Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

In this week's Astrological Journal, Pam refers to the month of April as a pressure cooker. I would probably use a bit more colorful language and call it the two weeks from hell. Wow! What an experience! Pressure cooker. Yup! Roller coaster? Definitely! I'm feeling a bit out of breath from all the ups and downs and turn-arounds. It's been interesting to say the least... A Chinese proverb is reputed to say, "May you live in interesting times" and it is considered both a blessing and a curse.

And of course, whether it is a blessing or a curse really depends on how we look at it, our reactions, and the choices we make. This week we bring you tools to help you navigate these tumultuous times and come out on the other side of the storm a stronger and more centered person.

We start with bringing you the icing on the cake by offering you "The Bubble: A Superhero Shield With Special Powers". We then suggest that we all learn about "Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable" as this is a trait that will help us keep our balance through the turbulence that life sometimes presents.

A lot of our discomfort with our reality is that we think the grass is greener on the other side of today... meaning tomorrow or anytime in the future. Changing our perception by changing our goals can help. Read "Pursuing Happiness for Tomorrow? Find Joy in Today" for insights. And also discover another perspective in "Becoming Aware of the Voices in Your Head".

We round up our featured articles with a look at what makes relationships successful in "Empathy and Attunement in Healthy and Successful Relationships"

And as usual, we have numerous additional articles for your enjoyment. Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

The format of the newsletter is a bit simpler this week... Due to the challenges we've had with the website, there hasn't been as much time available to "polish" the newsletter. However all the articles are there. The titles and photos are all "clickable" and you have access to all the new articles right here on this page.

If you experienced any difficulty with last week's newsletter, you should have experienced it from our shoes, LOL. Last week's newsletter was MIA for part of the week, but is there now if you weren't able to access it last week.

I leave you with this Irish Prayer:

May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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The Bubble: A Superhero Shield With Special Powers

The Bubble: A Superhero Shield With Special Powers

by Dominique Antiglio

Perhaps you’re feeling a little chaotic in your mind — or worrying about everything and losing sight of what is…

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

by Carla Marie Manly

It’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. “What?” you might exclaim. “I don’t want to be uncomfortable.…

Pursuing Happiness for Tomorrow? Find Joy in Today

Pursuing Happiness for Tomorrow? Find Joy in Today

by Christina Reeves and Dimitrios Spanos

During my own transformation, I came face-to-face with all my needs, wants, patterns and beliefs and I learned to see…

Becoming Aware of the Voices in Your Head

Becoming Aware of the Voices in Your Head

by LouAnne Lidwig

Once upon a time, a boy named Alexander was living on an island in the middle of the ocean. He was joined by a special…

Empathy and Attunement in Healthy and Successful Relationships

Empathy and Attunement in Healthy and Successful Relationships

by Marni Feuerman

The development of trust in a relationship is highly depen­dent upon two core concepts: empathy and attunement.…

The Better City Bike Maps Are Made By Volunteers

The Better City Bike Maps Are Made By Volunteers

by Colin Ferster and Meghan Winters

Not all bike routes are equal. Some places that are marked as bike routes on a map feel precarious when traversed on…

Hey Siri! Why Are Food Retailers So Slow To Embrace Technology?

Hey Siri! Why Are Food Retailers So Slow To Embrace Technology?

by Sylvain Charlebois

Your own voice will likely become the most significant focus for food retailers and restaurants over the next little…

Why Can't We Fix Our Own Electronic Devices?

Why Can't We Fix Our Own Electronic Devices?

by Sara Behdad

Traditionally, when a car breaks down, the solution has been to fix it. Repair manuals, knowledgeable mechanics and…

What Makes The Impossible Burger Look And Taste Like Real Beef?

What Makes The Impossible Burger Look And Taste Like Real Beef?

by Mark R. O'Brian

People eat animals that eat plants. If we just eliminate that middle step and eat plants directly, we would diminish…

Why Fox News Isn’t The Entire Problem

Why Fox News Isn’t The Entire Problem

by Michael J. Socolow

Recently, The New York Times purported to explain “How Rupert Murdoch’s Empire of Influence Remade the World.” This…

Empathy Is The Secret Ingredient That Makes Cooperation And Civilization Possible

Empathy Is The Secret Ingredient That Makes Cooperation And Civilization Possible

by Arunas L. Radzvilavicius

Human societies are so prosperous mostly because of how altruistic we are. Unlike other animals, people cooperate even…

Why Pay Transparency Alone Won't Eliminate The Persistent Wage Gap Between Men And Women

Why Pay Transparency Alone Won't Eliminate The Persistent Wage Gap Between Men And Women

by Nancy Modesitt

No matter how you slice the data, women in the U.S. earn a lot less than men. A typical woman working full-time makes…

3 Ways Pollution Can Be Turned Into Something Useful

3 Ways Pollution Can Be Turned Into Something Useful

by Maria Sotenko

Solving environmental problems usually just means cleaning up the mess people have made. But scientists are…

This Is What Postnatal Depression Really Feels Like

This Is What Postnatal Depression Really Feels Like

by Rachel Leonard, et al

Motherhood can be a source of joy, but it can also pose difficulties and challenges – particularly, in the postnatal…

Can A Country Can Never Be Too Rich, Too Beautiful Or Too Full Of People

Can A Country Be Too Rich, Too Beautiful Or Too Full Of People

by Jay L. Zagorsky

“Our Country is FULL!” U.S. President Donald Trump recently tweeted. He was referring to immigrants, but the rhetorical…

Why It's Hard To Remove, Or Even Diagnose, Mentally Ill Or Unstable Presidents

Why It's Hard To Remove, Or Even Diagnose, Mentally Ill Or Unstable Presidents

by John Rogan and Joseph J. Fins

In the wake of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, members of Congress set out to update the procedures for…

A User's Guide To Self-driving Cars

A User's Guide To Self-driving Cars

by Francesco Biondi

You may remember the cute Google self-driving car. In 2014, the tech giant announced their brand-new prototype of what…

Tackling Climate Change With Small, Sensitive Interventions

Tackling Climate Change With Small, Sensitive Interventions

by Matthew Carl Ives, et al

Search online for “climate change” and “tipping points” and you’ll find some scary results.

How It Can Take A Village To Feed Hungry Kids In Schools

How It Can Take A Village To Feed Hungry Kids In Schools

by Sarah Riggs Stapleton

One in 6 American children faces hunger and 3 out of 4 teachers report regularly seeing hungry kids in their…

A New Drug Promises To Lower Risks Of Asthma Attack

A New Drug Promises To Lower Risks Of Asthma Attack

by Himanshu Kaul

A recent study shows that a gamechanger drug called Fevipiprant promises to lower patients’ risks of suffering an…

What Happens To Rural And Small Town Trump Voters After Trump Is Gone?

What Happens To Rural And Small Town Trump Voters After Trump Is Gone?

by J. Edwin Benton

If one word can capture the sentiment of rural and small-town dwellers in recent years, it is “resentment.”

Why The US Great Plains Has Such Epic Weather

Why The US Great Plains Has Such Epic Weather

by Russ Schumacher

From 78 degrees on Tuesday to snow on Wednesday? Swings like this aren’t unusual in the central United States, where…

Electric Bikes Can Boost Older People's Mental Performance And Their Well-being

Electric Bikes Can Boost Older People's Mental Performance And Their Well-being

by Louise-Ann Leyland, et

Getting on your bicycle can give you an enormous sense of freedom and enjoyment. It can increase your independence and…

When People Downsize To Tiny Houses, They Adopt More Environmentally Friendly Lifestyles

When People Downsize To Tiny Houses, They Adopt More Environmentally Friendly Lifestyles

by Maria Saxton

Interest is surging in tiny homes – livable dwelling units that typically measure under 400 square feet. Much of this…

Should I Say Disabled Person Or Person With A Disability'??

Should I Say Disabled Person Or Person With A Disability'??

by Mary Ann McColl

Recently, an Alberta woman with an obvious physical disability was asked to leave a grocery store and not come back…

Did A Censored Female Writer Inspire Hemingway's Famous Style?

Did A Censored Female Writer Inspire Hemingway's Famous Style?

by Cynthia Wachtell

Virtually everyone has heard of Ernest Hemingway. But you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who knows of Ellen N. La…

Data Show How American Mothers Balance Work And Family

How American Mothers Balance Work And Family

by Alexandra Killewald and Xiaolin Zhuo

Almost 70% of American mothers with children under 18 work for pay. But motherhood remains disruptive for many women’s…

How Our Sense Of Taste Changes As We Age

How Our Sense Of Taste Changes As We Age

by Anita Setarehnejad and Ruth Fairchild

Taste is a complex phenomenon. We do not experience the sensation through a single sense (as we would when we see…

Michelle Obama Is A Surprise Textbook Example Of How Women Thrive And Grow

Michelle Obama Is A Surprise Textbook Example Of How Women Thrive And Grow

by Ruthellen Josselson

Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” can be read in many ways: as a political memoir, as a story of being black and aspiring in…

How US Tax Laws Discriminate Against Women, Gays And People Of Color

How US Tax Laws Discriminate Against Women, Gays And People Of Color

by Anthony C. Infanti

What and how a country chooses to tax says a lot about its values. A core value built into the DNA of America, for…

Why Giant Statues Of Hindu Gods And Leaders Are Making Muslims In India Nervous

Why Giant Statues Of Hindu Gods And Leaders Are Making Muslims In India Nervous

by Indulata Prasad

Statues – big statues, the largest in the world – are being built all across India. Like many public monuments, they…

Why Fathers Are Vitally Important To Their Kids' Health And To Public Health Research

Why Fathers Are Vitally Important To Their Kids' Health And To Public Health Research

by Jess Haines

Helping our children to develop healthy eating, exercise and screen-time behaviours is an important public health goal…

How Technology Is Transforming Farming

How Technology Is Transforming Farming

by Sarah Rotz and Mervyn Horgan

There’s a lot of talk about digital technology and smartcities, but what about smart farms?

Rejection Of Subsidies For Coal And Nuclear Power Is A Win For Fact-based Policymaking

Rejection Of Subsidies For Coal And Nuclear Power Is A Win For Fact-based Policymaking

by Ellen Hughes-Cromwick

Energy Secretary Rick Perry has repeatedly expressed concern over the past year about the reliability of our national…

Why Some Firms Are Getting Rid Of Middle Managers

Why Some Firms Are Getting Rid Of Middle Managers

by Massimo Garbuio and Nidthida Lin

The trend of “flat” organisations is catching on at some of the world’s biggest companies. It’s easy to see the appeal…

Should Euthanasia Be Available For People With Existential Suffering?

Should Euthanasia Be Available For People With Existential Suffering?

by Xavier Symons and Udo Schüklenk

Euthanasia debates often focus on people experiencing unbearable physiological or psychological suffering. But research…

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Why It's Time To Lay The Stereotype Of The Teen Brain To Rest

by Dan Romer

A deficit in the development of the teenage brain has been blamed for teens’ behavior in recent years, but it may be…

How To Pay For A Green New Deal

How To Pay For A Green New Deal

by Edward Barbier

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey are calling for a “Green New Deal” that would involve massive…

Why Scandinavia May Not Be The Happiest Place On Earth After All

Why Scandinavia May Not Be The Happiest Place On Earth After All

by Ziggi Ivan Santini, et al

The Nordic countries are consistently ranked as the happiest countries in the world according to World Happiness…

How Taking Selfies Can Take You Out Of The Moment

How Taking Selfies Can Take You Out Of The Moment

by Eileen Reynolds

Taking pictures for the purpose of sharing can detract from the enjoyment of the experience, according to new research.

The Hard Facts On Viagra

The Hard Facts On Viagra

by Nial Wheate

Viagra is one brand name of a drug that is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence): the inability to get, and…

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How People Manage Their Intake Of Tempting Foods

by Jennifer Gatzemeier, et al

It’s happened to most of us – we walk past a restaurant, cafe or bakery and something catches our attention. A…

How Clean Is Your City? Just Ask The Bees

How Clean Is Your City? Just Ask The Bees

by Kate E. Smith, et al

There’s a good chance you live in a city — or will soon. According to estimates by the United Nations, two out of every…

Pet Owners Want To Be Masters, Not Servants – Which Is Why We Value Dogs More Than Cats

Pet Owners Want To Be Masters, Not Servants – Which Is Why We Value Dogs More Than Cats

by Colleen P. Kirk

Cat videos may rule the internet, but dogs possess mastery of their owners’ hearts – at least if spending is any guide.

How An Industrialized Global Food Supply Chain Threatens Human Health

How An Industrialized Global Food Supply Chain Threatens Human Health

by Robyn Metcalfe

In an outbreak that has now run for more than 28 months, at least 279 people across 41 states have fallen ill with…

10 Rules Of Email That Will Reduce Your Stress Levels

10 Rules Of Email That Will Reduce Your Stress Levels

by Ricardo Twumasi, et al

Email and smart phones can be stressful. Academics are calling this constant work connection “technostress”.…

Do We Really Own Our Digital Possessions?

Do We Really Own Our Digital Possessions?

by Rebecca Mardon

Microsoft has announced that it will close the books category of its digital store. While other software and apps will…

Does Eating Two Teaspoons Of Nuts Really Boost Your Brain Function?

Does Eating Two Teaspoons Of Nuts Really Boost Your Brain Function?

by Sandra-Ilona Sunram-Lea

Dementia is a cruel disease that robs people of their memory, their judgement and their identity. Unfortunately, there…

The Legal Conflict Between Equality Rights And Freedom Of Religion

The Legal Conflict Between Equality Rights And Freedom Of Religion

by Bethany Hastie and Margot Young

From conflicts over wedding cakes to university admissions to religious schools, the tension between equality rights…

Why Technology May Be Making Us Unhealthy And Miserable

Why Technology May Be Making Us Unhealthy And Miserable

by Sarah Steele, et al

Social media and screens are omnipresent. Many are concerned about the amount of time we – and our children – spend on…

Camera Traps Are Revealing Animal's Secret Lives

Camera Traps Are Revealing Animal's Secret Lives

by Sian Green

Wildlife populations are declining globally, but it’s not all doom and gloom. We’re in the midst of an exciting time…

dont foolow the herd 4 7

How Herd Thinking Can Make Us Worse At Forecasting

by Kurt Greenbaum

Herding behavior can make us “individually smarter, but collectively dumber,” according to new research on how people…

Pregnant Women Can Reduce Risk Of Stillbirth By Sleeping On Their Side

Pregnant Women Can Reduce Risk Of Stillbirth By Sleeping On Their Side

by Lesley McCowan and Robin Cronin

A New Zealand-led international study published today provides the strongest evidence yet that women can more than…

How To Grow Okra In Containers

by California Gardening

In today's episode we show you how to grow an okra variety called Nombo Giant okra in containers. This okra variety…

Artificial Intelligence Can Now Emulate Human Behaviors And Soon It Will Be Dangerously Good

Artificial Intelligence Can Now Emulate Human Behaviors And Soon It Will Be Dangerously Good

by Ana Santos Rutschman

When artificial intelligence systems start getting creative, they can create great things – and scary ones.

The New Truth About Aspirin

The New Truth About Aspirin

by Inderveer Mahal

For decades, millions of patients have been taking a daily Aspirin in an attempt to prevent hearts attacks and strokes.

Want To Save Millions Of Migratory Birds?

Want To Save Millions Of Migratory Birds?

by Dan Mennill

Billions of migratory birds pass through the night sky each spring and fall. Birds use stars to orient their journey…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: April 15th - 21st, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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