Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Easter! Whether you celebrate Easter or not, just like New Year's Day, it comes with its own energy... an energy of new beginnings. Easter adds another element, and that of being born anew in the Light or reborn as the Light.

This week, we focus on the Light that we are, on our own rebirth from the forces of negativity and fear. We bring you numerous articles from our regular and new authors, and feature some excerpts from new books that are just "hot off the press". Scroll down below for the featured articles, as well as all the new articles and videos that have been added to InnerSelf this week.

For those of you who've been missing the "early-bird" newsletter in the past few weeks, we were working out the kinks in the move to the new website server... and it's been a tumultuous ride! However, we're finally getting back on our feet from the chaotic transition, and thus, you will again be able to find the "early-bird newsletter" online, usually on Saturday morning. Yea!  :-)

Please let us know if you are experiencing any problems with the website. Use the Contact Us form in the This and That menu (top right hand of any page on the website).

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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You Are The Light of the World

Written by Debra Landwehr Engle

You Are The Light of the World

Within all of us, there’s a light that shines like a lantern’s bright flame. We may call it love, divine energy, or an expression of our Source. No matter what name we give it, that light never goes out.

Mysticism Reconsidered: Serving the Good of All

Written by Paul Brunton

Mysticism Reconsidered: Serving the Good of All

Whoever truly understands and deeply feels an inner relationship with and a shared responsibility for fellow creatures can never subscribe to the cult of indifference. In a world crisis like the present one...

You Are A Light Worker: Owning Your Personal Power

Written by Lee Harris

You Are A Light Worker: Owning Your Personal Power

This planet needs as many of you as possible to create the consciousness shift now occurring. And how you feel it! It can feel beautiful, wonderful, joyous, humorous, light, fun. It can also feel torturous and wretched. The shift involves a whole spectrum of emotional states. 

Choosing Wisely During Your Day...

Written by Sue Patton Thoele

Choosing Wisely During Your Day...

Choice is perhaps our most vital freedom. We sometimes start sentences with “Given a choice . . .” In reality, almost every waking moment offers myriad choices. Many are small and inconsequential, whereas others are life changing.

Practicing Acceptance with The RAIN Method

Written by Choden and Heather Regan-Addis

Practicing Acceptance with The RAIN Method

There is a lovely teaching (or ‘Sutra’) of the Buddha that clearly illustrates the importance of acceptance. It is called the “Sutra of the Arrows” and it relates how even the good and the wise are regularly struck by the first arrow, which is that of the unavoidable pain of life.

The Three Constructive Ultimate Attitudes

Written by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.

The Three Constructive Ultimate Attitudes

The three constructive Ultimate Attitudes are universal concepts that are at the root of every major religion and philosophy. I believe that to be "enlightened" means that we truly and deeply live by these three principles.

To Increase Your Intuition, Let Go Of Positives

Written by Theresa Cheung

To Increase Your Intuition, Let Go Of Positives

Just as there is day and night and two sides to every coin, whenever there is negativity there is also positivity. And just as negativity can block your intuition so, too, can unrealistic positivity.


Why The Legal Profession Has A Mental Health Problem

Why The Legal Profession Has A Mental Health Problem

by Neil Graffin, et al

Set in a fictional firm in New York, the TV series Suits glamorises the life of lawyers working in a modern corporate…


How Your Smartphone Can Encourage Active Living

How Your Smartphone Can Encourage Active Living

by Tarun Katapally

Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for death globally and has reached the status of a global…


To Grasp Metaphors, Our Brains Get Touchy Feely

To Grasp Metaphors, Our Brains Get Touchy Feely

by Alexis Blue

New research clarifies how we understand metaphors—like “grasping” an idea—and how that process is rooted in our bodily…


If My Measles Shot Was Years Ago, Am I Still Protected?

If My Measles Shot Was Years Ago, Am I Still Protected?

by Eyal Amiel

As the measles outbreaks spread, many people are growing concerned. New York City declared a public health emergency…


How To Fill The Massive Cybersecurity Job Gap

How To Fill The Massive Cybersecurity Job Gap

by John McAlaney and Helen Thackray

Cybersecurity incidents are gaining an increasingly high profile. In the past, these incidents may have been perceived…


Noam Chomsky: The Green New Deal Is Exactly the Right Idea

by Democracy Now!

Supporters of the Green New Deal are launching a nationwide tour Thursday to build support for the congressional…


How Society’s Gender Expectations Alter Brain Cells

How Society’s Gender Expectations Alter Brain Cells

by Anna Varela

Society’s expectations about gender roles alter the human brain at the cellular level, according to a new paper.


What And Where Is Heaven? The Answers Are At The Heart Of The Easter Story

by Robyn J. Whitaker

My pious Baptist grandmother once shockingly confessed, at the ripe old age of 93, that she didn’t want to go to heaven.


3 Things To Consider If You're Thinking About Homeschooling Your Child

3 Things To Consider If You're Thinking About Homeschooling Your Child

by David Roy

A successful homeschooling experience happens when children and parents know the expectations, set targets and enjoy it.


A Message from the Future with AOC: New Film Imagines World Transformed by the Green New Deal

by Democracy Now!

As the push for the Green New Deal builds momentum in the United States, The Intercept has released a short illustrated…


How Old Ideas About Tolerance Can Help Us Live More Peacefully Today

How Old Ideas About Tolerance Can Help Us Live More Peacefully Today

by Matthew Sharpe

It is telling that the greatest early modern philosophical defender of tolerance was a refugee.


Cheers! How The Physics Of Fizz Contributes To Human Happiness

Cheers! How The Physics Of Fizz Contributes To Human Happiness

by Roberto Zenit & Javier Rodríguez Rodríguez

Think of the last time you had something to celebrate. If you toasted the happy occasion, your drink was probably…


Understanding The Real Costs Of Cheap Surveillance

Understanding The Real Costs Of Cheap Surveillance

by Jonathan Weinberg, Wayne State University

Surveillance used to be expensive. Even just a few years ago, tailing a person’s movements around the clock required…


Can Ginkgo Biloba Seeds Fight Skin Infections?

Can Ginkgo Biloba Seeds Fight Skin Infections?

by Carol Clark

Extracts from the seeds of the Ginkgo biloba tree show antibacterial activity on pathogens that can cause skin…


Why It's So Hard To Detect The Fingerprints Of Global Warming On Monsoon Rains

Why It's So Hard To Detect The Fingerprints Of Global Warming On Monsoon Rains

by Jonathan Eden

The devastating floods in the Indian state of Kerala are a stark reminder of the vulnerability of the world’s most…


Why Good Friday Was Dangerous For Jews In The Middle Ages And How That Changed

Why Good Friday Was Dangerous For Jews In The Middle Ages And How That Changed

by Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski

As Christians observe Good Friday they will remember, with devotion and prayer, the death of Jesus on the Cross.


When Quitting Cigarettes, Consider Using More Nicotine Replacement, Not Less

When Quitting Cigarettes, Consider Using More Nicotine Replacement, Not Less

by Jamie Hartmann-Boyce and Nicola Lindson

When delivered through cigarettes, nicotine is considered to be one of the most addictive substances on Earth, so it…


How To Grow Potatoes In Containers

by California Gardening

Watch this method of growing potatoes and a big harvest - in containers with a well draining potting mix like ProMix HP…


Movie Life Of Brian At 40: An Assertion Of Individual Freedom That Still Resonates

Movie Life Of Brian At 40: An Assertion Of Individual Freedom That Still Resonates

by Philip Almond

This year is the 40th anniversary of the release of Monty Python’s Life of Brian. The film met with instant controversy…


Easter: What The Catholic Church Teaches About Bread And Wine And Christ's Flesh And Blood

Easter: What The Catholic Church Teaches About Bread And Wine And Christ's Flesh And Blood

by Anderson Jeremiah

On the Thursday before Easter, more than two billion Christians worldwide observe the Eucharist, a special ritual that…


More Workers Take Antidepressants If Performance Governs Pay

More Workers Take Antidepressants If Performance Governs Pay

by Chuck Finder

Companies moving to a pay-for-performance process may lead to an increase the number of employees taking anxiety and…


3 Reasons Why The US Is Vulnerable To Big Disasters

3 Reasons Why The US Is Vulnerable To Big Disasters

by Morten Wendelbo

During the 2017 disaster season, three severe hurricanes devastated large parts of the U.S.


How The Power Of Persuasion Goes Way Beyond Mere Advertising

How The Power Of Persuasion Goes Way Beyond Mere Advertising

by Steve McKevitt

There was a time when persuasion was easy to recognize. It was the stuff on billboards and flyers or between the…


Why Hasn’t Evolution Dealt With The Inefficiency Of Aging?

Why Hasn’t Evolution Dealt With The Inefficiency Of Aging?

by Jordan Pennells

Life pits the order and intricacy of biology against the ceaseless chaos of physics. The second law of thermodynamics…


Durable Or Recyclable? These Goals Tend To Clash

Durable Or Recyclable? These Goals Tend To Clash

by Josh Brown

Solar power has seen a boom, but what happens to all the panels in a few decades when they’re no longer useful? And…


New To College? Why You Should Spend Some Time Alone

New To College? Why You Should Spend Some Time Alone

by Sandra Knispel

Seeking solitude—for the right reasons—can be good for first-year college students, research suggests.


Can Changing The Microbiome Reverse Lactose Intolerance?

Can Changing The Microbiome Reverse Lactose Intolerance?

by Patricia L. Foster

After childhood, about two-thirds of the world’s human population loses the ability to digest milk. As far as we know…


Why There’s A Recovery Speed Limit After Mass Extinction

Why There’s A Recovery Speed Limit After Mass Extinction

by Monica Kortsha

New research links the long lag time in recovery after a mass extinction to evolution.


An Easy Way To Change How You Feel

An Easy Way To Change How You Feel

by Texas A&M University

Smiling really can make you feel happier, report researchers. The paper looked at nearly 50 years of data testing…


Hunting For A Solution To Excessive Easter Eggs Packaging

Hunting For A Solution To Excessive Easter Eggs Packaging

by Elliot Woolley

So which Easter tradition came first? The packaging or the egg? The answer is of course not that surprising (it’s the…


How Artificial Intelligence Promises Faster, More Accurate Health Diagnoses

How Artificial Intelligence Promises Faster, More Accurate Health Diagnoses

by Seokbum Ko

When Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo shockingly defeated legendary Go player Lee Sedol in 2016, the terms artificial…


Did European Colonization Precipitate The Little Ice Age?

Did European Colonization Precipitate The Little Ice Age?

by Dagomar Degroot

Many of us think that rapid environmental change is a quintessentially modern crisis.


How You Can Choose To Forget A Memory

How You Can Choose To Forget A Memory

by Rachel Griess

Choosing to forget something might take more mental effort than trying to remember it, according to new research.


Can Caffeine Improve Your Exercise Performance?

Can Caffeine Improve Your Exercise Performance?

by Jozo Grgic, et al

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Nearly half the adult population in Australia drink it.


Why Are We So Moved By The Plight Of The Notre Dame?

Why Are We So Moved By The Plight Of The Notre Dame?

by Jose Antonio Gonzalez Zarandona and Cristina Garduño Freeman

Scrolling through news of the Notre Dame fire on social media feeds was like watching a real-time archive of grief in…


How Does Grief Affect Your Immune System?

How Does Grief Affect Your Immune System?

by Alexis Blue

A new review digs into existing research on the connection between grief and the immune system.


Boys Aren’t Born With Any Better Spatial Reasoning Than Girls

Boys Aren’t Born With Any Better Spatial Reasoning Than Girls

by Carol Clark

Men aren’t born with better spatial reasoning than women are, a new meta-analysis suggests.


New Research Shows Bees Can Add And Subtract

New Research Shows Bees Can Add And Subtract

by Scarlett Howard, et al

The humble honeybee can use symbols to perform basic maths including addition and subtraction, shows new research…


Here's How Workers Can Tell If They'll Be Replaced By Robots

Here's How Workers Can Tell If They'll Be Replaced By Robots

by Beth Humberd and Scott F. Latham

Walmart recently said it plans to deploy robots to scan shelves, scrub floors and perform other mundane tasks in its…


Heavy Periods Might Have An Undiagnosed Bleeding Disorder

Heavy Periods Might Have An Undiagnosed Bleeding Disorder

by Paula James

About 30 per cent of all women report heavy menstrual periods at some point during their reproductive years. Up to 15…


Do We Blame Climate Change For Last Summer’s Global Heat Waves

Do We Blame Climate Change For Last Summer’s Global Heat Waves

by Peter Rüegg

The only explanation for why heat waves affected so many areas over several months last summer is climate change…


How Teens May Be Missing The Nuances Of Consent

How Teens May Be Missing The Nuances Of Consent

by Mollie Rappe

Teenagers have an overly simplistic understanding of consent that often ignores relevant non-verbal cues, a new study…


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How To Make Tax Fairer And More Transparent

by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson

To end austerity and make the economy work better for the whole country requires transforming the tax system.


Should Veganism Receive The Same Legal Protection As A Religion?

Should Veganism Receive The Same Legal Protection As A Religion?

by Jonathan Seglow

Veganism is on the rise globally – but it can be contentious. Only recently, the editor of a food magazine joked that…


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What You Need To Know About Advance Care End Of Your Life Directives

by Nola Ries

Many agree on the factors contributing to a good death. People want to be treated with dignity, have relief from pain…


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What To Teach Your Children For A Safer World

by Anna Halafoff, et al

Around 80% of secondary school students who had classes about diverse religions claim to have positive views of…


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Alzheimer's Disease: Have We Got The Cause All Wrong?

by Vicky Jones

Early in the 20th century, Alois Alzheimer first described a disorder of progressive memory loss and confusion in a…


The Carbon Tax That Would Leave Households Better Off

The Carbon Tax That Would Leave Households Better Off

by Richard Holden and Rosalind Dixon

Today, as part of the UNSW Grand Challenge on Inequality, we release a study entitled A Climate Dividend for…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: April 22nd - 28th, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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