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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we take a look at communication. And while we generally think of communication as taking place with other humans, we expand the scope to connecting with ourselves, with animals, and with Nature. Communication does not happen just with words. As any empath or sensitive person can tell you, a lot is communicated non-verbally. We communicate not only through body posture, tone of voice, and emotions, but also by the energy we hold within our thoughts and heart.

We start out our articles by setting the tone with "Healing Is Love – A Simple Loving Connection " and continue with "Communication Skills: Shifting Between Emo­tional and Mental Communication". Then we learn about "Using Essential Oils To Open Lines Of Communication".

Our authors bring you tools for communication in "Communicating with Animals: Why and How " and also "Techniques For Communicating With Nature". Some of the modalities for animals and Nature can be adapted for communication with other humans as well. After all, energy is energy. I recommend that you read these articles with an open mind and heart as to how to apply what you learn to communicating with the humans in your life as well.

Robert Jennings, co-publisher of InnerSelf, communicates about needed changes in our interpretation of "practical" economic realities. As usual, bobby has a way of summarizing the complex into an easily grasped concept in "Are We Fiddling While The World Burns, Floods, And Dies?".

And of course, we have numerous additional articles, as we do each week. Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

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Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Healing Is Love – A Simple Loving Connection

Written by Niki J. Senior

Healing Is Love – A Simple Loving Connection

No matter what we have experienced in our lives, tucked within each and every one of us is love. To me, healing is defined as a pure loving connection; it’s as simple as that. To demonstrate healing is to give love: unconditionally. Love is healing, healing is love.

Communication Skills: Shifting Between Emo­tional and Mental Communication

Written by Raven Digitalis

Communication Skills: Shifting Between Emo­tional and Mental Communication

We can effortlessly get lost in emotions socially, so it’s both wise and courageous to hone the ability of shifting between emo­tional and mental communication with others. Let’s explore a few methods for us to keep in mind when braving the necessity of human communication.

Using Essential Oils To Open Lines Of Communication

Written by Vannoy Gentles Fite

Using Essential Oils To Open Lines Of Communication

These oils and recipes are sure to assist us with opening lines of communication between our loved ones and us. Communi­cation is the key to a successful relationship between you and humanity. Communica­tion, feelings, desires, and repressed anger come from the throat chakra.

Communicating with Animals: Why and How

Written by Diane Budd

Communicating with Animals: Why and How

First, let’s establish why we would want to talk to animals. People all have their own reasons, but essentially, it can help to answer a lot of important questions, not only for you but for the animal, too. It also raises your awareness of all animals collectively. We need to learn to honor all creatures, no matter how insignificant they seem to us.

Techniques For Communicating With Nature

Written by Susanne Weikl

Techniques For Communicating With Nature

Nature is just like us: it likes to be treated with respect, to be approached with an open heart and with care. Our energy fields will then come into harmony with one another and our intuitive perception will be enhanced.

Are We Fiddling While The World Burns, Floods, And Dies?

Written by Robert Jennings,

Are We Fiddling While The World Burns, Floods, And Dies?

The idea that has been passed around by most conservative and liberal government leaders and representatives is that little can be done for the people because "money" is in short supply.

Why Students Are Increasingly Turning To Religious Leaders For Mental Health Support

Why Students Are Increasingly Turning To Religious Leaders For Mental Health Support

by Mathew Guest

High rates of mental ill health among students, including some tragic cases of suicide, have highlighted the…

How Anger Is Linked To Illness In Old Age

How Anger Is Linked To Illness In Old Age

by Louise A Brown Nicholls

Not all negative emotions are necessarily bad. In fact, they can direct your behaviour in useful ways.

Women Entrepreneurs Thrive While Managing Talented Teams And Balancing Investors

Women Entrepreneurs Thrive While Managing Talented Teams And Balancing Investors

by Richard A. Devine and Siri Terjesen

Only a handful of the top companies in the U.S. are led by a woman. Efforts to change that and promote more women into…

Seeing The Planet Break Down In Climate Crisis Is Depressing – How To Turn Your Pain Into Action

Seeing The Planet In Climate Crisis Is Depressing – Turn Your Pain Into Action

by Cameron Brick

Environmentalism can feel like a drag. People trying to reduce their environmental impact often feel stressed and…

With Type 2 Diabetes Losing Even A Small Amount Of Weight May Lower Heart Disease Risk

With Type 2 Diabetes, Losing Even A Small Amount Of Weight May Lower Heart Disease Risk

by Jean Strelitz

People with type 2 diabetes are often encouraged to lose weight. And recent studies have shown that losing a lot of…

How Uber And Other Digital Platforms Can Trick Us Using Behavioral Science

How Uber And Other Digital Platforms Can Trick Us Using Behavioral Science

by Abbey Stemler, et al

Uber’s business model is incredibly simple: It’s a platform that facilitates exchanges between people.

Robotic Health Care Is Coming To A Hospital Near You

Robotic Health Care Is Coming To A Hospital Near You

by Mattie Milner and Stephen Rice

Medical robots are helping doctors and other professionals save time, lower costs and shorten patient recovery times…

The Hazards Of Living On The Right Side Of A Time Zone Border

The Hazards Of Living On The Right Side Of A Time Zone Border

by Richard G. "Bugs" Stevens

The sun both rises and sets later in the western parts of time zones, by about an hour at the extremes.

Psychology Behind Why Your Mom May Be The Mother Of All Heroes

Psychology Behind Why Your Mom May Be The Mother Of All Heroes

by Scott T. Allison

Each May, the United States celebrates Mother’s Day, and for good reason. According to surveys I’ve conducted, over 25%…

What Is Palliative Care And How It Can Help?

What Is Palliative Care And How It Can Help?

by Matthew Grant, et al

Palliative care involves a team of specialized health professionals who provide an extra layer of support to the person…

Land Animal Diversity Was Stable For Millions Of Years, Before Humans Came Along

Land Animal Diversity Was Stable For Millions Of Years, Before Humans Came Along

by Roger Close

Species living on land make up 85% to 95% of all biodiversity on Earth today. This is especially impressive when we…

How Teachers Are Taught To Discipline A Classroom Might Not Be The Best Way

How Teachers Are Taught To Discipline A Classroom Might Not Be The Best Way

by Anna Sullivan

One of the most important aspects of educating future teachers is teaching them how to manage a classroom.

Global Inequality Is 25% Higher Than It Would Have Been In A Climate-stable World

by Nicholas Beuret

Those least responsible for global warming will suffer the most. Poorer countries – those that have contributed far…

Can You Learn A Language Playing Video Games?

Can You Learn A Language Playing Video Games?

by Christopher Timothy McGuirk

Online gaming has become a concern for some parents in the past few years and there are worries children might become…

A Baby’s Spatial Reasoning Predicts Math Skill Later

A Baby’s Spatial Reasoning Predicts Math Skill Later

by Carol Clark, Emory University

Spatial reasoning measured in infancy predicts how children do at math at age 4, a new study finds.

Modern Shamans: Financial Managers, Political Pundits And Others Who Help Tame Life's Uncertainty

Modern Shamans: Financial Managers, Political Pundits And Others Who Help Tame Life's Uncertainty

by Manvir Singh

Aka Manai explains that there are two kinds of people in the world: simata and sikerei.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Explained

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Explained

by Bamini Gopinath, University of Sydney

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the main cause of blindness in Australia. One in seven people aged over 50…

Why The Ancient Promise Of Alchemy Is Fulfilled In Reading

Why The Ancient Promise Of Alchemy Is Fulfilled In Reading

by Elisabeth Gruner

Within a 20-minute walk from Notre Dame Cathedral, in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, is the oldest house in the city:…

The Social Consequences Of Mass Gun Violence

The Social Consequences Of Mass Gun Violence

by Arash Javanbakht

Mass shootings are a tragic new normal in American life. They happen too often, as evidenced

What Ramadan Means To Muslims

What Ramadan Means To Muslims

by Kalpana Jain

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world will not eat or drink from dawn to sunset. Muslims believe that…

How To Fight Insectageddon With A Garden Of Native Plants

How To Fight Insectageddon With A Garden Of Native Plants

by Nina M. Zitani

People across North America love to garden, yet the vast majority of garden plants are non-native species.

How Neoliberalism Is Damaging Your Mental Health

How Neoliberalism Is Damaging Your Mental Health

by Ruth Cain, University of Kent

There is a widespread perception that mental ill health is on the rise in the West, in tandem with a prolonged decline…

How America Got Divorced from Reality: Christian Utopias, Anti-Elitism, Media Circus

by Kurt Andersen

Americans are inherently a little crazy. But now the crazy is being enabled by politicians in the White House and by…

Are Mosquito Coils Good Or Bad For Our Health?

Are Mosquito Coils Good Or Bad For Our Health?

by Cameron Webb, University of Sydney

The sight and smell of smouldering mosquito coils is a mainstay of summer. But is all that smoke really keeping away…

We Need To Know The Algorithms The Government Uses To Make Decisions About Us

We Need To Know The Algorithms The Government Uses To Make Decisions About Us

by Nicholas Diakopoulos, University of Maryland

In criminal justice systems, credit markets, employment arenas, higher education admissions processes and even social…

Brain Over Body: Hacking The Stress System To Let Your Psychology Influence Your Physiology

Brain Over Body: Hacking The Stress System To Let Your Psychology Influence Your Physiology

by Vaibhav Diwadkar and Otto Muzik

There are people who show incredible resistance to extremes of temperature. Think of Buddhist monks who can calmly…

To Solve Climate Change And Biodiversity Loss, We Need A Global Deal For Nature

To Solve Climate Change And Biodiversity Loss, We Need A Global Deal For Nature

by Greg Asner

Earth’s cornucopia of life has evolved over 550 million years. Along the way, five mass extinction events have caused…

Our Smartphone Addiction Is Killing Us – can Apps That Limit Screen Time Offer A lifeline?

Our Smartphone Addiction Is Killing Us – Can Apps That Limit Screen Time Offer A lifeline?

by Ashley Whillans

We’re squandering increasing amounts of time distracted by our phones. And that’s taking a serious toll on our mental…

Collaborative Problem Solvers Are Made Not Born

Collaborative Problem Solvers Are Made Not Born

by Stephen M. Fiore

Challenges are a fact of life. Whether it’s a high-tech company figuring out how to shrink its carbon footprint, or a…

Just 16 Minutes Of Sleep Loss Can Harm Work Concentration The Next Day

Just 16 Minutes Of Sleep Loss Can Harm Work Concentration The Next Day

by Soomi Lee, et al

Have you had a less-than-stellar performance review lately? Do you daydream, or are you making bad decisions?

5 Tips For College Students To Use Final Exam Stress To Their Advantage

5 Tips For College Students To Use Final Exam Stress To Their Advantage

by Jennifer Wegmann

For the nearly 20 million college students in the U.S., one of the most stressful times of the year comes at the end of…

Why The Catholic Church Is Hemorrhaging Priests

Why The Catholic Church Is Hemorrhaging Priests

by Verónica Giménez Béliveau

Priests are Catholicism’s greatest figures: shepherds who manage believers’ relationship with the divine.

What Other Countries Can Teach The US About Raising Teacher Pay

What Other Countries Can Teach The US About Raising Teacher Pay

by David Evans

Teacher strikes swept the United States in 2018, from West Virginia to Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona, North Carolina and…

Who's Avoiding Sex, And Why

Who's Avoiding Sex, And Why

by Shervin Assari

Sex has a strong influence on many aspects of well-being: it is one of our most basic physiological needs. Sex feeds…

Deep Core Yoga With Adriene

by Yoga With Adriene

Total Body Yoga - Deep Core is a 20 min practice for building strength as well as increasing flexibility and blood flow.

Life inside Extinction Rebellion: We can't get arrested quick enough

by The Guardian

The inside story of Extinction Rebellion, the direct action group that paralysed central London to protest against what…

Growing Lots of Carrots in Small Raised Bed

by Self Sufficient Me

Here's how to grow a ton of carrots in just one small round raised garden bed.

Dealing With The Absurdity Of Human Existence In The Face Of Converging Catastrophes

How Do We Deal With The Absurdity Of Human Existence In The Face Of Converging Catastrophes?

by Lonnie Aarssen

Homo sapiens means wise human, but the name no longer suits us. As an evolutionary biologist who writes about Darwinian…

How The World's Largest Democracy Casts Its Ballots

How The World's Largest Democracy Casts Its Ballots

by Poorvi Vora

About 600 million Indian citizens are expected to cast their votes over a period of 39 days ending May 19, in the…

How To Choose The Right Contraceptive Pill

How To Choose The Right Contraceptive Pill

by Anita Phillips

The combined oral contraceptive pill is the most popular contraception in Australia. It’s less invasive than implants…

How Urban Bee Keepers Can Help Save Wild Bees

How Urban Bee Keepers Can Help Save Wild Bees

by Rebecca Ellis

With reports of declining insect populations worldwide, or what George Monbiot calls an “insectageddon,” there is…

Want To Become A Better Person?

Want To Become A Better Person?

by Hector Gonzalez-Jimenez

Travelling offers new experiences and can open people’s minds. It allows you to get out of your daily groove – of work…

How Nonverbal Communication Influences The Justice System

How Nonverbal Communication Influences The Justice System

by Vincent Denault

Pauses in answers, body movements, elusive or angry looks, confusion, anxiety — the facial expressions and gestures…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: May 13th - 19th, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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