Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we look at expectations. While expectations are about the future, we usually have formed them based on past events, or past teachings. Thus we may be stuck in recreating old realities because our thoughts and beliefs and expectations are based on old dogma and old theories. Some of them we may not even be aware of as they just are part of our belief that "that's just the way things are".

So this week, we start out by looking at the expectations we have of science and of nature which have been tainted, or formed, by the scientific discoveries of centuries past. (Read: Awakening From The Trance Of Mad Objectivity and The Myth of Mastery.) Then we continue with a look at traditional psychotherapy which is also based on theories from centuries ago... (Trapped in Therapy? The Problem with Psychiatry and Psychotherapy)

We have evolved, yet our beliefs and our methodologies are sometimes still stuck in old patterns, thus not letting us progress past old beliefs and formulas. Even our spiritual path is fraught with old beliefs and expectations... (Read: Seven Myths and Seven Facts About Meditation)  And in our personal relationships, we restrain ourselves from trusting fully and loving unconditionally because of past experiences or interpretations of our past experiences. Eileen Caddy sheds light on how to move past this barrier in "Choosing to Feel Safe and Choosing to Love".

And of course, expectations don't have to be negative. Perhaps the ones that we have formed and not examined may be negative, but we can change our expectations and create a whole new experience for ourselves. For more on this process, read The Positive Side of Expectations: Encouraging the Behavior We Want from Others (and I would add, of ourselves as well).

And, as we do every week, we have numerous additional articles on a variety of topics for your enjoyment and edification. Scroll down below for all the new articles of the week. 

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Awakening From The Trance Of Mad Objectivity and The Myth of Mastery

Written by Julie J. Morley

Awakening From The Trance Of Mad Objectivity and The Myth of Mastery

The ancient understanding of the universe was as a unified whole. Parmenides described the universe as a single, unified block of being. Then Plato split apart this unity with his ontological distinction between Heaven and Earth. Descartes’s mind-body dualism further removed humanity from nature by excluding consciousness from the natural world.

Access the complete article here: Awakening From The Trance Of Mad Objectivity...

Trapped in Therapy? The Problem with Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Written by Robert T. London, M.D.

Trapped in Therapy? The Problem with Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

In the first year of training, which was mainly inpatient psychiatry, learning to treat patients, attending daily lectures, and having individual supervision, we also had a weekly group therapy session for all the trainees. This included residents from all the years of training, so it was a pretty big group, run by two psychiatrists.

Access the complete article here: Trapped in Therapy? The Problem with Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Seven Myths and Seven Facts About Meditation

Written by Dr. Miguel Farias and Dr. Catherine Wikholm

Seven Myths and Seven Facts About Meditation

For the secularized mind, meditation fills a spiritual vacuum; it brings the hope of a better, happier individual and the ideal of a peaceful world. That meditation was primarily designed not to make us happier but to destroy our sense of individual self – who we feel and think we are most of the time – is often overlooked in the science and media stories.

Access the complete article here: Seven Myths and Seven Facts About Meditation

Choosing to Feel Safe and Choosing to Love

Written by Eileen Caddy MBE and David Earl Platts, PhD.

Choosing to Feel Safe and Choosing to Love

We have found the primary reason most of us do not make the choice to love more freely and fully is that we feel unsafe and insecure in some way about people, relationships, love or even life itself. We fear whatever might happen if we open ourself to giving and receiving love more readily.

Access the complete article here: Choosing to Feel Safe and Choosing to Love

The Positive Side of Expectations: Encouraging the Behavior We Want from Others

Written by James Creighton

The Positive Side of Expectations: Encouraging the Behavior We Want from Others
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a thought that makes us act in a way that brings about the expected outcome. In other words, because we expect something to happen, we act in ways that bring about what we expect, and that outcome in turn seems to prove that our expectation was correct.

Access the complete article here: The Positive Side of Expectations: Encouraging the Behavior We Want from Others

How Sleep Loss Leads To Contagious Loneliness

How Sleep Loss Leads To Contagious Loneliness

by Yasmin Anwar

Sleep-deprived people feel lonelier and less inclined to engage with others, avoiding close contact in much the same…

Access the complete article here: How Sleep Loss Leads To Contagious Loneliness

How Women Wage War – A Short History Of IS Brides, Nazi Guards And FARC Insurgents

How Women Wage War – A Short History Of IS Brides, Nazi Guards And FARC Insurgents

by Jessica Trisko Darden

The names of American-born Hoda Muthana and Brit Shamima Begum have appeared in countless headlines in the United…

Access the complete article here: How Women Wage War – A Short History Of IS Brides, Nazi Guards And FARC Insurgents

How Plant Based Diets Are Good For Your Immunity

How Plant Based Diets Are Good For Your Immunity

by Yasmine Probst and Joel Craddock

The number of people who follow vegetarian or plant-based diets is growing rapidly. People might choose to be vegetarian for ethical, cultural or health-related reasons.

Access the complete article here: How Plant Based Diets Are Good For Your Immunity

The Real Women Of 'The Favourite' Included An 18th-century Warren Buffett

The Real Women Of 'The Favourite' Included An 18th-century Warren Buffett

by Amy Froide

One of the challengers at this year’s Oscars is “The Favourite,” a film set in the early 18th-century court of British…

Access the complete article here: The Real Women Of 'The Favourite' Included An 18th-century Warren Buffett

At The End Of The Day, Think Outside The Box About Clichés

At The End Of The Day, Think Outside The Box About Clichés

by Nana Ariel

One thing is certain about clichés: you wouldn’t be caught dead using them. They are widely scorned as signs of debased…

Access the complete article here: At The End Of The Day, Think Outside The Box About Clichés

Is Barbie At 60 An Instrument Of Female Oppression Or A Positive Influence?

Is Barbie At 60 An Instrument Of Female Oppression Or A Positive Influence?

by Gemma Witcomb

Barbie Millicent Roberts, from Wisconsin US, is celebrating her 60th birthday. She is a toy. A doll.

Access the complete article here: Is Barbie At 60 An Instrument Of Female Oppression Or A Positive Influence?

3 Ways Activist Kids These Days Resemble Their Predecessors

3 Ways Activist Kids These Days Resemble Their Predecessors

by David S. Meyer

A gaggle of young activists recently paid Dianne Feinstein a visit at the senator’s San Francisco office, imploring her to support the Green New Deal framework for confronting climate change.

Access the complete article here: 3 Ways Activist Kids These Days Resemble Their Predecessors

How Imaginary Friends From Our Childhood Can Continue To Affect Us As Adults

How Imaginary Friends From Our Childhood Can Continue To Affect Us As Adults

by Paige Davis

Crabby crab is my four-year-old son Fisher’s imaginary friend. Crabby appeared on a holiday in Norway by scuttling out…

Access the complete article here: How Imaginary Friends From Our Childhood Can Continue To Affect Us As Adults

Why A Belief In Meritocracy Is False And Morally Wrong

Why A Belief In Meritocracy Is False And Morally Wrong

by Clifton Mark

Meritocracy has become a leading social ideal. Politicians across the ideological spectrum continually return to the…

Access the complete article here: Why A Belief In Meritocracy Is False And Morally Wrong

Is Winter Good For The Workings Of Your Brain?

Is Winter Good For The Workings Of Your Brain?

by Marco Travaglio

It is that time of the year again. Whilst the Southern Hemisphere is coping with the sweltering heat of the summer,…

Access the complete article here: Is Winter Good For The Workings Of Your Brain?

Is Talking To Yourself A Sign Of Mental Illness?

Why Raw Meat Pet Food May Not Be Good For Your Dog, Or Your Own Health

by Bronwyn Orr

You might think raw meat pet food is good for your dog. But a new study, published today in Vet Record, has found it…

Access the complete article here: Why Raw Meat Pet Food May Not Be Good For Your Dog, Or Your Own Health

Is Talking To Yourself A Sign Of Mental Illness?

Is Talking To Yourself A Sign Of Mental Illness?

by Paloma Mari-Beffa

Being caught talking to yourself, especially if using your own name in the conversation, is beyond embarrassing.

Access the complete article here: Is Talking To Yourself A Sign Of Mental Illness?

Why Use The Danish Word Pyt To Combat Stress

Why Use The Danish Word Pyt To Combat Stress

by Marie Helweg-Larsen

Danes are some of the happiest people in the world, and they also happen to have a lot of cool words for ways to be…

Access the complete article here: Why Use The Danish Word Pyt To Combat Stress

How The Ideas Of This Woman Are At The Root Of Western philosophy

How The Ideas Of This Woman Are At The Root Of Western Philosophy

by Armand D'Angour

Where did Socrates, the foundational figure of Western philosophy, get the inspiration for his original ideas about…

Access the complete article here: How The Ideas Of This Woman Are At The Root Of Western Philosophy

Younger Adults With Inflammatory Disease At Greater Risk Of Anxiety And Depression

Younger Adults With Inflammatory Disease At Greater Risk Of Anxiety And Depression

by Alexandru Dregan

The often painful and stigmatizing nature of chronic inflammatory disorders, such as psoriasis and rheumatoid…

Access the complete article here: Younger Adults With Inflammatory Disease At Greater Risk Of Anxiety And Depression

Do You Have A Self-Actualised Personality?

Do You Have A Self-Actualized Personality?

by Christian Jarrett

Abraham Maslow was the 20th-century American psychologist best-known for explaining motivation through his hierarchy of…

Access the complete article here: Do You Have A Self-Actualized Personality?

We Savor 7 Kinds Of Conversations Most

We Savor 7 Kinds Of Conversations Most

by Alexis Blue

We tend to savor certain specific types of meaningful conversations, according to new research.

Access the complete article here: We Savor 7 Kinds Of Conversations Most

Blame Wood Burning Stoves For Winter Air Pollution And Health Threats

Blame Wood Burning Stoves For Winter Air Pollution And Health Threats

by Michael D. Mehta

It may be natural, but there’s nothing safe or environmentally sound about heating your home with wood.

Access the complete article here: Blame Wood Burning Stoves For Winter Air Pollution And Health Threats

Why Freshwater Wildlife Face An Uncertain Future

Why Freshwater Wildlife Face An Uncertain Future

by Andrea Jane Reid and Steven J Cooke

Pacific salmon are one of Canada’s iconic creatures. Each summer, they complete their, on average, four- to…

Access the complete article here: Why Freshwater Wildlife Face An Uncertain Future

8 Must-see Films About Women That Are All By Women

8 Must-see Films About Women That Are All By Women

by Emily Spiers

It is no secret that women are still underrepresented in cinema – whether they work behind or in front of the camera.

Access the complete article here: 8 Must-see Films About Women That Are All By Women

11 Things You Can Do To Adjust To Losing That 1 Hour Of Sleep

11 Things You Can Do To Adjust To Losing That 1 Hour Of Sleep

by Deepa Burman and Hiren Muzumdar

As clocks march ahead of time on March 10, 2019 and daylight saving time begins, there is a lot of anxiety around…

Access the complete article here: 11 Things You Can Do To Adjust To Losing That 1 Hour Of Sleep

How To Distinguish A Psychopath From A Shy-Chopath

How To Distinguish A Psychopath From A Shy-Chopath

by John Edens

Their grisly deeds and commanding presence attract our attention – look no further than Ted Bundy, the subject of a…

Access the complete article here: How To Distinguish A Psychopath From A Shy-Chopath

The Science Behind Making A Perfect Pancake

The Science Behind Making A Perfect Pancake

by Simon Cotton

Everyone loves pancakes and wants to know the secret of cooking them.

Access the complete article here: The Science Behind Making A Perfect Pancake

How 3D Printing Is Revolutionizing The City Of The Future

How 3D Printing Is Revolutionizing The City Of The Future

by Sylvie Albert, et al

The Fabrication City concept puts manufacturing back in the hands of communities — using 3D printers.

Access the complete article here: How 3D Printing Is Revolutionizing The City Of The Future

4 Things To Know About Ash Wednesday

4 Things To Know About Ash Wednesday

by William Johnston

For Christians, the death and resurrection of Jesus is a pivotal event commemorated each year during a season of…

Access the complete article here: 4 Things To Know About Ash Wednesday

The Battle Against Bugs: It's Time To End Chemical Warfare

Why It's Time To End Chemical Warfare Against Bugs

by Lizzy Lowe, et al

Insects are important wildlife often overlooked in urban habitats. What we do notice are the cockroaches, ants and…

Access the complete article here: Why It's Time To End Chemical Warfare Against Bugs

Is Vegetarianism Healthier? We Asked Five Experts

Is Vegetarianism Healthier? We Asked Five Experts

by Alexandra Hansen

Vegetarianism is on the rise in Australia, as many vegetarians will gladly tell you.

Access the complete article here: Is Vegetarianism Healthier? We Asked Five Experts

Learning Music Early Can Make Your Child A Better Reader

Learning Music Early Can Make Your Child A Better Reader

by Anita Collins and Misty Adoniou

Neuroscience has found a clear relationship between music and language acquisition. Put simply, learning music in the…

Access the complete article here: Learning Music Early Can Make Your Child A Better Reader

How Reading And Writing Evolved?

How Did Reading And Writing Evolve?

by Derek Hodgson

The part of the brain that processes visual information, the visual cortex, evolved over the course of millions of…

Access the complete article here: How Did Reading And Writing Evolve?

What Is The Risk Of Genetically Engineered Pesticides That Hang Out In The Soil?

What Is The Risk Of Genetically Engineered Pesticides That Hang Out In The Soil?

by Brandie Jefferson

New research shows how a new kind of genetically engineered pesticide moves through and degrades in the soil.

Access the complete article here: What Is The Risk Of Genetically Engineered Pesticides That Hang Out In The Soil?

Understanding Body Signals Could Be A Key Factor In Eating Disorders

Understanding Body Signals Could Be A Key Factor In Eating Disorders

by Melissa Barker and Rebecca Brewer

Eating is often believed to be entirely under our conscious control – we choose to eat when we are hungry or when we…

Access the complete article here: Understanding Body Signals Could Be A Key Factor In Eating Disorders

how much sleep tenns need 2 5

How Much Sleep Do Teenagers Really Need?

by Wendy Hall

Parents worry about whether their teenagers are getting enough sleep.

Access the complete article here: How Much Sleep Do Teenagers Really Need?

How Women In Health, Science And Innovation Are Collaborating Globally

How Women In Health, Science And Innovation Are Collaborating Globally

by Judy Illes

These courageous women broke down norms and survived wars, abuse and gender and racial discrimination.

Access the complete article here: How Women In Health, Science And Innovation Are Collaborating Globally

5 Ways Life Would Be Better If It Were Always Daylight Saving Time

5 Ways Life Would Be Better If It Were Always Daylight Saving Time

by Steve Calandrillo

In my research on daylight saving time, I have found that Americans don’t like it when Congress messes with their…

Access the complete article here: 5 Ways Life Would Be Better If It Were Always Daylight Saving Time

Find Alternatives To Antibiotics To Preserve Their Usefulness

Natural Alternatives To Antibiotics To Preserve Their Usefulness

by Christine Carson

For the past decade we’ve consistently heard antibiotics don’t work as well as they used to.

Access the complete article here: Natural Alternatives To Antibiotics To Preserve Their Usefulness

Daughters Of Stressed Meerkat Moms More Likely To Help Out

Daughters Of Stressed Meerkat Moms More Likely To Help Out

by Jared Wadley

When meerkat mothers feel stressed, it alters the growth and behavior of their daughters in a way that makes them more…

Access the complete article here: Daughters Of Stressed Meerkat Moms More Likely To Help Out

How Food Tracking Apps Actually Work For Weight Loss

How Food Tracking Apps Actually Work For Weight Loss

by Alison Jones

Without following a particular diet, overweight people in a new study who tracked what they ate with a free smartphone…

Access the complete article here: How Food Tracking Apps Actually Work For Weight Loss

Rare Genetic Changes Are Linked To Autism And Other Psychiatric Disorders

Rare Genetic Changes Are Linked To Autism And Other Psychiatric Disorders

by Maria Niarchou and Marianne van den Bree

In most of the trillion cells that make up our bodies, 23 pairs of chromosomes store the vital strands of DNA needed to…

Access the complete article here: Rare Genetic Changes Are Linked To Autism And Other Psychiatric Disorders

why sleep loss is a literal pain

Why Sleep Loss Is A Literal Pain

by Yasmin Anwar

Neural glitches in the sleep-deprived brain can intensify and prolong the agony of sickness and injury, research finds.…

Access the complete article here: Why Sleep Loss Is A Literal Pain

Momo Challenge Shows How Even Experts Are Falling For Digital Hoaxes

Momo Challenge Shows How Even Experts Are Falling For Digital Hoaxes

by Lisa Sugiura and Anne Kirby

“An evil suicide game” was how one newspaper described the “Momo challenge”, a so-called game that supposedly involved…

Access the complete article here: Momo Challenge Shows How Even Experts Are Falling For Digital Hoaxes

Does The Suzuki Method Work For Kids Learning An Instrument?

Does The Suzuki Method Work For Kids Learning An Instrument?

by Timothy McKenry

Giving children an instrumental music education can be expensive. In addition to purchasing an instrument and paying…

Access the complete article here: Does The Suzuki Method Work For Kids Learning An Instrument?

Is Cultured Meat Better Than Animal Agriculture?

Is Cultured Meat Better Than Animal Agriculture?

by Matti Wilks

The world is in the grips of a food-tech revolution. One of the most compelling new developments is cultured meat, also…

Access the complete article here: Is Cultured Meat Better Than Animal Agriculture?

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Current Week: March 11th to 17th, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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