Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Energy! It can seem like it's the elusive ingredient in our lives at times. We might find ourselves saying we need more energy! The good news is that we humans are powered by renewable energy. Every day we wake up and we have a new blank slate, a new 24-hours, and a new refreshed tank of energy. Though sometimes, we may feel like our tank is not being refilled and is almost dry.

This week our authors help us look at energy... what it is, how to connect with it, and what it really all about... Alan Cohen leads the way with "Where To Get More Love and Healing Energy" and Nancy Windheart continues with "Remain Open To Miracles Without Attachment To How They Manifest" for after all miracles are simply manifested energy.

Then, Will Wilkenson continues by looking at how we use our energy and asks "What Is A Visionary Activist? Can You Be One?" Will defines a visionary activist as someone who "is committed to focusing their energy towards positive change in world". Alan Seale delves into the world of quantum physics with "How the World Works—Three Basic Energy Principles".

Eileen Workman helps us reflect on how we use our daly quota in "Walk With Joy: Discover The Limitless Nature Of Who You Truly Are" and Pierre Pradervand rounds it all up with a blessing in "An Infinitely Friendly Universe: The Invisible Divine Order Behind Everything"

I mentioned last week that we were working on upgrading the website. This has been a work in progress for several months, and we are now approaching the culmination of all those hours of dedicated work. So I reiterate my invitation for you to let us know if there are problems on the website. If you discover errors, broken links, we invite you to contact us either by replying to this email or via the Contact Us form on the website (accessible from the Home Page and the This & That menu). Your help is appreciated. If you report an error, please describe the error and provide the link of the page you were on when it occurred. The more info the better, so we can identify the problem and fix it. Thank you.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week. You might notice that we have introduced more videos, among them recipes.

The weekly newsletter provides you an easy place to find the new articles that were added throughout the week, since the home page is changing several times during the week because we are adding a lot more articles and videos each day... so they scroll off the page during the week. The newsletter gives you the whole gamut.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Where To Get More Love and Healing Energy

Written by Alan Cohen

Where To Get More Love and Healing Energy

Many spiritual paths and religions teach you to draw energy from your mentor, guru, or savior. If you absorb positive healing energy, you will be healed. Yet eventually you must consider whether or not the healing energy is coming from outside you or from within you.

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Remain Open To Miracles Without Attachment To How They Manifest

Written by Nancy Windheart 

Remain Open To Miracles Without Attachment To How They Manifest

I have these words on the bulletin board above my desk: Expect Miracles. In my healing and animal communication practice, I am incredibly blessed to be able to witness miracles almost every day.

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What Is A Visionary Activist? Can You Be One?

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

What Is A Visionary Activist? How Can You Be One?

A visionary activist understands that their every thought, feeling, word, and action generates a ripple effect throughout the field of consciousness, unlimited by space and time. He/she is committed to focusing their energy towards positive change in world. They are obsessed with achieving one impossible goal, from the inside out.

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How the World Works—Three Basic Energy Principles

Written by Alan Seale

How the World Works—Three Basic Energy Principles

Everything is energy. Energy in its pure form is neutral. It’s not good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative. What gives energy a particular quality is how we engage with it and how we use it.

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Walk With Joy: Discover The Limitless Nature Of Who You Truly Are

Written by Eileen Workman

Walk With Joy: Discover The Limitless Nature Of Who You Truly Are

With this body, I’ve discovered I’m able to deliver into this world a virtually infinite spectrum of creative energy – from love, joy, creativity, beauty, sensuality, passion, intimacy; to sorrow, fear, pain, horror, despair and suffering. The choice of what to deliver is ever mine.

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An Infinitely Friendly Universe: The Invisible Divine Order Behind Everything

Written by Pierre Pradervand

An Infinitely Friendly Universe: The Invisible Divine Order Behind Everything

I bless the amazing divine order in nature, from the tiniest molecule to the rolling of the galaxies in our stupendous universe. I bless the divine order in my life and that of my neighbor, even when to  the  human  sense of  things  this  order is  all  but apparent …

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It Would Cost You 20 Cents More Per T-shirt To Pay An Indian Worker A Living Wage

It Would Cost You 20 Cents More Per T-shirt To Pay An Indian Worker A Living Wage

by Murray Ross Hall and Thomas Wiedmann

If we really care about protecting the people who make the things we wear and use, we need to raise wages for workers…

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Feeding Farm Animals Seaweed Could Help Fight Antibiotic Resistance And Climate Change

Feeding Farm Animals Seaweed Could Help Fight Antibiotic Resistance And Climate Change

by Lauren Ford and Pamela Judith Walsh

Demand for food is increasing rapidly – the global population is expected to reach 11.2 billion by 2100. To keep up…

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What If, For Workplace Parity, We Focused On Men Instead Of Women?

What If, For Workplace Parity, We Focused On Men Instead Of Women?

by Rachael Bolton

Boosting workforce participation has been the gender catchcry for at least a decade.

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When Parents Play Favorites, What Happens To The Kids?

When Parents Play Favorites, What Happens To The Kids?

by Sheri Madigan and Jennifer Jenkins

Many siblings, when they get together as adults, joke about which child was loved the most. But is it really a joke or…

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What An Army Of Young Conservationists Could Achieve

What An Army Of Young Conservationists Could Achieve

by Michelle Bloor

The school climate strikes show that young people want to fight climate change, but their enthusiasm for collective…

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Jacinda Ardern's Christchurch Speech: Let Us Be The Nation We Believe Ourselves To Be

by Guardian News

'What words adequately express the pain and suffering of 50 men, women and children lost, and so many injured?' asked…

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Why We Live In The Golden Age Of Housework

Why We Live In The Golden Age Of Housework

by Leah Ruppanner

We live in the golden age of housework, where robot vacuums can spend hours pirouetting around the living room.

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Groovy Findings: How And Why Music Moves You

Groovy Findings: How And Why Music Moves You

by Tomas Matthews

When Stevie Wonder’s 1972 hit “Superstition” comes on, you might find yourself bobbing your head, tapping your feet and…

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Is Common Law Marriage A Myth Nearing Its End?

Is Common Law Marriage A Myth Nearing Its End?

by Simon Duncan

Loved up and living together. But your relationship might not be as secure as you think it is.

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Have We Got The Cause Of Alzheimer's Disease All Wrong?

Have We Got The Cause Of Alzheimer's Disease All Wrong?

by Vicky Jones

Early in the 20th century, Alois Alzheimer first described a disorder of progressive memory loss and confusion in a…

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There Is An Emissions Inequality Between Global Rich And Poor

There Is An Emissions Inequality Between Global Rich And Poor

by Nicholas Beuret

American congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently shook up environmental politics by releasing a broad outline…

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Why Sometimes Active People Put On More Weight Than Couch Potatoes

Why Sometimes Active People Put On More Weight Than Couch Potatoes

by Alex Johnstone

Governments are always telling us to eat less and exercise more to be healthier, but this presents an obvious problem.

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Is Technology Killing Our Ability To Talk Face To Face?

Is Technology Killing Our Ability To Talk Face To Face?

by Melanie Chan

What with Facetime, Skype, Whatsapp and Snapchat, for many people, face-to-face conversation is used less and less…

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Why We Still Struggle With Work-home Conflict In Women And Men

Why We Still Struggle With Work-Home Conflict In Women And Men

by Kate O'Brien

Still in 2019 women and men grapple with how best to balance work and other responsibilities in and out of the home.

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Feeling Anxious? Being Kind Can Change That

Feeling Anxious? Being Kind Can Change That


Rather than focusing on ways to lift your own anxiety, focus on wishing others well. New research suggests that could…

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Tweets About Embarrassment Have Spiked In Trump Era

Tweets About Embarrassment Have Spiked In Trump Era

by Caroline Brooks

There has been a 45-percent increase in people tweeting about embarrassment since President Donald Trump took office…

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How What You Eat Shapes The Health Of Your Lungs

How What You Eat Shapes The Health Of Your Lungs

by Lisa Wood

We all understand that eating too much of the wrong foods – those that are high in energy and low in nutrients, such as…

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How to make egg salad 2 easy ways

by Clean & Delicious

Egg salad is an easy, healthy recipe that can be with or without mayonnaise, depending on your preference. Learn how to…

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Glaucoma Is Vision's Silent Killer

Glaucoma Is Vision's Silent Killer

by Langis Michaud

Like high blood pressure, glaucoma is a devious disease. It develops without causing symptoms obvious to the average…

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Ibn Tufayl And The Story Of The Feral Child Of Philosophy

Ibn Tufayl And The Story Of The Feral Child Of Philosophy

by Marwa Elshakry and Murad Idris

Ibn Tufayl, a 12th-century Andalusian, fashioned the feral child in philosophy. His story Hayy ibn Yaqzan is the tale…

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Are Smart Speakers Listening To More Than You Think

Are Smart Speakers Listening To More Than You Think

by James Parker

Smart speakers equipped with digital voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa are now the fastest-growing consumer…

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Are Kegel Exercises Actually Good For You?

Are Kegel Exercises Actually Good For You?

by Melissa Kang

The good thing about Kegel exercises is that you can do them pretty much anywhere.

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Sorting Out The Real In The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Sorting Out The Real In The Fourth Industrial Revolution

by Alex Broadbent

The phrase “fourth industrial revolution” has become ubiquitous. It’s meant to denote a huge shift in the socioeconomic…

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Why Extreme Weather News May Not Change Climate Change Skeptics' Minds

Why Extreme Weather News May Not Change Climate Change Skeptics' Minds

by Ryan Weber

The year 2018 brought particularly devastating natural disasters, including hurricanes, droughts, floods and fires …

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Braised red cabbage is an easy healthy side dish

by Clean & Delicious

Braised red cabbage is sweet, sour, tender and buttery. It's an easy healthy side dish to serve alongside side roasted…

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What's Really Happening At The Border

by The Young Turks

Cenk Uygur speaks with Ieva Jusionyte about the injuries and illnesses encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border on The…

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How Challenging Masculine Stereotypes Is Good For Men

How Challenging Masculine Stereotypes Is Good For Men

by Michelle Stratemeyer et al

A man sits in a doctor’s office after months of his wife’s increasingly desperate pleas for him to seek professional…

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Parents Should Monitor Their Child's Weight From The Age Of Two

Parents Should Monitor Their Child's Weight From The Age Of Two

by Lamiece Hassan

One in five children in England are overweight by the time they start primary school. Nationally, children are weighed…

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Think Direct Eye Contact Makes Someone Trustworthy?

Think Direct Eye Contact Makes Someone Trustworthy?

by Jennifer Jordan

We usually interpret someone looking us straight in the eye during an interaction as a sign of trustworthiness. In fact…

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Pets And Owners Can Learn A Lot About One By Studying The Other

Pets And Owners Can Learn A Lot About One By Studying The Other

by Paul McGreevy and Pauleen Bennett

There’s an old saying that pets and their owners become more similar as time goes by. There may be some truth in that…

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Saying no is hard. These communication tips make it easy.

by Michelle Tillis Lederman, Big Think

Give yourself permission to say "no" to things. Saying yes to everything is a fast way to burn out. • Learn to say no…

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Is Suicide Contagious?

Is Suicide Contagious?

by Anna Mueller and Seth Abrutyn

Over the past two weeks, two students who survived the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in…

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How to make a juicy baked chicken breast

by Clean & Delicious

Baked chicken breasts that are super juicy and flavorful. Learn my simple tips to avoid making baked chicken breasts…

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How To Adapt To The Future Of work

How To Adapt To The Future Of Work In An AI World

by Nadia Naffi

The ancestors of modern birds were the sole survivors of one of the most severe mass extinction events in the history…

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How Ending Obamacare Could Affect Tens Of Millions Of Americans


President Trump promised to protect healthcare for people with pre-existing conditions, but his administration is now…

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Food As Medicine: Your Brain Really Does Want You To Eat More Veggies

Food As Medicine: Your Brain Really Does Want You To Eat More Veggies

by Felice Jacka

As well as our physical health, the quality of our diet matters for our mental and brain health.

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Why Fear And Anger Are Rational Responses To Climate Change

Why Fear And Anger Are Rational Responses To Climate Change

by Quan Nguyen

Not everyone cheered for the school children striking against climate change. In the US, democratic senator Dianne…

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Insect Species In Britain That Prefer Crops Prosper While Majority Decline

Insect Species That Prefer Crops Prosper While Majority Decline

by Stuart Reynolds

Many species of flower-visiting insect are in trouble in Britain, according to a new report from the Centre for Ecology…

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Full-day Kindergarten — The Best Of What We Imagined Is Happening In Classrooms

Full-Day Kindergarten — The Best Of What We Imagined Is Happening In Classrooms

by Charles E. Pascal

The classroom is bright with enough room for 26 kindergarten kids to move around their stations of discovery.

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White Nationalism, Born In The USA, Is Now A Global Terror Threat

White Nationalism, Born In The USA, Is Now A Global Terror Threat

by Art Jipson and Paul J. Becker

The recent massacre of 50 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand is the latest confirmation…

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Why the ocean you know and love won’t exist in 50 years

by David Wallace Wells, Big Think

Coral reefs may not be able to survive another human decade because of the environmental stress we have placed on them…

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These Two Creams Team Up To Cut Skin Cancer Risk

These Two Creams Team Up To Cut Skin Cancer Risk

by Julia Evangelou

A combination of two topical creams already shown to clear precancerous lesions from sun-damaged skin also lowers the…

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How Government Deficits Fund Private Savings

How Government Deficits Fund Private Savings

by D.T. Cochrane

The ruling Liberals have tabled another deficit budget. The government debt grows larger. Commentators are wringing…

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Lascivious Virgins And Lustful Itches In Early England

Lascivious Virgins And Lustful Itches In Early England

by Paige Donaghy

In the 18th and 19th centuries, masturbation was thought of as a “disease”, capable of causing psychological or…

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Can Eating Certain Foods Make You Smarter?

Can Eating Certain Foods Make You Smarter?

by Margaret Morris and Michael Kendig

Trying to keep up with what constitutes a “healthy” diet can be exhausting. With unending options at the supermarket,…

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How Unrealistic Striving For Academic Excellence Has A Personal Cost

How Unrealistic Striving For Academic Excellence Has A Personal Cost

by Tanya Chichekian

In my past experience as an academic adviser, it was difficult to explain to a disappointed family why their child did…

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Why Preteen Boys Who Play Team Sports Have Less Depression

Why Preteen Boys Who Play Team Sports Have Less Depression

by Gerry Everding

New research links participation in team sports to larger hippocampal volumes in kids and less depression in boys ages…

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5 Other Animals Besides Humans Who Take Cleaning Seriously

5 Other Animals Besides Humans Who Take Cleaning Seriously

by Sophia Daoudi and Jan Hoole

A house proud mouse, considerately tidying up the workbench of the shed in which it lives, has been captured on video…

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Why Some People Are Wired To Be More Spontaneous Than Others

Why Some People Are Wired To Be More Spontaneous Than Others

by Parashkev Nachev

“Why can’t you just relax into it?” is a question many of us have asked in frustration with ourselves or others – be it…

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6 Simple Ways To Fill Your Wardrobe With Sustainable Clothing

6 Simple Ways To Fill Your Wardrobe With Sustainable Clothing

by Sarah Lees

The environmental impact of fashion waste is overwhelming. Every year the UK alone sends 350,000 tons of clothing to…

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A Family Breakfast Can Give Kids Good Body Image

A Family Breakfast Can Give Kids Good Body Image

by Sheena Rice

Eating breakfast as a family can help promote a positive body image for children and adolescents, a new study suggests.

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Students walk on the Stanford University campus in Santa Clara, Calif. Stanford has a $24 billion endowment.  (the real scandal of american universities is subsidized privilege)

The Real Scandal Of American Universities Is Subsidized Privilege

by Neil McLaughlin

Scandal has thrust the troubling inequality of higher education in the U.S. into the spotlight. News media have…

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Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Current Week: April 1 to 7, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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