Image by Brigitte Werner

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Once again I feel like starting the newsletter with the words "the times, they are a'changing"... and perhaps it is a mantra for these times, as well as an observation, and of course also a vision to create. Our featured authors this week are focusing on the big picture... the changes that are taking place as well as the changes we need to implement ourselves. As always, our goal at InnerSelf is to inform, inspire, and empower you to create a better world for yourself and for all.

I am reminded of the quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi advising to "Be the change you wish to see in the world". For full disclosure, it has been shown that Gandhi never actually spoke those exact words, but rather a longer more complete version: "“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. ... We need not wait to see what others do.”

So the message remains that we must change ourselves first, and not wait for others to change. This is true self-empowerment. We don't expect others to change the world for us, or even expect others to change. We change ourselves and take appropriate actions in our own lives and then expand to our world.

So this week, in order to help us focus on the "requirements" of this transition, we offer you a new author to InnerSelf, Gwilda Wiyaka, and present a first excerpt from her book: "So, We're Still Here. Now What?". Her article is entitled: "Wheels Within Wheels: Ultimate Truth or Ever-Evolving Truth? ". We then move on to some of our "regular" monthly authors who offer us articles on the same theme of "changes taking place and changes needed".

Alan Seale asks "Is Opening Your Heart Simplistic, Naïve, And Disconnected From Reality?" while Will T. Wilkinson shares "How To Use "New Thinking" To Escape The Drama Triangle".Then Nancy Windheart helps us see our connection to "The Spirit in All Things... and the Entire World"  and Eileen Workman reminds us "There IS a Reason for Living". Long-time InnerSelf author, Jude Bijou, wraps up our featured articles with "Just Say NO to Negativity!".

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Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week, including this week's "Astrological Journal".

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Wheels Within Wheels: Ultimate Truth or Ever-Evolving Truth?

Written by Gwilda Wiyaka

Wheels Within Wheels: Ultimate Truth or Ever-Evolving Truth?

We stand at the precipice of a remarkable adventure—the adventure of human evolution. We may have been here before but never in recorded history and never exactly like this. By simply being alive during these potent times, we have become the chosen ones to steward an entirely new way of being.

Is Opening Your Heart Simplistic, Naïve, And Disconnected From Reality?

Written by Alan Seale

Is Opening Your Heart Simplistic, Naïve, And Disconnected From Reality?

To just say, “You have to open your heart!” can be perceived by many people as overly simplistic, naïve, and disconnected from reality. It can be interpreted as a feel-good-warm-and-fuzzy approach that has no substance. And it can give the impression that you are in denial of the magnitude of what is happening.

How To Use "New Thinking" To Escape The Drama Triangle

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

How To Use

Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking that we used to create them.” I wonder what he would say today? My guess is that he would be shouting aloud while pointing to the life-threatening problems our old thinking has produced.

The Spirit in All Things... and the Entire World

Written by Nancy Windheart

The Spirit in All Things

It may surprise you to learn that things that we typically think of as “objects” or “things” have consciousness, spirit, a life force or intelligence that can be felt, sensed, and communicated with. We know through quantum physics that there is intelligence, consciousness, and awareness in and through everything…

There IS a Reason for Living

Written by Eileen Workman

There IS a Reason for Living

We keep compulsively trying to control everything all around us to protect our fragile biological bodies…too often without the slightest sense of awareness that there exists within us a vast, subjective realm of eternal wisdom, filled with boundless creative capacity, that longs to...

Just Say NO to Negativity!

Written by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.

Just Say NO to Negativity

When we don't express our anger constructively, we go negative with our judgments and feel mad because the world isn't living up to our expectations. Over the years, this becomes the lens through which we view the world. Instead of dealing with our emotions...

Tears And Rage – The Rise Of The Emotional Release Industry

Tears And Rage – The Rise Of The Emotional Release Industry

by Leighanne Higgins and Kathy Hamilton

When Ariana Grande cried on stage recently, following her performance of an emotionally laden song, she later took to…

How Understanding What People Fear Most Can Help Prevent Disasters

How Understanding What People Fear Most Can Help Prevent Disasters

by Hanna Ruszczyk

It’s been more than four years since a magnitude 7.8 earthquake devastated Nepalese cities, claiming thousands of lives.

Should You Be Worried About Nano Particles In Food?

Should You Be Worried About Nano Particles In Food?

by Emma Beckett and Susan Hua

We choose to spend money on household items based on how they look, feel and taste, and how we think they might make…

We Need Lots More Male Nurses

We Need A Lot More Male Nurses

by Micholas Richard Craven

We’re running a stand to press the case for more men in nursing, a profession where women outnumber men by a staggering…

People Who Often Lose Empathy With Brain Injury Can Regain It

People Who Often Lose Empathy With Brain Injury Can Regain It

by Dawn Neumann

Most people can easily determine when a loved one is feeling sad or anxious. This recognition will often trigger the…

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Remarks on the Green New Deal

by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez remarks on the Green New Deal at an event hosted by the Sunrise Movement.

We Need Lots More Male Nurses

How Low-Carb Breakfasts Reduce Sugar Spikes In People With Type 2 Diabetes

by Jonathan Little

Keto, low-carb, low glycemic index, Mediterranean, DASH diet, low-fat: there are a dizzying array of diets claiming to…

Can We Turn Down The Emotion On Traumatic Memories?

Can We Turn Down The Emotion On Traumatic Memories?

by Kat McAlpine

New research shows just how pliable memory is if you know which regions of the hippocampus to stimulate. The discovery…

Happiness Doesn’t Follow Success: It’s The Other Way Round

Happiness Doesn’t Follow Success: It’s The Other Way Round

by Lisa C Walsh, Julia K Boehm & Sonja Lyubomirsky

Work hard, become successful, then you’ll be happy. At least, that’s what many of us were taught by our parents…

Why Kids Need Freedom From Play Restrictions To Develop

Why Kids Need Freedom From Play Restrictions To Develop

by Brendon Hyndman

You may have heard of play. It’s that thing children do – the diverse range of unstructured, spontaneous activities and…

Shocking UN Report Warns up to a Million Species are at Risk of Extinction Due to Human Activity

by Democracy Now!

An alarming new report by a panel of leading scientists warns that human activity is causing the disappearance and…

Using Your Smartphone At The Supermarket Can Add 41% To Your Shopping Bill

Using Your Smartphone At The Supermarket Can Add 41% To Your Shopping Bill

by Carl-Philip Ahlbom

Are you constantly checking your phone when you’re out and about? Do you have trouble resisting the lure of ever more…

After Augmented Reality, The Virtual World Still Affects You

After Augmented Reality, The Virtual World Still Affects You

by Alex Shashkevich

New research digs into how augmented reality affects people’s behavior—in both the physical world and a digitally…

British General Contradicts US Claim Of Increased Threats From Iran | Hardball | MSNBC


British Major General Chris Ghika, the number two officer in the US led coalition fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq…

There Is A Next To Zero Chance That Apelike Fossil Is Our Direct Ancestor

There Is A Next To Zero Chance That Apelike Fossil Is Our Direct Ancestor

by Matt Wood

It is unlikely that Australopithecus sediba, a nearly two-million-year-old, apelike fossil from South Africa, is the…

Caring For Someone With Dementia Is Stressful But Rewarding

Caring For Someone With Dementia Is Stressful But Rewarding

by Warren Donnellan

Dementia is set to become one of the biggest global health challenges of our generation. In the UK alone there are…

Baked Lemon Garlic Chicken

by Clean & Delicious

Baked Lemon Garlic Chicken is easy, juicy and full of flavor. This is a chicken breast recipe that will not let you…

What Is A Pre-Industrial Climate And Why Does It Matter?

What Is A Pre-Industrial Climate And Why Does It Matter?

by Andrew King, et al

Over the past few days there has been a lot of talk about the Paris climate agreement, from which the United States is…

Rose Yoga With Adriene

by Yoga With Adriene

Join me for Rose Yoga, a loving full length heart opening vinyasa flow! Allow your breath to blossom with each gesture.

are superfoods all that super?

Are Superfoods Really All That Super?

by Emma Beckett and Zoe Yates

Superfoods is a buzzword now part of mainstream food and health language, often touted as miracle foods that cure all…

Early Detection Could Get Ahead Of Dementia Damage

Early Detection Could Get Ahead Of Dementia Damage

by Mikayla Mace

Scientists might have found an early detection method for some forms of dementia, according to new research.

Why Nanotechnology Is More Than Just A Buzzword

Why Nanotechnology Is More Than Just A Buzzword

by Upulie Divisekera

What does the word “nanotechnology” conjure up for you? I’ve spent the best part of a week talking about the term…

5 Things About Technology That Give Kids The Creeps

5 Things About Technology That Give Kids The Creeps

by Sarah McQuate

Children in the study described creepy technology as something that is unpredictable or poses an ambiguous threat that…

Cities Turn To Desalination For Water Security, But At What Cost?

Cities Turn To Desalination For Water Security, But At What Cost?

by Ian Wright and Jason Reynolds

Removing salts and other impurities from water is really difficult. For thousands of years people, including Aristotle,…

How This Mindfulness App Cuts Smoking

How This Mindfulness App Cuts Smoking

by Mollie Rappe

People who tried a new mindfulness app reported smoking fewer cigarettes a day, according to a new study.

For An Unlucky 10% Of People With Concussion, The Symptoms May Be Long-lasting

For An Unlucky 10% Of People With Concussion, The Symptoms May Be Long Lasting

by Alan Pearce

Concussion is a temporary disturbance in brain function following an impact to the head. It can also occur after a blow…

What Your Ability To Engage With Stories Says About Your Real-life Relationships

What Your Ability To Engage With Stories Says About Your Real-life Relationships

by Nathan Silver and Michael Slater

The best TV shows and films don’t simply distract from the drudgery of everyday life. They’re places to vicariously get…

Why Companies Send Confusing Alerts About Data Breaches

Why Companies Send Confusing Alerts About Data Breaches

by Laurel Thomas

The notifications that companies send consumers about data breaches lack clarity and may add to customer confusion…

Why Some Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Should Skip Aspirin

Why Some Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Should Skip Aspirin

by Sarah Avery

The drugs apixaban and clopidogrel—without aspirin—comprise the safest treatment regimen for certain patients with…

Teenagers Need Our Support, Not Criticism, As They Navigate Life Online

Teenagers Need Our Support, Not Criticism, As They Navigate Life Online

by Joanne Orlando

Imagine you’re a 14-year-old girl on the train on your way home from school, when out of nowhere a “dick pic” appears…

A Guide To The Nanotechnology Used In The Average Home

A Guide To The Nanotechnology Used In The Average Home

by Cameron Shearer

As a researcher of nanomaterials, I am often asked: “When are we finally going to start seeing nanotechnology products…

How To Get Ready For Hurricane Season

How To Get Ready For Hurricane Season

by Jennifer Weeks

The official Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1, even as many communities are still recovering from a…

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How Body Ideals Shape The Health Of Gay Men

by Phillip Joy and Matthew Numer

Gay men currently receive little research attention when it comes to health issues such as eating disorders and other…

This Watch Like Device Protects Pacemakers From Hackers

This Watch Like Device Protects Pacemakers From Hackers

by Kayla Wiles

New technology keeps your body’s electrical signals contained, which can protect medical devices like pacemakers from…

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Why Students Need Better Protection From Loan Fraud

by Richard Fossey

A college education can set you up for a lifetime – though it can come with a hefty price tag...

What Could Net Neutrality’s End Mean For You?

What Could Net Neutrality’s End Mean For You?

by Nicole Feldman

On December 14, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to repeal its net neutrality rules, which…

Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias In A World Designed For Men

Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias In A World Designed For Men

by Karen Boyle

Feminist campaigner Caroline Criado Perez’s latest book is an essential if enraging read.

How To Stop Kids From Cutting Themselves

How To Stop Kids From Cutting Themselves

by Carlos Yu

I recently worked a shift in the emergency room at a Toronto-area hospital and was asked to see a 12-year-old boy who…

Misreading The Story Of Climate Change And The Maya

Misreading The Story Of Climate Change And The Maya

by Kenneth Seligson

Carbon dioxide concentrations in Earth’s atmosphere have reached 415 parts per million – a level that last occurred…

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Why Some Firms Are Getting Rid Of Middle Managers

by Massimo Garbuio

The trend of “flat” organisations is catching on at some of the world’s biggest companies. It’s easy to see the appeal…

Developing Good Attitude About Math Gets Kid Brains In High Gear

Developing Good Attitude About Math Gets Kid Brains In High Gear

by Erin Digitale-Stanford University

Having a positive attitude about math is connected to better function of the hippocampus, an important memory center in…

How Does Cutting Cities' Emissions Have Economic Benefits

How Does Cutting Cities' Emissions Have Economic Benefits

by Peter Newman

The politics of climate change in Australia has always been about the costs of change.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: May 27 to June 2, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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