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Many of us work with "to do" lists. Often they include short-term items like remember to buy toothpaste, or other chores that need to be done that day or that week. However, we also have an "inner to do list" which consists of steps along our life's journey.

This week we bring you articles that offer a combination of both. We start off with "Connecting With Earth And Her Gifts" and follow it up with "Do Not Give Up What You Want Most for What You Want Right Now". Then, Jude Bijou presents "5 Steps To Get The Upper Hand Over Your Moods"
and Anadi Martel introduces "Feeling SAD? The Ups and Downs of Bright Light Therapy (BLT)". Rabbi Daniel Cohen rounds up our featured articles with his daughter's item on her to do list: "Make Gratitude Great: The Daily Journal".

And of course we have numerous articles on a variety of topics, as we do each week. Scroll down below for the links to all of the new articles of the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Connecting With Earth And Her Gifts

Written by Cheralyn Darcey

The Importance Of Connecting With Earth And Her Gifts

The opportunity to connect to Earth and her gifts in modern times is often waved away as a childish fantasy or an outdated practice, yet the impact of this disconnect is creating huge problems in our environment and mental health. To those who wave away our connectedness with Earth as a fantasy, I offer you an alternative way to consider these practices.

Access the complete article here: Connecting With Earth And Her Gifts

Do Not Give Up What You Want Most for What You Want Right Now

Written by Carly Pollack

Do Not Give Up What You Want Most for What You Want Right Now

The most powerful influence on the human mind is our core beliefs about our identity, who we think we are. If you have a core belief that you are lazy or that the world is out to get you, no matter how much you try to be more productive or to feel safer in this world, you will sabotage your efforts to align with your core belief.

Access the complete article here: Do Not Give Up What You Want Most for What You Want Right Now

5 Steps To Get The Upper Hand Over Your Moods

Written by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.

5 Steps To Get The Upper Hand Over Your Moods

Funky moods obscure our experience for hours, days, weeks, or even longer. Left unattended, they shape our personalities and determine the quality of our lives. We think that we have no control over our moods but the truth is quite the contrary.

Access the complete article here: 5 Steps To Get The Upper Hand Over Your Moods

Feeling SAD? The Ups and Downs of Bright Light Therapy (BLT)

Written by Anadi Martel

Feeling SAD? The Ups and Downs of Bright Light Therapy (BLT)

In the 1980s, health professionals began to practice bright light therapy (BLT) to treat a chronobiological disorder found mostly in northern countries—seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, a form of depression occurring during winter months. Researchers have concluded that SAD is also caused by habits of modern life that lead us to spend most of our days indoors under artificial lighting.

Access the complete article here: Feeling SAD? The Ups and Downs of Bright Light Therapy (BLT)

Make Gratitude Great: The Daily Journal

Written by Rabbi Daniel Cohen

Make Gratitude Great: The Daily Journal

No matter how stressful the day might be with six children running around, my mother's always exhibited an optimistic outlook on life. Her spirit lives in me. Her attitude of gratitude is also ingrained within her namesake, my oldest daughter, Sara Malka, who taught me a valuable tool for living an inspired life.

Access the complete article here: Make Gratitude Great: The Daily Journal

Simple Steps For Cultivating A Revolution In Your Backyard

Simple Steps For Cultivating A Revolution In Your Backyard

by Anne Biklé and David R. Montgomery

When we broke ground for a garden at our 80-year-old house in the middle of Seattle, we took the most obvious thing for…

Access the complete article here: Simple Steps For Cultivating A Revolution In Your Backyard

What Are Panic Attacks And What's Happening When We Have Them?

What Are Panic Attacks And What's Happening When We Have Them?

by Lynne Harris

What would you think was happening to you if out of nowhere your heart started to race, you were drenched in sweat, you…

Access the complete article here: What Are Panic Attacks And What's Happening When We Have Them?

Bereaved Who Take Comfort In Digital Messages From Dead Loved Ones Live In Fear Of Losing Them

Bereaved Who Take Comfort In Digital Messages From Dead Loved Ones Live In Fear Of Losing Them

by Debra Bassett

The internet is changing how we converse with the dead. While the bereaved have traditionally visited graves or burial…

Access the complete article here: Bereaved Who Take Comfort In Digital Messages From Dead Loved Ones Live In Fear Of Losing Them

How Younger Kids With Autism Struggle With Distractions

How Younger Kids With Autism Struggle With Distractions

by Eric Stann

Before age 10, children with autism struggle with ability to block out visual distractions and focus on a specific…

Access the complete article here: How Younger Kids With Autism Struggle With Distractions

Young People Are Striking From School See Climate Change For The Life-threatening Issue It Is

Young People Striking From School See Climate Change For The Life-threatening Issue It Is

by David Rousell and Amy Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles

Students around the world are walking out of school once more, as part of ongoing strikes to protest governments’…

Access the complete article here: Young People Are Striking From School See Climate Change For The Life-threatening Issue It Is

Why Singing In Your Head Could Mess Up Your Pitch

Why Singing In Your Head Could Mess Up Your Pitch

by Bert Gambini

Singing a song in your head before actually singing it could be nudging you out of tune, according to new research.

Access the complete article here: Why Singing In Your Head Could Mess Up Your Pitch

Monopoly Was Designed 100 Years Ago To Teach The Dangers Of Capitalism

Monopoly Was Designed 100 Years Ago To Teach The Dangers Of Capitalism

by Benjamin Hoy

Have you played Monopoly lately? Or maybe snakes and ladders? These board games are examples of 100-year-old games that…

Access the complete article here: Monopoly Was Designed 100 Years Ago To Teach The Dangers Of Capitalism

The Psychology Of Fear And Hate, And What Each Of Us Can Do To Stop It

The Psychology Of Fear And Hate, And What Each Of Us Can Do To Stop It

by Stephen Croucher

As an immigrant to New Zealand, I am saddened and outraged by the events in Christchurch. The apparent innocence of New…

Access the complete article here: The Psychology Of Fear And Hate, And What Each Of Us Can Do To Stop It

Why 90% Of Heart Guidelines Aren’t Based On Best Evidence

Why 90% Of Heart Guidelines Aren’t Based On Best Evidence

by Sarah Avery

Less than 10 percent of the treatment recommendations US doctors rely on to manage care for heart patients are based on…

Access the complete article here: Why 90% Of Heart Guidelines Aren’t Based On Best Evidence

How Coyote Puppies Adjust To Life Around People

How Coyote Puppies Adjust To Life Around People

by Hannah Hickey

Coyotes can habituate to humans quickly and habituated parents pass this fearlessness on to their offspring, research…

Access the complete article here: How Coyote Puppies Adjust To Life Around People

Is It Ethical To Genetically Engineer People?

Is It Ethical To Genetically Engineer People?

by Rebecca Beyer

Bioethicist Matthew Liao is open to genetic engineering in theory, but he says he was rather horrified to learn that…

Access the complete article here: Is It Ethical To Genetically Engineer People?

How Our Eyes Show When We Make Certain Mistakes

How Our Eyes Show When We Make Certain Mistakes

by Alexis Blue

When humans make certain types of mistakes, their pupils change size, according to new research.

Access the complete article here: How Our Eyes Show When We Make Certain Mistakes

Tooth Whitening – Don’t Gamble With Your Teeth

Tooth Whitening – Don’t Gamble With Your Teeth

by Damien Walmsley

People seem to be hypnotised by the lure of having teeth that are whiter than an Oscars ceremony. Studies show that…

Access the complete article here: Tooth Whitening – Don’t Gamble With Your Teeth

Conspiracy Theories Fuel Prejudice Towards Minority Groups

Conspiracy Theories Fuel Prejudice Towards Minority Groups

by Daniel Jolley and Karen Douglas

Some 60% of British people believe in at least one conspiracy theory, a recent poll reveals.

Access the complete article here: Conspiracy Theories Fuel Prejudice Towards Minority Groups

Why We Succeed Or Fail With Help From Our Friends

Why We Succeed Or Fail With Help From Our Friends

by Melissa De Witte

To understand why people succeed or fail, look at their circle of friends. Like it or not, says economist Matthew…

Access the complete article here: Why We Succeed Or Fail With Help From Our Friends

What Do We Mean By Meaning?

What Do We Mean By Meaning?

by Jamie Freestone

Most of us want our lives to have meaning. But what do we mean by meaning? What is meaning?

Access the complete article here: What Do We Mean By Meaning?

How We Discovered That It Is Possible To Feel Optimism For Others

How We Discovered That It Is Possible To Feel Optimism For Others

by Andreas Kappes

As any good storyteller knows, people have a lot of faith in fictional heroes and their ability to beat all odds.

Access the complete article here: How We Discovered That It Is Possible To Feel Optimism For Others

youth climate change activism 3 15

How The Terror Of Climate Change Is Transforming Young People's Identity

by Blanche Verlie

On March 14 2019, at least 50 rallies were planned across Australia and expected to draw thousands of students walking…

Access the complete article here: How The Terror Of Climate Change Is Transforming Young People's Identity

The Truth About St. Patrick's Day

The Truth About St. Patrick's Day

by James Farrelly

In 1997, my students and I traveled to Croagh Patrick, a mountain in County Mayo, as part of a study abroad program…

Access the complete article here: The Truth About St. Patrick's Day

Is Bigger Always Better, Or Will The Tiny Inherit The Earth?

Is Bigger Always Better, Or Will The Tiny Inherit The Earth?

by Klaus M Stiefel

As I scuba dive in Oslob Bay off Cebu Island in the Philippines, I see a tiny shadow dart over the surface of the…

Access the complete article here: Is Bigger Always Better, Or Will The Tiny Inherit The Earth?

How Diets Can Do More Than Help You Lose Weight And Save The Planet

How Diets Can Do More Than Help You Lose Weight And Save The Planet

by Adrienne Rose Bitar

Fad diets have long been brushed off as selfish, superficial quests to lose weight.

Access the complete article here: How Diets Can Do More Than Help You Lose Weight And Save The Planet

What Is This Thing Called The Immune System?

What Is This Thing Called The Immune System?

by Fabien B. Vincent, et al

The immune system is an integral part of our body, keeping us safe from diseases – from the common cold to more severe…

Access the complete article here: What Is This Thing Called The Immune System?

Meat Consumption Is Changing But It's Not Because Of Vegans

Meat Consumption Is Changing But It's Not Because Of Vegans

by Michael von Massow, et al

Meat consumption in North America is changing. Product developers and policy-makers need to understand the reasons for…

Access the complete article here: Meat Consumption Is Changing But It's Not Because Of Vegans

How To Stay Optimistic When It Feels Like The Environment Is Falling Apart

How To Stay Optimistic When It Feels Like The Environment Is Falling Apart

by Dominic McAfee, et al

Humans love optimism. It’s a no-brainer – optimism makes us feel good and wanting more. This attraction has deep…

Access the complete article here: How To Stay Optimistic When It Feels Like The Environment Is Falling Apart

Chemical Or Natural: What's The Best Way To Repel Mosquitoes?

Chemical Or Natural: What's The Best Way To Repel Mosquitoes?

by Cameron Webb

Mosquitoes aren’t just annoying. Every year around 5,000 Australians get sick following a mosquito bite.

Access the complete article here: Chemical Or Natural: What's The Best Way To Repel Mosquitoes?

How Mobile Devices Have Changed Family Time

How Mobile Devices Have Changed Family Time

by Stella Chatzitheochari and Killian Mullan

There is now widespread concern about the amount of time children spend staring at screens – with many people worried…

Access the complete article here: How Mobile Devices Have Changed Family Time

Pregnant Women Shouldn't Have To Choose Between A Job And A Healthy Baby

Pregnant Women Shouldn't Have To Choose Between A Job And A Healthy Baby

by Jeannette Cox

Pregnant women in low-income work often face an unappealing choice: lose their job or perform duties that endanger…

Access the complete article here: Pregnant Women Shouldn't Have To Choose Between A Job And A Healthy Baby

4 Simple Food Choices That Help You Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

4 Simple Food Choices That Help You Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

by Yasmine Probst, et al

Many people achieve short-term weight-loss only to return to their previous lifestyle choices – and their previous…

Access the complete article here: 4 Simple Food Choices That Help You Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

New Home, New Clothes: The Old Ones No Longer Fit Once You Move To The Country

New Home, New Clothes: The Old Ones No Longer Fit Once You Move To The Country

by Rachael Wallis

What happens if you decide to jump in, Escape to the Country-style, and flee the city rat race?

Access the complete article here: New Home, New Clothes: The Old Ones No Longer Fit Once You Move To The Country

When Joints Pop And Crack Is It A Sign Of Disease?

When Joints Pop And Crack Is It A Sign Of Disease?

by Rebecca Shepherd and Adam Taylor

Joints emit a variety of noises, including popping, snapping, catching, clicking, grinding, grating and clunking.

Access the complete article here: When Joints Pop And Crack Is It A Sign Of Disease?

Boost Muscle Strength To Lower Diabetes Risk

Boost Muscle Strength To Lower Diabetes Risk

by Angie Hunt

Building muscle strength may offer a way to lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, researchers report.

Access the complete article here: Boost Muscle Strength To Lower Diabetes Risk

The Five Best Parenting Books Grounded In Science

The Five Best Parenting Books Grounded In Science

by Sarah Kuppen

New parenting books seem to pop up all the time. How to do it the French way, the Tiger Mom way, the New Kid by Friday…

Access the complete article here: The Five Best Parenting Books Grounded In Science

Why Private, For-Profit Health Care Is A Terrible Idea

Why Private, For-Profit Health Care Is A Terrible Idea

by Sarah Giles, et al

Ontario Premier Doug Ford may be planning a two-tiered, profit-driven health-care system, according to the Toronto…

Access the complete article here: Why Private, For-Profit Health Care Is A Terrible Idea

We Need Context To Recognize Emotions On Faces

We Need Context To Recognize Emotions On Faces

by Yasmin Anwar

When it comes to reading a person’s state of mind, visual context—as in background and action—is just as important as…

Access the complete article here: We Need Context To Recognize Emotions On Faces

Why Panic Attacks Aren't Necessarily A Reason To Panic

Why Panic Attacks Aren't Necessarily A Reason To Panic

by Justin Kenardy

Panic attacks typically occur when a person is under stress. The stress can be physical, like being run down, or…

Access the complete article here: Why Panic Attacks Aren't Necessarily A Reason To Panic

What’s the Real American Story?

What’s the Real American Story?

by Robert Reich

Donald Trump has perfected the art of telling a fake story about America. The only way to counter that is to tell the…

Access the complete article here: What’s the Real American Story?

Beaches Are Banning Sunscreens To Save Coral Reefs

Beaches Are Banning Sunscreens To Save Coral Reefs

by Isabelle Côté

Many families will soon escape the winter to seek warmer, sunnier climes. Swimsuits and sunglasses will invariably find…

Access the complete article here: Beaches Are Banning Sunscreens To Save Coral Reefs

Could Climate Change Spark A Global Financial Crisis?

Could Climate Change Spark A Global Financial Crisis?

by Korey Pasch

The dire climate change situation continues to make headlines and inspire actions like the Sunrise Movement.

Access the complete article here: Could Climate Change Spark A Global Financial Crisis?

Study Habit Tips For Student Success

Study Habit Tips For Student Success

by Pankaj Sah

Right now, thousands of Australian school children and university students are taking a well-earned break from the…

Access the complete article here: Study Habit Tips For Student Success

Are Natural Disasters On The Rise?

Are Natural Disasters On The Rise?

by Dale Dominey-Howes

Natural disasters have filled our news in recent weeks. They wreak havoc in poor and vulnerable communities and cost…

Access the complete article here: Are Natural Disasters On The Rise?

Do We Need To Worry About Glyphosate In Our Beer And Wine?

Do We Need To Worry About Glyphosate In Our Beer And Wine?

by Ian Musgrave

Glyphosate is back in the news again. The common weed killer, which has previously attracted controversy for its…

Access the complete article here: Do We Need To Worry About Glyphosate In Our Beer And Wine?

Thoreau's Great Insight: Wildness Is An Attitude, Not A Place

Thoreau's Great Insight: Wildness Is An Attitude, Not A Place

by Robert M. Thorson

When Americans quote writer and naturalist Henry David Thoreau, they often reach for his assertion that “In Wildness is…

Access the complete article here: Thoreau's Great Insight: Wildness Is An Attitude, Not A Place

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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