Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we focus on stories... People love good stories as evidenced by the mega-billion-dollar movie industry world-wide. We all have stories we were told whether by tradition or people in our life, and of course, there are the stories we tell ourselves for many reasons. Our authors share some stories with you along with the lessons that came with those stories.

Stories have been used since time immemorial to teach and entertain. So this week we do the same. Joyce Vissell shares some experiences in "A Gift Behind Every Disappointment" while Rumi, a teacher revered for centuries, tells the tale of "The Students and the Teacher: A Rumi Story to Illumine, Delight, and Inform"

Lynn B. Robinson speaks of secrets and stories shared, in her article entitled "Considering The Impossibly Possible: Loving, Living, and Beyond"  while Elena Mannes emphasizes the importance of listening in "Dogs Teach Us To Listen, Even After They've Died". Then, Shai Tubali encourages us to trust our heart's wisdom and shares a wonderful story about Kwan Yin in "Heart Wisdom: Your Heart Always Knows What Your Mind Forgets".

Our whole life is a story... sometimes the script is handed to us, but we always get to decide whether to go with it as is, or rewrite the script, or walk out of that set and pick a new script. I encourage you to look closely at the stories you've been told, the ones you tell yourself, and the one you are creating, to make sure the plot is heading in the direction you would prefer. After all, we are the director and lead actor in our own story, so we get to call "action" and "cut"... And remember, if the script does not call for "live, love, and laugh", the movie may be a downer. Have fun! Shine your light brightly! and go for it!

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

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Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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A Gift Behind Every Disappointment

Written by Joyce Vissell

A Gift Behind Every Disappointment

"There is a gift behind each disappointment and sadness." These are words my mother spoke to me countless times growing up. But we need to trust that a gift will come. This trusting can be difficult though, especially when it appears over time that no gift is coming.

The Students and the Teacher: A Rumi Story to Illumine, Delight, and Inform

Written by Maryam Mafi

A Rumi Story to Illumine, Delight, and Inform: The Students and the Teachers

Whatever our cultural or linguistic background, we can all claim some knowledge of the lives of others, and this knowledge has reached us through stories. These stories may have been told by an animated grandparent; maybe we heard them on the radio or encountered them during a religious-studies lesson at school, where we learned about the lives and times of saints, gods, and goddesses.

Considering The Impossibly Possible: Loving, Living, and Beyond

Written by Lynn B. Robinson, PhD

 Considering The Impossibly Possible: Loving, Living, and Beyond

There really is no explanation nor prescription for loving, for being with and available to those you love until the last breath and then on. And there is no one way to provide the best possible care for your loved one or for yourself and others who are the caregivers.

Dogs Teach Us To Listen, Even After They've Died

Written by Elena Mannes

Dogs Teach Us To Listen, Even After They've Died

One day not long after Brio passed, I was driving on the highway, alone in the car. I’d been thinking of Brio and a few moments later heard clearly the sound of the metal tags on his collar clinking from the backseat, where he always rode. There was nothing else there that would have made that noise.

Heart Wisdom: Your Heart Always Knows What Your Mind Forgets

Written by Shai Tubali

Heart Wisdom: Your Heart Always Knows What Your Mind Forgets

Our brain is very often overcrowded with doubts and mis­trust. We start to feel lost and confused, no longer sure of what is right and what is wrong. We hope so much that we will develop confidence in our mind and yet doubt always creeps in. But what can be done? How can we achieve any sense of knowing in such states, with so many contradictory thoughts running around in our mind?

A Graceful Exit: Taking Charge at the End of Life

A Graceful Exit: Taking Charge at the End of Life

by Claudia Row

How can we break the silence about what happens when we’re dying?

Why Thousands Are Getting Hit With Unexpected Medical Bills

Why Thousands Are Getting Hit With Unexpected Medical Bills

by Simon F. Haeder

Hardly a week goes by without another story in the media covering a family somewhere in America dealing with an…

Infancy And Early Childhood Matter So Much Because Of Attachment

Infancy And Early Childhood Matter So Much Because Of Attachment

by Nikki Martyn

We are born to connect. As human beings we are relational and we need biological, emotional and psychological…

Is It Normal For Girls To Masturbate?

Is It Normal For Girls To Masturbate?

by Melissa Kang

Is it normal for girls to masturbate and are there any health consequences?

Environmental Reporting Can Help Protect Citizens In Emerging Democracies

Environmental Reporting Can Help Protect Citizens In Emerging Democracies

by Eric Freedman

What happens when an illegally logged tree falls or poachers kill endangered brown bears in the forest, but there’s no…

Why You Should Learn The Signs Of Alcohol Poisoning

Why You Should Learn The Signs Of Alcohol Poisoning

by Patti Verbanas

Here is expert advice on how to avoid and recognize alcohol poisoning—both in yourself and others.

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Data Privacy Rules In The EU May Leave The US Behind

by Thomas Holt

France made headlines on Jan. 21 for fining Google US$57 million – the first fine to be issued for violations of the…

Scientists And Poets Are More Alike Than You Might Think

Scientists And Poets Are More Alike Than You Might Think

by Sam Illingworth

Science and poetry haven’t always got along. The English poet John Keats (who also trained as a medical doctor)…

How Internet Giants Could Strangle The Smart Tech Revolution At Birth

How Internet Giants Could Strangle The Smart Tech Revolution At Birth

by Martin De Saulles

Google is digesting its third whopping antitrust penalty from the European Commission, having been fined €1.5 billion…

Why Easier Access To E-cigarettes Can Boost Community Health?

Why Easier Access To E-Cigarettes Can Boost Community Health?

by U. Melbourne

Easier access to electronic cigarettes containing nicotine is highly likely to lead to health gains and cost savings in…

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What Is The Significance Of Friday Prayers In Islam?

by Rose S. Aslan

Following the terror attack on two New Zealand mosques in March 2019, many Muslim communities across the world gathered…

Sea Level Rise Could Displace Millions Of People Within Two Generations

Sea Level Rise Could Displace Millions Of People Within Two Generations

by Jonathan Bamber and Michael Oppenheimer

Antarctica is further from civilisation than any other place on Earth. The Greenland ice sheet is closer to home but…

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Attacks Against Elections Are Inevitable – Estonia Shows What Can Be Done

by Mee Liisa Past and Keith Brown

Kremlin-backed attackers are working to influence the upcoming European Parliament elections, according to…

The Stormy Outlook For Insurance-linked Securities

The Stormy Outlook For Insurance-linked Securities

by Korey Pasch

The world has witnessed a shocking series of disastrous events in 2017. Devastating hurricanes and Mexico’s 7.1…

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Force Feeding Kids Classical Music Isn't The Answer

by Rachael Dwyer

The benefits of music education are widely reported. Playing an instrument has been shown to have significant cognitive…

What Killed Off Madagascar's Giants A Thousand Years Ago?

What Killed Off Madagascar's Giants A Thousand Years Ago?

by Nick Scroxton, et al

Giant 10-foot-tall elephant birds, with eggs eight times larger than an ostrich’s. Sloth lemurs bigger than a panda,…

This compares to around 70% who had not attended such classes.

Talking About Sex Is Awkward, So How Can Teenagers Just Ask For Consent?

by Elsie Whittington

The topic of sexual consent seems to be in the news on a daily basis, especially since #MeToo went viral one year ago.

Will Climate Change Cause Humans To Go Extinct?

Will Climate Change Cause Humans To Go Extinct?

by Anders Sandberg

The claim that humanity only has just over a decade left due to climate change is based on a misunderstanding.

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How To Help Kids Navigate Fake News And Misinformation Online

by Joanne Orlando

Young people get a huge amount of their news from social media feeds, where false, exaggerated or sponsored content is…

Why Bad Economic News Increases Suicide Rates

Why Bad Economic News Increases Suicide Rates

by Alan Collins and Adam Cox

A slowdown in the economy, job losses, business closures, increasing energy bills: it’s not surprising that relentless…

How Video Games Affect The Pleasure Center Of Young Brains

How Video Games Affect The Pleasure Center Of Young Brains

by Murat Yücel

The important thing to remember with the sample in this study is it’s a healthy group. There’s no pathology or illness,…

To Really Engage People, The Media Should Talk About Solutions To The Climate Crisis

To Really Engage People, We Should Talk About Solutions To The Climate Crisis

by Dimitrinka Atanasova and Kjersti Fløttum

Days after the British parliament declared a “climate emergency”, The Guardian announced that it would start using…

How We Can Reclaim Cities From The Car Without Inconveniencing People

How We Can Reclaim Cities From The Car Without Inconveniencing People

by Richard Kingston and Ransford A. Acheampong

Since the 1920s, the car has revolutionised the way people travel; eliminating the constraints of distance while…

Why Nuclear Power Is Not The Answer To The Climate Crisis

Why Nuclear Power Is Not The Answer To The Climate Crisis

by Heidi Hutner and Erica Cirino

In November 2018, the Woolsey Fire scorched nearly 100,000 acres of Los Angeles and Ventura counties, destroying…

What Species Would Become Dominant On Earth If Humans Died Out?

What Species Would Become Dominant On Earth If Humans Died Out?

by Luc Bussiere

In a post-apocalyptic future, what might happen to life if humans left the scene? After all, humans are very likely to…

4 Ways Your Name Can Affect Your Job Prospects

4 Ways Your Name Can Affect Your Job Prospects

by Ricardo Twumasi

What’s in a name? A lot, according to research. Your name can have a huge influence on your prospects in life.

The Case Against Voting For Charisma

The Case Against Voting For Charisma

by Jessica Flanigan

Likeability, relatability, humor, wit, charm, good looks and a little disregard for convention have always helped…

How Hair Holds Clues To Puberty’s Hormone Changes

How Hair Holds Clues To Puberty’s Hormone Changes

by Angie Hunt

Hair may hold clues to the hormonal changes that come along with puberty, report researchers.

3 Ways Low Humidity Can Effect Your Health

3 Ways Low Humidity Can Effect Your Health

by Ziba Kashef

Researchers have pinpointed a key reason why people are more likely to get sick and even die from flu during winter…

How Psychosis Rates Vary Significantly Around The Globe

How Psychosis Rates Vary Significantly Around The Globe

by Hannah Jongsma

Not everyone is equally likely to develop psychosis. Since the 1930s we’ve known that large differences in risk exist…

Sugar May Dampen Your Sweet Tooth To Cause Overeating?

Sugar May Dampen Your Sweet Tooth To Cause Overeating?

by Laura Bailey

New research with fruit flies suggests how a high-sugar diet can promote overeating and obesity.

The Economic Cost Of Devastating Hurricanes And Other Extreme Weather Events Is Even Worse Than We Thought

The Economic Cost Of Devastating Hurricanes And Other Extreme Weather Events Is Even Worse Than We Thought

by Gary W. Yohe

June marks the official start of hurricane season. If recent history is any guide, it will prove to be another…

Robert Reich & W. Kamau Bell: A Tale of Two Tickets

by Robert Reich

Robert Reich and W. Kamau Bell explain the criminalization of poverty and the flaws in our criminal justice system.

It's Time To Vote For Happiness And Well-being, Not Economic Growth

It's Time To Vote For Happiness and Well-Being, Not Economic Growth

by Mike Salvaris, et al

As the federal election approaches, we’re expected to drown in slogans like “lower taxes”, “wage growth”...

Hedonism Not Only Leads To Binge Drinking, It's Part Of The Solution

Hedonism Not Only Leads To Binge Drinking, It's Part Of The Solution

by Rebekah Russell-Bennett and Ryan McAndrew

Hedonism – the pursuit of pleasure, enjoyment, or fun – might sound like a strange way to tackle binge drinking.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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