Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

While we know that it is important in life to deal with "what is", we also need to focus on "what is to be" or what we wish the future to be. This week we look at both. We bring you an "Exercise: Sitting with the Shadow" and Emma Mardlin encourages us to "Become A Master Reframer – Seeing Negative Stuff Differently".

We are entering "A New Age of Enlightenment: Spiritual Warriors Motivated By Love" and Joyce Vissell reminds us that "What Your Attention Is Upon, You Become". Marc Lesser offers us "The Key For A More Peaceful World: Seeing Similarities, Offering Kindness".

This weekly newsletter provides you an easy place to find the new articles that were added to the InnerSelf website throughout the week, since the home page is changing rapidly during the week because we are adding articles and videos each day... so they scroll off the page during the week. The newsletter gives you the whole gamut, or a snap-shot of the whole week. 

For those of you who are used to having the "early bird" version online on Saturday morning, due to the new format, we are still working out how to make that accessible.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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A New Age of Enlightenment: Spiritual Warriors Motivated By Love

Written by Carley Mattimore and Linda Star Wolf

A New Age of Enlightenment: Spiritual Warriors Motivated By Love

In this time of upheaval, with old systems fighting to keep a stronghold on established patriarchal forms of hierarchy and separation, we are each being summoned to embrace our spiritual warrior to make a difference in our world. We are called to stand in sacred truth...

Exercise: Sitting with the Shadow

Written by Raven Digitalis

Exercise: Sitting with the Shadow

We all have it ... those inner voices of pessimism and opti­mism ... an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. In fact, global religions throughout time have long attributed spiri­tual titles to these forces, often seeing them as external forces that affect our inner lives.

Become A Master Reframer – Seeing Negative Stuff Differently

Written by Emma Mardlin, Ph.D.

Become A Master Reframer – Seeing Negative Stuff Differently

You can turn negative situations on their head. This isn’t to say that bad or negative things don’t happen; rather that, if it does, you can look at what you can do about it by viewing things differently and looking for alternative meanings.

The Key For A More Peaceful World: Seeing Similarities, Offering Kindness

Written by Marc Lesser

The Key For A More Peaceful World: Seeing Similarities, Offering Kindness

These two practices, seeing similarities and offering kind­ness, are incredibly rich in terms of building inner resources and incredibly valuable for loosening our fears and biases and allowing us to see that we are all one tribe, one family — the human family.

What Your Attention Is Upon, You Become

Written by Joyce Vissell

What Your Attention Is Upon, You Become

When our three children were living with us, we had a family dinner each night. As we were eating, we always asked, “Tell us something good that happened to you today.” We all took turns telling something good that had happened. We wanted our children to focus first on the good in life.

3 Ways Cities Can Help Feed The World

3 Ways Cities Can Help Feed The World

by Silvio Caputo

Climate change is underway, and human activities such as urbanisation, industrialisation and food production are key…

What Your Pet's Microchip Has To Do With The Mark Of The Beast

What Your Pet's Microchip Has To Do With The Mark Of The Beast

by Jordan Frith

An almost invisible electronic device used all over the world – best known to much of the public for helping reunite…

Should Measles Vaccinations Be Compulsory?

Should Measles Vaccinations Be Compulsory?

by Tom Solomon

Following a measles outbreak in Rockland County in New York State, authorities there have declared a state of…

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Muhammad Was An Anticlerical Hero Of The European Enlightenment

by John Tolan

Publishing the Quran and making it available in translation was a dangerous enterprise in the 16th century, apt to…

Does Cannabis During Pregnancy Raise Child’s Psychosis Risk?

Does Cannabis During Pregnancy Raise Child’s Psychosis Risk?

by Gerry Everding

Pregnant women who use cannabis may slightly increase the risk their child will develop psychosis later in life…

The Global Race For Groundwater Speeds Up To Feed Agriculture's Growing Needs

The Global Race For Groundwater Speeds Up To Feed Agriculture's Growing Needs

by Grant Ferguson and Jennifer C. McIntosh

Water is becoming a scarce resource in many parts of the world. Water tables have been falling in many regions for…

The Challenge Of Drawing A Line Between Objectionable Material And Freedom Of Expression Online

The Challenge Of Drawing A Line Between Objectionable Material And Freedom Of Expression Online

by Philippa Smith

When it comes to debates about free speech that needs to be protected and hate speech that needs to be legislated, the…

Raising Children Under Suspicion And Criminalization

Raising Children Under Suspicion And Criminalization

by Sinikka Elliott

Many were horrified by the viral video of New York City police officers ripping Jazmine Headley’s one-year-old from her…

If You're Not Sleeping At Work, You Should Be Fired

If You're Not Sleeping At Work, You Should Be Fired

by Jamie Gruman

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Why You Need To Keep Your Voice Down When On A Wildlife Tour

Why You Need To Keep Your Voice Down When On A Wildlife Tour

by Sarah Papworth

Anyone who has ever spent time observing wild animals in nature will know that silence is golden.

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Intuitive Eating: Here's A Diet That Actually Makes Sense

by Melissa Barker

Diets for weight loss usually involve restriction. The 5:2 diet relies on restricting calories, and the ketogenic diet…

How Unjust Social Structures Help Some But Harm Others

How Unjust Social Structures Help Some But Harm Others

by Shervin Assari

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The Green New Deal Is Already Changing The Terms Of The Climate Action Debate

The Green New Deal Is Already Changing The Terms Of The Climate Action Debate

by Rebecca Willis

What a splendid irony it would be if the enduring legacy of Donald Trump’s presidency was the Green New Deal – a…

How Nepal’s Rivers Give Green Power To Remote Areas

How Nepal’s Rivers Give Green Power To Remote Areas

by Duke University

Researchers are investigating a method of creating power from fast moving streams that many rural areas in Nepal use.

More Adults Wrongly Think Vaping Is Worse Than Cigarettes

More Adults Wrongly Think Vaping Is Worse Than Cigarettes

by Jennifer Rainey Marquez

An increasing number of US adults believe e-cigarettes are as or more harmful to health than cigarettes, research finds.

What Causes Greed And How Can We Deal With It?

What Causes Greed And How Can We Deal With It?

by Laura E. Alexander

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What Parents Should Do To Help Students Prepare For The First Year Of College

What Parents Should Do To Help Students Prepare For The First Year Of College

by Lara Schwartz and Andrea Brenner

As the school year begins to wind down, high school seniors – and those who care about them – typically have their eyes…

Pollen Is Getting Worse, But You Can Make Things Better

Pollen Is Getting Worse, But You Can Make Things Better

by Kara Wada

Blooming spring flowers signal the beginning of spring, but for millions of people, they also signal the onset of the…

Tropical Diseases Will Ride Mosquitoes Really Far North

Why Tropical Diseases Will Ride Mosquitoes Really Far North

by Steve Orlando

Nearly half a billion more people could be at risk for contracting mosquito-borne diseases in the next 30 years as a…

How Children's Books Have Written Mom Out Of The Story

How Children's Books Have Written Mom Out Of The Story

by Michaela Mahlberg and Anna Cermakova

Here’s an interesting fact for Mothering Sunday. When it comes to children’s books, the word “mother” is the most…

How Immigration Helps Us Rather Than Harms Us

How Immigration Helps Us Rather Than Harms Us

by Robert Breunig

It has not only boosted gross domestic product and budget revenue, as would be expected when with more people, but also…

How DNA Ancestry Testing Can Change Our Ideas Of Who We Are

How DNA Ancestry Testing Can Change Our Ideas Of Who We Are

by Caitlin Curtis

Have you ever wondered who you are or where you come from? I think it’s a fundamental human desire to want to know this.

Why Doing Your Taxes Shouldn't Make You Crazy

Why Doing Your Taxes Shouldn't Make You Crazy

by Jay L. Zagorsky

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Sitting And Diabetes In Older Adults: Does Timing Matter?

Sitting And Diabetes In Older Adults: Does Timing Matter?

by John Bellettiere, et al

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7 Unexpected Things That Libraries Offer Besides Books

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by Mila Gascó-Hernández

Local libraries are often thought of as places to check out books or engage in some silent reading. But libraries offer…

Why Every Child Matters And What Principals Need To Effectively Lead Inclusive Schools

Why Every Child Matters And What Principals Need To Effectively Lead Inclusive Schools

by Steve Sider

Canadians continue to grapple with what it means to be an inclusive society. Despite a general trend to inclusive…

How to Grow Cilantro or Coriander or Chinese Parsley

by California Gardening

Learn how to grow Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), also known as cilantro, Chinese parsley or dhania and see how to…

What Should Our Maximum Heart Rate Be During Exercise?

What Should Our Maximum Heart Rate Be During Exercise?

by Angela Spence

When you exercise, your heart and breathing rates increase, delivering greater quantities of oxygen from the lungs to…

One Way To Cut Anxiety

One Way To Cut Anxiety

by National University of Singapore

Reducing the number of debt accounts lowers the mental burden of people in poverty, research finds.

Why Tax In Denmark Is A Term Of Affection

Why Tax In Denmark Is A Term Of Affection

by Andrew Scott

In Denmark, you might walk in the door and call out for your “skat” or your “treasure” as a greeting to your family.

Escaping The Vicious Circle Of Going Paycheck To Paycheck

Escaping The Vicious Circle Of Going Paycheck To Paycheck

by Magdalena Cismaru

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To Help Students Overcome Setbacks, They Need To Develop Academic Buoyancy

To Help Students Overcome Setbacks, They Need To Develop Academic Buoyancy

by Astrid Helene Kendrick

Teachers, parents, and academics have become increasingly concerned about the increase of mental health distress in…

Is There A Path Forward That Could Help The Poor, Not Harm Them?

Is There A Path Forward That Could Help The Poor, Not Harm Them?

by Simon F. Haeder

President Trump enthusiastically declared on March 26, 2019, that Republicans will be known as “the party of health…

How Probiotics Can Evolve Inside The Body

How Probiotics Can Evolve Inside The Body

by Tamara Bhandari

Probiotics can evolve inside the body and have the potential to become less effective and sometimes even harmful, new…

Why Sexual Harassment Penalties Don't Work

Why Sexual Harassment Penalties Don't Work

by Liz Entman

The current federal cap on monetary damages for workplace sexual harassment is far too low to incentivize firms to take…

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Why It's A Mistake To Celebrate The Crackdown On Hate Websites

by Natasha Tusikov

The torch-lit march by armed white supremacists recently in Charlottesville, Va., continues to generate debate about…

Easy and Simple Cucumber Trellis for Vertical Growing

by CaliforniaGardener

Here is a very easy way to trellis your cucumbers to grow vertically rather than have them spread over your garden.…

Canada Is Becoming A Lonely Place, And That’s Good News For The Food Industry

Canada Is Becoming A Lonely Place, And That’s Good News For The Food Industry

by Sylvain Charlebois

The number of single-person households in Canada has never been higher. It appears Canada is catching up to the rest of…

India Destroys Its Own Satellite With A Test Missile, Still Says Space Is For Peace

India Destroys Its Own Satellite With A Test Missile, Still Says Space Is For Peace

by Bin Li

On March 27, India announced it had successfully conducted an anti-satellite (ASAT) missile test, called “Mission…

A Philosophical Approach To Routines Can Illuminate Who We Really Are

A Philosophical Approach To Routines Can Illuminate Who We Really Are

by Elias Anttila

There are hundreds of things we do – repeatedly, routinely – every day. We wake up, check our phones, eat our meals…

Your Car Is More Likely To Be Hacked By Your Mechanic Than A Terrorist

Your Car Is More Likely To Be Hacked By Your Mechanic Than A Terrorist

by Richard Matthews

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What Is The Best Sense? Scientists Are Still Battling It Out

by Harriet Dempsey-Jones

If there is one thing Twitter has taught us, it’s that the world loves a question that sounds stupid, but actually has…

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Why Our Faith In Information Is Faltering When We Most Need Facts

by Sean Holman

We shouldn’t need a Super Bowl commercial costing around $10 million to remind us that information is supposed to…

Why Sleep Training Will Not Hurt Your Child

Why Sleep Training Will Not Hurt Your Child

by Stephanie Liu

As a mom I couldn’t stand hearing my daughter cry herself to sleep, but as a physician I knew that sleep training was…

The Mystery Of Stay At Home Dads

The Mystery Of Stay At Home Dads

by Richard Fletcher

The picture of a dad with a toddler in his arms happily waving as mum heads off to work is attractive – it suggests a…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

 horoscope current week by pam younghans

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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