets me off balance and makes me much less effective in all that I do.

Why Do I Have A Cough And What Can I Do About It?

Why Do I Have A Cough And What Can I Do About It?

by David King

Dry, moist, productive, hacking, chesty, whooping, barking, throaty. These are just some of the terms people use to…

Increasing Tree Cover May Be Like A Superfood For Community Mental Health

Increasing Tree Cover May Be Like A Superfood For Community Mental Health

by Thomas Astell-Burt and Xiaoqi Feng

Increasing tree canopy and green cover across Greater Sydney and increasing the proportion of homes in urban areas…

US Health Care: An Industry Too Big To Fail

US Health Care: An Industry Too Big To Fail

by Michael Williams

As I spoke recently with colleagues at a conference in Florence, Italy about health care innovation, a fundamental…

What Happens In The Brain When We Give Up?

What Happens In The Brain When We Give Up?

by Bobbi Nodell

Inside the brain, a group of cells known as nociceptin neurons get very active before mice give up on reaching…

You Can Train Yourself To Enjoy Bitter Foods

You Can Train Yourself To Enjoy Bitter Foods

by Bert Gambini

Eating bitter foods more often can change how they taste, according to a new study.

Learning To Teach Mindfulness To Children Can Help Reduce Your Own Stress

Learning To Teach Mindfulness To Children Can Help Reduce Your Own Stress

by Charlotte Todd, et al

As the use of mindfulness has increased globally, its importance in education has also been recognised. Though it is…

How Fireflies Glow – And What Signals They're Sending

How Fireflies Glow – And What Signals They're Sending

by Clyde Sorenson

You might not really be sure you saw what you think you saw when the first one shows up.

Is It Safe To Drink Alcohol While Breastfeeding?

Is It Safe To Drink Alcohol While Breastfeeding?

by Stephanie Liu, et al

Is it safe to drink alcohol and breastfeed? As physicians, we have always cautioned patients not to. As mothers, we…

Micro-naps For Plants: Flicking The Lights On And Off Can Save Energy Without Hurting Indoor Agriculture Harvests

Micro-naps For Plants: Flicking The Lights On And Off Can Save Energy Without Hurting Indoor Agriculture Harvests

by Kevin M. Folta

A nighttime arrival at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport flies you over the bright pink glow of vegetable production…

Rabies: How It Spreads and How To Protect Yourself

Rabies: How It Spreads and How To Protect Yourself

by J Scott Weese

A 21-year-old man recently died of rabies — a disease that kills an estimated 59,000 people a year internationally but…

Dissociative Disorders Are Nearly As Common As Depression

Dissociative Disorders Are Nearly As Common As Depression

by Mary-Anne Kate

Dissociative disorders are often said to be rare. But our soon-to-be published analysis of international studies…

Here's How Your Holiday Photos Could Help Save Endangered Species

Here's How Your Vacation Photos Could Help Save Endangered Species

by Kasim Rafiq

Animal populations have declined on average by 60% since 1970, and it’s predicted that around a million species are at…

Pure Altruism – The Connection That Explains Why We Help Strangers

Pure Altruism – The Connection That Explains Why We Help Strangers

by Steve Taylor

On May 22 2017, my home city of Manchester suffered a terrorist attack killing 22 people and injuring several hundred.…

Five Animals That Could Help Us Beat Human Diseases

Five Animals That Could Help Us Beat Human Diseases

by Adam Taylor

As humans, we may feel rather lucky about our evolutionary lot. We live longer than many other animals, and lifespans…

Animals Will Struggle To Adapt Fast Enough To Cope With Climate Change

Animals Will Struggle To Adapt Fast Enough To Cope With Climate Change

by Christopher Hassall

The blackcurrant harvest on my allotment is highly dependent on the weather. In 2018 the UK had a hot, dry summer and…

Training My Dog Taught Me That It's People Who Really Need Training

Training My Dog Taught Me That It's People Who Really Need Training

by Ann Morrison

As I watched my hunting dog standing off the lead and lined up with all the other Kleiner Münsterländers, awaiting her…

The Christian Right's Efforts To Transform Society

The Christian Right's Efforts To Transform Society

by André Gagné

The battle now raging in several American states over women’s reproductive rights is a direct result of the Christian…

What Is Listeria and How It Spread In Smoked Salmon

What Is Listeria and How It Spread In Smoked Salmon

by Vincent Ho

Two people in Victoria and New South Wales have died after eating smoked salmon contaminated with listeria, health…

7 Favorite Books For Connecting With Your Preschooler

7 Favorite Books For Connecting With Your Preschooler

by Lotje Hives and Tara-Lynn Scheffel

A preschooler’s day is a world of adventure fuelled by an unbridled imagination. Sparked by curiosity, they set out to…

How To Stroke A Cat, According To Science

How To Stroke A Cat, According To Science

by Lauren Finka

Many of us will have experienced that super friendly cat who seems to love being stroked one minute, only to bite or…

As Farmland and Villages Are Abandoned, Forests, Wolves and Bears Are Returning To Europe

As Farmland and Villages Are Abandoned, Forests, Wolves and Bears Are Returning To Europe

by José M. Rey Benayas

Rewilding is often thought of as a fantastical vision of the future. One day we might share the landscape with wolves…

The Small Patch Of Bush Over Your Back Fence Might Be Key To A Species’ Survival

The Small Patch Of Bush Over Your Back Fence Might Be Key To A Species’ Survival

by Brendan Wintle

It may not look like a pristine expanse of Amazon rainforest or an African savannah, but the patch of bush at the end…

5 Periods Of Mass Extinction On Earth. Are We Entering The Sixth?

5 Periods of Mass Extinction on Earth. Are We Entering The Sixth?

by Mirzam Abdurrachman, et al

Our earth is very old. Based on the estimation of the oldest rock, it’s around 4.5 billion years of age. Scientists…

So Far Cultured Meat Has Been Burgers – The Next Big Challenge Is Animal-Free Steaks

So Far Cultured Meat Has Been Burgers – The Next Big Challenge Is Animal-Free Steaks

by Natalie R. Rubio

The meat you eat, if you’re a carnivore, comes from animal muscles. But animals are composed of a lot more than just…

A Bath At The Right Time Can Improve Your Sleep

A Bath At The Right Time Can Improve Your Sleep

by John Holden

Much of the science to support links between water-based body heating and improved sleep is already well-established.…

What Is Leptospirosis And How Can It Harm Us And Our Pets?

What Is Leptospirosis And How Can It Harm Us And Our Pets?

by Christine Griebsch and Jacqueline Norris

Recently reported cases of the often fatal bacterial infection leptospirosis in dogs have raised the issue of animal…

Why Do Some People Worry More Than Others?

Why Do Some People Worry More Than Others?

by Christine Grové

You might think there are some people who never worry. But that’s not true. We all worry but at different times and…

With Smart Action, Hope Isn’t Lost For Coral Reefs

With Smart Action, Hope Isn’t Lost For Coral Reefs

by U. Washington

Management that takes evolution and adaptation into account can help rescue coral reefs from the effects of climate…

5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Cybercrime

5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Cybercrime

by Scott Shackelford

High-profile data breaches at companies like British Airways and Marriott get a lot of media coverage, but…

Kids' Vitamin Gummies: Unhealthy, Poorly Regulated and Exploitative

Kids' Vitamin Gummies: Unhealthy, Poorly Regulated and Exploitative

by Ken Harvey, et al

There are many brands of kids’ “gummies” on the market. They are promoted as deliciously flavoured and a great way for…

Yoga For Back Pain With Adriene 2

by Yoga With Adriene

Activate, stretch, and relieve any tension in this 23 minute yoga session specifically designed for the upper back.

How Psychedelics Work: Fire The Conductor, Let The Orchestra Play

by Michael Pollan

Michael Pollan explains what goes on during the mental fireworks of a psychedelic experience.

You Can Rewild Your Garden Into A Miniature Rainforest

You Can Rewild Your Garden Into A Miniature Rainforest

by Jack Marley

Many scientists believe that halting global warming at 1.5°C will require us to invent Negative Emission Technologies …

Who Holds More Than One Job To Make Ends Meet?

by Roger Wilkins

Women who work in the arts or services industries, and who are young, are the ones most likely to be working more than…

Microdosers Of Psychedelics Report Improved Mood, Focus And Creativity

Microdosers of Psychedelics Report Improved Mood, Focus and Creativity

by Rotem Petranker and Thomas Anderson

Microdosing psychedelics is a growing trend that involves ingesting very small sub-hallucinogenic amounts of substances…

4 Myths About Vitamin Supplements

4 Myths About Vitamin Supplements

by Neil Watkins

People take vitamin supplements for all kinds of reasons, from maintaining general health to preventing cancer. But…

Tips To Stress Less Outside Work Hours

Tips To Stress Less Outside Work Hours

by Natalie Skinner

While it’s difficult to fully disconnect from work as we head home for the day, our personal thinking styles and values…

Blocking Out The Sun Won't Fix Climate Change – But It Could Buy Us Time

Blocking Out The Sun Won't Fix Climate Change – But It Could Buy Us Time

by Hugh Hunt

The Paris climate talks hoped to set out how we can reduce the amount of carbon we’re pumping into the atmosphere.

Why The Religious Decline Was The Key To Economic Development In The 20th Century

Why The Religious Decline Was The Key To Economic Development In The 20th Century

by Damian Ruck

We have known for decades that secular countries tend to be richer than religious ones. Finding out why involves…

The Psychology of Moral Grandstanding

by Brandon Warmke

Moral grandstanding is a vanity project that sabotages public discourse says moral philosopher Brandon Warmke

Gardening Tips, Hacks & More

by California Gardening

In today's video we provide you lots of gardening tips and advice on how to do some common diy things in your garden.

Why The Human Microbiome Is A Treasure Trove Waiting To Be Unlocked

Why The Human Microbiome Is A Treasure Trove Waiting To Be Unlocked

by Vasu Appanna

Bacteria are at the centre of all life forms on planet earth and are the essential building blocks that make living…

Do Vitamin Drips Really Work?

Do Vitamin Drips Really Work?

by Emily Burch

Want to boost your immune system, reduce your physical signs of ageing, or cleanse your blood to get rid of toxins?

Are We Missing Stability And A Shared Sense Of Purpose In Our Jobs?

Are We Missing Stability and a Shared Sense of Purpose In Our Jobs?

by David L. Blustein

On the surface, the well-being of the American worker seems rosy. Unemployment in the U.S. hovers near a 50-year low…

Climate Change Is Making Some Homes Uninsurable

by CBC News

Climate change has fundamentally changed the nature of the risk for homeowners and insurance companies alike.

How New Zealand’s Well-Being Budget Delivers For The Environment

How New Zealand’s Well-Being Budget Delivers For The Environment

by Troy Baisden

Internationally, the Ardern government is seen as a progressive beacon, and its recent budget was watched closely as a…

The More Work-life Balance We Have The More We Want

The More Work-Life Balance We Have, The More We Want

by Leah Ruppanner

Workers in countries where shorter working hours are the norm are more likely to complain of poor work-life balance,…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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