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This week we take a look at fear. We start off by seeking to understand dreams that may frighten us in "Frightening Dreams? How to Summarize the Message from Your Unconscious" . Another area where fear may pop up is in getting messages from "the beyond". Bill Phillips sheds light on this in "Do You Believe You Can Receive Messages From Heaven?" And Alan Cohen clarifies the "fear situation" in "Fear is the Liar -- Only Love Speaks Truth".

We also discover the connection between pain and fear in "The New Roots of Human Suffering and Pain". And of course fear shows up in many ways, some of them non-physical. Barry Vissell speaks of the fear of not-being loved, or of being a failure in "Working Hard or Workaholism? Are You A Work Addict?" And Sarah Varcas introduces us to an energy that will affect the next 7 years in her article entitled "Uranus, The Liberator from Past Mistakes: Thinking Outside a Broken Box".

And since our body is always sending us messages when our life or our body is out of balance, we bring you a practical tool to identify problematic areas in the body in order to address them before they create fear or become a cause of pain.

And of course we have numerous additional articles on a great variety of topics. Scroll down below to access all of them. 

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Frightening Dreams? How to Summarize the Message from Your Unconscious

Written by Doris E. Cohen, PhD

Frightening Dreams? How to Summarize the Message from Your Unconscious

Summarizing a message from the unconscious can be awkward at first, but be patient with yourself. Any seeming lack of clarity stems from the fact that these messages are given to you in a new language— the language of symbols, of the right brain, of the unconscious. When you try to understand these messages with your left brain, you tend to take them literally.

For complete article, click here: Frightening Dreams? How to Summarize the Message from Your Unconscious

Do You Believe You Can Receive Messages From Heaven?

Written by Bill Philipps

Do you believe you can receive messages from heaven?

No matter what your beliefs, all you need to be able to recognize signs from heaven are an open mind and heart. Opening your mind to receiving signs simply means believing it can happen. If you have faith in God or in the next life, you are already ahead of the game.

For complete article, click here: Do You Believe You Can Receive Messages From Heaven?

Fear is the Liar -- Only Love Speaks Truth

Written by Alan Cohen

Fear is the Liar -- Only Love Speaks Truth

A survey of top Hollywood movie studio CEO’s asked, “What do you fear most?” The most common answer was, “I am afraid that people will find out I don’t really know what I am doing.” Meanwhile these execs were turning out fabulous movies, earning many millions of dollars for their studios.

For complete article, click here: Fear is the Liar -- Only Love Speaks Truth

The New Roots of Human Suffering and Pain

Written by Julie K. Staples and Daniel Mintie

The New Roots of Human Suffering and Pain

In recent decades researchers have made great strides in understanding physical pain. It now seems that we experience much of the physical pain we do because our brains calculate that this sensation is important to our overall security and survival. Pain protects us from potential damage, or motivates us to attend to and repair damage already done.

For complete article, click here: The New Roots of Human Suffering and Pain

Working Hard or Workaholism? Are You A Work Addict?

Written by Barry Vissell

Working Hard or Workaholism? Are You A Work Addict?

Before smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices, people used to work hard at their jobs, but then come home to relax. Workaholism has always existed, but now in the communication age, people can now work from anywhere, night or day...

For complete article, click here: Working Hard or Workaholism? Are You A Work Addict?

Uranus, The Liberator from Past Mistakes: Thinking Outside a Broken Box

Written by Sarah Varcas

Uranus, The Liberator from Past Mistakes: Thinking Outside a Broken Box

Uranus enters Taurus on 6th March 2019 (UT). The planet of radical disruption, unpredictable events and liberating discontinuity in the zodiac sign of Taurus, known for its stubborn resistance to change, promises to keep us all on our toes! Uranus awakens a more radical knowing enabling us to recalibrate the future...

For complete article, click here: Uranus, The Liberator from Past Mistakes: Thinking Outside a Broken Box

Learn To Read Your Feet Using Simple Observation Skills

Written by Sonia Jones

Learn To Read Your Feet Using Simple Observation Skills

It's important to learn to "read" the feet because there are sev­eral physical conditions that need special attention. The signs we observe are the body’s way of telling us something is out of balance. Just like pain, any disorder is a warning signal. Reflexology is not a tool for diagnosis, but with some observation skills, you can discover whether the body is strug­gling and if it is in need of some help.

For complete article, click here: Learn To Read Your Feet Using Simple Observation Skills

Why Cheap Clothes Come At A High Environmental Cost

Why Cheap Clothes Come At A High Environmental Cost

by Neil Schoenherr

The overabundance of fast fashion—readily available, inexpensively made clothing—has created an environmental and…

For complete article, click here: Why Cheap Clothes Come At A High Environmental Cost

Why Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks

Why Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks

by Ellen Brown

Calls for a Universal Basic Income have been increasing, most recently as part of the Green New Deal introduced by Rep.…

For complete article, click here: Why Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks

The Surprising Reasons We Love Art

The Surprising Reasons We Love Art

by Robert Pepperell

“Why do people love Pierre Bonnard so much?” asks The Guardian’s art critic Adrian Searle in his review of the…

For complete article, click here: The Surprising Reasons We Love Art

How To Protect Young Athletes From Abusive Coaches

How To Protect Young Athletes From Abusive Coaches

by David Telles-Langdon

The federal government in Canada has announced new initiatives aimed at keeping young athletes safe from abuse and…

For complete article, click here: How To Protect Young Athletes From Abusive Coaches

Why Dry Eye Disease Is A Concern For Diabetes Sufferers

Why Dry Eye Disease Is A Concern For Diabetes Sufferers

by Suzanne Hagan

Diabetes is a debilitating health condition which is expected to reach epidemic proportions in the next 20 years.

For complete article, click here: Why Dry Eye Disease Is A Concern For Diabetes Sufferers

How Electric Cars Could Make America's Crumbling Roads Even Worse

How Electric Cars Could Make America's Crumbling Roads Even Worse

by Jay L. Zagorsky

U.S. roads and bridges are in abysmal shape – and that was before the recent winter storms made things even worse.

For complete article, click here: How Electric Cars Could Make America's Crumbling Roads Even Worse

Visual Illusions That Reveal The Hidden Workings Of The Brain

Visual Illusions That Reveal The Hidden Workings Of The Brain

by Kim Ransley and Alex O. Holcombe

Visual illusions show us that we do not have direct access to reality. They can also provide an inkling of the mental…

For complete article, click here: Visual Illusions That Reveal The Hidden Workings Of The Brain

Queensland's Floods Are So Huge The Only Way To Track Them Is From Space

Queensland's Floods Are So Huge The Only Way To Track Them Is From Space

by Linlin Ge

Many parts of Queensland have been declared disaster zones and thousands of residents evacuated due to a 1-in-100-year…

For complete article, click here: Queensland's Floods Are So Huge The Only Way To Track Them Is From Space

Why Our Relationship With Dick Pics Is Complicated

Why Our Relationship With Dick Pics Is Complicated

by Andrea Waling

Why do men send dick pics? Some research and popular commentary suggests it is for reasons of narcissism and…

For complete article, click here: Why Our Relationship With Dick Pics Is Complicated

How Black Women Preachers Spoke Truth To Power

How Black Women Preachers Spoke Truth To Power

by Kenyatta R. Gilbert

African-American women comprise more than 70 percent of the active membership of generally any African-American…

For complete article, click here: How Black Women Preachers Spoke Truth To Power

Are Fish Oil Supplements Overrated?

Are Fish Oil Supplements Overrated?

by Leslie Orr

Soybean oil may be better than fish oil for reducing cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer survivors, according to a…

For complete article, click here: Are Fish Oil Supplements Overrated?

Should Online Users Be Bound By Online Privacy Agreements?

Should Online Users Be Bound By Online Privacy Agreements?

by Samuel Becher

The political economy of digital capitalism is largely premised on a new exchange: individuals enjoy cheap or free services and goods in exchange for their personal information.

For complete article, click here: Should Online Users Be Bound By Online Privacy Agreements?

The Real Reason British Teenagers Are So Unhappy

The Real Reason British Teenagers Are So Unhappy

by Rob Creasy and Fiona Corby

Children’s mental health has become one of British society’s most pressing issues. Children growing up in the UK are…

For complete article, click here: The Real Reason British Teenagers Are So Unhappy

How Your Lungs Are Really Amazing

How Your Lungs Are Really Amazing

by Arthur Dalley

Lungs are remarkable organs that continuously achieve amazing feats, which they do so well that we take them for…

For complete article, click here: How Your Lungs Are Really Amazing

We Can't Save Everything From Climate Change – Here's How To Make Choices

We Can't Save Everything From Climate Change – Here's How To Make Choices

by Benjamin Preston, et al

Climate change is already occurring, with impacts that will become more intense for decades into the future.

For complete article, click here: We Can't Save Everything From Climate Change – Here's How To Make Choices

How Childhood Infections And Antibiotics May Increase Risks Of Mental Illness

How Childhood Infections And Antibiotics May Increase Risks Of Mental Illness

by Christine Bear

Hospitalization for an infection might leave you at greater risk for mental illness, according to a recent study…

For complete article, click here: How Childhood Infections And Antibiotics May Increase Risks Of Mental Illness

Most People Have Unwanted Unacceptable Thoughts

Most People Have Unwanted Unacceptable Thoughts

by Simon McCarthy-Jones

Imagine you’re lying in bed when a sack of cocaine falls from a plane, crashes through your roof and lands next to you.

For complete article, click here: Most People Have Unwanted Unacceptable Thoughts

3 Reasons Why People Fall For Politicians' Lies

3 Reasons Why People Fall For Politicians' Lies

by Mack Clayton Shelley, II

Why do people make such poor decisions about politics? Why are they so often distracted by lies, irrelevant…

For complete article, click here: 3 Reasons Why People Fall For Politicians' Lies

Testimony On Trump Business Reveals Conduct That's Widespread In Corporate America

Michael Cohen's Testimony Reveals Conduct That's Widespread In Corporate America

by Bert Spector

The Trump Organization, Donald Trump’s private, family-run business, is well known to have operated at the fringes of…

For complete article, click here: Michael Cohen's Testimony Reveals Conduct That's Widespread In Corporate America

How Being Beautiful Influences Your Attitudes Toward Sex

How Being Beautiful Influences Your Attitudes Toward Sex

by Robert Urbatsch

People tend to feel strongly about matters of sexual morality, such as premarital sex or gay marriage.

For complete article, click here: How Being Beautiful Influences Your Attitudes Toward Sex

How Quickly We Adjust To Wild Weather

How Quickly We Adjust To Wild Weather

by Kat Kerlin

People have short memories when it comes to what they consider “normal” weather, according to new research.

For complete article, click here: How Quickly We Adjust To Wild Weather

How Translation Obscured The Music And Wordplay Of The Bible

How Translation Obscured The Music And Wordplay Of The Bible

by Robert Alter

An essential fact about the Hebrew Bible is that most of its narrative prose as well as its poetry manifests a high…

For complete article, click here: How Translation Obscured The Music And Wordplay Of The Bible

How Your Brain Cleans Itself Best With The Right Kind Of Sleep

How Your Brain Cleans Itself Best With The Right Kind Of Sleep

by Mark Michaud

How deep we sleep can affect our brain’s ability to efficiently wash away waste and toxic proteins, new research…

For complete article, click here: How Your Brain Cleans Itself Best With The Right Kind Of Sleep

Why Your Phone Won't Quit Ringing

Why Your Phone Won't Quit Ringing

by Raymond Huahong Tu

Advanced automatic dialing systems make it easier and cheaper for small operations to generate huge numbers of calls.

For complete article, click here: Why Your Phone Won't Quit Ringing

Sore Throat, Cough And Phlegm – All You Need To Know About Your Horrible Cold

Sore Throat, Cough And Phlegm – All You Need To Know About Your Horrible Cold

by Adam Taylor

The human body has a large surface area that is in contact with the outside world, much of this comes from the body’s…

For complete article, click here: Sore Throat, Cough And Phlegm – All You Need To Know About Your Horrible Cold

The Freddie Mercury Story That Goes Untold In Bohemian Rhapsody

The Freddie Mercury Story That Goes Untold In Bohemian Rhapsody

by Laurie Marhoefe

Millions of people tuned in to the Oscars to see “Bohemian Rhapsody,” the biopic of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury…

For complete article, click here: The Freddie Mercury Story That Goes Untold In Bohemian Rhapsody

The Concept Of Probability Is Not As Simple As You Think

The Concept Of Probability Is Not As Simple As You Think

by Nevin Climenhaga

The gambler, the quantum physicist and the juror all reason about probabilities: the probability of winning, of a…

For complete article, click here: The Concept Of Probability Is Not As Simple As You Think

Savers Aren’t More Patient, Just More Focused

Savers Aren’t More Patient, Just More Focused

by Alison Jones

When facing a choice between a smaller dollar amount now or more money weeks later, “patient savers” focus immediately…

For complete article, click here: Savers Aren’t More Patient, Just More Focused

How Better Endings Help Us Feel Good About What’s Next

How Better Endings Help Us Feel Good About What’s Next

by James Devitt

We’re more likely to have positive feelings about transitioning from one stage of life to the next if we have a…

For complete article, click here: How Better Endings Help Us Feel Good About What’s Next

How To Find Serenity With These Five Financial Wellness Tips

How To Find Serenity With These Five Financial Wellness Tips

by Karen Duncan

Have you been thinking about money lately? Wondering where to find more? Thinking you could do a better job of managing…

For complete article, click here: How To Find Serenity With These Five Financial Wellness Tips


why y0u look the way you do 2 26

Why Your Face Looks The Way It Does

by Sebastian Dworkin

Is your face long? Wide? Big nose? Small ears? High forehead? It’s our faces that characterise how the world sees us,…

For complete article, click here: Why Your Face Looks The Way It Does

How Words Affect The Way We Think

How Words Affect The Way We Think

by Guillaume Thierry

Have you ever worried in your student years or later in life that time may be starting to run out to achieve your goals?

For complete article, click here: How Words Affect The Way We Think

Are Online Shopping Algorithms Are Colluding To Keep Prices High?

Are Online Shopping Algorithms Colluding To Keep Prices High?

by Graeme McLean

Have you ever searched for a product online in the morning and gone back to look at it again in the evening only to…

For complete article, click here: Are Online Shopping Algorithms Colluding To Keep Prices High?

How The Movie Roma Is Spurring Mexico To Treat Domestic Workers More Fairly

How The Movie Roma Is Spurring Mexico To Treat Domestic Workers More Fairly

by Karina Patricio Ferreira Lima and Arely Cruz-Santiago

Mexico City, 1970. Cleo’s alarm sounds very early in the morning. She gets up and climbs down the stairs from her…

For complete article, click here: How The Movie Roma Is Spurring Mexico To Treat Domestic Workers More Fairly

The 17th-century Philosopher Whose Scientific Ideas Could Tackle Climate Change Today

The 17th-Century Philosopher Whose Scientific Ideas Could Tackle Climate Change Today

by Michael Wilby

If we don’t make a fundamental change to the way we are living, the world faces the destruction of entire eco-systems…

For complete article, click here: The 17th-Century Philosopher Whose Scientific Ideas Could Tackle Climate Change Today

The Pathology of Alzheimer’s Disease

The Pathology of Alzheimer’s Disease

by Khayla Black

Whether it be forgetting 20 years of your life or having the same conversation every five minutes only to forget it…

For complete article, click here: The Pathology of Alzheimer’s Disease

Don't Be Fooled By Fake Images And Videos Online

Don't Be Fooled By Fake Images And Videos Online

by Hany Farid

Advances in artificial intelligence have made it easier to create compelling and sophisticated fake images, videos and…

For complete article, click here: Don't Be Fooled By Fake Images And Videos Online

Can Sitting Less Decrease Your Risk Of Heart Disease?

Can Sitting Less Decrease Your Risk Of Heart Disease?

by Gautam Ramesh, et al

Too much sitting has long been criticized for contributing to premature mortality, Type 2 diabetes, and a host of other…

For complete article, click here: Can Sitting Less Decrease Your Risk Of Heart Disease?

3 Tips To Teach Children To Watch Commercials More Closely

3 Tips To Teach Children To Watch Commercials More Closely

by Sarah Gretter

With all the time that young people spend in front of screens these days – from TVs to laptops, cellphones and iPads…

For complete article, click here: 3 Tips To Teach Children To Watch Commercials More Closely

This Affordable Therapy Works For Depression

This Affordable Therapy Works For Depression

by Caroline Brooks

Of the four million prisoners released each year, 23 percent suffer from depression but don’t receive treatment while…

For complete article, click here: This Affordable Therapy Works For Depression

Why Zebra's Stripes Are A No Fly Zone For Flies

Why Zebra's Stripes Are A No Fly Zone For Flies

by Tim Caro and Martin How

Zebras are famous for their contrasting black and white stripes – but until very recently no one really knew why they…

For complete article, click here: Why Zebra's Stripes Are A No Fly Zone For Flies

The Role Of Hormones And Body Weight Explained

The Role Of Hormones And Body Weight Explained

by Daniela McVicker

People all over the globe have the perception that being overweight or obese is caused by eating too much junk food,…

For complete article, click here: The Role Of Hormones And Body Weight Explained

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: March 4th to 10th, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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