Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we focus on observation... on observing both within ourselves and out in the world, observing where we want to go, as well as where the Universe is guiding us. We start off with "Finally Fulfilled: Attaining Food Enlightenment" where we read: "Not every life event unfolds its meaning to us when we first experience it." Which then leads us to using our powers of investigation as described by Melissa Gallico, intelligence specialist at the FBI, in "Once Upon a Time: Research, Flying, and Acne".

Observation is also a needed skill in relationships, as shared in "Identifying Your Family Myths and Seeking New Beliefs That Can Help Your Relationship" as well as in "Sacred Partnership: Letting Our Love Flow Into The World". Alan Seale guides us to "The Power of Listening and Observing" and Barbara Berger to "Contemplating and Integrating the Power of the Force".

And as usual, we have numerous additional articles on a variety of topics. Scroll down below for the links to all the new articles.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Finally Fulfilled: Attaining Food Enlightenment

Written by Carly Pollack

Finally Fulfilled: Attaining Food Enlightenment

It is so incredibly easy to get sucked into the illusion that weight loss is all about food. The logical mind thinks, “Why wouldn’t it be? What I eat is causing my weight gain, so this must be about food.” This initiates the quest to try every diet out there, in order to get your body to a place where you feel “good enough.” Confident. Worthy. Desired. Happy.

Click title to access this article: Finally Fulfilled: Attaining Food Enlightenment

Once Upon a Time: Research, Flying, and Acne

Written by Melissa Gallico

Once Upon a Time: Research, Flying, and Acne

We tell ourselves science is king, but our understanding of the world is shaped through story. We tell stories about the past and call it history. We tell stories about the present and call it news. Our stories about how to act, think, and live are called culture. And our stories about how the natural world works are called science.

Click title to access this article: Once Upon a Time: Research, Flying, and Acne

Identifying Your Family Myths and Seeking New Beliefs That Can Help Your Relationship

Written by James Creighton

Identifying Your Family Myths and Seeking New Beliefs That Can Help Your Relationship

Couples fight. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Sometimes these fights provide comic relief. At other times they threaten the very survival of the relationship.

Click title to access this article: Identifying Your Family Myths and Seeking New Beliefs That Can Help Your Relationship

Sacred Partnership: Letting Our Love Flow Into The World

Written by Linda & Charlie Bloom

Sacred Partnership: Letting Our Love Flow Into The World

Today, I am committed to spending every day that Charlie and I are together being kind, caring, considerate and loving. There has been enough pain, fear, and suffering. I am determined to see how much beauty and love I can create. And every day, I say a prayer of gratitude for having my life, my health, a devoted husband, my children, grandchildren, friends, and work that I love.

Click title to access this article: Sacred Partnership: Letting Our Love Flow Into The World

The Power of Listening and Observing

Written by Alan Seale

The Power of Listening and Observing

There is nothing wrong with setting goals, making plans, and then moving into action! Having a sense of direction and actively moving forward in that direction are essential if you want to make a meaningful difference in the world. However, telling life what it has to be and then doing whatever it takes to make that happen can significantly limit our possibilities. It can also lead to a lot of unnecessary pressure and stress.

Click title to access this article: The Power of Listening and Observing

Contemplating and Integrating the Power of the Force

Written by Barbara Berger

Contemplating and Integrating the Power of the Force

The more you observe, the more you allow yourself to experience the infinite field of energy swirling in you and around you, the more you will discover that orderly patterns exist everywhere in Nature. Then it will probably dawn on you—if it hasn't already—that not only is the Universe intelligently organized, the Universe Itself is Intelligent!

Click title to access this article: Contemplating and Integrating the Power of the Force

How Falling In Love Boosts Women’s Immune System

How Falling In Love Boosts Women’s Immune System

by Roger Dunaway

Falling in love may boost genes in women’s immune systems related to fighting infection, according to new research.

Click title to access this article: How Falling In Love Boosts Women’s Immune System

Why Costa Rica Tops the Happiness Index

Why Costa Rica Tops the Happiness Index

by Lisa Gale Garrigues

How a focus on peace is helping this Central American country top the Happy Planet Index.

Click title to access this article: Why Costa Rica Tops the Happiness Index

how Climate Change Is Killing Off Earth’s Little Creatures

How Climate Change Is Killing Off Earth’s Little Creatures

by Bill Laurance

But a global review of insect research has found another casualty: 40% of insect species are declining and a third are…

Click title to access this article: How Climate Change Is Killing Off Earth’s Little Creatures

This Common Weed Killer Ups Risk Of Some Cancers By 40%

This Common Weed Killer Ups Risk Of Some Cancers By 40%

by Jackson Holtz

Exposure to glyphosate—the world’s most widely used, broad-spectrum herbicide and the primary ingredient in the weed…

Click title to access this article: This Common Weed Killer Ups Risk Of Some Cancers By 40%

Having A Sense Of Meaning In Life Is Good For You

Having A Sense Of Meaning In Life Is Good For You -- So How Do You Get One?

by Lisa A Williams

The pursuit of happiness and health is a popular endeavour, as the preponderance of self-help books would attest.

Click title to access this article: Having A Sense Of Meaning In Life Is Good For You -- So How Do You Get One?

Most People Don't Realize What Companies Can Predict From Their Data

Most People Don't Realize What Companies Can Predict From Their Data

by Emilee Rader

Sixty-seven percent of smartphone users rely on Google Maps to help them get to where they are going quickly and…

Click title to access this article: Most People Don't Realize What Companies Can Predict From Their Data

How The Body And Mind Talk To One Another To Understand The World

How The Body And Mind Talk To One Another To Understand The World

by Sarah Garfinkel

Have you ever been startled by someone suddenly talking to you when you thought you were alone? Even when they…

Click title to access this article: How The Body And Mind Talk To One Another To Understand The World

Will Going Gluten Free Cause Weight Loss?

Will Going Gluten Free Cause Weight Loss?

by Lori Barrette

Although people have been eating wheat for thousands of years, one third of US adults now shun foods containing wheat…

Click title to access this article: Will Going Gluten Free Cause Weight Loss?

Back Pain? A Physiotherapist May Offer The Most Effective Treatment, If You Can Afford It

Back Pain? A Physiotherapist May Offer The Most Effective Treatment

by Brenna Bath and Catherine Trask

Back pain is a common and costly health problem. It is the leading cause of disability worldwide and a “call to action”…

Click title to access this article: Back Pain? A Physiotherapist May Offer The Most Effective Treatment

Reduce Children’s Test Anxiety With These Tips

Reduce Children’s Test Anxiety With These Tips

by Louis Volante and Christopher DeLuca

The term “test anxiety” typically conjures up images of a high school or university student obsessing over an upcoming…

Click title to access this article: Reduce Children’s Test Anxiety With These Tips

Why Interior Design Of The Future Will Seem Like Magic

Why Interior Design Of The Future Will Seem Like Magic

by Sara Nabil

Imagine a house where the walls change colour depending on your mood, or your tablecloth changes shape when you’re…

Click title to access this article: Why Interior Design Of The Future Will Seem Like Magic

Civilization VI: Gathering Storm Shows Video Games Can Make Us Think Seriously About Climate Change

Civilization VI: Gathering Storm Shows Video Games Can Make Us Think Seriously About Climate Change

by Noam Obermeister and Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda

A new expansion has added environmental challenges to Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, the latest in a popular series of…

Click title to access this article: Civilization VI: Gathering Storm Shows Video Games Can Make Us Think Seriously About Climate Change

How Urban Agriculture Can Improve Food Security In US Cities

How Urban Agriculture Can Improve Food Security In US Cities

by Miguel Altieri

These images were reminders that for an estimated one out of eight Americans, food insecurity is a near-term risk.

Click title to access this article: How Urban Agriculture Can Improve Food Security In US Cities

Do You Really Need To Take 10,000 Steps A Day?

Do You Really Need To Take 10,000 Steps A Day?

by Corneel Vandelanotte, et al

Regular walking produces many health benefits, including reducing our risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and…

Click title to access this article: Do You Really Need To Take 10,000 Steps A Day?

How Your Relationship May Be Better Than You Think

How Your Relationship May Be Better Than You Think

by Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.

There’s an old saying, “When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” In other words, before you…

Click title to access this article: How Your Relationship May Be Better Than You Think

Confusing And High Bills For Cancer Patients Add To Anxiety And Suffering

Confusing And High Bills For Cancer Patients Add To Anxiety And Suffering

by Mary C Politi

Weeks after my father passed away from cancer in 2010, my newly widowed mother received a bill for US$11,000.

Click title to access this article: Confusing And High Bills For Cancer Patients Add To Anxiety And Suffering

What Government And Business Can Do To Protect Our Privacy

What Government And Business Can Do To Protect Our Privacy

by Molly O'Brien Gluck

What can we do about looming threats to our privacy online and the theft of important personal information? Ari…

Click title to access this article: What Government And Business Can Do To Protect Our Privacy

Considering Using IVF To Have A Baby? Here's What You Need To Know

Considering Using IVF To Have A Baby? Here's What You Need To Know

by Brooke Cagle Hannah Brown and Louise Hull

You don’t look infertile, you don’t feel infertile, but after many months (or years) of trying to start a family,…

Click title to access this article: Considering Using IVF To Have A Baby? Here's What You Need To Know

Why Visual Illusions Appear In Everyday Objects

Why Visual Illusions Appear In Everyday Objects

by Kim Ransley

Optical illusions are cleverly designed to distort reality, but did you know that the same distortions occur frequently…

Click title to access this article: Why Visual Illusions Appear In Everyday Objects

Why Community Based Exercise Class Boosts Quality Of Life After Cancer

Why Community Based Exercise Class Boosts Quality Of Life After Cancer

by Caitlin Coyle

Community-based exercise programs improve physical fitness and quality of life for people with cancer, according to a…

Click title to access this article: Why Community Based Exercise Class Boosts Quality Of Life After Cancer

A Rational Checklist Is No Match For Emotions In Matters Of The Heart

A Rational Checklist Is No Match For Emotions In Matters Of The Heart

by Karen Wu

For many people, there are few things more rewarding than crossing an item off a checklist. But what if the checklist…

Click title to access this article: A Rational Checklist Is No Match For Emotions In Matters Of The Heart

Two Concepts Of Freedom

Two Concepts Of Freedom: Positive Freedom and Negative Freedom

by Maria Kasmirli

‘Freedom’ is a powerful word. We all respond positively to it, and under its banner revolutions have been started, wars…

Click title to access this article: Two Concepts Of Freedom: Positive Freedom and Negative Freedom

Did We Evolve To Pick Our Phones Over Our Partners?

Did We Evolve To Pick Our Phones Over Our Partners?

by Alexis Blue

Our evolutionary history may explain why humans are so drawn to their smartphones, even when the devices take us out of…

Click title to access this article: Did We Evolve To Pick Our Phones Over Our Partners?

Why Do We Itch?

Why Do We Itch?

by Yuan Lei and Yan-Gang Sun

We’ve all experienced the unpleasant sensation of being itchy. For many years, scientists suspected that pain and itch…

Click title to access this article: Why Do We Itch?

How Air Pollution Exposure May Lead To Autism

How Air Pollution Exposure May Lead To Autism

by Ashlie Chandler

Researchers have previously linked air pollution exposure—particularly traffic-related air pollution—to a higher risk…

Click title to access this article: How Air Pollution Exposure May Lead To Autism

5 Tips To Help Your Kid Succeed In Sport

5 Tips To Help Your Kids Succeed In Sports

by Mitchell Smith and Job Fransen

Here are five points for parents, athletes and sporting organisations to consider for talented sports programs – and…

Click title to access this article: 5 Tips To Help Your Kids Succeed In Sports

Why Family Group Texts Cause Anxiety, And How To Escape Them

Why Family Group Texts Cause Anxiety, And How To Escape Them

by Elisabeth Sherman

I am not known for being especially easy to get hold of via text. I tend to keep my phone on silent as the high-pitched…

Click title to access this article: Why Family Group Texts Cause Anxiety, And How To Escape Them

The Science Behind One Of Nature's Greatest Displays

The Science Behind One Of Nature's Greatest Displays

by A. Jamie Wood and Colin Beale

Watching starling murmurations as the birds swoop, dive and wheel through the sky is one of the great pleasures of a…

Click title to access this article: The Science Behind One Of Nature's Greatest Displays

How Dynamic Pricing Can Train Us To Shop Smarter

How Dynamic Pricing Can Train Us To Shop Smarter

by Kurt Greenbaum

Dynamic pricing can generate unintended consequences by changing the behavior of customers, according to a new paper.

Click title to access this article: How Dynamic Pricing Can Train Us To Shop Smarter

Love Relies On Being Nice, Not Matching Personalities

Love Relies On Being Nice, Not Matching Personalities

by Kristen Parker

The key to relationship happiness could be as simple as finding someone nice.

Click title to access this article: Love Relies On Being Nice, Not Matching Personalities

5 Ways To Ensure Your Flowers Are ethical For Valentine’s Day

5 Ways To Ensure Your Flowers Are Ethical For Valentine’s Day

by Jill Timms and David Bek

If you take an interest in ethical consumerism and plan to treat someone special this February 14, what dilemmas lie…

Click title to access this article: 5 Ways To Ensure Your Flowers Are Ethical For Valentine’s Day

Why Some People Say No Thanks To DNA Ancestry Tests

Why Some People Say No Thanks To DNA Ancestry Tests

by Melissa De Witte

At-home DNA testing kits may be popular, but new research finds that not everyone is eager to find out whether they are…

Click title to access this article: Why Some People Say No Thanks To DNA Ancestry Tests

Why It's Wrong To Label Students At-risk

Why It's Wrong To Label Students "At-Risk"

by Ivory A. Toldson

Of all the terms used to describe students who don’t perform well in traditional educational settings, few are used as…

Click title to access this article: Why It's Wrong To Label Students "At-Risk"

How To Make Your Home Comfortable Without Cranking Up The Air Conditioning

How To Make Your Home Comfortable Without Cranking Up The Air Conditioning

by Trivess Moore, et al

Summer in Australia seems to bite harder each year. Adelaide set a record maximum temperature for the nation’s capital…

Click title to access this article: How To Make Your Home Comfortable Without Cranking Up The Air Conditioning

Most Men Don't Realize Age Is A Factor In Their Fertility Too

Most Men Don't Realize Age Is A Factor In Their Fertility Too

by Karin Hammarberg and Sara Holton

Most people want to have children sometime in their life and expect this will happen when the time is right for them.

Click title to access this article: Most Men Don't Realize Age Is A Factor In Their Fertility Too

Eating Fruit And Vegetables Is Linked To Better Mental Well-being

Eating Fruit And Vegetables Is Linked To Better Mental Well-being

by Neel Ocean and Peter Howley

It is well known that eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for your physical health, but our latest research…

Click title to access this article: Eating Fruit And Vegetables Is Linked To Better Mental Well-being

5 Ways To Develop Your Children's Talents

5 Ways To Develop Your Children's Talents

by Kenneth A. Kiewra

Some people think talent is born. The often-told story of Mozart playing piano at 3 and composing at 5 reinforces such…

Click title to access this article: 5 Ways To Develop Your Children's Talents

How Last Night's Fight Affects The Way Couples Divide Housework

How Last Night's Fight Affects The Way Couples Divide Housework

by Leah Ruppanner and Claudia Geist

Housework is traditionally understood as an economic exchange – housework for money – or as a form of patriarchy drawn…

Click title to access this article: How Last Night's Fight Affects The Way Couples Divide Housework

Why We Need To Overhaul How We Work

Why We Need To Overhaul How We Work

by Rajvinder Samra

In a popular BuzzFeed article, Anne Helen Petersen describes how millennials (people born between 1981 and 1996) became…

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Why The US Has Higher Drug Prices Than Other Countries

Why The US Has Higher Drug Prices Than Other Countries

by Simon F. Haeder

Spending on pharmaceuticals is on the rise worldwide. And it well should be. Today, we are able to cure some diseases…

Click title to access this article: Why The US Has Higher Drug Prices Than Other Countries

Cannabis Compounds Have Been Shown To Slow Colon Cancer In The Lab

Cannabis Compounds Have Been Shown To Slow Colon Cancer In The Lab

by Katie Bohn

Some cannabinoid compounds may inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells, according to new research.

Click title to access this article: Cannabis Compounds Have Been Shown To Slow Colon Cancer In The Lab

The Current And Projected Health Risks Of Climate Change

The Current And Projected Health Risks Of Climate Change

by Chloe Reichel

Due to food shortages related to climate change, the Earth may experience a net increase of 529,000 adult deaths by…

Click title to access this article: The Current And Projected Health Risks Of Climate Change

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Current Week: February 18 to 24, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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