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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Sometimes life just doesn't seem to go our way. We get stressed, we feel like we're hitting a wall (or perhaps we just feel like hitting a wall), and things don't seem to be flowing in our direction.

But perhaps we're looking at it from the wrong angle. Maybe we are the ones who are not going life's way... We may not be seeing the open window in the middle of the wall. This open window can be used to see things from another perspective, or simply to get to the other side of our problem...

If you're feeling like you've been facing a brick wall, sometimes it's not obvious as to what needs to be done. So this week, our authors bring you various tools to work with stress, anxiety, and nightmares (whether the ones in our sleep or the ones in our daily life). The goal is to get past the impediments in our life, so we can live in the now, in harmony and divine simplicity.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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The Three Stages of Stress: Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion

Written by Marianne Teitelbaum, D.C.

The Three Stages of Stress: Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion

The adrenal glands are responsible for our “fight or flight” response to stress. When stress is prolonged and the adrenals are forced to work overtime, they can become exhausted, leading to what is commonly called adrenal fatigue or adrenal weakness.

How To Control Anxiety and Develop Inner Resources

Written by Tom Bunn

How To Control Anxiety and Develop Inner Resources

What are some of the differences between panic and anxiety? In panic, a person believes their life is threatened and that escape from the threat is impossible. With anxiety, the threat is not life-threatening. Escape is possible, but it has drawbacks: it may involve compromise or some kind of cost or loss.

Learning to Manage Triggering Emotions: Finding Space Between Trigger and Reaction

Written by Mark Coleman

Learning to Manage Triggering Emotions

We are bombarded with potential triggers all the time. It can be as simple as someone not holding a door for us or the perceived negative tone of an email. It can happen when a loved one speaks insensitively or curtly. A few careless words can easily spark a flash of anger and a desire to verbally retaliate.

Nightmares: What They Mean and How To Resolve Them

Written by Clare R. Johnson, PhD

Nightmares: What They Mean and How To Resolve Them

Dreams want us to heal. And they are prepared to do everything in their power to help us to do so—even plague us with night­mares, if that’s what it takes to get our attention. But what if we keep having nightmares?

Achieving Harmony with The Seven Chakra Personality Types

Written by Shai Tubali

Achieving Harmony with The Seven Chakra Personality Types

Our individual differences and unique expressions all fall into seven major categories related to the seven chakras. Indeed, each category defines a world unto itself comprised of tendencies, attractions, and passions. A closer examination of this principle convinced me that each of us identifies with one major chakra and, to a lesser degree, with one or two other chakras.

How To Move From Worldly Complexity Into Divine Simplicity

Written by Pierre Pradervand

How To Move From Worldly Complexity Into Divine Simplicity

For someone on the spiritual path, one of the most beautiful discoveries is that everything becomes inwardly simpler and simpler as she or he progresses in their quest. The complexities of social relations just vanish in the discovery that the essence of every being is divine.

Living in the Now with Essential Oils, Mindfulness, and Meditation

Written by Heather Dawn Godfrey

Living in the Now with Essential Oils, Mindfulness, and Meditation

Essential oils continue to be used—as they have been throughout history—for their protective, restorative, rehabilitative, hedonistic qualities, seamlessly providing physiological and psycho-emotional-spiritual support, apparently bridging the pragmatic, natural, and ethereal dynamics of life and existence.

How The Humble Potato Fuelled The Rise Of Liberal Capitalism

How The Humble Potato Fuelled The Rise Of Liberal Capitalism

by Rebecca Earle

The story about how we started to think this way about food is closely linked to the rise of the potato as a national…

How Bulldozer Parents Create Psychologically Fragile Children

How Bulldozer Parents Create Psychologically Fragile Children

by Rachael Sharman

You know something though,” she quipped “compared to the WWIIs, the baby boomers, well … they’re so … emotionally needy!

Watch Out, That Cookbook Might Give You Salmonella

Watch Out, That Cookbook Might Give You Salmonella

by Jeffrey M. Farber

Foodborne pathogens account for about four million illnesses in Canada annually, affecting one in eight Canadians.

Congress Is Considering Privacy Legislation – Why Be Afraid

Congress Is Considering Privacy Legislation – Why Be Afraid

by Jeff Sovern

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis called privacy the “right to be let alone.” Perhaps Congress should give states…

Why We Can’t Afford To Lose Our Wild Native Pollinators

Why We Can’t Afford To Lose Our Wild Native Pollinators

by Sheila R. Colla and Rachel Nalepa

Our research team is focused on assessing the status of wild pollinators, understanding the threats they face and…

How I Use Mental Exercises To Ease My Fear

How I Use Mental Exercises To Ease My Fear

by James Kirby

In the last five years, I’ve become quite anxious during flights – especially when turbulence hits.

Lighter Caesar Salad

by Clean & Delicious

Making a delicious caesar salad is all about having a great caesar dressing recipe.

How Cyber Attacks Are Rewriting The Rules Of Modern Warfare

How Cyber Attacks Are Rewriting The Rules Of Modern Warfare

by Vasileios Karagiannopoulos and Mark Leiser

Governments are becoming ever more reliant on digital technology, making them more vulnerable to cyber attacks.

How Loneliness Is Bad For Your Health

Why Loneliness Is Bad For Your Health

by Jed Magen

This is a common picture in a family physician’s office. These ill-defined symptoms without any clear cause might well…

Take 5 Yoga Break! With Adriene

by Yoga With Adriene

Missed your workout or practice window? Fear not! Try this quick yoga break thoughtfully designed to connect you to…

What Research Says About Pros And Cons Of Popular Parenting Styles

What Research Says About Pros And Cons Of Popular Parenting Styles

by Rebecca English

What’s the best way to raise your child? It’s a question that has provoked the publication of numerous books, and seen…

Tragic Tale Of A Man Eating Tigress Tells Us So Much About The Climate Crisis

Tragic Tale Of A Man-Eating Tigress Tells Us So Much About The Climate Crisis

by Nayanika Mathur

The way that we live on Earth is causing an unprecedented acceleration in species extinction.

5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Sweet Potato in One Container or Garden Bed

by Self Sufficient Me

If you would like to know how to grow a big harvest of sweet potato watch this video for my five top tips on sweet…

Robert Reich: Socialism of the Rich, Capitalism for the Rest

by Robert Reich

Robert Reich explain how the wealthy and corporations receive billions in corporate welfare.

How To Break Our Bad Online Security Habits

How To Break Our Bad Online Security Habits

by Emily Collins and Joanne Hinds

The number of cyber attacks is estimated to have risen by 67% over the last five years, with the majority of these data…

Should You Be Worried That The Chemicals From Sunscreen Can Get Into Our Blood?

Should You Be Worried That The Chemicals From Sunscreen Can Get Into Our Blood?

by Ian Musgrave

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has attracted widespread media…

What's Behind The Belief In A Soulmate?

What's Behind The Belief In A Soulmate?

by Bradley Onishi

The United States appears to be in a romantic slump. Marriage rates have plummeted over the last decade.

Are We Teaching Children To Be Afraid Of Exams?

Are We Teaching Children To Be Afraid Of Exams?

by Mandie Shean

Some Australian students are reportedly shunning Year 12 exams in favour of more favourable, and less stressful,…

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Why Climate Change Is Worsening Public Health Problems

by Espinosa Chelsey Kivland and Anne Sosin

Around the world, the health care debate often revolves around access. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the…

Firm Evidence That Processed Food Causes Weight Gain

Firm Evidence That Processed Food Causes Weight Gain

by Richard Hoffman

We know we should eat less junk food, such as crisps, industrially made pizzas and sugar-sweetened drinks, because of…

Is The Trade War Saving American Jobs Or Killing Them?

Is The Trade War Saving American Jobs Or Killing Them?

by Jeffrey Kucik

With the U.S.-China trade war intensifying, there is a lot of talk about whether tariffs save American jobs – as…

Doris Day Was A Sunny Actress And A Domestic Violence Survivor

Doris Day Was A Sunny Actress And A Domestic Violence Survivor

by Joan M. Cook

Hollywood legend Doris Day died May 13, 2019 at age 97 at her home in Carmel Valley, California...

How High School Dropouts Cost Countries A Staggering Amount Of Money

How High School Dropouts Cost Countries A Staggering Amount Of Money

by Louis Volante, et al

Recently, the Ontario government proposed educational reforms that collectively amount to savings of almost $1 billion,…

Why Parents Should Think Twice About Tracking Apps For Their Kids

Why Parents Should Think Twice About Tracking Apps For Their Kids

by Joel Michael Reynolds

The use of self-tracking and personal surveillance technologies has grown considerably over the last decade. There are…

How Twitter And Other Social Media Can Draw The US Into Foreign Interventions

How Twitter And Other Social Media Can Draw The US Into Foreign Interventions

by Eleonora Mattiacci

Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has promised to resign by the end of the month. That announcement came after…

Ketamine: The Illicit Party Psychedelic That Promises To Heal Depression

Ketamine: The Illicit Party Psychedelic That Promises To Heal Depression

by Brett Melanson

It’s been 50 years in the making, but the anaesthetic and illicit party drug ketamine is now having a clinical comeback.

How To Turn A Neighborhood Into A Place Where People Feel They Belong

How To Turn A Neighborhood Into A Place Where People Feel They Belong

by Matt Novacevski

Australia is one of the most urbanised nations in the world, and our ongoing population growth continues to produce new…

Cars Will Change More In The Next Decade Than They Have In The Past Century

Cars Will Change More In The Next Decade Than They Have In The Past Century

by Dan Lewis, et al

While the look and feel of our cars has changed in the past 100 years, the way we drive them hasn’t.

Why You Shouldn’t Adopt A Dog Based On Breed

Why You Shouldn’t Adopt A Dog Based On Breed

by Alisson Clark

DNA tests show that over two-thirds of the breed labels on dogs in shelters or on pet rescue websites are wrong.

Facebook's Transparency Efforts Hide Key Reasons For Showing Ads

Facebook's Transparency Efforts Hide Key Reasons For Showing Ads

by Oana Goga

Facebook’s advertising platform was not built to help social media users understand who was targeting them with…

Long-Term Antibiotics Up Heart Risks For Women Over 40

Long-Term Antibiotics Up Heart Risks For Women Over 40

by Keith Brannon

Women who take antibiotics over a long period of time are at increased risk of heart attack or stroke, according to new…

Are We Fiddling While The World Burns, Floods, And Dies?

There Is A Monetary Solution To The Climate Crisis

by Robert Jennings,

The idea that has been passed around by most conservative and liberal government leaders and representatives is that…

Dollar Stores Are Taking Over the Grocery Business, and It’s Bad News for Public Health and Local Economies

Dollar Stores Are Taking Over the Grocery Business, and It’s Bad News for Public Health and Local Economies

by Claire Kelloway

A new report shows growth of dollar stores in low-income and rural communities furthers inequity and pushes out local…

Growing Eggplants - Container Little Prince Eggplant

by California Gardening

In this complete growing guide for growing eggplants, we show you how to grow eggplants in containers or pots. The…

Measles Outbreak: Why Are Anti-Vaxxers Risking A Public Health Crisis?

Measles Outbreak: Why Are Anti-Vaxxers Risking A Public Health Crisis?

by Gregory C Mason

The current outbreak of measles has startled public health practitioners, who declared measles controlled over two…

Are Yoga And Mindfulness In Schools Religious?

Are Yoga And Mindfulness In Schools Religious?

by Candy Gunther Brown

The number of U.S. children age 4 to 17 practicing yoga rose from 2.3% to 8.4% – or from 1.3 million to 4.9 million

How Online Stores Trick You Into Impulse Buying

How Online Stores Trick You Into Impulse Buying

by Laurel Thomas

A new study analyzes the tricks of the trade that may contribute to impulse buying.

When A Friend Dies The Impact Can Be As Traumatic As Losing A Family Member

When A Friend Dies The Impact Can Be As Traumatic As Losing A Family Member

by Liz Forbat and Wai-Man Liu

The death of a friend is a loss that most people face at some point in their lives – often many times. But it is a…

Why Cheese May Help Control Your Blood Sugar

Why Cheese May Help Control Your Blood Sugar

by Catherine Chan

Mmmm, cheese – a food as nutritious as it is delicious. Or is it?

The Grandmother Effect Suggests That Proximity Is A Factor In Family Size

The Grandmother Effect Suggests That Proximity Is A Factor In Family Size

by Patrick Bergeron

The human species is one of the very few, along with orcas and pilot whales, where females cease to be fertile after…

How Baby Talk Is Similar All Over The World

How Baby Talk Is Similar All Over The World

by Tanya Broesch

There are vast differences in early child-rearing environments across cultures.

Why Helicopter Parents Could Be Raising Anxious, Narcissistic Children

Why Helicopter Parents Could Be Raising Anxious, Narcissistic Children

by Marilyn Campbell

The Age newspaper recently highlighted the issue of so-called “helicopter parenting” at universities.

Numbing A Body Part Can Boost Sensory Powers Elsewhere

Numbing A Body Part Can Boost Sensory Powers Elsewhere

by Harriet Dempsey-Jones

When you wake up in the middle of the night in total darkness, it can feel as if you have auditory superpowers.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: May 20 to 26, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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