InnerSelf Newsletter: February 10th, 2019

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we look at our connectivity with the "wholeness" of humanity... and with ourselves. We start by clearing the deck with "Four Problem Areas That Could Be Bringing You Down", and then move on to "Being On The Same Page: A Human Being Cannot Exist As An Island".

Joseph Gallenberger speaks of "The Open Heart: Antidote to Fear, Limitations and Restrictions" while Jalaja Bonheim shares about "Compassionate Actions and Ripples of Change".

From a brand new book, Future Sacred (being released Tuesday, Feb. 12th), we bring you "The Gift of Self: Contributing To -- and Serving -- The Wider Collective". Pierre Pradervand rounds up our featured articles with "The Power of One: You Are Me and I Am You".

And of course, we have numerous additional articles on a variety of topics. Scroll down below to find all the new articles of the week. 

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Four Problem Areas That Could Be Bringing You Down

Written by Cindy Goodman Stulberg and Ronald J. Frey

 Four Problem Areas That Could Be Bringing You Down

Do you think your mood difficulties are linked to your childhood, your first romantic relationship, your choice to study one subject in college rather than another, the city you settled in, or your career path? Spending time in the past may help you to answer the question why, but it won’t give you the tools to feel better in the present.

Click title for complete article: Four Problem Areas That Could Be Bringing You Down

Being On The Same Page: A Human Being Cannot Exist As An Island

Written by Teal Swan

Being On The Same Page: A Human Being Cannot Exist As An Island

The truth is that a human being cannot exist as an island. We cannot thrive alone. We don’t want to be excluded. The truth is, we desperately want to belong to each other. And the highest truth of all is that in a universe where oneness is the highest truth of all, there is nothing in this universe that we don’t belong with and there is nothing in existence that doesn’t belong with us.

Click title for complete article: Being On The Same Page: A Human Being Cannot Exist As An Island

The Open Heart: Antidote to Fear, Limitations and Restrictions

Written by Joseph Gallenberger, Ph.D.

The Open Heart: Antidote to Fear, Limitations and Restrictions

Is it likely for most of us that past life, early childhood, and then community experiences all generate doubts and self-imposed limits that cloud our ability to see that we can be a successful creator of a terrific life. Further, such experiences cause us to question our own lovability and the goodness of the universe.

Click title for complete article: The Open Heart: Antidote to Fear, Limitations and Restrictions

Compassionate Actions and Ripples of Change

Written by Jalaja Bonheim, PhD.

Compassionate Actions and Ripples of Change

I believe there is. When we speak of activism, we usually think of organized activities. Yet beyond that, we all have opportunities to act in ways that reflect our desire for social justice and peace. Whether or not we’re “official” activists, we’re always taking action, all the time. Every day, we’re making choices that will impact not only our own future but also that of others.

Click title for complete article: Compassionate Actions and Ripples of Change

The Gift of Self: Contributing To -- and Serving -- The Wider Collective

Written by Julie J. Morley

The Gift of Self: Contributing To -- and Serving -- The Wider Collective

In indigenous gift-sharing and kinship societies, individuals do not “win” at the expense of society but rather consider society’s win as theirs. Futurist Riane Eisler referred to this as “linking rather than ranking,” typical of the partnership paradigm, and the antithesis to the dominator paradigm. “Empowerment of self and others” characterizes the partnership model.

Click title for complete article: The Gift of Self: Contributing To -- and Serving -- The Wider Collective

The Power of One: You Are Me and I Am You

Written by Pierre Pradervand

The Power of One: You Are Me and I Am You

One of the more amazing and beautiful aspects of the internet is that it is becoming the most powerful tool ever to spread ideas instantaneously worldwide, including a growing sense of one world consciousness and our oneness with all life. Little by little, it is assisting us go beyond the old, tired dualistic vision of the world and to spread ever more widely and rapidly the non-dualist consciousness...

Click title for complete article: The Power of One: You Are Me and I Am You

How Your Genes Could Affect The Quality Of Your Marriage

How Your Genes Could Affect The Quality Of Your Marriage

by Richard Mattson

How important is it to consider a romantic partner’s genetic profile before getting married?

Click title for complete article: How Your Genes Could Affect The Quality Of Your Marriage

social media can ruin confidence 2 9

How Social Media Fantasies Can Demolish Your Confidence

by Eleftherios Soleas and Jen McConnel

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are loaded with pictures of people going to exotic places, looking like they are about…

Click title for complete article: How Social Media Fantasies Can Demolish Your Confidence

Vegan Or Mediterranean Diet Which Is Better For Heart Health?

Vegan Or Mediterranean Diet Which Is Better For Heart Health?

by Markos Klonizakis

Cardiovascular disease is responsible for more than 30% of the total number of deaths worldwide, and every year more…

Click title for complete article: Vegan Or Mediterranean Diet Which Is Better For Heart Health?

Metabolically, Women Have Younger Brains Than Men

Metabolically, Women Have Younger Brains Than Men

by Tamara Bhandari

Women’s brains appear to be about three years younger than men’s of the same chronological age, metabolically speaking…

Click title for complete article: Metabolically, Women Have Younger Brains Than Men

How Money Can Change Which News Stories You Believe

How Money Can Change Which News Stories You Believe

by Melanie Lefkowitz

We may be more likely to correctly evaluate a news stories’ accuracy and agree with stories that contradict our views…

Click title for complete article: How Money Can Change Which News Stories You Believe

How Fatty Acids Feed Prostate Cancer Tumors

How Fatty Acids Feed Prostate Cancer Tumors

by Kathryn Powley

A new study shows a link between prostate cancer and cancer cells’ uptake of fatty acids.

Click title for complete article: How Fatty Acids Feed Prostate Cancer Tumors

Budget Friendly Ways To Get Your Veggie Fix As Prices Rise

Budget Friendly Ways To Get Your Veggie Fix

by Sylvain Charlebois

The Food Price Report 2019, released by Dalhousie University and the University of Guelph in December, suggested…

Click title for complete article: Budget Friendly Ways To Get Your Veggie Fix

Why Authoritarianism Is Bad For The Economy?

Why Authoritarianism Is Bad For The Economy

by Nisha Bellinger and Byunghwan Son

Seventy-one out of the world’s 195 countries saw their democratic institutions erode in recent years, according to the…

Click title for complete article: Why Authoritarianism Is Bad For The Economy

Beer Before Wine And You'll Feel Fine?

Beer Before Wine And You'll Feel Fine?

by Kai Hensel

Plenty of us have been there: waking up after a night out with a thumping headache, feeling sick and swearing never to…

Click title for complete article: Beer Before Wine And You'll Feel Fine?

For The Love Of Technology! Sex Robots And Virtual Reality

For The Love Of Technology!!! Sex Robots And Virtual Reality

by Neil McArthur and Markie Twist

We are already living through a new sexual revolution, thanks to technologies that have transformed the way we relate…

Click title for complete article: For The Love Of Technology!!! Sex Robots And Virtual Reality

Why Being Clever And Wicked Is A Form Of Creativity

Why Being Clever And Wicked Is A Form Of Creativity

by Hansika Kapoor

Suppose you forgot it was your partner’s birthday, but you know that they would appreciate the smallest of gestures…

Click title for complete article: Why Being Clever And Wicked Is A Form Of Creativity

4 Steps To Get Kids Into The Flow Of Learning

4 Steps To Get Kids Into The Flow Of Learning

by U. Melbourne

New research outlines a four-step plan to develop students’ connection to their learning environment and achieve an…

Click title for complete article: 4 Steps To Get Kids Into The Flow Of Learning

Do Enlarged Prostates Actually Protect Against Tumors?

Do Enlarged Prostates Actually Protect Against Tumors?

by Kayla Wiles

Enlarged prostates may actually impede the growth of prostate cancer tumors, according to a new study.

Click title for complete article: Do Enlarged Prostates Actually Protect Against Tumors?

Benefits Of Pulses: Good For You And The Planet

Benefits Of Pulses: Good For You And The Planet

by Mary Buhr

In simple gardeners’ terms that means we plant pulses one year, a cereal such as wheat or barley the next year and then…

Click title for complete article: Benefits Of Pulses: Good For You And The Planet

The Climate Crisis Has Arrived. So Stop Feeling Guilty And Start Imagining Your Future

Stop Feeling Guilty About The Climate And Start Imagining Your Future

by Matthew Adams

Evidence of the devastating impacts of anthropogenic climate change are stacking up, and it is becoming horrifyingly…

Click title for complete article: Stop Feeling Guilty About The Climate And Start Imagining Your Future

The Problem With Toxic Masculinity Is That It Assumes There Is Only One Way Of Being A Man

The Problem With Toxic Masculinity Is That It Assumes There Is Only One Way Of Being A Man

by Ashley Morgan

For centuries, male violence and acts of aggression were often the way that power was understood and patriarchy upheld.

Click title for complete article: The Problem With Toxic Masculinity Is ...

The Psychology Of Roller Coasters

The Psychology Of Roller Coasters

by Richard Stephens

Roller coasters may seem like a very modern type of entertainment – constantly getting bigger, faster and scarier…

Click title for complete article: The Psychology Of Roller Coasters

How To Keep Your Pets Safe From Marijuana Poisoning

How To Keep Your Pets Safe From Marijuana Poisoning

by Colleen Dell, et al

When cannabis was legalized in the parts of the United States, there were substantial increases in marijuana-related…

Click title for complete article: How To Keep Your Pets Safe From Marijuana Poisoning

Do Pain Creams Work About As Well As Placebos?

Do Pain Creams Work About As Well As Placebos?

by Raigan Wheeler

There is no scientifically significant evidence that expensive prescription pain creams and gels relieve soreness…

Click title for complete article: Do Pain Creams Work About As Well As Placebos?

what is populism 2 7

What Actually Is This Thing Called Populism?

by Octavia Bryant and Benjamin Moffitt

No doubt thanks to Donald Trump, Brexit, and a string of anti-establishment leaders and parties in Europe, Latin…

Click title for complete article: What Actually Is This Thing Called Populism?

Why The Future Of Well-Being Isn’t About Money

Why The Future Of Well-Being Isn’t About Money

by Justin Dupuis

Non-material factors such as social supports, freedoms, and fairness may play a bigger role than money in future…

Click title for complete article: Why The Future Of Well-Being Isn’t About Money

Young People Can Drown In A Rising Tide Of Perfectionism

Young People Can Drown In A Rising Tide Of Perfectionism

by Simon Sherry and Martin M. Smith

We learned that perfectionism has increased substantially over the past 25 years and that it affects men and women…

Click title for complete article: Young People Can Drown In A Rising Tide Of Perfectionism

How Moms Get Bad Advice About Sex After Birth

How Moms Get Bad Advice About Sex After Birth

by Joseph Paul

Couples are getting the message that there’s a certain point at which they should start having sex again after having a…

Click title for complete article: How Moms Get Bad Advice About Sex After Birth

There Really Is Value In Having A Primary Care Doctor

There Really Is Value In Having A Primary Care Doctor

by Marla Paul

The first study to directly compare the quality and experience of outpatient care between adults with or without…

Click title for complete article: There Really Is Value In Having A Primary Care Doctor

5 Facts About Fungi, And Their Harmful Effects On Human Health

5 Facts About Fungi, And Their Harmful Effects On Human Health

by Gordon Brown

Fungi and moulds encompass a dizzying range of physical forms and attributes, living in both temperate environments and…

Click title for complete article: 5 Facts About Fungi, And Their Harmful Effects On Human Health

Why So Many Americans Now Support Legalizing Marijuana

Why So Many Americans Now Support Legalizing Marijuana

by Amy Adamczyk, et al

American views on marijuana have shifted incredibly rapidly. Thirty years ago, marijuana legalization seemed like a…

Click title for complete article: Why So Many Americans Now Support Legalizing Marijuana

Knowing The Specific Benefits Of Exercise Is Linked To Exercising Even More

Knowing The Specific Benefits Of Exercise Is Linked To Exercising Even More

by Chloe Reichel

New research suggests that people who know more about the benefits of physical activity spend more time doing it.

Click title for complete article: Knowing The Specific Benefits Of Exercise Is Linked To Exercising Even More

Show Us Your Smarts: A Very Brief History Of Intelligence Testing

Show Us Your Smarts: A Very Brief History Of Intelligence Testing

by Con Stough

The scientific study of human intelligence dates back well over 100 years. In that time there have been numerous…

Click title for complete article: Show Us Your Smarts: A Very Brief History Of Intelligence Testing

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off According To Science

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off According To Science

by Kevin Deighton

If weight loss was your goal for 2019, chances are that by now, you’ve probably already experienced some challenges.

Click title for complete article: How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off According To Science

Why Have We Become So Bamboozled By Numbers?

Why Have We Become So Bamboozled By Numbers?

by Shabnam Mousavi

Official figures are produced to serve particular ends. Their names are mere labels, with no connection to infallible…

Click title for complete article: Why Have We Become So Bamboozled By Numbers?

What Smart Bees Can Teach Humans About Collective Intelligence

What Smart Bees Can Teach Humans About Collective Intelligence

by Wataru Toyokawa

When it comes to making decisions, most of us are influenced to some degree by other people, whether that’s choosing a…

Click title for complete article: What Smart Bees Can Teach Humans About Collective Intelligence

Here's How A 100% Renewable Energy Future Can Create Jobs

Here's How A 100% Renewable Energy Future Can Create Jobs

by Sven Teske

The world can limit global warming to 1.5? and move to 100% renewable energy while still preserving a role for the gas…

Click title for complete article: Here's How A 100% Renewable Energy Future Can Create Jobs

What Can You Do About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What Can You Do About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

by Suzanne Mahady

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects one in ten Australians, and twice as many women as men.

Click title for complete article: What Can You Do About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Why The Future Of Psychiatry Promises To Be Digital

Why The Future Of Psychiatry Promises To Be Digital

by David Gratzer

Ella, who is in her early 20s, has depression. When her sleep started to fall away after a stressful term at school…

Click title for complete article: Why The Future Of Psychiatry Promises To Be Digital

How Children Develop Through All-Weather Outdoor Play

How Children Develop Through All-Weather Outdoor Play

by Tara-Lynn Scheffel, at al

Oh, to be a child again! To find joy in the newness of each day and be in awe of what lies waiting to be discovered.

Click title for complete article: How Children Develop Through All-Weather Outdoor Play

Why Gossip Was A Powerful Tool For The Powerless In Ancient Greece

Why Gossip Was A Powerful Tool For The Powerless In Ancient Greece

by Fiona McHardy

At the heart of the greatest works of Ancient Greek literature are mighty acts of revenge.

Click title for complete article: Why Gossip Was A Powerful Tool For The Powerless In Ancient Greece

How Your Body Clocks Affect Our Mental And Physical Performance

How Our Body Clocks Affect Our Mental And Physical Performance

by Elise Facer-Childs

Whether you’re a morning person or love burning the midnight oil, we’re all controlled by so-called “body clocks”.

Click title for complete article: How Our Body Clocks Affect Our Mental And Physical Performance

The Real Problem With Posting About Your Kids Online

The Real Problem With Posting About Your Kids Online

by Priya C. Kumar

In a recent essay published in The Washington Post, a mother explained her decision to continue writing essays and blog…

Click title for complete article: The Real Problem With Posting About Your Kids Online

Is Cannabidiol A Rising Star Or Popular Fad?

Is Cannabidiol A Rising Star Or Popular Fad?

by Jenny Wilkerson and Lance McMahon

Cannabidiol, or CBD, has become a household name. On many social media sites, people suggest “but have you tried CBD…

Click title for complete article: Is Cannabidiol A Rising Star Or Popular Fad?

Facebook Is Not All Bad, But Now It Must Be Good

Facebook Is Not All Bad, But Now It Must Be Good

by Bhaskar Chakravorti

It is almost too easy to bash Facebook these days. Nearly a third of Americans feel the country’s most popular social…

Click title for complete article: Facebook Is Not All Bad, But Now It Must Be Good

How Alcohol Triggers DNA Changes That Increase Cravings

How Alcohol Triggers DNA Changes That Increase Cravings

by Todd Bates

Binge and heavy drinking may trigger a long-lasting genetic change, resulting in an even greater craving for alcohol…

Click title for complete article: How Alcohol Triggers DNA Changes That Increase Cravings

Insect Protein: Dish Of The Day For Your Environmentally Friendly Pet

Insect Protein: Dish Of The Day For Your Environmentally Friendly Pet

by David S Gardner

This large pet population is estimated to consume billions of tonnes of meat each year.

Click title for complete article: Insect Protein: Dish Of The Day For Your Environmentally Friendly Pet

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Current Week: February 11 to 17, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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