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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week, we look at what could be perhaps both our best friend as well as our worst enemy: our mind (and its children: thoughts). The mind, like most instruments, is as good as the use we put it to. A hammer can build a house, it can also smash a thumb when used improperly. A chainsaw can cut wood for constructive purposes, it can also create havoc. And so it goes with all tools, there is a positive use and a destructive one. And our mind is no different. Left alone, unsupervised, it can make a mess of our life and create chaos.

The featured articles this week look at different ways to work with our mind and its creations... which can be emotions such as anger, fear, loneliness, doubt, mistrust, etc. It can also create wonderful projects and developments for ourselves and the human race.

This week we have some of our regular authors bringing you food for thought: Alan Cohen, Barry Vissell, Sarah Varcas and myself (Marie T. Russell). We also have, as usual, numerous articles on a variety of topics. And of course, Pam's weekly astrological journal.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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What If You Gave A Party and Nobody Came?

Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

What If You Gave A Party and Nobody Came?

So, stop a minute and ask yourself that question: "What if I gave a party and nobody came?" . What feelings come up for you? While we may not ever have found ourselves in that particular situation, I think we can all identify with the feeling of insecurity... That feeling connects to so many things...

Give Your Gifts, Even Imperfectly

Written by Barry Vissell

Give Your Gifts, Even Imperfectly

I'm officially coming out of the closet! Here goes: I, Barry Vissell, besides being a counselor, author, doctor, and workshop leader, am also a musician!  There, that wasn't so hard. So what makes me hesitate to announce this beautiful, musical part of me?

The Best That Can Happen

Written by Alan Cohen

The Best That Can Happen

When I ask clients who face a difficult situation, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” they usually have a well-prepared list of possible dark outcomes. When I ask, “What’s the best thing that could happen?” they usually take a while to think of an answer. They are so practiced in pessimism that optimism hasn’t crossed their mind.

The Problem With Thoughts Is That We Take Them Seriously

Written by Will Johnson

The Problem With Thoughts Is That We Take Them Seriously

The problem with thoughts is not that we have so many of them but that we identify ourselves so closely with them. Thoughts come and go. Some are clearly more interesting than others. But regardless of their content, we take the emergence of thought seriously because we tend to believe that...

Resistance: The Secret Source of Stress

Written by Sandy C. Newbigging

Resistance: The Secret Source of Stress

Resistance not only creates physical stress but is also the determining factor in whether a person feels negative emotions. Experiencing anger, sadness, fear, guilt or grief is only possible if you resist something in your past, present or future.

The Shadow Illuminated: What Happens In January 2020?

Written by Sarah Varcas

The Shadow Illuminated: What Happens In January 2020?

You may already know we have a big moment coming up on 12th/13th January 2020 when a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn heralds the beginning of a new developmental cycle lasting in excess of thirty years. Its real significance lies in its relevance to the evolutionary development of humanity in the coming years.

Punishing The Polluters: Why Large Fines Are An Important Step Towards Cleaner Corporations

Punishing The Polluters: Why Large Fines Are An Important Step Towards Cleaner Corporations

by Ole Pedersen

Polluting the environment is a crime which can have countless victims – of numerous species and future generations.


Many Americans celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but how many actually know the story of the holiday?

What Are We Really Celebrating At Cinco De Mayo?

by Kirby Farah

Many Americans celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but how many actually know the story of the holiday?


Drones Will Deliver Both Packages And An Incessant Buzzing Noise

Drones Will Deliver Both Packages And An Incessant Buzzing Noise

by Garth Paine

A sister company of Google, Alphabet’s Wing Aviation, just got federal approval to start using drones for commercial…


Why Some Doctors Are Prescribing A Day In The Park Or A Walk On The Beach For Good Health

Why Some Doctors Are Prescribing A Day In The Park Or A Walk On The Beach For Good Health

by Jay Maddock

Taking a walk on a wooded path, spending an afternoon in a public park, harvesting your backyard garden and even…


Why Abusive Husbands Kick Dogs But Angry Neighbors Poison Them

Why Abusive Husbands Kick Dogs But Angry Neighbors Poison Them

by Laura A. Reese

Volunteering with animal rescue and shelter organizations in Detroit brought me face to face with many manifestations…


What's The Best Way To Go To The Toilet – Squatting Or Sitting?

What's The Best Way To Go To The Toilet – Squatting Or Sitting?

by Vincent Ho

Pauline Hanson’s concern about the Australian Tax Office installing squat toilets to cater for its increasingly diverse…


How Employers Use Perks Like Wellness Programs, Phones And Free Food To Control Your Life

How Employers Use Perks Like Wellness Programs, Phones And Free Food To Control Your Life

by Elizabeth C. Tippett

Companies offer all sorts of benefits and extras to attract the most favored workers, from health care and stock…


Does The Next Industrial Revolution Spell The End Of Manufacturing Jobs?

by Jeff Morgan, Trinity College Dublin

Robots have been taking our jobs since the 1960s. So why are politicians and business leaders only now becoming so…


What The Consistency Of Your Poo Says About Your Health

What The Consistency Of Your Poo Says About Your Health

by Trevor Lockett

Number twos are a tricky subject. We all do them. Indeed, excreting waste is critical to life. But polite society and…


Without Help No Cure For Alzheimer's Disease In My Lifetime

Without Help No Cure For Alzheimer's Disease In My Lifetime

by Norman A. Paradis

Biogen recently announced that it was abandoning its late stage drug for Alzheimer’s, aducanumab, causing investors to…


Fear Of The Dentist: What Is Dental Phobia And Dental Anxiety?

Fear Of The Dentist: What Is Dental Phobia And Dental Anxiety?

by Ellie Heidari

It’s fair to say going to the dentists is few people’s favourite thing to do. In fact, over 45% of British people say…


As the social and economic divides between groups grow ever wider, and social mobility declines, the bonds that tie people together, within families or communities, have weakened over time.

We're All Influenced By People In Our Networks – How To Make This A Force For Good

by Michael Sanders and Susannah Hume

As the social and economic divides between groups grow ever wider, and social mobility declines, the bonds that tie…


Bringing The Border Closer To Home, One Immersion Trip At A Time

Bringing The Border Closer To Home, One Immersion Trip At A Time

by Gary John Adler Jr

Many if not most Americans have never crossed the U.S. border with Mexico by land or spent any time in that region.


How Notre Dame Has Shaped The Intellectual Life Of Paris For Eight Centuries

How Notre Dame Has Shaped The Intellectual Life Of Paris For Eight Centuries

by Emily E. Graham

The burning wreckage of the 12th-century Notre-Dame de Paris led to an immediate outpouring of grief over the damage to…


Meditation For Mental Balance and Grounding

by Yoga With Adriene

This 17 minute guided meditation welcomes balance and clarity to your mental and emotional self. Practice regularly to…


How Demographic Shifts Can Rip A Country Apart

How Demographic Shifts Can Rip A Country Apart

by Monica Duffy Toft

What happens to a country when its core national identity – its preferred image of itself in terms of race or religion…


Why Time Seems To Go By More Quickly As We Get Older

Why Time Seems To Go By More Quickly As We Get Older

by Christian Yates

When we were children, the summer holidays seemed to last forever, and the wait between Christmases felt like an…


Recalls Of Medical Devices And Drugs Are Up

Recalls Of Medical Devices And Drugs Are Up

by George Ball

From the valsartan blood pressure drug contamination that exposed thousands of patients to cancer-causing impurities,…


5 Things To Consider Before You Hire A Tutor For Your Child

5 Things To Consider Before You Hire A Tutor For Your Child

by Surani Joshua

Private tutoring is a growing business, with people spending hundreds of billions of dollars. But is it worth it? And…


We Pry Apart The True And Compelling From The False And Toxic?

How Do We Pry Apart The True And Compelling From The False And Toxic?

by David V Johnson

When false and malicious speech roils the body politic, when racism and violence surge, the right and role of freedom…


Find New Inspiration With These Time-tested Approaches To Creativity

by Anthony Brandt

Beethoven and Picasso are the perfect examples for mastering the creative process. Behind each of their works are…


Is There A Drug For Autism In Our Future?

Is There A Drug For Autism In Our Future?

by Daniel R. Weinberger,

In 2019, geeks are cool, and the idea that they might be on the autism spectrum is celebrated. Nowhere is this truer…


How Artificial Intelligence Systems Could Threaten Democracy

by Steven Feldstein

U.S. technology giant Microsoft has teamed up with a Chinese military university to develop artificial intelligence…


The Gift of Soil: How Composting Builds Community

The Gift of Soil: How Composting Builds Community

by Liz Brazile

The perfect soil mixture can do more than grow food.It took more than two decades for Kevin Holtham, 49, to formulate…


4 Unusual Signs You May Be At Risk Of Parkinson's

by Patrick Lewis and Alastair Noyce

Do you move around a lot during your sleep? Or have you lost your sense of smell? New insights into Parkinson’s disease…


Personalities Are Like Traditions – Unique Patterns Of Behavior That Build Over A Lifetime Of Improvisation

Personalities Are Like Traditions – Unique Patterns Of Behavior That Build Over A Lifetime Of Improvisation

by Nick Chater

The question of whether personality is the result of nature or nurture has plagued researchers – and the general public…


Pema Chödrön - Fear and Fearlessness

by Pema Chödrön

Pema Chödrön describes a liberating way to become intimate with our fears, instead of trying to get rid of or cast them…


Japan’s Next Emperor Is A Modern, Multilingual Environmentalist

Japan’s Next Emperor Is A Modern, Multilingual Environmentalist

by Constantine Nomikos Vaporis

For the first time in 217 years, a Japanese emperor will cede his place on the imperial throne.


How Hacking Photosynthesis Could Fight Deforestation And Famine

How Hacking Photosynthesis Could Fight Deforestation And Famine

by Asaf Tzachor

You might not be able to stomach soybeans for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but the animals you eat do.


10 Organic Ways to Control Pests in the Garden

by Self Sufficient Me

In this video, I show you my 10 top organic ways to get rid of pests in your garden. There's no need for harsh…


Robert Reich: 12 Myths About Taxing the Rich

by Robert Reich

Robert Reich debunks 12 misconceptions about tax policy in America.


What To Do If Your Teenager Watches Violent Video

What To Do If Your Teenager Watches Violent Video

by Rachael Sharman

The world is still reeling in the aftermath of the horrific shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. The attack has also…


Slow Media: How To Renew Debate In The Age Of Digital Authoritarianism

Slow Media: How To Renew Debate In The Age Of Digital Authoritarianism

by Christian Fuchs

The rise of a new global, digital and mobile form of capitalism has, since the 1970s, accelerated the pace of our lives.


How Death Doulas Can Fill Care Gaps At The End Of Life

How Death Doulas Can Fill Care Gaps At The End Of Life

by Deb Rawlings, et al

Palliative care nurses, social workers and people from the funeral industry are among those who work as death doulas.


Striving For Happiness Could Be Making You Unhappy – Here’s How To Find Your Own Path

Striving For Happiness Could Be Making You Unhappy – Here’s How To Find Your Own Path

by Lowri Dowthwaite

Happiness is big business, with sales of self-help books in the UK reaching record levels in the past year. Perhaps…


Yoga To Feel Your Best

by Yoga With Adriene

Hop on the mat for this 22-minute yoga session designed to help you feel good! Stretch your body, tap into conscious…


Shouldn’t We Live As Simply As Possible?

by Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart discusses spiritual awakening as it relates to two aspects of life: the acquisition of things, and the…


Is 75 The New 65? Wealthy Countries Need To Rethink What It Means To Be Old

Is 75 The New 65? Wealthy Countries Need To Rethink What It Means To Be Old

by Warren Sanderson, et al

In 1950, men and women at age 65 could expect to live about 11 years more on average. Today, that number has gone up to…


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Air Purification Is Catching On And Why It May Be Doing More Harm Than Good

by Alastair Lewis

I recently found myself in the surreal world of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas discussing the next…


How to Build a High-Tunnel Greenhouse

by This Old House

Roger Cook helps a homeowner build a simple, affordable backyard greenhouse.


How Can Trees Really Cool Our Cities Down?

How Can Trees Really Cool Our Cities Down?

by Roland Ennos, University of Hull

In cities around the world, trees are often planted to help control temperatures and mitigate the effects of the “urban…


For Some People, Anxiety And Phobias Are Taken To Extremes

For Some People, Anxiety And Phobias Are Taken To Extremes

by James Erskine

Anxiety is a common experience. It is entirely normal to feel anxious in certain circumstances or when imagining…


How Animal Abuse Varies By People’s Relationship To The Pet

How Animal Abuse Varies By People’s Relationship To The Pet

by Kristen Parker

There’s a correlation between different types of animal abuse and the perpetrator’s relationship to an animal and its…


Why You Might Benefit From Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Why You Might Benefit From Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

by Claudia Brown

“How did I not know this was a pelvic floor issue? Why didn’t my doctor send me here sooner? Do you have other patients…


How To Reduce Digital Distractions: Advice From Medieval Monks

How To Reduce Digital Distractions: Advice From Medieval Monks

by Jamie Kreiner

Medieval monks had a terrible time concentrating. And concentration was their lifelong work! Their tech was obviously…


Do You Feel Like Time Is Flying? Here's How To Slow It Down

Do You Feel Like Time Is Flying? Here's How To Slow It Down

by Steve Taylor

Sometimes it seems as if life is passing us by. When we are children, time ambles by, with endless car journeys and…


Did Anne Boleyn Really Try To Speak After Being Beheaded?

Did Anne Boleyn Really Try To Speak After Being Beheaded?

by Adam Taylor

When Jean-Paul Marat’s killer, Charlotte Corday, was executed by guillotine in 1793, a man named Francois le Gros…


Female Warblers Live Longer When They Have Help Raising Offspring

Female Warblers Live Longer When They Have Help Raising Offspring

by David Richardson and Martijn Hammers

Death is, unfortunately, an inevitable consequence of life. In most animals growing old is accompanied by progressive…


Should The Sahara Desert Be Turned Into A Huge Solar Farm?

Should The Sahara Desert Be Turned Into A Huge Solar Farm?

by Amin Al-Habaibeh

Whenever I visit the Sahara I am struck by how sunny and hot it is and how clear the sky can be.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Current Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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