Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Everyone wants to be happy, and while this can mean different things to different people, I think that a common thread is that we wish to be at peace with ourselves, and at peace with the world around us. Not always an easy task, and at times we may have no inkling of how to attain that inner nirvana -- whether we even believe that it is possible. There are so many things (emotions, thoughts, beliefs...) in the way.

Perhaps a major obstacle to our well-being is that "The Subconscious Mind Is Running The Show". Our past experiences cause us to react to new experiences in ways that are unhealthy and do not lead to happiness. We may tend to react with anger, fear, judgment and not have realized that "Non-Acceptance Is A Choice We've Learned". Luckily, there are ways out of this dilemma, and Jude Bijou offers us "Four Ways To Easily Decrease Fear And Increase Peace" while Guy Joseph Ale, in an excerpt from his book "Buddha and Einstein Walk Into A Bar", shares "Five Body Consciousness Techniques To Attain A Mind At Peace".

Through the whole process, we need to be kind to ourselves (and others) and realize that "We're All Learning: Seeking Progress, Not Perfection". Life is a like a school, and we can choose to learn with joy and laughter (and forgiveness), or we can choose struggle and complaints (and resentment). However, whatever choices we've made in the past does not mean we can't make a different choice today, tomorrow, and in the future. Just like a child learning to walk, we may fall or stumble, but we brush ourselves off and keep on keeping on, on the path to rediscovering joy, inner peace, and harmony. You're already on the path...

In addition to our featured articles, we have numerous new articles on a variety of topics... Scroll down below for all of the new articles of the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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The Writing On Our Wall: The Subconscious Mind Is Running The Show

Written by Christina Reeves and Dimitrios Spanos

The Writing On Our Wall: The Subconscious Mind Is Running The Show
With our subconscious mind running the show 95% of the time, our fate is actually under the control of our recorded programs or habits we may not even know about or that are not of our own choos­ing. The “writing on our wall” is again a term I use to describe the downloaded information and programming that is recorded on the subconscious mind.

Access the complete article here: The Writing On Our Wall: The Subconscious Mind Is Running The Show

Non-Acceptance Is A Choice We've Learned

Written by Ora Nadrich

Non-Acceptance Is A Choice We've Learned
"I like you, do you like me?"
Isn't that how children approach one another, with total openness and acceptance? They have this pure, inno­cent way of expressing themselves, and have a completely disarming attitude like, "Hey, I want you to be my friend."

Access the complete article here: Non-Acceptance Is A Choice We've Learned

Four Ways To Easily Decrease Fear And Increase Peace

Written by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.

About Experiencing Peace Rather Than Fear
Peace is one of human's six emotions. It's the opposite of fear. When we're experiencing peace, our attention is in the present, we're relaxed, content, and our mind is still. Often it's thought that we need to meditate in order to feel peace, but it's not true. We simply have to pacify our fear and peace will naturally arise.

Access the complete article here: Four Ways To Easily Decrease Fear And Increase Peace

Five Body Consciousness Techniques To Attain A Mind At Peace

Written by Guy Joseph Ale

Five Body Consciousness Techniques To Attain A Mind At Peace
With the hectic modern lifestyles that most of us experience, there’s an onslaught of good and bad information assaulting our senses all the time. Since the dawn of the digital age, the human attention span has shrunk from twelve seconds to only eight seconds.

Access the complete article here: Five Body Consciousness Techniques To Attain A Mind At Peace

We're All Learning: Seeking Progress, Not Perfection

Written by Maureen Healy

We're All Learning: Seeking Progress, Not Perfection
Children are learning how emotions work, what to do with the challenging ones and how to create helpful ones, and the power of paying attention to their bodies and feelings in becoming emotionally healthy.

Access the complete article here: We're All Learning: Seeking Progress, Not Perfection

The Movie Green Book Highlights The Problems Of Driving While Black

The Movie Green Book Highlights The Problems Of Driving While Black

by Teresa Hagan

Green Book. It’s for “travelling while black”, explains Tony Vallelonga to his incredulous wife, Dolores.

Access the complete article here: The Movie Green Book Highlights The Problems Of Driving While Black

How Climate Change Can Make Catastrophic Weather Systems Linger For Longer

How Climate Change Can Make Catastrophic Weather Systems Linger For Longer

by Steve Turton

Many parts of Australia have suffered a run of severe and, in some cases, unprecedented weather events this summer.

Access the complete article here: How Climate Change Can Make Catastrophic Weather Systems Linger For Longer

The Future Seems Wide Open With Possibilities – But Is It?

The Future Seems Wide Open With Possibilities – But Is It?

by Alison Fernandes

When we think of the future, it very naturally seems to be ‘open’ – a realm of unfixed possibilities, awaiting the…

Access the complete article here: The Future Seems Wide Open With Possibilities – But Is It?

The Advantages Of Using Long-acting Contraceptives

The Advantages Of Using Long-acting Contraceptives

by Sara Holton, et al

Few Australian women use long-acting reversible contraception, despite its advantages over other methods. These…

Access the complete article here: The Advantages Of Using Long-acting Contraceptives

Video Games Could Help Uncover Your Hidden Talents And Make You Happier

Video Games Could Help Uncover Your Hidden Talents And Make You Happier

by Craig Weightman

If you’ve ever wondered whether you could make a real contribution to the world but aren’t sure you have any really…

Access the complete article here: Video Games Could Help Uncover Your Hidden Talents And Make You Happier

High-intensity Micro Workouts Vs Traditional Regimes

High-Intensity Micro Workouts Vs Traditional Regimes

by Nigel Stepto and Chris Shaw

When it comes to health and fitness, there are rarely any quick fixes. But if you’re struggling to get the recommended…

Access the complete article here: High-intensity Micro Workouts Vs Traditional Regimes

Triclosan In Soap And Toothpaste Actually Makes Germs Stronger

Triclosan In Soap And Toothpaste Actually Makes Germs Stronger

by Marta Wegorzewska

A chemical in hand soap and toothpaste meant to kill bacteria is actually making them stronger and more capable of…

Access the complete article here: Triclosan In Soap And Toothpaste Actually Makes Germs Stronger

Between Gods And Animals: Becoming Human In The Gilgamesh Epic

Between Gods And Animals: Becoming Human In The Gilgamesh Epic

by Sophus Helle

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Babylonian poem composed in ancient Iraq, millennia before Homer. It tells the story of…

Access the complete article here: Between Gods And Animals: Becoming Human In The Gilgamesh Epic

There Are Mental Health Risks To Girls Who Spend More Than An Hour A Day On Social Media

There Are Mental Health Risks To Girls Who Spend More Than An Hour A Day On Social Media

by Cara Booker

For tweens and early teens, the rise in time spent on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram and other social media is really…

Access the complete article here: There Are Mental Health Risks To Girls Who Spend More Than An Hour A Day On Social Media

Here's A Exercise Regimen Everyone Can Squeeze In

Here's A Exercise Regimen Everyone Can Squeeze In

by Emmanuel Stamatakis

Have you recently carried heavy shopping bags up a few flights of stairs?

Access the complete article here: Here's A Exercise Regimen Everyone Can Squeeze In

How Your Dog’s Personality Can Change Over Time

How Your Dog’s Personality Can Change Over Time

by Caroline Brooks

Like humans, dogs’ personalities likely change over time, according to new research.

Access the complete article here: How Your Dog’s Personality Can Change Over Time

How Does A Vasectomy Work And Can It Be Reversed?

How Does A Vasectomy Work And Can It Be Reversed?

by InnerSelf Staff

Some men may shudder at the thought of “the snip”. But vasectomies are a safe and effective form of contraception for…

Access the complete article here: How Does A Vasectomy Work And Can It Be Reversed?

What Are City Bees' Favorite Flowers?

What Are City Bees' Favorite Flowers?

by Elizabeth Franklin and Caitlin Potter

Planting more flowers is a great idea – but it is difficult to predict which flowers different insects will use the…

Access the complete article here: What Are City Bees' Favorite Flowers?

How Language Has Become A Tool For Social Exclusion

How Language Has Become A Tool For Social Exclusion

by Loredana Polezzi, et al

The soundtrack of our lives and the visual landscapes of our cities are multilingual. Languages, in their plurality…

Access the complete article here: How Language Has Become A Tool For Social Exclusion

5 Ways To Help Parents Cope With The Trauma Of Stillbirth

5 Ways To Help Parents Cope With The Trauma Of Stillbirth

by Vicki Flenady, et al

There are at least 2.6 million stillbirths a year across the world. More than 2,000 families each year suffer the loss…

Access the complete article here: 5 Ways To Help Parents Cope With The Trauma Of Stillbirth

Adolescents Have A Fundamental Need To Contribute

Adolescents Have A Fundamental Need To Contribute

by Andrew J. Fuligni

No longer children but not yet adults, adolescents need opportunities to learn and prepare for their entrance into the…

Access the complete article here: Adolescents Have A Fundamental Need To Contribute

This Trait Could Be Key To A Lasting Romance

This Trait Could Be Key To A Lasting Romance

by Toni Antonucci, et al

Passion and commitment are widely believed to be the foundation of strong romantic relationships.

Access the complete article here: This Trait Could Be Key To A Lasting Romance

7 Myths And Truths About Healthy Skin

7 Myths And Truths About Healthy Skin

by Sara J Brown

Skin is our largest organ and something we may take for granted when it’s healthy. As an academic dermatologist I…

Access the complete article here: 7 Myths And Truths About Healthy Skin

Sure, It Can Backflip But Can A Robot Hold Down A Desk Job?

Sure, It Can Backflip But Can A Robot Hold Down A Desk Job?

by Amy LaViers

A colleague of mine, a roboticist, recently proclaimed that if one could teleoperate the robot he developed in his lab,…

Access the complete article here: Sure, It Can Backflip But Can A Robot Hold Down A Desk Job?

How Fossil Fuels Are Bad For Your Health

How Fossil Fuels Are Bad For Your Physical And Mental Health

by Noel Healy, et al

Many Democratic lawmakers aim to pass a Green New Deal, a package of policies that would mobilize vast amounts of money…

Access the complete article here: How Fossil Fuels Are Bad For Your Physical And Mental Health

Is Love Losing Its Soul In The Digital Age?

Is Love Losing Its Soul In The Digital Age?

by Firmin DeBrabander

Instagram users have taken to issuing “weekiversary posts,” where they diligently mark the duration of their romances.…

Access the complete article here: Is Love Losing Its Soul In The Digital Age?

5 Crucial Questions Answered About Insect Armageddon

5 Crucial Questions Answered About Insect Armageddon

by Paula Kover

Are we facing insect Armageddon? A recent study found that German nature reserves have seen a 75% reduction in flying…

Access the complete article here: 5 Crucial Questions Answered About Insect Armageddon

Why Germany Leads in Renewables: Funding The Green Energy Revolution

Why Germany Leads in Renewables: Funding The Green Energy Revolution

by Ellen Brown

The Green New Deal endorsed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and more than 40 other US Representatives has been criticized…

Access the complete article here: Why Germany Leads in Renewables: Funding The Green Energy Revolution

You've Been Diagnosed With Depression, Now What?

You've Been Diagnosed With Depression, Now What?

by Christopher Davey

So you’re depressed. You know this because a health professional has told you so, or you’ve been depressed before and…

Access the complete article here: You've Been Diagnosed With Depression, Now What?

How To Nudge People Towards Changing Behavior

How To Nudge People Towards Changing Behavior

by Ben Newell

Earlier this week an impressive cast of academics, policy experts and business leaders gathered in Sydney at the…

Access the complete article here: How To Nudge People Towards Changing Behavior

How Old Is Too Old To Drive?

How Old Is Too Old To Drive?

by Alice Pomidor

When Britain’s Prince Philip crashed his Land Rover into another vehicle on Jan. 17, 2019, many people were surprised…

Access the complete article here: How Old Is Too Old To Drive?

You Need More Than Just Testes To Make A Penis

You Need More Than Just Testes To Make A Penis

by Mark Green and Andrew Pask

In prenatal ultrasounds or at delivery, many new parents look between their baby’s legs: the presence of a penis is…

Access the complete article here: You Need More Than Just Testes To Make A Penis

Newlywed Brains Suggest Altruism Is Hard Wired

Newlywed Brains Suggest Altruism Is Hard Wired

by Harrison Tasoff

Thinking of the well-being of our romantic partners before our own may be hard-wired in our brains, according to new…

Access the complete article here: Newlywed Brains Suggest Altruism Is Hard Wired

Here Are 5 Foods To Eat To Avoid High Cholesterol

Here Are 5 Foods To Eat To Avoid High Cholesterol

by Clare Collins, et al

High fat, low fat, no carb, more carb: when it comes to getting information on eating to manage high blood cholesterol…

Access the complete article here: Here Are 5 Foods To Eat To Avoid High Cholesterol

Can Couches And Vinyl Floors Really Make Kids Really Sick?

Can Couches And Vinyl Floors Really Make Kids Really Sick?

by Tim Lucas

Children who live in homes with all vinyl flooring or flame-retardant chemicals in the sofa have significantly higher…

Access the complete article here: Can Couches And Vinyl Floors Really Make Kids Really Sick?

Want To Improve Your Mood?

Want To Improve Your Mood?

by Megan Lee

Worldwide, more than 300 million people live with depression. Without effective treatment, the condition can make it…

Access the complete article here: Want To Improve Your Mood?

How Nap Time For Teens Might Benefit Their Brains

How Nap Time For Teens Might Benefit Their Brains

by National University of Singapore

Which is better for a teen who can’t get the recommended amount of rest: just 6.5 hours of sleep at night, or 5 hours…

Access the complete article here: How Nap Time For Teens Might Benefit Their Brains

3 Philosophers Set Up A Booth On A Street Corner And Here's What People Asked

3 Philosophers Set Up A Booth On A Street Corner And Here's What People Asked

by Lee McIntyre

The life choices that had led me to be sitting in a booth underneath a banner that read “Ask a Philosopher” – at the…

Access the complete article here: 3 Philosophers Set Up A Booth On A Street Corner...

How Domestic Violence Affects Women's Mental Health

How Domestic Violence Affects Women's Mental Health

by Rhian Parker

Every week in Australia, a woman is murdered by someone she knows. And it’s usually an intimate male partner or…

Access the complete article here: How Domestic Violence Affects Women's Mental Health

How You Are Influenced To Choose Without Really Knowing It

How You Are Influenced To Choose Without Really Knowing It

by Gary Mortimer

Price is the most delicate element of the marketing mix, and much thought goes into setting prices to nudge us towards…

Access the complete article here: How You Are Influenced To Choose Without Really Knowing It

How Canadians Are Buying Cannabis And Getting High Now That It's Legal

How Canadians Are Buying Cannabis And Getting High Now That It's Legal

by Michael J. Armstrong

There was much speculation throughout 2018 about Canada’s soon-to-be-legal cannabis market. But only recently has data…

Access the complete article here: How Canadians Are Buying Cannabis And Getting High Now That It's Legal

Will Eating Nuts Make You Gain Weight?

Will Eating Nuts Make You Gain Weight?

by Elizabeth Neale, et al

The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend we eat 30g of nuts – a small handful – each day. But many of us know nuts…

Access the complete article here: Will Eating Nuts Make You Gain Weight?

What Happens To The Natural World If All The Insects Disappear?

What Happens To The Natural World If All The Insects Disappear?

by Stuart Reynolds

Despite their ubiquity in the animal kingdom, a recent report warned of a “bugpocalypse”, as surveys indicated that…

Access the complete article here: What Happens To The Natural World If All The Insects Disappear?

Why Smiling Depression Is Particularly Dangerous

Why Smiling Depression Is Particularly Dangerous

by Olivia Remes

The term “smiling depression” – appearing happy to others while internally suffering depressive symptoms – has become…

Access the complete article here: Why Smiling Depression Is Particularly Dangerous

What Causes Most Birth Defects

What Causes Most Birth Defects

by Peter Farlie

The development of a baby, from the time of fertilization through to the moment of birth, is an incredibly complex…

Access the complete article here: What Causes Most Birth Defects

Mindful Eating: Trend That Could Help You Lose Weight And Transform Your Health

Mindful Eating: Trend That Could Help You Lose Weight And Transform Your Health

by Lauren Alex O' Hagan

Mindfulness has helped many people to develop the skills necessary to manage chronic pain, depression, anxiety, stress…

Access the complete article here: Mindful Eating: Trend That Could Help You Lose Weight And Transform Your Health

How The Brain Remembers Amputated Limbs And Continues To Control Them

How The Brain Remembers Amputated Limbs And Continues To Control Them

by Harriet Dempsey-Jones

Most people who have lost a limb still feel its presence decades later. This phenomenon, dubbed “phantom limb”, has…

Access the complete article here: How The Brain Remembers Amputated Limbs And Continues To Control Them

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Current Week: February 25 to March 3rd, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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