Image by Gerd Altmann

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The term activism is usually applied to political causes, yet, the definition of activism is "the use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a result, usually a political or social one." (italics mine) So basically, activism is the use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a result, period. If we look at that with a broader perspective, starting a new diet would be a form of activism, taking a walk, de-cluttering your home or your mind, etc. In this expanded defition, activism is simply "taking action". And this week we expand upon taking action to create a better world from the inside out,

We start with "The Invitation: Designing a Life That Works for All Life on Earth" by Ariane Burgess, author of the new book, Life Design for Women (release date Feb,. 11, 2020). Of course the invitation is not only for women, but for men and children as well. And, it is important to realize and remember that this is an ongoing process: "Your Life Is A Three-Part Series: Writing the Screenplay of Your Life".

Many times, when we start making life changes, we discover that we can be our own worst enemy. Sometimes the words we use help prevent us from attaining success. Maria Stone, author of The Clutter Remedy, assists us in "Eliminating Impeding Language: Changing Your Language Will Change Your Life".

Other blockages to attaining our goals can be found in our subconscious, and Nikki Gresham-Record inspires us to focus "The Power of Attention and Intention: Bringing The Subconscious Mind On Board"  At other times, you may have found yourself blocked even before starting because you mighty require assistance in "Finding A Goal That Is Right For You".

Another impediment to achieving success is fear... whether fear of failure, or fear of success, or fear of the unknown, or fear of any kind. Paul Selig, shares about "Freedom From Fear and Separation: Knowing and Reclaiming The True Self".

Our goal at InnerSelf is to provide you tools and inspiration to create the life you envision and desire, for both your own self and your expanded family, the inhabitants of Planet Earth.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

? Your InnerSelf "To Do" List ?

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

The Invitation: Designing a Life That Works for All Life on Earth

Written by Ariane Burgess

The Invitation: Designing a Life That Works for All Life on Earth
We are living with a confluence of crisis points that affect us all. We may think we can hole up in our homes and get on with our lives, keeping everything that is unpleasant from affecting or harming us. It is inevitable, however, that in some way or other, the crisis will arrive at our doorstep.

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Your Life Is A Three-Part Series: Writing the Screenplay of Your Life

Written by Lora Cheadle

Your Life Is A Three-Part Series: Writing the Screenplay of Your Life
In writing a play or screenplay, whether for a TV show or movie, writers use the elements of drama in order to construct their story. Your life is like a three-part series, with season 1 being your past, season 2 being your present, and season 3 being your future.

Eliminating Impeding Language: Changing Your Language Will Change Your Life

Written by Marla Stone

Eliminating Impeding Language: Changing Your Language Will Change Your Life
The way you talk to yourself and others directly impacts your behav­ior. Distinguishing wants from needs, using decisive language and eliminating indecisive language, and putting adjectives or feeling words and the word will back into your language assures you of having...

The Power of Attention and Intention: Bringing The Subconscious Mind On Board

Written by Nikki Gresham-Record

The Power of Attention and Intention: Bringing The Subconscious Mind On Board
Our subconscious mind can interfere with our best intentions, preventing a full coherent resonance with our intent. To have a clear intention in the conscious mind and heart is wonderful, but we must stop the subconscious mind from emitting its own limiting broadcast and having a hand in creating an unwanted reality.

Finding A Goal That Is Right For You

Written by Jason Caldwell

Answering The Question
Why should you give all your time and effort to this par­ticular goal? If you don’t know why you’re doing something, if you don’t have a crystal-clear image of the success you’re chas­ing and the reason you’re chasing it, then...

Freedom From Fear and Separation: Knowing and Reclaiming The True Self

Written by Paul Selig

Freedom From Fear and Separation: Knowing and Reclaiming TheTrue Self
To live without and beyond fear is treasonous to the small self who has been educated by fear as to its benefits, but there is no benefit in fear. Freedom from fear is the realization that the Divine in material form has no requirement of it.

Why We Look For A Partner Who Laughs And Makes Us Laugh
Why We Look For A Partner Who Laughs and Makes Us Laugh

by Mark Alfano

Whether we’re looking for love or lust, we look for someone with a good sense of humour. Studies of courtship on Tinder…

For Older Women, Exercise Buddies Make All The Difference
For Older Women, Exercise Buddies Make All The Difference

by Janet Viljoen

Older women are more likely to take up exercising and stick to it if they are part of a small group guided by a…

Think You'll Make A Great Boss? Research Shows That Power Can Corrupt
Think You'll Make A Great Boss? Research Shows That Power Can Corrupt

by Suzanne Ross

People often complain that their boss lacks understanding and compassion, thinking they would have approached the job…

What Happens If You Replace Every Meal With The Vegan Meal Powder Huel?

by J Bernadette Moore, et al

Imagine a synthetic product that can give your body all the essential nutrients it needs to survive, is easy to…

Ancient Spells And Charms For The Hapless In Love
Ancient Spells And Charms For The Hapless In Love

by Adam Parker

For the hapless in love, a yearly reminder of failed romances, unrequited love and the seemingly unending search for…

Smell Loss Is The Invisible Disease With A Devastating Impact
Smell Loss Is The Invisible Disease With A Devastating Impact

by Carl Philpott

Losing your sense of smell or having it “disturbed” is not as rare as you might think: one in 20 people experience it…

Learning Through Adventure: The Many Skills That Can Be Taught Outside The Classroom
Learning Through Adventure: The Many Skills That Can Be Taught Outside The Classroom

by Gary Stidder

Learning outside the classroom through adventurous activities is known to have significant educational benefits.

What Are Tai Chi Health Benefits?
What Are Tai Chi Health Benefits?

by Samuel Nyman

Tai chi is growing in popularity in the UK, with more clubs and classes popping up around the country and people of all…

CO? Levels And Climate Change: Is There Really A Controversy?
CO? Levels And Climate Change: Is There Really A Controversy?

by Guillaume Paris and Pierre-Henri Blard

The relationship between atmospheric CO2 levels and climate change is often perceived as a controversial subject.

Why We Desire Partners Who Have Had Relationship Experience
Why We Desire Partners Who Have Had Relationship Experience

by Ryan Anderson

Mate copying (sometimes called mate-choice copying) is where an individual is preferred as a future romantic partner…

Is Love Just A Fleeting High Fuelled By Brain Chemicals?
Is Love Just A Fleeting High Fuelled By Brain Chemicals?

by Parashkev Nachev

It is no accident that arguably the most erotic line of English poetry is all prepositions. The essence of love, at…

The Origin And Evolution Of Love
The Origin And Evolution Of Love

by Nick Longrich

Why do we love? At best, it’s a mixed blessing, at worst, a curse. Love makes otherwise intelligent people act like…

Dealing With Love, Romance And Rejection On Valentine's Day
Dealing With Love, Romance And Rejection On Valentine's Day

by Lisa A Williams

Take care lovers, wherever you are, as Valentine’s Day is soon upon us. Whether you’re in a relationship or want to be…

A 4-step Maintenance Plan To Help Keep Your Relationship Going Strong
A 4-step Maintenance Plan To Help Keep Your Relationship Going Strong

by Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.

Early on, relationships are easy. Everything is new and exciting. You go on dates, take trips, spend time together and…

Galentine's Day Has Become A Thing – Why Hasn't Malentine's Day?
Galentine's Day Has Become A Thing – Why Hasn't Malentine's Day?

by Deana Rohlinger

Men seem more hesitant about both making friends and celebrating their friendships. On Feb. 13, women will celebrate…

How Social Tipping Points Could Limit Global Warming
How Social Tipping Points Could Limit Global Warming

by Alex Lenferna, et al

Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement goal of keeping global warming to 1.5°C requires a worldwide transformation to…

Our Social Lives And Sex Lives Are Key To Good Health
Our Social Lives And Sex Lives Are Key To Good Health

by U. Chicago

Having lunch with your friends may be just as important in keeping you alive as exercising, Linda Waite argues.

To Cut Your Dementia Risk, Grow Old With An Optimist?
To Cut Your Dementia Risk, Grow Old With An Optimist?

by Caroline Brooks

The study, with 4,500 heterosexual couples, indicates that having an optimistic partner may stave off the risk factors…

City Heat Islands Trick Trees Into Thinking It’s Spring
City Heat Islands Trick Trees Into Thinking It’s Spring

by Fred Love

Trees and vegetation in urban heat islands turn green earlier in the year but are less sensitive to temperature change…

How China Does Valentine's Day
How China Does Valentine's Day

by Wei Li

Americans celebrate love on Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day — a holiday named for Saint Valentine, a third-century Roman…

Duke The Dog's Plane Death Shows How Climate Change Complicates Pet Ownership
Duke The Dog's Plane Death Shows How Climate Change Complicates Pet Ownership

by Simone Blackman,et al

This summer’s bushfires and heatwaves may have led you to wonder how climate change will shape our lives. But have you…

How Toxic Sport Cultures Are Damaging Female Athletes' Health
How Toxic Sport Cultures Are Damaging Female Athletes' Health

by Holly Thorpe, et al

Recently, several elite sportswomen have spoken out about toxic sport culture and the damage it does to their long-term…

Valentine's Day: Gen Z Avoids Committed Relationships, Prefers Casual Hookups
Valentine's Day: Gen Z Avoids Committed Relationships, Prefers Casual Hookups

by Treena Orchard

As we lick our Valentine card envelopes and slip into something more comfortable, it’s a good time to ponder our sexual…

Women CEOs Negotiate Better Severance Than Men For All The Wrong Reasons
Women CEOs Negotiate Better Severance Than Men For All The Wrong Reasons

by Pierre Chaigneau

Over the last 20 years, the number of female CEOs leading S&P 500 firms has increased fivefold. But it’s a deceiving…

This Veggie Compound Fights Fatty Liver Disease
This Veggie Compound Fights Fatty Liver Disease

by Texas A&M University

A natural compound in many vegetables called indole may fight fatty liver disease, researchers report.

Why People Post Couple Photos As Their Social Media Profile Pictures
Why People Post Couple Photos As Their Social Media Profile Pictures

by Amanda L. Forest and Kori Krueger

In a recent study that we conducted, 29% of romantically involved Facebook users had a “couple” photo as their current…

Does Being Smart And Successful Lower Your Chances Of Getting Married?
Does Being Smart And Successful Lower Your Chances Of Getting Married?

by Yue Qian

The myth that educated women over 40 find it impossible to find a mate to marry prevails - but it has long been…

'Sea-level Rise Won't Affect My House' – Even Flood Maps Don't Sway Florida Coastal Residents
'Sea-level Rise Won't Affect My House' – Even Flood Maps Don't Sway Florida Coastal Residents

by Risa Palm and Toby W. Bolsen

To get people to stop and pay attention, successful advertising delivers information simply and with an emotional hook…

Breast Cancer: Eating Yoghurt Could Help Build Natural Microbiome
Breast Cancer: Eating Yoghurt Could Help Build Natural Microbiome

by Rachael Rigby

For each year that a woman breastfeeds, the risk that she will ever develop breast cancer is reduced by 4.3%, on…

Have Humans Really Evolved Beyond Nature?
Have Humans Really Evolved Beyond Nature?

by Manuel Berdoy

Our society has evolved so much, can we still say that we are part of Nature? If not, should we worry – and what should…

How Asian Guys Are Stereotyped And Excluded In Online Dating
How Asian Guys Are Stereotyped And Excluded In Online Dating

by Yue Qian

Many single people will be looking for their date online. In fact, this is now one of the most popular ways…

How Our Phones Disconnect Us When We're Together
How Our Phones Disconnect Us When We're Together

by Genavee Brown

Smartphones have changed the world. A quick glance around any street or communal space shows how dominant our favourite…

Running A Mile A Day Can Make Children Healthier – Here’s How Schools Can Make It More Fun
Running A Mile A Day Can Make Children Healthier – Here’s How Schools Can Make It More Fun

by Emily Marchant, et al

Children today spend more time sitting than ever before. And research shows that as they grow up, children tend to…

Love Is Good For Us, So Why Do Lawmakers Try To Break Us Up?
Love Is Good For Us, So Why Do Lawmakers Try To Break Us Up?

by John D. Cameron

Research in medicine, psychology and neuroscience demonstrates the powerful effects of love on our physical and mental…

5 Myths About The Moon
5 Myths About The Moon

by Daniel Brown

A supermoon is usually defined as the largest full moon possible. This is a very lose definition and roughly means this…

Why We Should Ban Forever Chemicals
Why We Should Ban Forever Chemicals

by Jonathan Van Hamme

Lowe’s recently joined the Home Depot and other major retail chains in phasing out the sale of products treated with…

Why Your Child Take Should Swimming Lessons?
Why Your Child Should Take Swimming Lessons?

by Michelle O'Shea, et al

Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional death from injury worldwide. From July 2018 to June 2019, 276…

How To Reduce Stress At Work And Prevent Burnout
How To Reduce Stress At Work And Prevent Burnout

by Sarah Tottle

How did those new year’s resolutions work out for you? Old habits will have already returned for many – you’re not…

Humility And Self-doubt Are Hallmarks Of A Good Therapist
Humility And Self-doubt Are Hallmarks Of A Good Therapist

by Helene A Nissen-Lie

‘The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: February 17 - 23, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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