Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

It seems that I often feel like starting the newsletter with "the times they are a'changing"... which I suppose makes sense since "the only constant is change" and things are always changing. But perhaps in this transitional time, we feel the changes (and the need for change) more than we did in the past.

It could be because we are more sensitive to the energies that are flowing around us, or perhaps because we have become more aware of our inner life as well as of the "inner workings" our surroundings. It could be because the internet has connected us more instantly than in the past, so we become aware of every shift in the energy as it takes place in various locales on the planet. It could also be that we are at a juncture, approaching a tipping point, and our choices and our actions matter more than ever before. Whichever reason we resonate with, "the times they are a'changing"... though we may sometimes think that it's a lot of the same old, same old karmic stuff repeating itself, and we might even have wondered if there's any hope of it changing. (The answer is yes.)

As you are surely aware, the change must begin with us, and that includes our work life as well as our personal and spiritual life. This week we take a look at "our story" and at ways to create a new story for ourselves personally, which then will reflect into creating a new story for the world. We start with an excerpt from a new book entitled "The Art of Is" whose author asks "Is This The Way It’s Supposed To Be?"  We continue with Charles Eisenstein's reflection on "The Age of Separation: The Story of the People".

Pierre Pradervand guides us on the path of healing with "A Link Between Blessing And Healing?" Then, a new author to InnerSelf shares about "Finding Joy In Your Work and Living A Fulfilled Life" while another writes about "Creativity: Exploring The Vastness Of Our Own Potential". We round up the featured articles this week with Eileen Campbell's invitation: "Daring To Take Action and Stepping Into The Unknown".

Since this week features a new moon, it is an auspicious time for new beginnings and for taking courageous and daring steps on the path we have chosen. Pam hightlights the energies of the week in the "Astrological Journal".

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of the other articles and videos that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

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Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Is This The Way It’s Supposed To Be?

Written by Stephen Nachmanovitch

Is This The Way It’s Supposed To Be?

This is the career I expected to have. This is the way I expected my nation to progress. This is the friend I expected you to be. This is how a book proposal or business plan should look. This is how a pop song or a concerto should sound. This is the way it’s supposed to be…

The Age of Separation: The Story of the People

Written by Charles Eisenstein

04 27 the age of separation the story of the people

My childhood perceptions were part of a narrative I call the Story of the People, in which humanity was destined to create a perfect world through science, reason, and technology: to conquer nature, transcend our animal origins, and engineer a rational society.

A Link Between Blessing And Healing?

Written by Pierre Pradervand

A Link Between Blessing And Healing?

Blessing, in the meaning used in books I have written on the practice of blessing, often results in healing. A perusal of the section on healing testimonies on my site shows that numerous healings or resolutions of “impossible” situations have occurred through this practice...

Finding Joy In Your Work and Living A Fulfilled Life

Written by Kourtney Whitehead

Finding Joy In Your Work and Living A Fulfilled Life

Our work should be a manifestation of who we are and what we believe. Often when life is stagnating, unfulfilling, or inauthentic we see it in multiple areas of our lives. It shows itself in our finances, our relationships, our spiritual lives, and our work.

Creativity: Exploring The Vastness Of Our Own Potential

Written by Imelda Almqvist

Creativity: Exploring The Vastness Of Our Own Potential

It is my observation that true creativity often involves a marriage (or surprising connection) of two things that are not related to most people’s minds. The larger point I am trying to make here is that creative people often see connections and build bridges where others see no such things (until someone shows them! Then many of us can cross the same bridge).

Daring To Take Action and Stepping Into The Unknown

Written by Eileen Campbell

Daring To Take Action and Stepping Into The Unknown

Realistic hope enables us to believe that we can cope with what lies ahead and gives us the courage to step into the unknown. Without being prepared to take a risk, we don’t make new discoveries about ourselves or what it means to be a human being, nor can we find the fulfillment and happiness we long for.

How To Stop Nagging Your Child To Practice Their Musical Instrument

How To Stop Nagging Your Child To Practice Their Musical Instrument

by Timothy McKenry

It’s 4pm on a Thursday, and your child is on the couch with the iPad. You need to leave for the weekly music lesson in…


Wheatgrass Health Benefits & Wheat Grass Growing Guide

by California Gardening

In today's episode we look at wheatgrass and the benefits of using wheatgrass juice or wheatgrass powder to our health.…


Digitally Tracking Student Behavior In The Classroom Encourages Compliance, Not Learning

Digitally Tracking Student Behavior In The Classroom Encourages Compliance, Not Learning

by Jamie Manolev, et al

ClassDojo is one of the most popular classroom communication apps in the world. It claims to assist teachers to create…


Jillian Michaels’ 12-hour rule: A guide to healthier headspace

by Jillian Michaels

There's no shortage of good advice in the world. But how to actually follow it? - When it comes to your own wellbeing…


Why Game Of Thrones Was About The Horror Of Fossil Fuels All Along

Why Game Of Thrones Was About The Horror Of Fossil Fuels All Along

by Alf Hornborg

I have eagerly awaited the final season of Game of Thrones, and its strange blend of fictive medieval Britain…


Extinction Rebellion: Disruption And Arrests Can Bring Social Change

Extinction Rebellion: Disruption And Arrests Can Bring Social Change

by Alexander Hensby

Extinction Rebellion (XR) burst onto everybody’s screens with disruptions and mass arrests across the UK and around the…


Why Is Colorectal Cancer Increasing In Younger Adults?

Why Is Colorectal Cancer Increasing In Younger Adults?

by Franklin G. Berger

The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2019, there will be 145,600 new cases of the disease and 51,020 deaths…


Why 30 Minutes of Nature a Day Is So Good for Your Health

Why 30 Minutes of Nature a Day Is So Good for Your Health

by Andrés R. Edwards

Science is showing how immersion in nature speeds healing and acts as an antidote for many ailments.


Growing Crossandra Sundance Firecracker Plant

by California Gardening

In today's video, we look at how to grow the Crossandra Plant. We look at two plant vareities - the Sundance Crossandra…


Recycling Is Not Enough. Zero-packaging Stores Show We Can Kick Our Plastic Addiction

Recycling Is Not Enough. Zero-packaging Stores Show We Can Kick Our Plastic Addiction

by Sabrina Chakori and Ammar Abdul Aziz

Wrapped, sealed, boxed, cling-filmed and vacuum packed. We have become used to consumables being packaged in every way…


Gluten free carrot cake

by Clean & Delicious

This Gluten Free Carrot Cake is moist, fluffy and super flavorful. It's 100% free of grains, gluten and refines sugar…


Homeschooled Students Often Get Better Test Results And Have More Degrees Than Their Peers

Homeschooled Students Often Get Better Test Results And Have More Degrees Than Their Peers

by Sven Trentholm

Homeschooling is on the increase globally. The BBC recently reported that the number of homeschooled students in the…


How Fake News Gets Into Our Minds, And What You Can Do To Resist It

How Fake News Gets Into Our Minds, And What You Can Do To Resist It

by Julian Matthews

Although the term itself is not new, fake news presents a growing threat for societies across the world.


How Retreating From The Sea Level Rise Will Affect Our Health?

How Retreating From The Sea Level Rise Will Affect Our Health?

by Jackson Holtz

Managed retreat in the face of sea level rise will be a mixed bag, researchers predict.


How The Role Of Nuns Highlights A Low View Of Women's Work

How The Role Of Nuns Highlights A Low View Of Women's Work

by Flora Derounian, University of Bristol

So runs the story of one of the Italian nuns I interviewed earlier this year, as part of a wider investigation into the…


Growing Beetroot or Beets In Your Vegetable Garden

by California Gardening

Learn how to grow beets or beet root plants in your vegetable garden. We show you show to grow beets from seeds, how to…


Office Break Yoga With Adriene

by Yoga With Adriene

No yoga mat or stretchy pants required for this 14 min Office Break Yoga! Carve out time for yourself to stretch it…


Robert Reich: Everything You Need to Know About the New Economy

by Robert Reich

Robert Reich explains how the modern economy really works and what we can do expand economic opportunity.


Homeschooled Children Are Far More Socially Engaged Than You Might Think

Homeschooled Children Are Far More Socially Engaged Than You Might Think

by Kate Burton and Eileen Slater

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of children homeschooled in Australia grew by more than 80%. In Queensland, it nearly…


what Is Candida Auris And Who Is At Risk?

Who Is At Risk Of Candida Auris?

by Monica Slavin, et al

We’ve recently heard a lot about Candida auris, a deadly, multidrug-resistant fungus emerging around the world.


Aspirin, eggs and your heart

by Mayo Clinic

On the Mayo Clinic Radio podcast, Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, discusses heart health hot topics:…


How Social Media Is Helping Big Tobacco Hook A New Generation Of Smokers

How Social Media Is Helping Big Tobacco Hook A New Generation Of Smokers

by Robert Kozinets

Big Tobacco is increasingly using social media to find new ways to hook young people on smoking, circumventing decades…


Your Future Coworkers Could Be Swarms Of Robots

Your Future Coworkers Could Be Swarms Of Robots

by U. Melbourne

In the future, swarms of robots could help us perform tasks from search and rescue to farming, researchers say.


5 Ways to Talk With Your Kids So They Feel Loved

5 Ways to Talk With Your Kids So They Feel Loved

by Shauna Tominey

Warm, nurturing messages need repeating over and over again with our children.


What Causes Constipation?

What Causes Constipation?

by Vincent Ho

Most people have experienced being blocked up from time to time, whether it’s while travelling, after taking…


How To Grow Bush Slicer Cucumbers

by California Gardening

In today's episode we look at growing a compact, bush cucumber variety called bush slicer cucumber. Cucumber can be of…


Roasted Vegetable Frittata Recipe

by Clean & Delicious

A vegetable frittata is close to the perfect meal! It’s loaded with veggies, packed with protein and healthy fats, and…


Why we prefer people just like us. And why that’s potentially dangerous.

by Big Think

It's common for people to form groups of like minded individuals who also have similar abilities. Evolution confers…


6 Ways to Stay Healthy as You Age

6 Ways to Stay Healthy as You Age

by Jeanette Franks

The general wisdom was, until recently, “If you want to live a long, healthy life, choose your grandparents wisely.”


How Well Have Climate Models Projected Global Warming?

How Well Have Climate Models Projected Global Warming?

by Zeke Hausfather, Carbon Brief

Scientists have been making projections of future global warming using climate models of increasing complexity for the…


Does Cannabidiol (CBD) Actually Help Anxiety?

Does Cannabidiol (CBD) Actually Help Anxiety?

by Grace Browne

Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating compound of the Cannabis plant, has exploded in popularity in recent times…


Yoga For Grief With Adriene

by Yoga With Adriene

This gentle and nurturing 26 minute session is made with love and designed to support you, wherever you are today. Use…


Tolerance Is More Than Putting Up With Things – It's A Moral Virtue

Tolerance Is More Than Putting Up With Things – It's A Moral Virtue

by Rivka T. Witenberg

We hear a lot about tolerance these days.Tolerance is a moral virtue best placed within the moral domain...


No Dig Garlic: Planting, Harvesting, and Drying Garlic

by Back To Reality

Follow our garlic plants all the way from planting using the Ruth Stout method (hay mulch, no diging or tilling), to…


Australia’s Epic Story Is A Tale Of Amazing People, Amazing Creatures And Rising Seas

Australia’s Epic Story Is A Tale Of Amazing People, Amazing Creatures And Rising Seas

by Michael Bird, et al

The Australian continent has a remarkable history — a story of isolation, desiccation and resilience on an ark at the…


Is Colonialism To Blame For Islamic Extremism

by Mark Fathi Massoud

Warning that Islamic extremists want to impose fundamentalist religious rule in American communities, right-wing…


What Exactly Is Meant By A Living Wage?

What Exactly Is Meant By A Living Wage?

by Joshua Healy and Andreas Pekarek

Australia’s national minimum wage should become a “living wage”, according to a new campaign from the Australian…


Mushrooms: “Nature’s Greatest Decomposers”

Mushrooms: “Nature’s Greatest Decomposers”

by Deonna Anderson

An Indigenous-led organization in New Mexico is using fungus in an attempt to remove chemicals from soil.


Are Foods Addictive or Just Delicious?

Are Foods Addictive or Just Delicious?

by Shaun Khoo

We are surrounded by an abundance of delicious food. Throughout the developed world, cooking shows saturate our…


Mapping The US Counties Where Traffic Air Pollution Hurts Children

Mapping The US Counties Where Traffic Air Pollution Hurts Children

by Haneen Khreis

In the U.S., over 6 million children had ongoing asthma in 2016. Globally, asthma kills around 1,000 people every day –…


How To Cook Tofu Recipe

by Clean & Delicious

Learn how to cook crispy baked tofu three delicious ways. The base of this tofu recipe is made up low-sodium tamari,…


How To Stop Sitting Yourself To Death

How To Stop Sitting Yourself To Death

by David Alter

Sitting is probably killing you slowly — whether you exercise vigorously every day or not.


How Big Tech Designs Its Own Rules Of Ethics To Avoid Scrutiny And Accountability

How Big Tech Designs Its Own Rules Of Ethics To Avoid Scrutiny And Accountability

by David Watts

“Digital ethics and privacy” shot into research and advisory company Gartner’s top ten strategic technology trends for…


Instant Raised Garden Beds by Flipping Sod

by Back To Reality

Help support our channel: https://www.patreon.com/backtoreality After a long and difficult summer, we're finally ready…


Music for the Mind: How Music Nurtures Cognitive Development

Music for the Mind: How Music Nurtures Cognitive Development

by Alexandria Weaver

Imagine listening to your favorite song, how it makes you feel, and the flood of memories the sounds bring with them.


Why Notre Dame Is The Public And Private Lives Of France's Spiritual Home

Why Notre Dame Is The Public And Private Lives Of France's Spiritual Home

by Michael Rapport

While flames engulfed Notre Dame on the evening of April 15 and the world watched in despair, French president Emmanuel…


Is There An Electrical Meltdown In Our Future: If So, How Could We Avert Disaster?

Is There An Electrical Meltdown In Our Future?

by Keith Harary

You might find your car dying on the freeway while other vehicles around you lose control and crash.


Respect and Replenish Yoga With Adriene

by Yoga With Adriene

Hop on the mat for this full length warming vinyasa flow dedicated to respect and replenishment. Welcome in some heat…


The Opioid Crisis Is Not About Pain

The Opioid Crisis Is Not About Pain

by David Walton

Opioid-related deaths have been rising over recent years in North America and globally. New data released by the Public…


Why Pete Buttigieg May Be Reviving Progressive Ideals Of The Social Gospel Movement

Why Pete Buttigieg May Be Reviving Progressive Ideals Of The Social Gospel Movement

by David Mislin

In recent weeks, Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg has captured wide media attention.


Why Easter Is A Christian Festival That Feels More Like A Pagan Festival

Why Easter Is A Christian Festival That Feels More Like A Pagan Festival

by Jane Stevenson

There’s a lot of confusion about Easter – not least because this most important of all Christian festivals moves around…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: April 29th - May 5th, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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