InnerSelf Newsletter: December 31st, 2017

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While New Year's day may be "just another day", it also has a special energy because of the symbolism of "starting anew". Many people choose to "turn a new leaf" on January 1st, deciding to leave behind some of their old ways, and embarking on new paths. All of this can help make it a powerful day and a powerful time. Plus, this year, January 1st is also a Full Moon giving all of our dreams and visions more "oomph".

This week we share with you some articles that deal with setting intentions (rather than resolutions), creating your vision, discovering who you are and what you really want... And of course numerous articles on a variety of topics as well. Scroll down below for the titles and links.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving year. May you make all the dreams of your heart come true.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Making Your New Year Bright

Written by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.

Making Your New Year Bright
It’s not trite to set New Year's intentions, especially if they make your life brighter. Set some intentions and goals for the coming year. The idea is to shift your attention away from your shortcomings, bad decisions and behaviors, and just focus on making yourself, your best self.

Article continued here: Making Your New Year Bright

Don’t Let The Past Define The Present

Written by Karen Casey

Don’t Let The Past Define The Present
Don’t let the past define the present. This is such an obvious idea that when I first encoun­tered it my reaction was, “Of course! That’s not new information.” And then I promptly fell back into my nor­mal way of seeing life that was through the lens of the past. I did this so unconsciously that I honestly didn’t see how powerful my attachment to the past had become over the years.

Article continued here: Don’t Let The Past Define The Present

You Have Problems? And... What Is Your Vision?

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

You Have Problems? And... What Is Your Vision?
Notice how much time you devote to worrying about a problem vs. how much time you devote to developing a vision for the solution. I’m referring to your inner dialogue, the thoughts that stream constantly in that conversation you have with yourself.

Article continued here: You Have Problems? And... What Is Your Vision?

Herbs, Wilderness Time, And Other Ways To Help Yourself

Written by Hilary Smith

Herbs, Wilderness Time, And Other Ways To Help Yourself
Throughout most of human history, there was no such thing as a psychiatrist or a refill of Ativan—and humans developed a thousand different ways of working with mental and emotional distress, many of which are just as effective today as they were in 612 BC.

Article continues here: Herbs, Wilderness Time, And Other Ways To Help Yourself

How To Find Out What You Really, Really Want In Life

Written by Georgina Cannon

How To Find Out What You Really, Really Want In Life
What do you really, really want in your life right now? Here’s a way to find out when you’re not sure...

Article continued here: How To Find Out What You Really, Really Want In Life

Who Are You? Identify Yourself, Please!

Written by Marie D. Jones

Who Are You? Identify Yourself, Please!
Being asked by someone what we believe our “identity” is can be difficult. Whenever this author hears a police officer on a television show yell out, “Identify yourself, please!” she has to laugh. Should the person respond with “I’m a single woman in her 40s who owns six cats and brews my own beer in my spare time”? Or perhaps, “I’m a Leo, and I love to jet ski and eat junk food”?

Article continued here: Who Are You? Identify Yourself, Please!

Is Climate Change Driving You To Despair?

What To Do When You're Suffering From Climate Trauma

by Sara S. Moore, Ensia

To maintain our capacity to address climate change, we need to recognize and address the trauma it creates.

Article continued here: What To Do When You're Suffering From Climate Trauma

The Scientific Defense Of The Brussels Sprout

The Scientific Defense Of The Brussels Sprout

by Trevor George, King's College London

Brussels sprouts, like their European namesake, divide opinion. Some people embrace the flavour and familiarity of the small green vegetable. To others, they are an object of derision and disgust.

Article continued here: The Scientific Defense Of The Brussels Sprout

What Determines If Women Will Vote For Women In 2018?

What Determines If Women Will Vote For Women In 2018?

by Leah Ruppanner, University of Melbourne; et al

The 2018 elections promise to be the “Year of the Woman,” with more women planning to step into local, state and…

Article continued here: What Determines If Women Will Vote For Women In 2018?

New Evidence Shows That Healthy Obesity Is A Myth

New Evidence Shows That Healthy Obesity Is A Myth

by Rishi Caleyachetty, University of Birmingham

Our latest study shows that if you’re obese but metabolically healthy (so-called “fat but fit”), you are still at a…

Article continued here: New Evidence Shows That Healthy Obesity Is A Myth

the ancients 4 15

How The Ancients Invented The Modern World

by Zena Kamash, Lecturer in Roman Art and Archaeology, Royal Holloway

True innovation is hard to find, as few things come out of nothing. Take the now ubiquitous selfie, for example. The…

Article continued here: How The Ancients Invented The Modern World

Songbirds May Have A Universal Grammar and Sound Patterns

by Chris Chipello-McGill University

Young zebra finches are intrinsically biased to learn certain patterns of sound over others—and these patterns mirror the ones humans use, experiments show.

Article continued here: Songbirds May Have A Universal Grammar and Sound Patterns

Eating Fish Is Linked To Better Sleep And Higher I.Q. For Kids

Eating Fish Is Linked To Better Sleep And Higher I.Q. For Kids

by Michele Berger-Penn

Kids who eat fish at least once a week sleep better and have IQ scores that are 4 points higher, on average, than those…

Article continued here: Eating Fish Is Linked To Better Sleep And Higher I.Q. For Kids

How Do We Teach Children Morals and Values?

How Do We Teach Children Morals and Values?

by Michael Hand, University of Birmingham

Schools in England are legally required to promote the moral development of pupils. Unfortunately though, there is…

Article continued here: How Do We Teach Children Morals and Values?

Structuring Thought And Imagination Brick By Brick, Lego By Lego

Structuring Thought And Imagination Brick By Brick, Lego By Lego

by Sondra Bacharach, Victoria University of Wellington

You might think Lego is just a kids’ toy – one you played with as a child and now step on as you walk through the house…

Article continued here: Structuring Thought And Imagination Brick By Brick, Lego By Lego

Why People Cheat on Their Partners

Why People Cheat on Their Partners

by Esther Perel

We all know what infidelity is, but a universal definition is difficult to carve out—especially in the digital age. Is watching porn cheating, or is it only cheating if the person on the other side of the screen is live?

Article continued here: Why People Cheat on Their Partners

Why Do You Check Your Phone 150 Times a Day?

Why Do You Check Your Phone 150 Times a Day?

by Tristan Harris

Do you really have sovereignty over own your mind anymore? Tristan Harris, a design thinker and former ethicist at…

Article continued here: Why Do You Check Your Phone 150 Times a Day?

Why We Love Holiday Rituals And Traditions

Why We Love Holiday Rituals And Traditions

by Dimitris Xygalatas, University of Connecticut

The mere thought of holiday traditions brings smiles to most people’s faces and elicits feelings of sweet anticipation…

Article continued here: Why We Love Holiday Rituals And Traditions

What Thin People Don’t Understand About Dieting

What Thin People Don’t Understand About Dieting

by Traci Mann, University of Minnesota and A. Janet Tomiyama, University of California, Los Angeles

Diets do not work. The scientific evidence is clear as can be that cutting calories simply doesn’t lead to long-term…

Article continued here: What Thin People Don’t Understand About Dieting

Christmas Carolling Is Not About Religion – It's About Community

Christmas Carolling Is Not About Religion – It's About Community

by Fay Hield, University of Sheffield

It’s a familiar sight at this time of year. People singing carols together, in your local church, going door to door or in a shopping centre, but until recent times community singing was thought to have fallen off in popularity

Article continued here: Christmas Carolling Is Not About Religion – It's About Community

Charles Dickens Did Not Invent Christmas – But His Seasonal Ghosts Are Still Relevant

Charles Dickens' Seasonal Ghosts Are Still Relevant

by Christopher Pittard, University of Portsmouth

At this time of year, readers worldwide turn to Charles Dickens, and A Christmas Carol in particular. Such is Dickens’…

Article continued here: Charles Dickens' Seasonal Ghosts Are Still Relevant

A Christmas Spice That May Help Reduce Your Blood Cholesterol

A Christmas Spice That May Help Reduce Your Blood Cholesterol

by Preethy D'Souza, UCL

Cinnamon is a popular spice at Christmas time, used to flavour everything from mulled wine to pumpkin pie. And, unlike…

Article continued here: A Christmas Spice That May Help Reduce Your Blood Cholesterol

What History Really Tells Us About The Birth Of Jesus

What History Really Tells Us About The Birth Of Jesus

by Robyn J. Whitaker, University of Divinity

I might be about to ruin your Christmas. Sorry. But the reality is those nativity plays in which your adorable children…

Article continued here: What History Really Tells Us About The Birth Of Jesus

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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